Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Holiday Relief Per Usual

Patriots Day and Boston Marathon.
Feels like 2009 again. Theres a lack of very heavy depressed energy here. I don't feel sick or heavy with doom and destructive energy.
Its sad that I have to leave the country becuz the environment has become so dangerous.
If I go to the doctor and they find cancer or anything like that I can attest to the fact it was.from the tech used in GS and being targeted.

As well as getting an allergic condition so that I couldn't take vitamins and herbs. As well as a few other things.
The tech seems to have gotten heavier in past three years. Perhaps this is from my not being have a special diet and supplements.

Certainly in the last two.
The phase I am in being.bombarded constantly with this idea to get a lawyer. Then I get.this alternate idea that I am being fed that only so they can destroy me in a court and discredit me once and for all.
I just want to leave and never see.Boston again. Go overseas and hide somewhere. Tell my story and.then never be heard from again.I dislike.America and I hate Boston.
Me getting a lawyer sounds like just more entertainment for the system and the public in on this. WHY would I end my life doing THAT?
There will never be any justice for me save the few people who got.theirs in the beginning.of this like Olnick getting busted etc.


  1. Continuing from the end of your last post, yep, always remember that the sh!t they say to you is to TRY to make you feel bad. Even just the idiotic obsessive compulsive, anal retentive stuff they say to you to let you know they've watched every.single.move. GAH. Creepy. Anyhoo. TRY is a good word because it implies FAIL. I've gotten better at recognizing it the minute it happens. Combined with the motto, "you don't have to accept every argument you're invited to attend," I only accept invitation to 'debate' as I can abide with putting whatever I have to say 'out there'. Some of it isn't even worth putting out there, so I don't. Yet still there are those who respond that I push the envelope and then I remind them, they don't know the half of it. I think it's interesting that the idea of standing one's ground has surfaced in the mainstream. Of course we people of good conscience feel compelled to do something. All the time. But the usual normal channels for 'justice' have collapsed and we'd be lucky if permitted to travel abroad. Doubt it, no matter how much psychic driving they are using. Someone else recently brought up that the haphazard manner in which this shyte is rolled out has everything to do with just presenting, time and time again, some kind of trauma, just to see how the mind/person will react, and just how much shyte the mind/person can take. (Kudos for being a kickass survivor.) When you think about the intentional overwhelm dynamic objectively, no matter how personally objectionable it may be, you can take a safe, buffering step or three back from it, get some distance and realize that apart from taking care of yourself, we're not obliged to do ANYTHING. It's their Karma. It's the community's Karma. And we can only bear witness in our own way, each step of the way, with whatever choices and energy we have at the time. I'm starting to think the answer for me is going to be to do something entirely different, what I want, and not in response to any of the shyte that has been done or is being done or may happen later. Maybe in the future, when the folks who know this shyte is going on and don't agree with it get around to helping us right the wrongs (it's so obvious there's an evidentiary trail a mile long in some cases), and it's so connected with all the other imbalances in every arena of life, because it's all being done by the same idiots & co. You'd think the wise villagers would at least want to take down a few minions to unravel the snarl, but whenever. I'm not holding my breath, although ppl are well aware where I stand. I'm kicking it in to high gear to clear out stuff and get on with some creative projects. If I get around to some takedown satire at some point, so be it. It'll be fun. Hope you find something apart from the MA vibe to be front and center in your experiences. Maybe they're rolling out a lot of subliminals now and that's what you're picking up on. Glad you got some relief today. May you find much more asap, as you can. One day, I went to the coast and rounded up a bunch of feathers, then set them in the water one by one and watched them float way with the tide. It was awesome. peace ~zm P.S. One supplement you may be able to find is Alfalfa 500 mg. I got 180 tabs for $11 (Thompson is the brand). I take 2 in the a.m. and it helps me get enuf energy to get through most of the day.

  2. Continuing from the end of your last post, yep, always remember that the sh!t they say to you is to TRY to make you feel bad. Even just the idiotic obsessive compulsive, anal retentive stuff they say to you to let you know they've watched every.single.move. GAH. Creepy. Anyhoo. TRY is a good word because it implies FAIL. I've gotten better at recognizing it the minute it happens. Combined with the motto, "you don't have to accept every argument you're invited to attend," I only accept invitation to 'debate' as I can abide with putting whatever I have to say 'out there'. Some of it isn't even worth putting out there, so I don't. Yet still there are those who respond that I push the envelope and then I remind them, they don't know the half of it. I think it's interesting that the idea of standing one's ground has surfaced in the mainstream. Of course we people of good conscience feel compelled to do something. All the time. But the usual normal channels for 'justice' have collapsed and we'd be lucky if permitted to travel abroad. Doubt it, no matter how much psychic driving they are using. Someone else recently brought up that the haphazard manner in which this shyte is rolled out has everything to do with just presenting, time and time again, some kind of trauma, just to see how the mind/person will react, and just how much shyte the mind/person can take. (Kudos for being a kickass survivor.) When you think about the intentional overwhelm dynamic objectively, no matter how personally objectionable it may be, you can take a safe, buffering step or three back from it, get some distance and realize that apart from taking care of yourself, we're not obliged to do ANYTHING. It's their Karma. It's the community's Karma. And we can only bear witness in our own way, each step of the way, with whatever choices and energy we have at the time. I'm starting to think the answer for me is going to be to do something entirely different, what I want, and not in response to any of the shyte that has been done or is being done or may happen later. Maybe in the future, when the folks who know this shyte is going on and don't agree with it get around to helping us right the wrongs (it's so obvious there's an evidentiary trail a mile long in some cases), and it's so connected with all the other imbalances in every arena of life, because it's all being done by the same idiots & co. You'd think the wise villagers would at least want to take down a few minions to unravel the snarl, but whenever. I'm not holding my breath, although ppl are well aware where I stand. I'm kicking it in to high gear to clear out stuff and get on with some creative projects. If I get around to some takedown satire at some point, so be it. It'll be fun. Hope you find something apart from the MA vibe to be front and center in your experiences. Maybe they're rolling out a lot of subliminals now and that's what you're picking up on. Glad you got some relief today. May you find much more asap, as you can. One day, I went to the coast and rounded up a bunch of feathers, then set them in the water one by one and watched them float way with the tide. It was awesome. peace ~zm P.S. One supplement you may be able to find is Alfalfa 500 mg. I got 180 tabs for $11 (Thompson is the brand). I take 2 in the a.m. and it helps me get enuf energy to get through most of the day.
