Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Monday, December 26, 2022

The Notorious Banned FOX 9-11-2001 News Footage Israeli/Mossad Links

includes the title and insightful info into how our communications work even though this is decades old. the point is that theres no realistic or honest perception nowadays about the surveillance state we live in. basically this is an example of what journalism is supposed to look like. which of course is also an example of wny its denied to us nowadays. it also gives credence to the idea that thse who are controlling surveillance and security could also blackmail or gain other unfair advantage in order to control any persons or person in a position of power. almost 20 yrs later this broadcast of genuine journalism serves another purpose-it shows us what could have happened to our society to create the unreality we now live in today. its like seeing an old memory of your old life before you became a prisoner or fell into a coma where you exist in a constant nightmare. imagine theres generations younger than us now that were born into the unreality and dont know anything else. What chance do we have of survival?

Friday, December 9, 2022

Was Mother Teresa A Cult Leader

Children tied to beds, nuns who flogged themselves, filthy homes: Was Mother Teresa a cult leader?

Surveillance State Has Evolved To Control and Manipulate Public and Private Spaces

Eye Tracking in Retail Shopping Must Benefit the Consumer

The Privacy Invading Tech of Eye Tracking Technology

Eye movement characteristics in schizophrenia: A recent update with clinical implications:

New security camera can 'see' through clothes 

From Macy’s to Albertsons, facial recognition is already everywhere

Facial Recognition Use Cases in Retail

'You'll know shoplifters the minute they enter the store '....or Targets 

The best way to identify someone is by the way they walk, not their face

How to Be Invisible to Security Cameras 

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Tired of The Game

 My situation has degenerated over paat year. My longtime sponsor disappeared without notice or even letting me know she's ok in May -just as I got COVID due to being inside because of winter weather. The guests and employees weren't masking up

 It's annoying how I never got sick during the quarantine because I and others sheltered in place outside. I was only inside for four months a year when there was a mask mandate and again never got sick...with anything.  (being housed or having a permanent residence is supposedly safer according to your average modern housed person who's fat, lazy, sedentary, only using a fraction of their DNA/brains/muscles and immune systems due to living a modern lifestyle in a first world urbanized environment with no hardly any vit d or fresh, living in horrible air quality inside. The new corporate environmentalism is good for the environment not humans and animals.  mold inside buildings inhabited by humans is never dealt with as a human environmental issue... because regardless of all the rhetoric and brainwashing and virtue signaling the era as now live in is focused on unbridled greed and that is the only true human right violation and it's really the only thing people are being genuinely  tolerant of. 

PC culture is just a system of morality that's easy answers so people can feel moral and upstanding doing VERY LITTLE and actually engaging in more hate and discrimination than ever before but it makes people feel like they are doing the right moral thing while they silently tolerate greed and destruction all around them world wide. Your average person is horribly illogical, ignorant of health, medical knowledge, and science and is lacking in common sense in regards to being human or the big picture and lacks deduction or being able to perform critical thinking. I'm seeing college grads that are basically modern day factory workers. Being genuinely bright or smart is no longer important. It's all about worker bees for corporate not genuinely educated people. With technology and pre conceived systems of thought, belief and morality-jobs can run themselves. This 'unqualified people' are being hired and our quality of life is being lowered. People don't need to be qualified nowadays they need a pulse, to be breathing and receive education and indoctrination. )

I never got sick until the mask mandates were repealed as a legal decision not a medical one and then had to be inside for any length of time. Then of course I got sick. 

It took 6 months for me to regain my taste and smell-wtf? What fucking normal virus does that? 

After my sponsor disappears I wake up to realize I was under some kind of influwnxe and Ive done nothing I should have gotten done during Trump when my enemies were being exposed for their crimes and with every scandal I felt more validated, no inflation. Now lots of people are in my position of poverty and disadvantage and people are writing these people off the way that society ignored COVID deaths in favor of focusing on other issues inappropriately during a damn world wide pandemic while panic shopping and ordering on Amazon to prove they were alive and didn't get killled by the virus. Memorials for the dead were noticably absent and foxusing on the virus itself and what was going on in medical facilities was also noticeably being ignored. 

No it's easier to push me and others through the cracks because people have become accustomed to not caring and they've been terrorized into only giving normal human decency to people who have their victimhood cards ready to display. 

If I had gotten everything done in the four years after I was framed I'd be all set by now. Even attempting to complete my list of things to do now seems like I'm in the wrong time frame and it's a waste of time. I should cut my losses and move on. 

My close relative had a medical event and they aren't the same person and I've had to care for them while their behavior is erratic and insane. 

Now I'm staying with unhealthy people who are nuts just to stay out of the cold this year which is ridiculous. 

Even if I could travel like I used to I'm sure anyplace near the border that's warm isnt safe or nice like it used to be thanks to this administrations policies. 

Interestingly, I keep getting this ideation that moving on, giving up my blog and becoming employed at a stable job is the only way to survive this. That my voice no longer counts and no one is listening anymore. The world has been convinced that 'conspiracy theorists' and the info they provide has no use or purpose and it's 'fake news'. 

The majority of these idiots read genuine fake news frequently on bogus news sites and buy into propaganda that's destroying our way of life and society.

How many nutcases and losers do I have to  have to stay with to not freeze this year. 

The desperation is clear and I'm not used to this 




Thursday, November 17, 2022

Electromagnetic Pollution Creating Stressful Environment?

 This piece should be on my WordPress blog about tech and other forms of altering human thought and consciousness but I've not figured out how to get around their new system for posting so I can't use that forum right now. (Notice how constantly changing sites for posting and writing make it so older people lose the ability to utilize them and are thus silenced because we can't keep up? By design. And why does Windows keep upgrading? Why does the internet keep growing and changing? Why can't they just create a system that works and let humans use it and live their lives? Because obviously it's enslavement so that you are forced to get caught up in this crap and have to keep paying for it and learning how to use it etc when maybe you don't necessarily even like computers. Can you imagine we are from a generation that were the first to be exposed to this tech and the attitude in the 80s was that if you weren't interested they didn't force you to take the computer classes seriously? I would sit and draw and that was accepted. Now it's pushed on humans as if dealing with computers is somehow a natural part of living on earth..and this is a world now obsessed with the environment. Yet all the environmentalism is essentially ANTI-HUMAN. They truly are insane and the powers ensure they stay that way and never wake up or evolve. What a sick place.)

Psycho-managing of small areas or creating micro climates (like the weather):

What is going on with my relatives apartment building where there's been changes to the environment at night? 

This building used to have a pleasant vibe and felt safe at night. In the past few years, it's been unpleasant especially at night time. When she had switched to Xfinity from RCN it was awful. I thought it may have been something related to that. I know that in houses I've stayed in where there's satellite tv and a wifi router for me it was like a torture chamber. I actually got relief just leaving the front door (this was in a southern Western state not up north. Every electromagnetic environment is different and does seem to differ from state to state.) For those past few years I couldn't sleep at night because there was a definite feeling of there being a serial killer outside somewhere out back waiting to get in. After a recent switch to another company, it's improved a bit but it's not any less scary or creepy. 

 What's suspect is recently there seems to be an actual specific time schedule to the unpleasantness. As TIs doing research and many of us traveling through different areas we've seen this before but in a different form. I've also written about not just psycho managing an area but a building as a deterrent against either theft or vagrancy. 

What's interesting is that alleged hauntings are measured with instruments that measure electromagnetic levels and fields. If these can be manufactured by man made means then the illusion of an unsettling or unpleasant environment could be created. 

I've experienced this in a building that was considered uninhabitable because it was so badly 'haunted' and the land itself had a bad history. It's now a condo complex and tenants have no complaints. There's a big tower for some sort of purpose right in the middle of the massive property that used to be a mental hospital. It stands to reason that if a place can have a man made electromagnetic 'net' or web draped over it, transforming the naturally malevolent energies into something livable to humans-then the opposite effect can be created. 

An uninhabitable environment can be created by those same means. 

So from 11pm-5am there is fear and inability to sleep because of gut wrenching fear that's induced in the area behind my relatives apartment building. 

If it's just imagined or anxiety...then why does it go according to a time schedule that's so distinct and repeats nightly? 

I've theorized it's either someONE who's got a very bad vibe that's on a shift duribg those hours and they are dangerous and creeping around or surveiling, observing or obsessing in certain areas or it's being produced by some form of technology outside in the area. It could be produced from tech inside but that doesn't follow the direction it comes from.

I know when I turn off the router in the apartment it stops all kinds of torment like intrusive thoughts, repetive themes, confusion, sleepiness that's unaturally induced, agitation, inability to focus, feeling overwhelmed etc. The physical structure that is the apartment turns back into just that-a normal physical structure. Interesting this return to 'normal' seems to include a human perception of being connected to the outside like what one can see through the windows. And beyond to the neighborhood etc. There's a feeling of simplicity and clear communication. I could probably calmly and easily get all my tasks done in a much shorter amount of time under these conditions as opposed to the router being on. It's a similar environment to the one our generation was living in circa 1980s. 

(We are the last generation that can tell a false, man made, sick environment from a natural healthy one. That is a respectability we need to start fulfilling before we get too old to do so. )

Recently I looked up all the local towers and repeaters in the area. Some genius thought it would be a good idea to build a main cell tower not a repeater but an actual tower that creates signal, over in the cemetery across the river. 

Now building a cemetery on a river seems like a bad idea to begin with. Pretty awful but having any electromagnetic interference with the natural environment in a place where dead humans are stored doesn't seem like a great idea. Keeping dead bodies around that long has always seemed like a bad idea to me. Many cultures past and present don't believe in this practice and I've always thought it was morbid, uneccessary and only serves to create a fear of dying in people instead of getting on with living. Specifically, the treating of bodies with chemicals for preservation. Why?? 

Burying royalty in lead coffins actually makes sense from a metaphysical perspective but preserving bodies especially common people does not. 

This state also has a sordid history of native American genocidal actions such as starving out natives and hiding it from history. There's also been a lot of skirmishes and massacres during the American revolution and in recent history many body dumping sites for organized crime and there's always been the serial killer or murderers that exist among us as humans that may utilize certain areas for these purposes.  

The road that goes back into a wooded area along the river behind the apartment building has a very scary and bad energy but it feels recent. Like it's not native or colonial. What's back there I don't know but it registers as dangerous. I hiked through there one day a few years ago and the fear induced on the trails was one usually reserved for walking at night...when you know you shouldn't and you wouldn't. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. 

There's also a company right behind the area and they do some military contracting but the bad energy comes from the direction of the river, towards where that tower would be. 

This could also be some horrible result of wifi enabled LED street lights I don't know. 

There's a definite feeling of someone very threatening looking in the windows. When there's shades down it's better but not completely and if one area isn't covered completely like a sheer curtain-its torture the whole night. I've looked outside a lot under those conditions and there's no one there you can see. 

I've experienced very uncomfortable physical effects at a  hotel in this same city in 2020 that have repeaters or something on the roof. I got restless legs because it felt like a cattle prod or electric shock is being put through my muscles. It's only been in one hotel it's been that severe but they had a few repeaters and it was in the same city as my relatives apartment building. 

 it seemed that around 2:30 am someone must've running the repeaters very hot (using the technology way past the legal limits) thinking people are sleeping and no one will notice or they could be letting more signals piggyback on the repeater than they are supposed to just to be greedy or for whatever reason. 

 It's at this hotel I began getting episodes of vertigo which have not gone away even today. 

In most hotels I usually start a cycle of not being able to sleep at night and there are exceptions. Generally I haven't had real genuine sleep since they put in LED street lights which in hotel parking lots are ridiculously bright.  That could be a factor and it could all be a combo of things creating a horrible electromagnetic pollution at night.

Also note that this state and adjacent ones are notorious for generating higher levels of pollution at night even historicallly documented cases, because they always think residents wont notice and it will be hard to prove. Why would people not have the same attitude towards electromagnetic pollution? 

It could be any combo of things but something is causing a very scary unhealthy environment at night and it's on a time schedule. For what purpose? 

Is it happenstance like just a side effect of something else or is it on purpose or just due to greed causing pollution? 

I'd rather find it's technology than to find it's an actual person or person's who are so dangerous that they carry that signature and are on a certain shift. 

Also I didn't get around to posting this summer about Cambridge MA. 

Urban camping you see a lot of stuff the public don't. It's obvious that LED street lights can be put into theories about anti homelessness, homeless genocide and a depopulation agenda in general and definitely an agenda to cause cult mind control via sleep deprivation. I've also posted that the lights seem somehow connected to people accepting changes in society that they would not have accepted so easily over the past decade. Seratonin does cause conformity in humans, a side effect of constant HEV light stimulation. 

What the hell was going on this past summer in that area with military drones patterning the sky mapping out the area, military helicopters flying obnoxiously low over that and other areas? Outside Harvard Sq there was weird rumbling sounds underground like someone was working on or in the public transit tunnels or underground. Very loud and not the usual transit work they perform to improve the trains. 

So this is all very concerning. 

I also notice that areas with akot of older residents use small, low light LEDs and in college heavy areas like near BC, the lights are blinding. So these bullshit recent studies they've come up with to counter the original research and warnings about the effects of HEV blue light from streetlighs at night are just to cover their asses because it's obvious that a percentage of the population not only get effected like everyone else-they are aware and conscious of it. Another reasoa to either deny it even exists or keep trying to silence or genocide such people who would definitely be a problem in any conspiracy to enslave mankind because people like that would be akin to canaries in coal mines warning the public. So they have to deny it or make it look like there something wrong with people who obviously are Nature's whistle blowers on bad conditions. 

It's amazing how dishonest the communications companies are with Americans and they are so controlled by it. Other countries don't fall so easily. It's sad actually. We have such resources and so much land. And so many natives died for the country we now live in. 

None of this should be happening or allowed to happen. And I should be able to sleep at night not be afraid of Jason and Mike fuckin Myers in the woods or behind a place im staying at night. Especially with the pressure I'm under. Losing daylight work time is not convenient. It's odd that I would be terrified INSIDE a building with heat and locked doors as opposed to NOT being scared (but remaining cautious) sleeping OUTSIDE closer to the city. 

I suppose more creeps can hide in woods or whatever in a city girl's mind. But it seems like it's more than that and it also makes sense why they want to eradicate a culture of urban camping and fully transform humans to living in public and private environments they can control through tech or chem or both, both inside and outside.  

Sunday, November 6, 2022


*WARNING* Adult Content!
Contains potentially offensive images. Could be triggering. 

Posting this video is for information purposes to raise awareness and to cause productive debate. 

Anyone taking any action against anyone of any kind is not encouraged.

There is and always will be bad and wrong things going on in the world. Despite people complaining about the world getting worse we live better in modern times compared to our long history.

Taking any actions other than raising awareness simply feeds into the disinformation campaigns and paranoia or ignorance and stops debate and trying to raise awareness by making it seem dangerous to share any information that poses theories based on reasonable suspicion and deduction. 

After seeing alot of recent works that years ago would have been seen as alternative theories or simply asking questions that seem normal for anyone to ask when something is suspect i realize that now any questioning of this kind is immediately put into the garbage heap now disregarded by main stream society known as 'conspiracy theories'. 

I now understand why it was so important to manufacture an alternative subculture with a cult like set up that centered around Trump.

I havent researched Q Anon because even skimming it seems oversimplified, sensationalist and manufactured. It reeks of disinfo designed to jam any true alternative theories. Designed to be fed to and spread by naive people who have no business trying to sort out very difficult information or utilize deduction. 


Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Beyond Belief (with George Noory)- Living In A 5g World with Ben Stewart

Beyond Belief- Living In A 5g World with Ben Stewart

Conspyre TV is a channel on a streaming stick system. It's pretty good but there's some awful ones that are crap disinfo so be mindful and use caution.

This man's eyes have no natural emotion in them. It's as if he, himself is a running program or he's hooked into one. Very odd.

The part of the interview where he babbles something about this utopias possible down sides or cons vs pros, where he mentioned that if the system we live under determines you aren't going to perform well in life, it won't put as much economic or financial investment in you was very telling.

It made me rethink the theory of being a Targeted Individual-that this might be all being a TI is about. That you aren't going to 'work out' in society so you're kept down and denied expression for life. 

It would also apply to entire communities or demographics that weren't projected or forecasted to work out as someone would like so less is invested in them. 

Actually what he's saying makes sense of the entire way our western world is set up.

At first it made me upset but now I see it's perfectly sensible. It makes this systems unfairness make much  more sense. 

It also makes sense how they would give people hope as a consulation prize. Higher ups around Harvard Sq would trickle down info to our little group in the street scene and many people would repeat the same phrases. One such phrase I would hear was in reference to my blog. These people out there who chatted with God knows who would say "it gives your life meaning" in the most snide way. You can tell that they were weak minded people who parroted what they heard from others perhaps that was the intention. 

It almost resembles a kind of mind control because many of these nasty sentiments were always phrases and they always had a deeper meaning built in that was very damaging but seemed like more harmless comments to onlookers. 

"Your blog gives your life meaning". As if I am being denied any sort of life that allows me to reach my full potential so this has been provided for me. Kind of like a mirror for a pet parakeet kept in a cage as a pet all it's life. To keep it from being lonely and to keep it amused. It's also a very nasty and cruel way to rub it in that your targeted and of course it's not true and it's total brainwash to get you to believe the prison is real and final and the jailers have all the power. 

Then when Harvard scene had been dismantled and destroyed a few years ago someone parroted "there's nothing out here for you (now)". Like well gee the powers that be ended this scene so there's nothing for you here, move along. It sounds so... final. It also sounds like the complete power obsessed assholes who came up with this are arrogant about their ability to destroy and create what's in Harvard Sq..instead of anything forming naturally. 

Someone who was helping me with safety as I was traveling heavily maybe ten years ago or so said something nasty about everyone in the street scene around Harvard. I asked how everything was and he replied "it's the same has-beens...that never were." How FUCKING final is that? That you and the system you either work for or are part of has all the power? You always had the feeling that the person saying it was referring to you. It was extremely nasty. 

I wonder if these are examples of NLP? 

Years ago during a conversation with someone in reference to the public's attitude concerning terrorism: 

"Most people just want to go home (at night)". 

The message seemed to be that the public are simpletons who are wrapped up in their own lives and just want to get home to those lives at the end of the day so won't question anything too deeply.

I think what I liked about this video was the man speaking was flowing information. even if I don't agree with his views or his perhaps youthful naivety, I appreciate being given so much info. Enough for me to sort through myself not designed to simply tell me how to think about something.

Of course the ideas are insane but that's humans for you. I think people like this don't see the natural world and man's place in it as the only true reality and that the best idea would be for nature to be much more respected and fused with technology instead of attempting to alter humans so drastically.

I don't want to get an Uber when I leave my home because cameras are watching me constantly. That's not convenience-thata a living hell on earth.

He's not explaining to people that 4g comes from massive cables lying on the ocean floor (the internet) and that 5g is going to be coming from satellites instead which is a worse environmental nightmare. 

I'm hoping there are places and societies to escape a madhouse like the world hes talking about. 

China is so very sad. They are a very sick society now. To think of their rich history and culture for millenia is so very sad. I suspect like many Asian Oriental cultures, they were a constant threat to the long standing strongholds on European peoples and Americans of that descent and thus had to be destroyed before they could contribute and a culture formed from fusion. Thus the sad story of British colonialism started by opium wars and then Communism.

CRT is a smokescreen always remember the powers are afraid of indigenous, nature based cultures not skin color. Japan and China were especially threatening due to their success as evolved complex societies created by native people. 

To pull us from nature is the goal. 

Transhumanism is the latest phase of this. 

I hope there will be a safe place away from his utopian nightmare. Humans have a right to 'opt out' of such a horrible future.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Video-interview exposing the horrors of IoT

'the internet of things'. This coming system being marketed as so great and wonderful for humanity (ahem-enslavement, radiation..etc). You're being told LED streetlights are a good thing as well yet animal populations are being destroyed and I haven't had a real night's sleep since 2018 when these things were put in. (Try getting naps during day so you don't suffer obesity and heart troubles).

Again note the language. Decades ago the concept of interconnecting devices or robots or whatever over an internet network wouldve had a cool name one that would make you think. Now its totally infantilized as well as it's true nature is skewed by the phrase. 

It also minimizes damage-"things?". What kinds of things???

Some of the things proposed to be interconnected are horrible and this system will depend on constant surveillance. I've found a revealing video of an interview where a guy claims China already has this system and it's all dependent on cameras EVERYWHERE. 

I have it on a device not with me and I will post it on Friday.

Surprisingly I off someone's stick tv where they seem to have some interesting alt/conspiracy chanel's and of course some disinfo ones. (There's a really bad Q-Anon one that refers to all viewers as "Patriots" and urges viewers to proselytize conspiracy theories to loved ones the way religious zealots do. It would be comical if it wasn't so bad.)

The host of the show looks like one of those evangelist guys or con men who always seem to have really bad hair-either die jobs or toupés. Think Bennie Hin. Ive spent hours trying to figure out why you would grow a massive mane on one side and comb it over the top when you have so much money youve grifted from people. Perhaps it's the only sign of a conscience they have lol. 

Monday, October 24, 2022

Donations Link

 I've recently lost my long time sponsor to an unknown fate and sadly that isn't just financial support but moral as well. As many of you know I had written this blog backpacking around the USA since 2007 sometimes without even a storage space and always without much resources. Due to legal issues caused by a cyber stalker in 2016 I had to retire from traveling but retained my alt lifestyle in my hometown, taking on responsibilities of being a caretaker to a partner and part time to a parent. Any support I receive goes to daily survival and I dont participate in drugs or alcohol or luxury items. My eco footprint is probably negligible compared to housed individuals, car owners, people with kids etc and I do good writing this blog just as I do good daily by recycling even the smallest plastic wrappings I use. I believe in things, I act as I believe. 

This is a major threat to society the way it is designed today and all of the sentiment even so called revolution concerning hope and change is just smoke and mirrors from the corportocracy and the Complex. 

Disinformation such as Q-Anon and the like doesnt help much. 

As CRT has taken hold as the latest in brainwashing, TIs and the GS theory has slowly disappeared, disregarded as conspiracy theory or the delusions of would-be lone shooters. 

Those in power will always find a way to retain that power and thier own position. The same tactics are used repeatedly and repackaged to the public as history is ignored or not seen as relevant to the latest use of such tactics on the newest generations. 

If you are still fighting or writing or working on this subject matter then you are still pioneering. You are still working on something that matters. This is still a fight to save our Constitutional rights and its still a fight to save humanity from enslavement through progresses in technology that are being misrepresented as natural human evolution. I also want to start a website that represents all the people who gave thier lives to this work as many have simply faded out of existence-their fates unknown to the rest of our community after major contributions that have definitely saved lives and changed the course of history-however much the system denies that to be true it has occurred many times quitely-either through more powerful parties reading our work and taking advisement silently or through the powers being threatened and our work changing thier course of action. Our community has taken a major hit by losing FFCH even though it had misguided leadership and questionable people calling in at least there was some centralization of activity.  We need to regain this kind of connectedness but this time with more focus on security and keeping out the perps, the gamers, the criminal opportunists and the mind manipulators...or at least a heightened awareness of their presence. 

Instead of dying out lets choose to reinvent ourselves. Its the least we can do to return the misery that those responsible have put on us, our lives and our loved ones for entire lifetimes.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Lt Col Michael Aquino Has Allegedly Died/History/Revealing Interview

"Let it be known that on Sunday, September 1, LIV of the Aeon of Set, Ipsissimus Michael A. Aquino, Ph.D. Remanifested from his physical body. As he had let the world know, he had been experiencing declining health for several years. This period also saw a tremendous outpouring of written material, public interviews, and important correspondence within and beyond the Temple of Set."

Michael A. Aquino

FOIA Request Michael Aquino/Temple of Set Documents (Army - United States Department of the Army)

Michael A. Aquino, Plaintiff-appellant, v. Michael P.w. Stone, Secretary of the Army, Defendant-appellee, 957 F.2d 139 (4th Cir. 1992)

Suicide or Murder? DEAD Lt. Col. Michael Aquino Temple of Set:

Pagan Pioneers: Founders, Elders, Leaders and Others Michael A. Aquino (The Temple of Set)

(explains Scottish titles being sold mentioned in link above):

Michael Aquino death
(link to Aquino's mother's poems mentioned in link above):

very interesting interview with Michael Aquino. 

It humanizes him and it takes away alot of the scare and mystery used in marketing him as a bogeyman. Im not saying he was innocent of the charges against him but it does make it seem a bit more like he was someone whos threatening to the system and perhaps he was framed. Maybe he was both. Its strange that throughout my being involved in research on programming and conspiracy theories that I never found interviews like this that humanized him or made him appear less threatening. Its as if he was wielded as a weapon against TIs and people who have experienced survivorship from internal programming for fear mongering.  Survivorship is a plausible theory and programming exists in thieory and if so people are suffering. These things do happen and Survivors do exist. However, it is also plausible that the people being spotlighted arent responsible or are only partially involved and serve as diversions from whats really going on. There are memories that get recovered, there is something going on. However, causing a 'Satanic Panic' then discrediting the entire issue would be a very effective way of burying the entire subject. They could set up Aquino or anyone else to be blamed with false beliefs or implanted memories as a way of diverting blame. It has worked if thats the case. 

I think we should be asking less about his guilt or innocence and asking more about how his views seem threatening to globalism and the enslavement of mankind thats now going on. 

LOL for all we know this interview is bs who knows. I dont know anymore. I know I was kept in a prison of confusion for almost twenty years and it seems every person they put in front of us is only either another victim of thiers or part of a great deception that uses divide  and conquer. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

I know the opposing candidate runs on a campaign of supporting the very kinds of people who framed me but I would rather have people vote out every single person who worked in any key positions in this corrupt state, completely in bed and complaint with outrageous military industrial complex contractors that are beyond belief as well as seemingly feel they can hide from scrutiny hiding in such an unassuming state. 

Harboring Jeffrey Epstein's association Maxwell should be enough of a red flag but being framed up there was enough for me to see the degradation of a once worthy and proud New England state. 

I don't care who opposes them I just want anyone who was in power when I was framed to suffer in any way possible because it's obvious I've been forgotten about by my readers  well as society and will never get justice. 

Vote this bitch out. I want every single slithering snake that was in power that took my life from me out of office. I mean everyone. 

Massachusetts has redeemed itself somewhat by taking care of punishing some responsible parties quietly, which is the traditional way of handling things here. 

From what I was subjected to up there and how sick everyone is at least at the state's most corrupt cities, I doubt if that's been the case. 

Having someone leave office and giving them a job at a local military contractor one which is also British just like Maxwell (hmm..) and one of the most corrupt and bloated in the entire world, doesn't seem like justice.

Your going to grow old. Your going to have children. I will be there. Every single person involved. 

I will always be a dark shadow in the background and as I age I will make sure that I become less of a forgotten prank and more of an apparition that hopefully makes you uneasy as time passes. 

What's been done during Trump to even up the score isn't enough.  Even an exposé would probably be drowned out by the ocean of voices nowadays and diversions by design. 

Vote for the candidate who's former military. He would probably be more upfront and forthcoming of an enemy than deceptive cowardly people who are arrogant based on power other than their own that employs them.

What happened to me in NH should have cost them millions yet everyone acts as if nothing happened. 

I don't care who the opponent is. Vote out every person from 2016 and get anyone fired or worse that you can. 

A new group of corrupt politicians is better than the sewer j saw up there in 2016.

Love the whole move of switching her job to Senate. I'm sure some legal wizardry came up with that to ensure less liability somehow. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

NLP and Classical Conditioning -Gang Stalking's 'Tactical Gesturing' Explained

Newcomers may notice we as a community often make up names for things creating a loaded language just as one may experience in 12 step recovery groups etc. 

This is because many of us though smart enough to tell there's a theoretical system in place that may be applied to explain the circumstances we live in, many of us have no training or even formal education. 

There's also a lack of literature or articles from academia or other sources that honestly explains or examines the misuse or abuse of things like psychology.   So when one wants to explain to readers how say, classical conditioning would be used as a weapon in war or weaponized to control someone, often we have to improvise to explain what we have experienced or theorize about experiencing. 

I had coined the term 'tactical gesturing' for what is obviously the use of triggers in a program of using classical conditioning to gain and maintain control over a Targeted Individual mostly because my writing frames being targeted as being a soldier in a war or a prisoner of war. Thus I describe the person doing this action as using a tactic in using gesturing to gain a desired result-at the Target's expense of course. 

There's no guide for the abuse and misuse of psychology unless one is reading about MK Ultra experiments documented many decades ago or an account of the programs at Guantanamo Bay. 

Here is an article that gives information to better understand what the GS system and those perpetrating for it are trying to accomplish. It's very accurate and I hope people find it useful. 

Cognitive Behavioral Management: Anchoring

"...technique of direct anchoring, wherein a ‘state’ (usually of mind) is elicited in the subject and an ‘anchor’ applied by the operative in some other modality to the given state – e.g., commonly a touch on the shoulder, some specific movement, e.g., waving an arm, moving an object, an auditory experience, and so on."

I've considered finding a way to reverse the effect of conditioning in this way. A method to reverse anchoring. 

It's interesting that the site mentioned that anchoring to a trigger may be easier if there's an "emotionally charged situation".

I recall hearing from other people in this community that certain things were used in their lives and for years couldn't understand why it bothered them. 

Things like always seeing cars with one hub cab missing or red t shirts or white t shirts (during Obama in certain areas this was probably a sign that gangs were being used to perform stalking and harassment however if this is being done by locals in your area and it's not a gang culture area then it may be considered coordinated. It's also hard to tell because many African Americans seem to wear black and red or red to indicate their dedication to Pan Africanism in sort of a tribalistic way. It may also be their misguided belief in anarchy as benefitting their demographic.)

One person claimed everywhere he went locally in his home area of AZ he saw gesturing using the tongue out of the side of the mouth. This seems to be popular in certain music vids or photos of celebs like Miley Cyrus. Others who had visited him experienced the same odd behavior from people. 

For years everything from Christianity to Satanism on t shirts was used. Some TIs are claiming ever since Google bought Spotify that their music choices seem spied on by the harassment system and have claimed that when they are in certain coffee shops etc many songs from their playlists seem to come on for hours as if in a strange coincidence. This would be a form of harassment but not necessarily anchoring in classical conditioning but a form of mirroring or even intimidation-the effect being that the shadow system knows what your activities are and your location. More on the side of stalking than harassment but it still puts the stalker in control. 

Finally in a very emotional time at least one gesture seemed to be anchored into the person's life. The gesturing is usually something related to or signifying the situation causing them distress. The gesture or triggering mechanism will forever symbolize the crisis and whoever is doing this to the victim even years later can bring up that form of emotional distress. 

Then it seems to become linked to the control the multi stalker system has on the person. This becomes the distress. 

That they are surrounded by people they cannot trust if gesturing is frequent and also the effect of feeling excluded by society generally if the local environment is infiltrated with enough recruits working for the Dirty Tricks Dept. 

It's been documented that exclusion from society on a daily basis that results from discrimination results in poor health, disease, depression even early death. A study using racism and African American females found this effect. It seems that it's been weaponized against targeted people and it's one of the possible bad outcomes of being a TI for years especially in an area that is especially interested in getting rid of or 'managing' the person in the daily prison of gang stalking. 

Years ago I found that there seemed to be GS hotspots and that it seemed to be performed by GS groups. As I mentioned in certain areas gang members are clearly used in the past. 

That seems to have changed. It is now more akin to an East Germany where the Stasi have a large percentage of common citizens involved and there is no longer any clear pattern, other than it seems to involve corporate chain stores heavily which would make sense. Also if it's an area where local or other authority has been relinguished of doing security work due to a disaster such as a shooting or bombing etc and bigger entities have taken over such responsibilities. 

So the way that the it may work changes and it becomes more sophisticated or uses more human forces or even changes the way that technology and chemical influence is used in other words the way that an area is psycho managed will change especially with the introduction of something like 5G or a change in political power where perhaps the former people in power did not allow chemtrails to use for any kind of chemical influence perhaps now with a different group in charge or special interest in charge perhaps in the area with the person is in that has changed. 

It's all about the way that the area you are in is maintained or overseeing by the shadow system in place. The one thing that always remains the same is that they definitely do not want to be exposed and this system has taken great strides and gone to extremes over the past 78 years to try to make sure that people are silenced about this system silence about being victims of the system and the public stopped paying attention to any theories about this system even existing everything from frame UPS to smear campaigns to diversions to outright just playing dirty which is what they do best because remember they don't care about anything or anyone except getting what they want ruthlessly by any means necessary.

And that means ensuring that the ti gets exactly what they tell you in the 12 step groups which is jails institutions and death also the stress and as I mentioned the effects of constant discrimination eventually over time will result in an early death and a lower quality of Life that of course cannot be traced back to this system with its abuse and exclusion of certain individuals in theory of course. 

This is common in other parts of the world such as Iranian prisons. I've read articles about an Iranian activist who was imprisoned and purposefully mistreated while in prison denied food denied water and her health deteriorated and when she was released then she became sick and died but her family was unable to make claims that it was due to the bad treatment she received over a long period of time while in prison. It's exactly the same thing except it's done very very sneakily because we live in a democracy and there would be massive public outcry. From the people that weren't employed in doctrinated and recruited anyway who seem to benefit from perpetrating harassment on targeted people.

If you have any knowledge of how to reverse anchoring I would like to see some articles please email me on the email that's on this blog I believe that my readers would benefit greatly from knowing how to undo the damage that's been done to them over the years to sort of break the chains that they have to live in every day through the abuse I miss use of psychology in the form of psychological warfare. 

Also mentioning the end of all of my posts lately that one of the things we have to do right now is give ourselves a lot of rest during the daytime hours and keep up on our health regiments because the LED street lights that have been installed are most likely responsible for a lot of health facts that now we now all suffer from as well as not being able to do as much not being able to do as much activism especially if you travel a lot or you're an urban camper even part of the time. Even if you are inside if there's LED street lights that are bright outside your window you're still not going to sleep well. This is causing a lot of disruption in people's lives and I've noticed that my productivity in my personal affairs as well as my activism on this blog has been cut in half and I've had a rise in health problems such as obesity heart disease and I'm even experiencing what could be eye damage do to having to be around bright LED lights so if you're wondering why things have been slowing down for you or getting worse for you since approximately 2017 it's most likely the glaring blue light from the white LED lights where the glare in itself is a form of terrorism. There are cures I know I've done a video on Blue blocker glasses Amber lighting inside your home and I highly suggest you get some real sleep during the daytime napping is sufficient because they're not going to take these lights away even though they very well could use more yellow softer light it's obvious that this is an act of war at this point and it's part of what most likely is a depopulation agenda from what I've heard and it's definitely to take the ranks of people like us who are going up against the system in a deep meaningful way and to destroy what we're doing and to slow us down if not make us quit all together because there is no way in a society with any sanity left that there would be HEV blue light at night time it's meant to be from the Sun at night or it's meant to be used by people living in arctic areas who get depressed with 6 months of darkness because it fully imitates the effects of sunlight on humans it's already doing environmental damage to insect populations and I've read that the creation of the LED lights themselves is an environmental nightmare as well as the disposal of them when they stop working so putting them in very quickly and very sneakily under the public's nose with grants from the feds and around the world it seems with grants from God knows where was a sneaky move and it was done I doubt very much just for environmental reasons. 

So please consider reading up on the effects of these lights. What I've discovered through research from a little I can understand is it causes obesity causes heart disease you need to eat more routine in foods you can find out what foods contain lutein. It does something to the lipids in your system the good cholesterol bad cholesterol balance. Interestingly it also causes a falsified good mood effect because it raises the serotonin in your brain as a human being interestingly what I also read to that conclusion is that high levels of serotonin causes collectivist behavior and that might explain probably along with indoctrinations and psych meds and people living as netizens and not citizens in the real world that might explain a lot of this really scary insect like behavior from people where the conformity is getting to a frightening abnormal level. 

So please take care and keep fighting and protect yourself take care of yourself. Find cures solutions and countermeasures don't ever engage in violence if you're triggered orbited into it always use it only if necessary as a form of self-defense and make sure before you take any action that it can be presented that way in a court of law. 

If you're feeling like you want to commit an act of violence such as a loan shooting or murder suicide don't do it it's what they want. I can't control if you want to take yourself off of this Earth I would prefer you don't because I want to see us have more troops than them eventually because it seems as if they are getting more and more recruits or just might be the way that security has been changed in the area that I'm in as I have not traveled outside of my home area in 5 years due to being framed in 2016. 

And if you are thinking of doing alone shooting as a way of solving your problems it's not going to work because if the getting stalking system does exist the very people who are committing these crimes against others are going to be warned about your actions before you take them and they're going to make sure they don't go into work that day just like in the twin towers on 9/11 people didn't show up to work that should have. And people are going to avoid the area where you're going to commit whatever crime you're going to connect so don't think you're going to get revenge on anyone guilty you're only going to hurt innocent people so don't do it get revenge and take action in other ways. 

If you're hearing voices or feeling mind control to a point where it's dangerous then you need to go out of the area that you're in change your location and get a different medical team because it's most likely that whatever drugs change your support network and your medical team. That's only if you found that your condition has turned into something as I'm mentioning here only after taking pills they're supposed to make you better but they actually have made you violent that shows that there's something wrong with the medical team that you have make changes right now because it's an emergency situation you're most likely being drugged.

Friday, July 29, 2022

Michael Richardson 
FRAMED: J. Edgar Hoover, COINTELPRO & the Omaha Two story

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Surveillance Cams Metro Boston/more oversight Aug 2022/Targeted Surveillance of Activists




When is targeted surveillance wrong? 
October 6, 2020

And that's the the abuses and capabilities that they know about. Imagine what's 'classified' or clandestine, secret or hidden from public view? Especially "in the interest of national security"?

Of course we need anti terrorist technology and to be informed and protected. However people seem seriously lacking in any common sense concerning criminal behavior and ways of thinking, the nature of  power and authority, corruption and especially deception.
Concern or even perceptions of the abuses of such power that are possible seem glaringly absent from much of the public mindset. It also seems that there were more concerns years ago and as Americans became brainwashed and terrorized into becoming obsessed with domestic life and Western culture through race and identity politics they've forgotten about the rest of the world (unless it concerns those issues) and what's going on in it.

Becoming Netizens makes it ever harder to focus on individual inner life and personal reflection. There's perhaps even a generation now that doesn't even understand or are aware of such a simple human concept due to being born Netizens and being raised collectively like veal where everything has to be 'safe'. Kids don't even do book reports alone anymore.

Sadly the past 6 years have pushed people into full cult indoctrination where somehow the powers pulled off the feat of getting people to totally reject alternative theories or theorizing about something hidden or deceptive as 'fake news' and that all conspiracy theories are falsehoods either for purposes of deception and manipulation (that would be called disinformation if it were the case) or a product of a mentally ill, delusional mind. 
This was pushed by a media campaign some years ago that repeatedly aligned lone shooters with conspiracy theories or claimed they were conspiracy theorists. Some of which were blatant fabrications actually basing evidence in hearsay. Now that is an example of journalists engaging in a disinformation campaign.

The more you bullwhip the human animals and terrorize them into the behaviors, beliefs and thinking patterns you want them to take on, the more they will abandon things the master finds undesirable.

It's interesting that the culture we now miserably exist in is obsessed with the slavery of a a select few demographics throughout vast human history yet that content is being used in a much larger enslavement of most of the modern western world. 

The fact the demographics focused on dont readily see this or admit it due to gain,  shows they are not truly free or even capable of living as such thus cannot be trusted in position of authority.

The fact that people seem very unconcerned with the issues of surveillance as well as it's potential for corruption and abuse of power and especially the involvement of the corporatocracy shows the degeneration of human health.

The idea that it's ok for a company like Target to be involved in surveillance in the way in which they are or that one billionaire like Musk to own an entire satellite system is completely insane. (Especially since he actually interferes with scientific research by refusing to move his systems out of the way of major science research technology).
 It mimicks the old pre Constructional government system and reminds me of when we lived under overlords.  Which might be excusable back before the internet but it's totally bizarre in the world we live in today. (Such as the robber barons and company store set ups where people had to endure police and private security brutality that makes today's examples mild in comparison. These sacrifices made workers rights and our 8 hour work day possible. We take these for granted and those who died for these causes are forgotten in history. Their tragic deaths mocked by today's racial and identity political agendas).

The internet has been hijacked, infiltrated and censored and we are heading backward not forward. Technology doesn't define evolution -the way it's used does. 

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Common Psychological Harassment Tactic: Repetitive Questioning, Same Phrase, Different People

So I've been asked "where do you live?" by persons in official capacities for over a week and  a half now, when the question isn't necessary or is inappropriate to ask. 

Let me explain why people NEED TO STOP DOING. THIS.

Firstly I'm not going to allow a whole new wave of harassment based on my being houseless, a semi retired Traveler or any other circumstances considered 'homelessness' by mainstream society. 

I will not have this weaponized against me. Why this is even POSSIBLE right now in this area is complex but it makes sense considering the political climate, the timing and what's gone on during COVID and the colonialism known as globalism.

It's similar to another instance of a pattern emerging that was used years ago I wrote about in this blog. 

Some years ago certain  demographics of people were using THE SAME PHRASE repeatedly in a short space of time and it became harassing and it was based on me and anyone with me having a large backpack. 


Variations of this were " where are you two coming from and where are you going? " or " Where are you coming from? Where are you going?"

It wouldn't have been  so bad if it was asked by random people-it would have been just weird. 

However it was asked by types like ride hailing services drivers (Uber/Lyft types), store employees specifically cashier's and construction union types specifically people who were using the same storage facility as me at that time. 

The fact it was always inquired as if I was at a border check made it sound like it had some weight to it or like it was related to security. The fact that people who could be construed as some sort of authority, especially in my immediate environment made it seem like it was being put forth by higher authority even though the question was totally inappropriate and possibly illegal. 

Remember, after 9-11 a certain security branch recruited public transit employees especially bus drivers and truckers to help with identifying terrorist threats. They were told they were this country's "first line of defense" after 9-11.

This was also during a period of time that I saw and heard a young woman cashier at a big box store beginning with W,  actually interrogate a workin class type male about his purchase of motor oil. It was fucking unbelievable.  "How are you today sir? I see your buying alot of cans of motor oil what are you using it for?". 

I thought I was in some sort of dream. This couldn't be America (and it certainly wasn't Texas. It was Massachusetts of course). I was shocked when the man sheepishly answered. He looked tired and didn't want any trouble. 

This is how this country has been systematically beaten down, intimidated and beaten down this kind of 'security theater'. Fucking motor oil? Two old Pit Rats, semi retired Travelers from Harvard Square with backpacks?? These are conditions in which warrant ANTI TERRORISM interrogation techniques?? Seriously? 

I've seen some incredibly dumb shit and some incredibly scary shit in my time with these GS adventures or studying and writing about the theories of it or fighting covert wars but it gets a bit much when you just make shit up and subject people to it just for the sake of controlling them while the nobodies you have doing it get off on a mini power trip. unless they are that retarded and actually buy into the idea they are doing something.

I've overheard people I know damn well are straight out perps telling students at a college they 'help with security' on campus and 'help protect the college too'. 

These are usually people who have some fucked up charges in their criminal history and have brainwashed themselves or been brainwashed into believing or at least get good at convincing others they are doing something good when it's just them avoiding more trouble or getting something the quick and easy (dishonest) way. 

This is a type of tactic that's used and if there was a GS textbook it would be in it. 

So asking me "where do you live?" repeatedly when the question is unecessary and unrelated to the subject at hand over time forms a pattern of harassment. 

The motive or purpose is to begin to weaponize a person's houseless status against them. 

I highly suggest it stops. Once again I've been through this before and I know how to deal with this. 

It's also been a pattern on public transportation, profiling people who look houseless or colorful and alternative. There's  tight little conspiracy in my area where people who pull this crap are protected when you report them. Well I got an actual responsible higher up the other day and reposted it to them along with a pattern of this goinng on this year and they are probably pissed I actually got around the system THEY USE to get around being caught .

There was no anti homelessness like this before the pandemic. That and the protests along with Identity Culture alongside a condo obsessed building boom gentrification of the area has been used to literally get rid of houseless people and now normalize anti homeless sentiment. The young people are also trained in the past few years to hate and reject homeless or alternative people more and more and accept ANY sort of 'alternative' person who's approved of by the corporate globalist left wing agenda (people of color/gay/immigrant). 

Why is there this trade off and not inclusion? Well pumping meth into all the local homeless scenes was pure genius (but predictable old trick) on the part of the system. Then every homeless person gets associated with that. 

Intimidating anyone out here with a brain also helps. Recruiting people in street scenes after the Boston Bombing changed the security in this area from local to federal is also a major factor but I will write about that later.

That's probably the main problem with MA. It hasn't been The Commonwealth of Massachusetts since the Boston Bombing. It's federalized and that means Globalism as the top agenda. 

Taking away the sovereignty of states the Bill of Rights outlines is very important to globalism. 

By any means necessary even terrorism obviously. 

Stop asking me where I live. I'm not dealing with. It and I will and can gracefully get around it every time-basicaly because it has nothing to do with the issue at hand. And YOU know it and so do I. and I will make sure that's re-established every time. 

That's really the secret to GS theory is to re establish order every time. To take back your reality. 

Saturday, June 4, 2022

BLM. Truth Will Prevail

BLM Is in Trouble...

"Doescher: And we're seeing this stuff come out now. BLM is currently, you know, they've got 60 million plus. Who knows how much? They have got all this money in the bank. Allegedly they're leaderless. We don't know who's leading them. The three women that started BLM are now off doing their own thing. My first question is how did they get 60 million to begin with?

Gonzalez: They did not get 60 million. They got 90 million.

Doescher: Wow.

Gonzalez: That's what they said in their 2020 impact report which was published in March 2021 if I remember correctly. And it was quoted heavily from Patrisse Cullors, one of the three women that founded Black Lives Matter as you said. The report, Black Lives Matter own report said it had raised $93 million in 2020. By the way, I always make it clear and let me take the moment now to make it clear that when we talk about Black Lives Matter, there are at least three components.

Gonzalez: One is the concept which I think is unimpeachable. I say Black Lives Matter. Obviously all lives matter, but what's important to affirm that Black Lives Matter because the history is so, we all know the history. I don't even need to explain why it's important to say Black Lives Matter.

Doescher: Sure.

Gonzalez: Then there's the movement. I guess people who demonstrated, who found the video of the death of George Floyd harrowing, which it was. It was a tragedy. And then there is the organizations and their founders. The media only wants to talk about the first two components, the concept in the movement. They never talk about the organizations. Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation.

>>> BLM: A New Marxist Revolution

Doescher: Okay. Let me just stop you right there because this is very, very important that we define exactly what this is. They're registered as a 501(c)(3). Is that correct?

Gonzalez: As of a late 2020.

Doescher: Okay. A 501(c)(3) is a non, supposedly it's tax exempt.

Gonzalez: Right.

Doescher: You raise your money, but you are not allowed to take a stance politically on things. You're allowed to support ideas.

Gonzalez: Right.

Doescher: You're allowed to educate people.

Gonzalez: Right.

Doescher: But you're not allowed to take political stances on that. So that's what BLMGNF was founded on. That's correct.

Gonzalez: When you get this tax status 501(c)(3) you cut a deal with society. You have to reveal. You have to have a 990. Every 501(c)(3) organization has a 990 which says what is doing with this money? Who gets what? And Black Lives Matter doesn't have a 990. Wow.

Doescher: Wait. So if I go on and look up for their form 990, which you can do. You can search any nonprofits form 990 online. It's very easy to do. You can't find theirs? How do they get away with that?

Gonzalez: Not for 2020 it doesn't. And that's why the state of California has told BLMGNF that it's tax exempt status is on hold and it cannot raise funds until it submits delinquent filings, which is 990s.

Doescher: Wow.

Gonzalez: Now, this is important because the state of California, when it applied for 501(c)(3) status, BLMGNF used an Oakland address. They all come from the Bay Area.

Doescher: Right.

Gonzalez: Or from Los Angeles. So it really is based loosely in Oakland. It's a web, right.

Doescher: Right.

Gonzalez: It's a global network foundation. It is based all over the world. But the address that it used in that filing was Oakland, California.

Doescher: Let's put this on hold for a second because we will get into this a little bit more in a second. So they raise all this money, 93 million or whatever. We're seeing 60 million in the bank.

Gonzalez: 60 million. That's how much it said it had on its balance sheet.

Doescher: Right.

Gonzalez: In that filing.

Doescher: So let's say they spend $33 million. What are they spending this money on? What are they doing with this money? Are they growing the organization? Are they branching out into things. I know you talk about in your recent piece how they're affecting our children in school. So clearly they're doing something with this money. Go into that a little bit.

Gonzalez: Well, BLM at School, which is the sister organization of Black Lives Matter, is exactly the same thing. Which is the one that has the BLM at schools Week of Action which just passed, and which is the one that distributes educational resources and curricular resources to the country's 14,000 school districts. It uses a lot of money. How much money did BLM at School get from BLMGNF? That's a good question. Look, I think-

Doescher: But really it's safe to say that they're sending curricula around to all of our school districts, and then the school districts are in the position where we implement this or we don't. So our kids are being potentially educated by BLM.

Gonzalez: Well, we just saw the video, the TikTok video of little pre-K children here in Washington DC marching around their classes saying Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter. There's no way for these pre-K children to understand what these organizations are about. They have never heard the word Marx. They don't know that Black Lives Matter at School still has it on its website that the family must be abolished. Which BLMGNF had on its website on the Andrew Olivastro, a Heritage Foundation colleague and I wrote about it.

Doescher: Yeah.

Gonzalez: And it was read by over a million people. And all of a sudden they purged their website of, all of a sudden there are 13 principles went down to 12. Not in BLM at Schools. In BLM at Schools they forgot to airbrush that. They still have abolish the family. So these little children do not know that Alicia Garza and Patrisse Cullors say they're trained Marxists because they were trained by Marxists.

Doescher: Right.

Gonzalez: They were trained in Marist organizations, created by Marxism and followers of Antonio Gramsci about how to overtake American society. And they don't have any way to know this ideological baggage.

Doescher: Yeah. And you're saying overtake American society in their 13 guiding principles that you reference in this piece here, they've got everything from globalism to queer affirming to trans-affirming. I mean this is way more than Black Lives Matter.

Gonzalez: Look, Alicia Garza goes around and says, "We have to dismantle the organizing principle of society. We have to dismantle how we've organized this society." This is social justice. This is a totalizing goal.

Doescher: Yeah.

Gonzalez: And what is included in that organizing principle? Well, she also says that capitalism is racist and black lives cannot matter under capitalism, which is a falsehood by the way. Capitalism is a color blind mechanism. It's actually free markets. Capitalism is itself a Leftist term. Free markets means that if I build a better mousetrap, it doesn't matter if I am purple. That better mousetrap is going to make me rich.

Doescher: Yeah.

Gonzalez: That's what free markets means.

Doescher: Well Mike, your piece is fantastic. Black Lives Matter continues to harm America. Money problems aside, we look to the core of what this group is pushing and it's amazing. And I'll let you finish here wrapping us up here. But you say thousands of people continue to suffer from the mayhem BLM has created. I think that is so compelling, Mike.

Gonzalez: Well, look at the spike in the murder rate. Two recent studies, I mean recent like in the last three months, have demonstrated that there is such a thing as the Ferguson effect. That is police pull back. They're not as proactive in areas where there have been demonstrations and riots against the police. We knew this. There's also the rogue prosecutors which Heritage has done so much great work about.

Gonzalez: That prosecutors have been elected with money donated by George Soros, by the way, for their campaigns, have been elected in many cities since Black Lives Matter came out to basically not prosecute anybody. If you go to the Black Lives Matter website you will see they continue to want to not just abolish the police. They want to abolish the prison system and the courts.

Doescher: Yeah.

Gonzalez: No society can survive this way. Only chaos results from abolishing the police, the court system and the prison system. We humans need to have law. We need to have order. Without it government is not providing. The bargain is that we give up some natural rights or a part of our natural rights in order for the government to establish order and keep order. If the government is not establishing order as we're seeing in these cities, so that is one way that Americans are suffering today because of the mayhem BLM created with the 630 riots in 2020.

Gonzalez: But there's also the indoctrination that we're seeing. The critical race theory going into the K through 12 schools. We see what is happening in our places of work where workers are being submitted to struggle sessions, reeducation sessions, to change how they think because there's this idea that we have unconscious bias which is unproven.

Doescher: Yeah.

Gonzalez: So I think that even though they're down now because people finally beginning to report about the allegations of corporate corruption, BLM continues to be a full force in our lives today.

Doescher: Yeah. Well Mike, you're handling it. You're tracking it. We really appreciate you doing this. Going around the country educating people. And you know what? People are learning...."

Oh, to be as privileged as a Black Lives Matter leader 

Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors claims her mistakes with $90M in 'white guilt money' are being weaponized against her and she didn't profit from $6M LA mansion and $6M Toronto 'arts center'

BLM activist charged with fraud claimed she wasn't paid a dime from her own charity but secretly paid herself $170,000 a year 'while raiding its coffers': Video shows her claiming gun criminals are 'victims' 

Boston social justice activist, hubby scammed at least $185K from donors: feds 

Toledo man charged with using ‘Black Lives Matter of Greater Atlanta’ Facebook page to defraud donors 

Friday, June 3, 2022

For those studying GS theory please be aware that there seems to be a change in the theory of tactics going on in retail stores within the Metro Boston area-I have a prior example from the suburbs

 I want to alert everyone else there who studies GS theory. I want to let you know that you should apply a new Siri to the tactics involved. It seems to be that there is something new going on in Syria of course. Security guards were really huge problems and it has been for a couple of years they've talked it down a little bit in the last year or two but especially three years within the three years after the frame up when I could still sue I was just bombarded assaulted with setups and horrible things that security did in different stores One story in particular I brought it to the attention of the store and had to take in care of in three of their stores and everything's fine now another store I didn't really deal with it but I recently learned that all of these stores are getting rid of overseas security because people that actually matter such as people of color were actually getting profiled and complaining and of course you know they don't want that I had to complain two or three times but that's not a problem as much anymore. Rastier when I was here before I went away for the winter everything was fine cover still happening people were working with each other now it seems as if everyone is a complete douchebag after getting back Sunday. Now there's a lot of loan shootings going on there's an increase I realize this now if you pay attention to the long term you realize of course that's alone shootings went up very high when Obama was an office and now it's gone up towards the end of buying when the election is coming nobody wants to face this but of course you have to look at that theory that we all don't want to look at of what exactly is causing this kind of stuff That's a whole other blog post. But one of the reasons that people might be snapping is that the pressure out here is incredible. I haven't looked at the latest slew of long shootings I don't know what the demographics are of the perpetrators or the circumstances but it doesn't really help to study them does it because they never give you a report on their findings of motive or the person's mental state where they drugged and they never will of course because we can sort of guess why correct? Believe me it's the 24th century Jeff bezos is going into space we have billionaires in space and they can code things and do genetic testing and create vaccines for pandemic that we got over in two years where's the plague in your blessed 600 so I think they can find out while alone shooters or wire of the way they are or programs if you will lol but of course that would ruin their fund. Unfortunately we have to face the realities that there might just be power military activity going on in this country as a former domestic terrorist and nobody wants to deal with that as long as nobody wants to deal with that or even 9/11 or other suspicious terrorist events we will always continue to be prisoners of the deceptions and the terrorism.

Compared to last year I'll come back from being away from the winner and all of a sudden this place is just awful I mean it feels bad it feels like constant pressure and it doesn't surprise me that it's after everyone's vaccinated they're acting like juice gags you should see the way people drive around here and this is Boston where people are known to drive crazy anyway people are complete assholes I'm glad I don't drive. And people in stores are jerks and younger people are just really privileged and they claim that there is no ages on or that they're inclusive but they're not it's total age isn't here now and it's totally empty homeless which was accomplished with covet and the events of the last two years and that's another blog post as well and it's auntie anybody funky anybody who is genuinely living in alternative lifestyle outside the corporateocracy. 

I've never felt this much pressure before ever. Now I have to say that I kind of knew damn well that coming back to the city would be a bad idea outside the city is probably much better. Also I have to add that we were careful for two years we played it safe we did not get covered the second that those masks came off we got coated and it was not the easy strain but it wasn't the worst either and luckily we made it through I still can't smell or taste properly and the entire ordeal just seems so manufactured and the entire virus just seemed unnatural or semi-natural semi-manufactured I'm not buying it this thing was definitely there's a possibility that we should investigate that it was embellished or the genes were moved around or added or taken away altered from nature feel right. And the pressure that I'm feeling from being out in society and just generally how I feel after having this I'm really glad I didn't get it for 2 years and I wish I had continued to do that essentially enough we were inside when we caught it and it just goes to proves that being an urban camper is probably safer we think somebody and one of the elevators or you touch something and the place we were saying or somebody came into the room with warrant there it didn't have a mask on. If we had stayed outside if we had been able to travel and stay outside just probably never would have happened but we can't tell because it's basically the unmasking that caused it. Actually we should be more like Japan where if anybody is sick with anything they should wear a mask I mean being in the northeast of the winter it's always been a pain in the ass because you constantly get sick and you definitely are going to get the flu when I traveling in California and other parts of the country I don't get the goddamn flu in the winter.

So that being said there's a lot of people flipping out a lot of people snapping and it feels like it's a lot of pressure coming back here to the city it feels different there's something really awful and bad about it now I'm smart enough to know that I have to look at everything involved to know what causes that it could be a change in the environment that's been cause on purpose as part of finishing off the globalist design of this city because of course that's what they accomplish during covet completing their big building boom agenda and gentrification, but I also have to consider that maybe it's covered maybe the vaccines do cause regression and maybe getting and maybe it actually damages something that helps you deal with stress or maybe it actually damages some ability to deal with battle or self-defense it would be interesting if we found that covered actually was used to take people's ability to defend themselves or their individuality or something like that away from them as part of the design of the virus which of course could send perfectly with the agenda that's coming down.

so dealing with it the best I can but it does feel very different than it has ever before and I've been under pressure in different cities and traveling and different places looking like I do funky and alternative and I have never received this much hatred just watch attention and you have to remember there's an election coming people if I come very nasty since the election and the on masking and so there's all these different factors and it's hard to tell what's causing it The fact that there's people flipping out and doing more alone shootings right now definitely tells me that the pressure I'm feeling is real and other people that can't handle it and I don't aware of the circumstances that surround them or that it's manufactured and they should just go with the flow a little more or reacting to it because people are being complete assholes out here in Boston well I have not the city proper but on the trains and in the stores and people are driving really crazy when you look at them there's all kinds of road rage so the Siri the covet causes aggression and the vaccines do also it was pretty valid actually it's not Siri it was kind of documented to side effect recently.

Also Siri that there seems to be only new well let's say a changed tactical strategy. Like I said security guards are out? Though I was framed in 2016 so if anybody wants to be dishonest and manufacture and create a false profile of me and use that for further harassment then in this environment of dishonesty and deception and agenda is being brutally followed and chased and accomplished and executed would it really be that hard to make it look like I made threats somehow assemble something about my observed behavior maybe people that are homeless or maybe there are people that are funky and urban campers and travelers are now on a watch list just for being just subculture and alternative. Maybe they have you want to list and with all the own shootings it's easy now because they buy and administration is really all about why and deception and causing chaos and causing insanity and down the rabbit hole if you've seen the video of the disinformation board lady singing I think we realized that this is like on purpose crazyness and infantileization of the public continued from the Obama administration we did nothing but infantilize the public. Everybody that's under a certain age nowadays they don't look like young adults anymore they look like 12 year old kids have you noticed this? Young people don't look like young adults they don't look like responsible self-governing self-sufficient young adults. Everybody looks like they're stuck at being 12 years old it's totally bizarre I'm not saying everybody was there's a general feel of this left-wing lip tardy feminazi type person and this subculture a lot of people look like their infantile acts and it's very frightening to experience compared to the college age kid I've seen over my 51 years of being alive and this area.

So what I'm experiencing is that there is a suburb outside of the city where I have stayed in the past and I have experienced a interesting new form of stalking and harassment in theory of course. It's a major big box store it's in the suburbs and this was a year or two ago probably two years ago that I experienced this new strategy. You go into the store you feel that the vibe is just not right you get blasted a bombarded assaulted like walking into a booby trap or a war zone you get out of there it's really severe there's a lot of damage there's a lot of anxiety induce you feel attacked you feel like somebody putting on you basically so I don't know what's closing that fiery feel. The thing that stands out is I was fortunate enough to be absent minded and all over the place which is actually an asset in this situation because remember what the coin telepho guys said in the interview from the CCTV show that the Black panther person put out in the 80s I have it on my YouTube he says that once his system finds out your routine and your target you're done for they have you so we know that from coin teleproof that they find out you're psychological profile they find out your routines and then they basically follow you according to your routines and I'm a creature of it that is unfortunate for me but it's also that I tend to be quirky and have impulsive things happen like oh I forgot something in the store so luckily for me that's what happened.

So I went back into this big box or after feeling the blitz created in there and the whole entire place the live and completely changed it was calm there was no weird suspicious creepy people around you know the types they were pretty people in trouble or people don't need or want something there was no sleaze bags around you didn't feel like you were in a war zone you didn't feel the heat then they palm the fire you didn't feel attacked so I realized something The system somehow is predicting your routine in theory this is the theory the system for routine you go in the attack occurs like a battle zone you leave with of course the effect that they want is you've been attacked The stress they wanted to kill you over time and do so hard attack memory lost and I heard quality of life everything that GS is about it's basically a slow murder plot it's a an assassination.

But when you go back in it's completely gone so I have never experienced that anywhere but that particular year and sad particular place in that particular store but at the time there was a lot of cartel gang type people going there working there and they were misbehaving and causing water trouble and after that I came back to that location two years later and the place had been completely cleaned up the district regional higher ups were there and I talked to them and they said we did a lot to clean up the store and we're going to be doing more and it was a completely different staff and it wasn't a playground for the amateur gangsters.

So that tells you something. What I'm find ing is that in the stores in this area that I've been that's exactly what I'm system that I'm 2 years ago where you go in you get bombarded you leave you feel like you've just been through the ringer but if you leave and come back in it's like a completely different fucking place which is totally bizarre but it happens we don't know how it works how do they do it microwave psycho management can chemical influence who the hell knows it could be changing spoon vendors but I doubt it those are very specific circumstances with the various specific people and once they wear you down and you age as much as I have they don't even bother using that anymore because you're not sensitive anymore you're not smart you're not psychic and remember a lot of people that are targeted are simply just powerful battery cells of energy that are and or psychic and you don't work for them so you can't exist so they rip out your wire and they burn you out and it's true what Alex Jones said it is a war for your mind but it's also a war to make sure you don't know how to use your mind that was given to you by nature it's all about me and your folk touring a reality I'm having you exist in it probably is a slave in the future it's already happening now. And if you look around you ever since like the last 10 15 years I've experienced in Boston anyway the experimentation of public space being managed as a private space and public space being turned into pseudo public space complete was environed hostile environmental design. And that's what's happening and that's another blog post as well because there's another theory that's very long term about why they're doing that.

So I don't know what causes the change in the feel of the environment why is so intense but that's what's important and it's very damaging just like it was that your experience and it's happening in the metro Boston area not everywhere certain places.

Now if somebody is feeble-minded targeted or someone with their little sacrifice with the poor loan shooter saying well I'm sure it could be prevented I'm not saying that the loan shooters I have simply for them you know but the problem is you have to remember that they most likely psychologically profile these people they make sure it's a fail they make sure there's very specific circumstances in the person is going to freak out it's going to work for that and most likely it's a male who has a sexual view system because that's part of this and there's either domestic violence or he can't get laid did you know that that's a major a future of a long shooter a male that can't get a partner it's very much based on testosterone and sexual abuse and isolation and loneliness and it's no surprise that a lot of little shooters aren't women.

So I can understand why people would be snapping right now not only is there a theory that their chosen their prime their forced their drug would have however the mentor in Kennedy works nowadays there's a theory in that but also the environment is conducive to that right now it feels really bad and it feels stressful more stressful than I've ever seen it and it feels bad since everybody got vaccinated and the masks were removed there's something wrong and I can feel it but that's why we do the activism we do on the internet in this community even though we suffer for it and people want to label us or hate us for it. Or laugh at it we save lives and we actually probably have stopped people from becoming loaned shooters or committing suicide because once you know it's a system view can come up with accounts or system and you can full exist with this in your life kind of like living with cancer you can survive you won't have the best quality life but you can have a life and remember life is what these people hate the most.

So they're denying not only the little shooter of his life but the people that he killed and it's a sad situation for everybody at all. And I'm really tired of the guns being blamed people can use anything as a weapon so you have to question why is this happening it's not mental illness even just that phrase is so big and it doesn't even make any sense In order for somebody to do an active terrorism they have to either be brainwashed and programmed like we know about Islam the extremists or they have to really be put into such a situation that they feel is if they do not have a choice and this is their only option for survival or that is a revenge for people taking their life from them so how can a system create such a monster in a world that's supposed to be about connection and inclusion?

Because all of this PC inclusion culture is actually creating a lot of exclusion and people are being left behind and an system in their perfect utopia that's going to create as long as everybody has a label and evictable card but it actually is very picky choosy and who gets included and a huge part of this is you have to be part of the form photography and all the bullying that goes on doesn't have to be in public with human forces doing socking and harassment it could be online even.

So whatever goes on with the individuals that are doing this I know this environment that I'm in right now is way different than it was last time I was here in the spring it's awful people are being jerks there's all this globalist middle class people coming in that are complete assholes what you're coming from is shithole and where you just came from is so great that you came here? Instead of getting a college education and going back to where you came from and fixing it. I have never seen a moreover privilege group of condo dwelling globalists middle class assholes who have attitude in our opinion to locals especially people that they saying don't matter because we're there from if you have a little bit of money people are just garbage in the street.

And who can tell if it's GS with race and immigrant beating or if it's your ignorance from people that come here and don't have to pay their dudes and their culture doesn't like anything that's having to do with poverty or whatever it is. And of course they're all young. If you're in the big city you're supposed to put your big girl and big boyfriend and you're supposed to mind your own business and there's one thing that the old money people that ran screaming out of here to get away from you and all the other new slobs that act like the Kardashians and think that that's classy and rich One thing they gave us that you can't obviously is dignity. That's the one thing you used to get in this area for all of the mystery men at the bad conditions and the corruption and the riff offs people either didn't draw attention to your situation or they were kind and classy about it. There's no dignity here and that's making life very hard because you have people coming here that don't want anything about dignity.

What is it that they say in finance by the fear cell degree well that's kind of what happened this is sheer green culture and as long as you join in with the feel good activism that's out there and press a couple hashtags and post some stuff or have a sign in your lawn so nobody busts your window in a riot you don't have to worry about morality or that's export doing good or being good or even having dignity for your fellow man or even politeness you can do whatever the fuck you want as an Amazon consuming greedy fuck and be used our again as you want as long as you car take in the prescribed supposed 'Hope and change' activism.

The other thing that seems to be your current is that I'm being given definite indication that I'm being watched and monitored as in when I go in line for something it seems like one of the people that works there to expect special attention to watch me as if I'm suspicious is there something's going to happen is if I'm dangerous and I feel definitely like I'm being guarded or watched or given special attention because somehow it's been designated that time dangerous. Now let me clarify and break this down for you how this works it could be that this is nothing more than a sigh off so here's how it would work. You know as a citizen that you've read about the loan shootings you know that there's an increase in law shootings you know the vision domestic terrorism anti-terrorism organization created by lightning. So if you know those things would your average person does they know that you know that. So it could be all fake bullshit so it appears as if the situation was real when actually it's just manufactured and made up by the people involved in organizing and harassment there is no list there is no danger it's just you're being gaslighted. It's fake it's made up they're acting they're making it look like that situation is happening when it's actually really not but it is stressful of course along with everyone being an asshole not everyone but you know there's a lot of people out here that are just it's like they left them loose on society after the young masking before the election and after the vaccinations.

The other thing in Siri that it could be would be that it's a local concocted thing. It would be easy enough for local authorities to frame me up now with a fake assessment fake testimony lies anonymous testimony false witness manufactured nonsense designating me to a list I don't belong on but because everything is so big in a bureaucracy now it's going to notice but I'm on the list anyway the way that Massachusetts plays games the way they did in 2016. It wouldn't be hard for this place with how corrupt and sneaky Yankees are too come up with manufacturing and framing me to be dangerous on a list I don't belong on and nobody would really figure it out cuz it wasn't really true and unless they investigated it or found out later on that it was a mistake but they can use it right now in the meantime it's kind of like a frame up. And if federal authorities might depend on local authorities then of course I'm screwed because the local authorities have framed me up in 2016 so why wouldn't they want to do it again or continue it as well as I never came forward and filed against people I didn't sue because I was being intimidated not to and I never sued anybody which I could have within the 3 years I could still try to sue under certain circumstances legal loopholes but it would be difficult especially with the lap dog system here of lawyers and judges of course I'm generalizing once again but it's pretty bad. The county that this predominantly happened and you have to remember makes all their money off of prisons military industrial complex contractors labs and big pharma companies and universities and colleges so you're talking to get very far with actual government or the will of the people or you know what I'm saying.

The other Siri could be that it's a game being played the other way around somebody in the fed is playing games with this new me and your factored antitor domestic terrorism thing or whatever this where it's coming from the administration which I consider to be legitimate federal government about as much as a piece of cardboard. I understand the government has a structure still remains but the deceptions and the smoking mirrors that him and his people and that whole camp bring with them because problems by using the fed for their smoking mirrors and their agenda and the good people can't do anything they can't do anything fast enough whatever it is so this might just be something coming from the top down which is now corrupt temporarily or it could be coming from local making it up and giving the information to the people at the top who have such a big list of people they don't know any better and the depending on local authorities to be accurate. Or it could just be as usual a big load of bullshit where it's totally fake and it's gas lighting and sigh up and there's actually no list and no danger and there's no listing you anywhere as anything.

So just be aware of those two circumstances that seem to be here now which is a false positive for being suspicious and suspected as a domestic terrorist or someone that might snap or dangerous because if you're experienced and feeling watched or guarded or that you were a person of interest as in profiling even you're going to have to just wait it out and ignore it because there is an election coming soon don't forget that so we're either going to have four more years with this clown and then we can take that to task at that time and make sure that this shit doesn't continue the way it's going now or they'll be someone new and it'll all change for better or worse.

And try to see if you are experiencing this new form of strategy in private spaces such as retail stores try my suggestion which is to go into the store mall around for about 5 10 minutes leave for 5 minutes or so and then come back and I guarantee it it'll be free and clear for you to do your business and leave now you have to remember that you might be reading this blog for ideas on self-defense and counter measures with the people who create the problems are also reading so they might count your accounter what we just came up with lol. However you have to depend on the idea perhaps you're pretty lazy and they're pretty uncreative and they can't really land on a dime that's our job that's usually what we're good at and that's why it's so much work cuz they just work you to death because they win by tonnage and you have to keep using all of your superior creative energy and intelligence and whatever else to keep counseling it instead of changing society or doing whatever the hell it is you should have been doing with your life that would have been amazing probably.

Being Target is kind of like being in a work camp on a change of prison they just work you to death when you really could be capable of a helicopter we using your energy and your brains elsewhere.

So don't forget that when you see them changing their tactics and strategies they're not smart enough to come up with this shit they just do it with the way they're laid out like gang members they just do it the way it's laid out and they just serve a purpose and that's it someone came up with this and it's very routine and they're lazy so they're just going to do it the way it's laid out so if you discover how to counter it works for a little while until they change their routines again but of course your entire life is spent mastering ways to counter their new games which of course then you end up wasting your whole fucking life doing this unless of course you're doing active results which is what they do so maybe someday we can put a stop to this or at least get organized like we were years ago with the conference calls and have a little more connectivity and organization without the corruption and people siphoning money and all the problems with her before and make it so we have a power structure account that isn't infiltrated by gas intelligence operatives. If any of you remember freedom from cover harassment if any of you remember that organization it was so peppered with so many ridiculous assholes there were genuine needy people in there and gen uine it was impressive but there was so many criminal opportunities some of the crap that the sabotours and agitators would come up with which is ridiculous and I think the smart people kind of knew who they were but it was really disruptive and that has to be done away with in any future organization that we create. But the more that they have like the Trump era that makes all conspiracy theory look like disinformation and fake news and in mental illness and then they have load shootings the more that's going to be put more and more towards if you are anti authority or you have to conspiracy theories and you don't go along with the system you're a danger and we have to stop this very soon but as you can see they've done a really good job getting rid of the TI community the base of it the groups the organization and now they've associated like one person that attended one of them conference calls became alone shooter well that shouldn't matter I mean it's like saying one person at any organization ends up doing something by or wrong whatever but when it's us of course because people are afraid of the subject matter one action of one individual they're going to use it as much as they can to fill if I the whole group. If remember the people deep down on their hearts know if there's something wrong with this system that there's something not right about one person being hated that much but they work off of the human natural inclination to mob. And before I was aware of my situation and before they started doing it in earnest after 9:00 like a lot of people I saw a situation where somebody was being mob locally and I wouldn't have recognized the truth from the lawyers about the person and the person ended up committing suicide and that was just a local situation. Because you're inclination is to believe address authority figure if they give you information on someone that's supposed to be damaging or supposed to be true when it makes the person look like they deserve to be shown or targeted. That was a very good lesson for me and I took that into my being targeted in earnest after 9/11 especially after I found out this is a theory that is the system and you can counter it. Because when I was uninitiated if you will I've seen modeling and it's very easy to go along with it when you don't know if this shadow system exists as a backdrop in your reality and there are plenty of people walking around that just don't get this because they don't know. As one mafia looking guy in Newport said to me the public don't know and he's right. They also told me to get the hell out of providence and get the hell out of the cities and stay in places away from these urban areas nowadays which of course is good advice but I guess I'm full hearty and I want the resources and the urban areas. But they're not wrong it's not the first person that's warned me that these cities are going to hell and they're becoming prisons and it's not going to be good to stay there so you should get out while you can it's just not that easy.

So that's basically my post at this point is it seems to be that's the thing I experienced in the several in the city now actively in multiple locations retail stores and all you have to do is walk in try to keep your what's about you with very hard realize they go on routine if that's what's happening and just walk out the door fucking 5 or 10 minutes and come back it really does work it's like when you need some air where you feel faint you go get some air and come back it's amazing the change to the environment. And like I said if you feel is if your being focused on with too much interest to profile you're being terrorized without idea it's probably just bullshit and with the long shootings and the new domestic terrorism organization they can I don't know make you believe it well if you don't have money in a place to live and you're disconnected from you know society and a lot of ways or you don't have anyone in your loop they can tell you what's going on you probably would believe it and that's what they depend on they depend on you being nice stupid and scared and just connected because that's the way they make people's lives become. And agreed there is a lot of race rating it doesn't stop and there is a lot of immigrant data and it's really really hard but what else is going to get an A on your chest in a liberal area but those things no one's going to listen to you if someone calls you the R word. You can have the best legal case in the world the most convincing story about having your life destroyed and right now the way it stands the brainwashing is so bad if you have the r on your chest you're going to be canceled


By the way be very cautious on public transportation they are under pressure at they are trouble right now and I do know what's going on if it's sad or if it's someone you know for theater if you know what I mean street theater on bus is on trains but it's getting really ridiculous it's a total clown at never fucking end so you're going to have to detach yourself and just try to come up with countermeasures and now I come to think of it if they wanted somebody to snap I guess they would put the pressure on when you're trying to get from place to place when you're trying to shop of course then that's most likely what's happening with people doing these horrible violence students. But realize that I don't know what's going on this summer but it's on.