Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Friday, September 26, 2008

"They told me you were nothin but trouble.."

Has any other TI experienced this? You are travelling and either your receiver is a perp or just someone who needs to kiss up to this system to a) stay IN biz or b) stay OUT of trouble/exposure.

This person already knows all about you, even if they dont admit it. They have that creepy thing going on where you just know...all TIs who have been stalked my the people in this system long enough develop a sense for these...participants. I wanted to write 'predators' but they dont deserve that much credit. Lazy drones that cannot think for themselves and have to blame the target for thier lacking of character (and a spine).

The person you encounter is nice enough but there is always that...conditional feel to it. Like you are on probation for life. Social probation.

Then if a legit problem arises and things cant go according to perp plans becuz you need to alter them, the person will out themselves by something like " My people in ____, told me you were nothing but trouble!" Which immediately reveals thier connection to the system that provides people with superior knowledge they shouldnt have.

Yes, sir (a-hole) I am nothing but trouble. I have suffered and tried to defend myself against the odds and becuz rightly I won the 'game at the table' becuz The House doesnt like loosing I will be oppressed for the rest of my I am troublesome.

The last incident I had like that that statement above was delivered with the same feel that troublesome teenage girls got in the 1950's if people screwed them up and no one wanted to admit to it so it was all this troublesome problem child/troublesome teen soon to be hysterical female adults fault. This is brainwashing at its best and all of society joins in to validate the original insult to the victim. The person who used it was about the right age to have come up in that era so it was amusing to see the old school overt version of this con being perpetrated.

Nowadays they say 'suspected mental illness' or 'slacker' whatever they can get away with to invalidate thier crimes and wrong doing. It has to be made out to be a trait or defect within the target not the target trying to fight oppression and corruption. This works especially well on attractive women who have little or no support and are going it alone. Still seen as candy by boys old and young she is not a thinking fighting warrior (even if she DOES have military programming and a soldier alter!) she is an object to be molded a person to be told what to do.

Besides this person had involvement in an industry for years, bad nasty years, that is infamous for throwing away inconvenient beautiful women and alleged involvement in mind control slaves.

I beleive that there is a silent but serious backlash against feminism in the USA perhaps the world. I have gotten it out of a few men that there is a great population out there that beleives women have been given too much freedom and that has caused all the changes in men on the street jobless or men not having girl friends.

Can you beleive this?
He is not 100% wrong however. Females are predators too and if given power will abuse it like males. Yes, there are too many women taking half of what a guy owns on his own or using kids against him in court.
But these sorts of men actually think that the males abuse of power needs to be countered by female enslavement to them. We are the things that will set thier fucked up ways all right.

These people wish for a society that is gone by, and they judge by social standards not individuals (my greatest oppressors).
I would not doubt if these men were not secret advocates of mind control slavery. At least the joining in of keeping a woman down or out of harming any career of a man, or any business that blindly serves powerful men.

These people need to realize something. Firstly too many women are being convinced by peer pressure to work and not stay home with children. Also, the greed forced on people in this country demands every family have alot of things or else you are not competing. This is why women work. Also alot of women are now nothing more that June Cleaver WITH a job so super mom is more work than it was before.

Woman are still being forced into roles against their wills so I dont want to hear the bitching. But I agree that women misuse power alot and that they misuse the laws about sexual harassment. Alot of times women are experiencing more of a psych harassment campaign and the perps might be male so use sexual harassment tactics leaving the woman to only defend herself with one law.

If you think I dont hate feminists as much as a chauvinist you are wrong. What once was a needed movement has become a sometimes weapon in the hands of selfish, narrow minded privileged white women and they exclude a person like me before I can even get near the door.

Its sad that there is a feel of the male chauvinist in on my harassment. Becuz I am the last person they should be attacking. But desperate people will attack a helpless woman instead of attack a female lawyer who is divorced and really threatens them.

I am not this average sort of woman. People keep kicking themselves trying to figure me out, to place me in the social norms and if I don't fit they will alter me.

I do not fit becuz I am a survivor of tbmc and programmed. My function was always to appear on the surface that I fit in somewhere.
I function on the primitive. I can function anywhere, anyhow, anytime. I am a female with drives and that is all I know. Any sophistication I have exists above society's norms and all the primitive exist below. Society's norms are meaningless to me. In order to survive in all environments I must understand the core of all people not some myopic made up reality that changes with time anyway. Each countries cultural norm differs..why must I be imprisoned?
It's stupid.

I dont understand other women who do not often investigate thier primitive drives. They have babies, that's about it. That seems to be all that they create alot of the time.

There are alot of other people like me, who are sophisticated yet primitive. What is the system going to do, behavior modify everyone? They'll probably try..and destroy alot of talent, intellect and quality of emotion/spirit in the process.
What a fuckin waste.
If attention wasnt drawn to me on purpose as a target then nobody would care what I was doing at all. Does the American people realize who they are serving and giving free labor to when they join in and target someone without thinking? People dont just get randomly targeted and if there are reasons given then they are bullshit reasons compared to what is truly going on.

The idea that I am just a woman is hysterical to me. Women, not just programmed women, all women are multi faceted creatures. Maybe its the Men and Weaker females who need to step off becuz they cant handle the darker parts of every female, especially the ones who are not afraid to investigate themselves.

I have to remember that sexist men will go along with This becuz it makes them feel they are doing something about thier 'wayward women' problem.
This is illegal human experimentation.

Of course the guys I talked to could be perps who know what is really going on but they just hand me some excuse that sounds like a social problem to cover for what they know is really transpiring.
Are they that smart I wonder? I know from experience that this systems people are that devious anyway.
It doesnt take brains to go along with a lynching. I would assume the environment at a genuine lynching is pretty anti intellectual. It takes ape like stupidity and dysfunctional family values like inwardness and denial.

Are you gonna vote for Obama? You realize of course he is the lollipop that is offered after the midnight rape dont you? Dont tell and we'll give you a good deal, one even more liberal than Clinton. He and his wiping of tears will make it all better. And hopefully everyone will magically forget about what happened....and all this mess will go into the history books as completely normal. I dont care about any of it really becuz I will be gangs talked as Obama comes into power and I'll be harassed as he leaves and the next person comes in.
For TI's it really doesnt matter. There will be no change for us.

If we move to another country there is no change. It only seems that Bush made it worse , but there is never a time when TI's will be free of harassment. Everyone else gets to have lives not us. And the fact that people, all people seem to know and ignore us still is probably the creepiest thing about all this.
Its the same always. There are targets, there are perps and thier are people who do not know and they would not be able to handle it or beleive if you even got them that far with informing them. So there is never anywhere for the Target to go.
And then everyone can join in making excuses for our behaviors and pushing us aside out of convenience. Even this blog must annoy some its just sooo annoying that I have to express myself. I fight to live and its just so inconvenient for the way most of the people with that attitude towards TI's are perpetrators or get something out of the system of oppression so dont feel bad. When you get crap in this way jsut train yourself to LOOK DOWN on the person giving you attitude, and there will be alot of them. THEY ARE NOT NORMAL.


The perps would like you to think that you were soooo powerless from the get go..but there is something you have that they are or were afraid of. That is why they must create this prison around you and it isnt right no matter how wrong they make you feel or out to be.

That woman I thought I recognized from the dentists office where they perped me. I saw her yesterday at a local mens shelter at the desk I think. She acted exasperated when I asked one of the men about some misdirection concerning the breakfast line. This Bitch put her hand over her eyes and sighed or whatever like 'this girl again'. My mother used to do that and she is an abuser. This bitch at this shelter was nasty and it was not her I was addressing. So watch for grossly inappropriate responses from a-holes like this woman...and beleive me. She should consider herself very fortunate to be in a system where she can act like that consequence free becuz if this was an isolated incident and if I had the energy there would be consequences to a peasant like her getting in my way or my affairs at all.
These people take advantage of the fact that your being kept down and always make a scene. Being nasty to someone who could kick thier ass physically and in any other way as far as competence and talent goes is thier little reward for assisting the system to destroy human lives.

This is why its so difficult to get out of. You have no proper support and who is around you are people who will not cease until they feel you have been reduced to beneath them.
I'll be brain dead in a wheel chair before they are satisfied and still they'd keep on going. This kind of abuse is all they know. They are covert killers and they serve to destroy and nothing else.

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