Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Friday, June 3, 2011

After Midnight It Always Gets Better

Yesterday was a hard day. Hurricane weather it seems. Which I got stuck in. But the storm broke something up here, something in the environment that was dragging everyone down and driving ME nuts. This is often why I say that chemical influence might be more influence than I understood previously.
And lightening storms are just heavenly in any heavily targeted area.

Napped today. Walked in a nice part of Cambridge and avoided the gs moves that are now beefed up to near constant during the day, and I will tell you why in other blog. It seems that gs and mc via tech or chemicals is seasonal here as well as other factors.

I feel so great. My natural intelligence, strength and aggression always returns when under favorable conditions after 12 midnight. Its amazing the way the remote influence forces me into a more feminine, helpless state. The gs itself is emasculating but the tech seems to have a feminizing power to it.

I am daily decreased to the level of a helpless female child. Years of life experience and confidence building gone. Snapped away by the system of mass mind control now in use in every major city in the United States.

Its interesting that they are all so afraid of being found out for conspiracy.

The way I grew up in this area of the country and the way my family is, its no big deal for human beings to try to attempt something like this to gain dominance over other human beings.

Everyone acts like its such a big deal. Its not. This is normal behavior for people in power...but it is going too far and must be exposed at least.

After that the people can do as they see fit..which might be worse than what the controllers now

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