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Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Dr Sleep-Take In the Book Not the Movie

This movie would be triggering to anyone who's not prepped or seasoned both conspiracy theorists and anyone dealing with deprogramming. If you are new to understanding you are a Survivor of SRA or programming or very sensitive to violence in movies please use caution if you watch the movie. There's child abductions and murder. Also anyone in recovery from alcohol/drugs should be prepared when viewing this you may even need to talk to someone or go to a meeting if you feel at all effected. 

This review of the movie let's you see content without it being as disturbing as watching it. You can decide for yourself if you want to view the movie. 


However, anyone who's had any experience reading about or understanding ritual killing this is pretty much what it amounts to. In the new conspiracy theory culture out there thats been created since late Obama and Trump being in office, with the creation of QAnon and other disinfo or misleading themes to misguide people, there's been much content concerning a subject referred to as 'adrenochrome'. If you do legit research on the medical aspects of the chemical it will make more sense. the fact is that conspiracy community has been researching and discussing ritual sacrifice, energy vampirism, SRA for years without really focusing on the mechanics of it. 

Constantly ranting about the chemical itself shows that this is a dumbed down, disinfo version of this issue designed to get common people to start obsessing over the word in a way they do over products they buy-things they recognize, without them understanding the nuances of ritual sacrifice, vampirism, greed, psychopathy, deception or even what it means to be human and live on this earth. Which of course those designing these half truth disinformation campaigns or traps, do for that very purpose. It's almost a form of terrorism as everything is nowadays and it must be fought with as much vigilance in the same ways. 

The world has always been this way this is nothing new. So what if certain people take part in such things in order for them to gain power or whatever they gain from the actions they take? First of all there's enough injustice in the world so why don't you focus on things you actually can fix that are right in front of you on a local level or dig deeper such as acknowledging child labor is required for our mobile devices etc? they don't want people to figure out and accomplish this and truly evolve.  Second of all humans being as predators is as natural as a shark eating fish. These things exist to keep our numbers down which diseases are not doing nowadays anyway.  This is not an unnatural action or is it anything 'super'natural. Supernatural is what they call things that science does not acknowledge, hasn't discovered yet or conveniently puts to the side because it's inconvenient and doesn't fit in with the knowledge they are showing you or that they do possess at this time. it's perfectly all natural. in other words it's the way of the world.

 If you don't want to be a victim then simply 'be as wise as serpents' (please don't reference reptilian conspiracy theory its just an old saying). you just have to be aware and informed don't be a victim don't let your children be victims.  A lot of energy and spiritual life force is taken from us just in the way we eat or the way we live the way we work the way we've been forced to relate to each other nowadays in this prison that they're building for us. trying to expose these practices and getting outraged, obsessed or offended does absolutely no good because they're not going to stop.  you'll never catch these people just like you'll never catch any of the really powerful child molesters or rapists or murderers.  you just have to make peace with this as the way in the world and do what you can in order to survive and flourish and protect those you come into contact with or reach out to with your words. When you stop being afraid and you see things clearly then you can go on with your life.

The horrors of imagination movies film and dreams are the worst horrors of all and that's what they manipulate with his new conspiracy theories that don't solve problems just create nightmares for us with no solutions and no resolution as well as movies and television which scare us and disturb us more than real life.

The film has some...'traps' for Survivors as they use that term in the movie. If you process these and are aware of their effect on your psych you can cycle their effects out. 

I have read a review of the movie and book in the link below. It seems the book is probably a lot better outcome which makes one ask why the movie goes the way it does. Which is why you should use caution. 

Doctor Sleep: How & Why Danny's Death Ruined His Ending

Perhaps read this review before watching the movie?

Danny and his companion Billy  do not die.  I'm not sure about about Abra's father.

Taking all of that into consideration, there are parts of the movie which will be very satisfying. The ultimate lesson is that we and I mean those of us who study these subjects because they pertain to us-have a choice of how we deal with the hands we've been dealt in this lifetime.

There is a much talked about graphic scene where a boy is killed. There's a review that says that King urged the director to tone it down so as not to alienate audiences.

It seems King has redeemed himself after that mind f*ck movie Room 1408, where the story was published in 1999 but the movie was released in 2007.
Again it seems the potential damage is from movie adaptations of his work where others are involved not the original writings. 

You may want to watch the more mundane parts of the movie a few times, avoiding the obvious stressful ones, in order to understand the story better. Which is the sign of bad movie production or delivery but that's what we get nowadays. A good film presents itself to us with all it's dimensions upon first viewing, this movie is rather 'flat' like everything else nowadays and you have to rewatch parts to see it's dimensions.

The movie is supposed to connect somehow to the old horror fav The Shining starring Jack Nicholson. When I started watching it was unaware of this but I did notice certain scenes and commented it looked like that old movie. It's not really that important as it seems reasonable to theorize that movie is used as a premise to make this one.

I don't particularly like the movies slightly inaccurate portrayal of 12 step programs though the inaccuracies are negotiable and I dislike the fact the 'bad guys' are Travelers. (Why don't they feed outside the US if they are that hungry?). Seeing two Irish actors pitted against each other especially a female with the remnants of a brogue is also a bit hard to take but that's what we get nowadays-disregard it. It creates conflict and that sells. 

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