Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
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Sunday, October 1, 2023

Great Example of Brainwashing and Disinformation:Breakdown of Deceptions of Legal Cases by Media for Special Interest Agendas

This podcast host maps out the media manipulation of legal cases in order to pursue furthering agendas instead of deliver genuine reliable information to the public. 

Keep in mind that I have always drawn content from many sources and have been helped, assisted, rescued and tipped off by peoples from all walks of life so I dont focus on her religious leanings or her Conservativism. 

She has exposed BLM financial fraud and has a documentary called The Greatest Lie Ever Sold which I'm going to watch soon. 

She points out the people who are suffering most from lawlessness after BLM/Antifa set standards using corporate sponsored domestic terror (and cult mind control tactics) are common black folk in underprivileged urban areas.

the problem is the public gets caught up in a moment of media frenzies and then move on. Manipulators depend on this predictable short term memory. 
People aren't paying attention to people exposing how BLM basically stole everybody's money and it could have been put to much better use people haven't noticed with the passing of the events alot of BLM activists are dying mysterious deaths or suffering ill fate just like witnesses from 9/11 or Kennedys assassination, Watergate etc. A statue of a BLM activist in England was taken down the day after it was put up-it's all for show. 
People are naive about how all of us are basically allowed to exist-even the most feared criminals or people in powerful positions. Make the wrong moves and you're no longer useful or tolerated. That's just being realistic about power and the way the world really works. It's laughable that people think they are fighting the "system" when they still get to work at (and disrupt from) corporate chain jobs or the fact that corporate seemed fully supportive of BLM/Antifa which should be suspect in itself. 
A wise black man once wrote a song in the 60s with lyrics telling us "the revolution will not be televised"-that probably applies to social media and the Internet nowadays as well. 
I'm afraid for African Americans nowadays. Believe me, if you poke the bear when it comes to White society you'll see the reality of what shaped 'white people'.
 I'm afraid of some kind of Hitler type reaction. I understand those were complex circumstances and it could probably never happen today as it was a different country and time but something is going to break at some point. 

I'm afraid that people will abandon African-Americans. It's definitely causing separatism. 

A perfect example is during BLM during the pandemic there was a black owned bookstore and the female owner wanted to educate whites as this was inspired by BLM.  Well what happened is that because of the pandemic the books couldn't get delivered fast enough to the people that were ordering them mostly white consumers trying to get into buying all these books by this black company because of the BLM media frenzy so when the books didn't get delivered these people immediately turned on the company and complained about black run businesses and "see black people can't run things" and all these complaints that were totally defeating the purpose of what the woman and her company were trying to do to begin with. she became very disillusioned and disappointed and the whole thing fell apart. If there's one thing Republicans can teach us usually black Republicans is that it has to happen naturally. you have to have exceptionalism and a meritocracy and opportunity not forced equality for unqualified people. this all should have been put into motion just like the environmental movement 20 30 40 50 years ago. Forcing people into a situation like this in desperation under duress is never a good idea because then that means there's somebody else in control of the process and not the people involved. Sounds like a situation of two cultures not knowing enough about each other before making expectations. 

 Cathy O'Brien a woman claiming to be a survivor of mind control internal programming who wrote Transformation of America said in an interview that HW Bush or somebody in the room with that crowd told her that "one day people will want to be Republican because the system will become so bad". It may be that driving the left to these lengths and perverting it so will give people no alternative but to join the other side. 

I can't give you my take from years of life experience on the black community because nowadays if you speak out in any way that is against the agenda they're actually insinuating that you'll get beat up by random people.  People might have seen what you wrote and have your face on their phone that's what drives these movements -mob violence. 
I probably won't win against a younger person or multiple younger people because these kids like to mob people in groups I probably wouldn't win if they tried hit me or beat me up because my body is braking down from years of traveling. 

That's how they're intimidating older generations because you are afraid your face will be somewhere and some people say that's her she wrote this and call it racist and then you've seen what they do to people they're crazy they're worse than Nazis. 
 I don't need to share my truth to people to help them and then someone's going to get pissed off and take it and label it something else.

If you think about it that way Candace Owen has lot of balls and you can write her off as a right-wing Republican Christian zealot but she seems to be a lot more than that.  

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