Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

 Update: thank you for fixing this issue. 

Here we go again, there's a certain supermarket that's a nice local shop that used to be cool and that for my what I know the only Union supermarket in this area of Massachusetts outside the Boston area I remember a couple years ago they had a union strike. Funny after the union strike they put in these robots that supposedly is supposed to catch spills but it doesn't really work because if there's sugar on the floor which actually is dangerous for customers it doesn't notice it but it'll scream over like a gum wrapper in the aisle it's got cameras all over it and even the people that work there a couple months ago was saying it's very suspicious that those robots came in there after the Union strike.

Well it looks like they've added something else to prevent that from happening again in theory they used to be a nice local group of people I'm talking about saugus I'm talking about reading I'm talking about north of boston. Now in this supermarket which I will not name so you can't send emails under my name to threaten them I'm not falling for that again like in 2016 but I don't appreciate my freedom of speech and me being a whistle-blower on these stores that are now infiltrated and/or corrupt making it so I can't tell people that this danger or that they might be harassed. So now you see that the store which I will not name whose initial start with s&s this store chain used to be local used to be decent only bad employees in certain areas generally a good company I know they have good produce. So at least now we have a motive to see exactly what it could be that's causing this they got feds or somebody or private security company something getting in there at management or some other level in order to make it so they don't have to deal with a strike ever again so it's a form of union busting that could be it but it can also be that it's getting infiltrated from the same people that caused all the nonsense in 2020. Remember the FBI has listed gangs drug running people human trafficking people these people have been listed as a national threat to national security because what they're doing is they're getting normal jobs the infiltrating hospitals retail and they're getting normal jobs and they appear to be just working there but they're connected to cartels and everything else you can imagine.

So this formally decent chain in the last few months I have been made to feel uncomfortable I've been made to feel as if there's something wrong with me due to the funky way I dress so there's cultural insensitivity and discrimination potentially I am being made to feel like I'm crazy or I might go crazy or there's something wrong with me generally I'm being treated as if this is a bait and wait which of course I'm too smart to fall for but they're trying their hardest also I've noticed that there's a floater manager who's an African-American guy with some kind of braids or dreads or something else and he's at all the stores around here in this area and when I show up every single time I'm at the register he's up above I feel like I'm being stalked at this point he's up above where administration and management hang out way up if you look up there's an area where they watch the whole store every single visit to multiple stores in this area when I go to check out he's right there watching what everybody's doing on the floor and I get mobbed in theory.

I've had people itself check out have other people come up and whisper something to them and they look at me and it's like the whole thing is about making it look as if there's something going on and I'm doing something wrong but we all know this is psychological warfare and it's all bullshit I ain't doing nothing wrong. So fix this asshole or I am going to drag you through the mud through courtrooms and be a complete bitch cuz you know that I can and maybe my family will help me if you know what I mean cuz this is a local store I don't care who bought them out recently that's another problem we're getting all these big corporatocracy globalist companies buying a local stores what do you get from that the agenda and the military industrial complex and big pharma the complex so now you can't even trust anybody infiltrating the stores cuz it ain't kept nice and local no more by the old God who protected us here if you know what I mean another words you can either pick the mafia as bad guys or you can pick the globalist as bad guys they're both violent psychopaths and sociopaths that don't really care about people just money but at least the mob guys protected poor people and old ladies I don't see the globalist doing that I see him trying to get rid of anybody that doesn't fit in to this system of who's useful who's going to pay off in the future and who isn't.

So I expect to walk into this local chain where I have been befriended chatted with and had an easy time shopping cuz I am a fucking local I expect to be treated like I've always been treated with respect and like I'm a local and they're locals I don't want to see somebody who looks like he's coming in from someplace else infiltrating and then fucking with me because you know I have the brains to fix it just because I dress funky don't mean I'm a fool you're the fools if you think that and I don't give a fuck what your goddamn problem is with some union strike ain't my goddamn problem. I didn't support the motherfuckers cuz I needed to eat I'm staying in the damn fucking hotel cuz I ain't allowed to get a place to live I mean I've been homeless for years out of a storage space cuz I'm an actual real activist it's a true threat to the system I was frame three times in 2016 ain't no mother fucking way you're getting paid a guaranteed rate per hour and some stupid supermarket and I'm going to sit there and kiss your mother fucking ass by not going in there and buying food when that's the only place nearby I ain't got a God damn car and I got some lady who's giving me money off this blog supporting me which I don't have now by the way that's what happened during that union strike and we was wearing our fucking battle vests we're travelers you know what a battle vest is in the metal scene it's the same thing we earned on motherfucking colors we're older we've been out there we travel so I go in and there's a cop there and he just looks at the people with the signs protesting and he's looking at them like don't even fucking yell at them don't even go there cuz he fucking knows the police and travelers often have a working relationship we go to the same gear shops you know we have patches day of course you have patches on their clothes it means something but we both kind of have a militarized thing going on with our lifestyle the only thing is they get to go home and take their shoes off and get into a nice warm bed but that's fine I'd rather work with them and have them fucking protect me. I bet you have to idiot it's working in this place probably attended protest and helped the movement that got those cops killed all over the country for fucking years on end during a fucking pandemic while people like me had to shelter in place on a church God damn porch because they forgot about homeless people when the pandemic came and again we're damn lucky that we're local and people fucking support us and help us and we help them we watched that church to keep the meth heads out during the pandemic and they let us shelter in place there anyway we would God damn lucky it was summertime. So I'm a real superhero and you're a jerk off working in some stupid store do not fuck with me because I am way smarter than you and I will make sure that that mother fucking environment that I need and want that's peaceful and local and cordial and takes away from my stressors when I go in there I will make sure it returns back to normal and your ass is out of there cuz nobody is going to keep on ruining our local institutions.

They've already destroyed dunkin' donuts. Talk about a globalist agenda well that's what happens when the feds infiltrate the place cuz they want to catch people laundering money like the mob guys in the old days to dunkin' donuts as well as discussing business there kind of like they infiltrated like the churches cuz the mob guys would go discuss their business and the churches so they bug the places the Catholic churches understandable. But it's not my problem and it's not my war I have my own war I'm dealing with with the system and it's very in the future up and coming and it's very much going to pay off only when I'm very old is my work going to really show it's relevancy to your average stupid person who unfortunately I have to deal with every day right now. When I was down in Austin Texas they wouldn't even let Dunkin donuts into the city limits and there's a reason for that cuz they're not an honest company. I don't have any personal grievance against them and I buy their coffee so don't get any ideas for sending emails under my name to Dunkin donuts. There's no motive. But I do expect to have things go back to normal and stop being baited and waited in that God damn supermarket.

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