Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Left Behind By 'Social Justice'

 Since when does corporate side with publicly something that would effect their business, dominance or bottom line? 


The public have now forgotten about the war started under false pretenses in 2001. Theyve forgotten about the questions still unanswered about  9-11 (and the odd, mysterious deaths of alot of witnesses and activists). 

Julian Assange has been put out to pasture. Bradley Manning got out by becoming Chelsea Manning. 

Harvard will host Farrakhan (and Jeff Epstein lol) but not Manning. Theyve obviously mended their relationship with the military industrial complex (but always had a cozy intelligence relationship. Gloria Stienem, MK Ultra etc).

All the conspiracy theorists have either been framed or run out of town on a rail if you will. That includes myself and some very effective important people working on awareness and helping Survivors and TIs that would have had no where else to turn.  Very important work, organizations, websites and YT channels are now completely gone or dismantled becuz of the systematic war on whistleblowers and activists since Obama's second term into Trump's. 

The attention of the public even those marginalized like the homeless been turned to now be completely focused on 'Social Justice' as if their issues are the ONLY things wrong with the world we live in. There a very dangerous perception that the only problems that exist are those we can see overly and plainly in site. That covert actions or sinister intent or deceptions are something from the past, that went out with the Cold War. 

The payoff for buying into this cult mind control system is that supposedly once the identified problems are all solved then we will have a utopia where theres no hate, everyone gets along and lives in peace and prosperity under the Corporatocracy and the Complex. 

It's like any cult mind set where you get some sort of unrealistic perfect world or find god if you just do as the cult says.

We are dealing with selective memory as well as selective victimhood. 

If people knew about TIs and compared them to the victimhood culture poster children of Social Justice which do you think that people would say are more marginalized, more oppressed or more tortured. 

Just becuz you are forced to leave behind those you cannot help does not mean they no longer exist. With that viewpoint and insistence on that reality as the only choice you may as well be working for the bad guys

And that's exactly the way going to go. Naive kids, oppressed desperate people and well meaning citizens are playing right into the hands of the kinds of people who TIs have been dealing with for decades passing on our knowledge to the next new comers  and its always the same. No matter what policies change or who's in office we remain. So does the system that oppresses us. 

Do not take on social issues and at the same time try to start systematically denying conspiracy theories or claims of a shadow system. These are two very different things and if you agree to one not the other you are just as bad as the people who are responsible for the oppression of either. 

You cant 'change the world' and be part of a corrupt system at the same time. You can't have signs on your lawn claiming 'hate doesnt live here' then be part of a non stop war for profit death machine known as the modern day military industrial complex. You cant claim to want environmental change while still partaking in planned obsolescence and consumerism. 

If you do partake of just comfort zone, feel good half measures then admit you and your 'social justice' 'environmental justice' everything-fucking-justice warriors (lol) stand for just what pertains to institutional  change but that you do NOT CHALLENGE THOSE INSTITUTIONS. That you are concerned about social conditions yet only in western society with countries we arent at war with. 

Admit that with BLM, Antifa and fat lives matter, and LGBT rights-ANTI HOMELESSNESS HAS RISEN....becuz these social concerns and institutional changes just happen to be occurring at the same time as a major nationwide building boom that's displacing more people than ever, not building housing and creating much of the homeless population you're all bitching about and sneering at in public places.  The same banksters that fund these projects you must remember launder the money of the assholes flooding very bad drugs into the streets in recent years-another factor in high homeless numbers. 

Nowadays the system isn't just getting certain classes of kids and adults on drugs for the purposes of simply social control and to make sure they don't get into top universities where they, more than the Victimhood kids, would question even CHALLENGE the system at its core and probably demand REAL CHANGE not just demand better conditions in the prison we now live in. That's the difference. 

The people now being lifted up have a price for their dissent and compliance that if paid, they will gladly be part of the culture and the west and its economy. In fact corporate is betting on it. Getting people into the workforce out of poverty or marginalized sub cultures benefits them. Becuz you arent arguing about the nature of their reality or its problems you are only demanding to be included in it so you can partake in it. This isn't the 90s where we are demanding to be have the power to create cultures or even economic outlets ALTERNATIVE to the establishment-social justice is a product of the corporate culture we all now live in.  The term 'Inclusion' should illustrate that from the start. 

What if I don't want to be included as part of your thing, this big globalist thing but demand respect and legitimacy for being part of my own or creating my own? 

Any kid who's grown up with the surveillance state, raised by the state controlling their lives through their education and then has never known anything other than being 'connected' through being online the Internet as well as has never seen a world where everything around them wasn't corporate sameness or wasn't defined by corporate or provided by corporate IS NOT GOING TO BE A TRUSTWORTHY GUIDE THROUGH CHALLENGING THE SYSTEM or demanding that genuine, substantial change occur THAT BENEFITS ALL OF HUMANITY not just identified victimhood groups via tribalism.

I get more shit for my dressing from a slightly bohemian SUBCULTURE and sometimes its obvious I'm houseless (going to the laundry in using a cart or whatever) from youngsters nowadays than I've ever seen in major metropolitan cities that have major universities in them. 

My being older than 35 somehow qualifies me to automatically be a white supremacist and not know anything about anything even though I've been alive for 50 yrs.


If that weren't true then why are they such assholes and so uptight and judgemental to ANYONE that doenst look, think or believe like them yet profess 'Inclusion, Diversity and EQUALITY'?

Becuz they arent warriors or rebels or here to improve conditions for all. They are errand boys and girls for the deceptive and sneaky people in power who come up with shit like this to utilize youth as their personal armies to break down society to suit their agenda whenever they manufacture such creatures throughout their lives for that very purpose. 

I've heard some audio of actual college professors talking to these kids and they weren't teaching them-they were instructing them and putting THEIR views into their minds.

How do I know all this? Becuz before these kids were born I grew up with the exact same kind of people who went through the same thing-my parents. And it didnt work then and it's not going to work now. 

For what change will occur that's beneficial the damage will far outweigh it and the control given to those in power will be so damaging that I hope the little bastardds live to regret it but like our parents who still live in an acid induced fantasy world that thier 'special time' that lasted way over its limits, was valid and necessary and came about organically and they will stand by it until they take their last breath.

LSD human experimentation via military and CIA in projects like MK Ultra and related were post WW2 and heavily relied on Nazi scientists being procured and recruited through Project Paperclip. That was from the 40s into the 50s which was the height of the experimentation. 

In the 60s LSD started showing up in the western subculture, pushed by the universities and colleges-just like today's SJW and hijacking PC to create the cult it is now. And with that LSD was used along with music and supposed world changing youth culture to break down society and destroy history. 

After realizing this, I had to accept that EVERYTHING LEFTIST AND LIBERAL I HAD BEEN RAISED WITH GROWING UP IN AN AREA INFLUENCED BY MAJOR IVY LEAGUE UNIVERSITIES AND LIBERAL INSTITUTIONS WAS A LIE...or at least a part of a Machievellian long term plan per a major agenda. 

It hasn't been easy but after 9-11 I realized HOW FAR THIS HAD GONE and that it wasn't going to get any better. It became evident that THE TRUTH WAS THE ONLY IMPORTANT THING. 

Above all I've seen valued, correct information and what is true and fact seems to be most dangerous, most destructive or most capable of reaffirming life on this planet

Not one ideology or the other. Not one political affiliation or another

 Me and my friends or partner have had to go into stores or gyms or anywhere these brainwashed kids work becuz they hire mostly kids nowadays, and be controlled, judged and feel like we have no power in a world where WE ARE THE ADULTS AND THEY ARE THE KIDS. 

If that isn't fascist I don't know what is. 

Do not trust the current deceptions. Realize defunding the police is an insanely stupid idea. That vilifying 'whiteness' or history or all police is just as Nazis or East German Stasi or Russia putting dissidents into Gulags or using punitive psychiatry or Chinese oppression of dissidents or groups. 

People prefer a comfort zone but the problems on this planet have gone far beyond any comfortable level a long time ago. Pretending is not going to solve things. 

Neither is taking the easy way out and siding with might makes right. 

Years ago a German woman who owned a sports team was totally fucked over by the medical becuz she had tried to explain in her experience how Nazi Germany came to be. She was old enough to remember I guess as this was decades ago she was misrepresented by the media.

She made the statement that "in the beginning, Hitlet was good but then"..something about he began his reign of terror or that it became evident that he wasn't what he had appeared and the horror began etc.

She is historically correct. But her career and name were destroyed for that statement. I guess someone wanted to take the team ownership from her lol. Also it shows how showcasing a certain clip or thing in media people can be manipulated to its meaning or what the bigger picture is.

Like behaving as police brutality only effects black people. How many Native Americans were genocided  on the land you are standing on reading this RIGHT NOW?  The concept of 'People of Color' is racist in itself and totally inaccurate. Its cultural and value differences even behavior that cause conflict not skin shade. This may be a naturally occurring factor in all humans for preferences but these things quickly fade once people realize they have more things in common than differences even in appearance. 

If not then those of any shade or culture who prefer their own kind are not going to be comfortable with what we now call 'diversity' and should be left alone to live as theyplease. . I've met just as many black people who prefer living among or generally their own kind or neighborhoods etc as I have any other 'shade' of person. Get real and grow the fuck up. Humans arent crayons. Are u as slow as Forrest Gump? 'Well, Obama said people are just like a box of crayons'. No, they are not. They have histories, ethnic backgrounds, cultural values, differences among even themselves, nuances and it's all very complex. 

Easy answers are usually deadly.

Anyway this woman was correct that the political party Hitler was part of did built roads and create jobs and alleviate much damage inflicted by WW1. After the German people started seeing Brown Shirts, Storm Troopers and the SS Guard they knew it wasn't what it appeared but how are you now going to get out of it? How are you going to escape. You could become one of the persecuted. And anyone who didnt see this as the reality was probably brainwashed at that point or simple and naive-taking to whoever was in power regardless of what they did.

Much like right now. What is going on right now. 

And Hitler probably wouldn't have rose to power without an agenda in place. Probably similar to any other time period. 

Your not changing or improving shit for humanity at large. Stop acting like your crusades are the only ones that matter or that nothing else exists. 

Until the black community addresses COINTELPRO and exactly how far it went and where exactly those traitors went and where are they and their next generations today I don't want to deal with the prospect that racial civil rights or gay rights issues is going to solve all of humanity's problems. 

Theres always going to be this sewer that exists where TIs and Survivors and other people have to keep working. 

The fact that at the same.time Social Justice is rising that activism such as ours or any conspiracy theorists are being destroyed, discredited or even deemed 'dangerous', while the same authorities EMBRACE Social Justice agendas-I am not going to trust any of this.

And I am not going to be framed in 2016 then go quietly 3 years later after most of my activist community has been systematically dismantled simply becuz a bunch of violent brainwashed kids and other people are basically telling me I DONT MATTER and my causes arent important or worse dont even exist. 

If these people really cared about police brutality they wud face the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX INFLUENCE on modern police force. Not try to defund policed depts.

However getting rid of human officers and replacing them with AI robot androids for a Transhumanist agenda to avoid human error in their perfect utopia they are building seems to be a predictable move for an agenda that is probably not what it seems

 We are still here and we are still watching

 We know what to look for. And when the smoke clears from your recent war on society and the chaos you've caused, we will mind you just as any other enemy. And.if we find you are part of the problem and not the solutions you claim

We will continue to expose and attack you as part of that system just as we did before

Dont masquerade with the TI and Survivor community. We have been spotting deceptions since being born into them, created by them and being raised by them. 

Theres nothing that we resent more


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