Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

I Knew There Was A Reason I Felt Like My Life No Longer 'Mattered' When Coming Back To The City Today

Ah more Covid Dem power grab. 

This changes nothing. You can keep drowning out the voices of those who want to expose the most dangerous corruption and focus on the genuinely pressing issues to all of humanity all you want with diversionary political agendas. Our voices have been present since 9-11 and before. 

All the tricks in the book won't stop the truth from coming out.  They are hoping if they keep weaponizing and weakening the right things no one will listen any longer. 

You can re engineer society all you want. You can claim all conspiracy theories are fake news or delusion or that conspiracy theories are 'dangerous' til your blue in the face. 

Ive fought too long to be brushed aside and forgotten about. 

Fuck China btw and whatever agenda we are now pushing through. 

No ONE nation wins this. The issues our community works on are of global proportion. 

New world orders have come and gone...the Truth stands forever. Keep trying to bury it under special interests, politics, diversions and endless noise. 

It won't work. 

WE still matter. 

Btw, this is the same city councilor who insisted that Dudley Sq and the bus that goes there (from Harvard Sq) be renamed 'Nubian Square'. 

Attempting to associate African Americans with Nubians just becuz they are from the continent  of Africa is like trying to say Americans from the west coast and mid west are somehow associated with being New Yorkers-just becuz it is part of the same continent.  

Also I'm sick of denial of reverse racism which Boston is known for and there's been multiple legal cases over decades involving this issue from the fire department's hiring practices to the public school system. Part marketing Jayney is to refer to her having been in school during bussing in the 70s (Liberal elitist social experimentation with poor people's lives while they sent their kids to private schools to avoid the chaos that resulted from their social engineering).  I came from a foster home in a far off suburb when returned to my mother who as a single parent worked nights. The elites took white kids and bussed them to black areas and took black kids and bussed them to white areas (all poor or lower middle to middle-never wealthy) believing this would create a better chance for the black population.  

I was attacked daily for being white on the bus that went to the big elementary school that was where the white kids were bussed in and it was mixed not all white. The bus monitors  were black and didn't do shit about it becuz this is the reality  of the black ghettos. 

My mom thought keeping me closer to home would  help so the system said I could go to the school right across the street from our apartment  that was where the black kids were bussed into. This elementary was mostly black-kids from Mattapan in Boston etc. The only benefit was teachers could step in and stop any violence but it was always too late when they did. Boston traditionally allows street violence and public arguments without interference.  You were expected to fight as part of being a Bostonian of lower class and that was for a lifetime not just in youth. 

Black girls would tell me "my mama told me to beat you up cuz yous white".  These girls claimed that when they went home a family member hiding behind the door would attack them daily until they learned to fight back. My mother said it's all part of 'toughening you up' as part of their culture. 

I also saw first hand the REALITY of the LIES of the leftist Democratic Liberal elites.


The bare bones of the curriculum was outrageous and by today's standards wouldn't be tolerated.  

We had no gym class. We were let back outside into the same concrete, graffitied, metal fenced area outside the school buikidy building that was used for recess and we would either play double Dutch jump rope-or get into more physical fights. 

I don't recall getting any sympathy in this life due to the allegedly hard circumstances I grew up with.  In fact the latest trendy agenda of the elitist Liberal assholes is to create an army of overeducated brainwashed spoilt brats who are sheltered, indoctrinated and extremely dangerous to our US Constitution and everything that makes America unique, who are taught that 'reverse racism' does not exist and believe it becuz they don't venture into the REAL WORLD of REAL PEOPLE to find out. Such are an entire generation of humans raised in a false universe known as The Internet.  

If you don't see how this resembles Nazi Germany or any other similar agenda our blind. First they get rid of the artists, then the intellectuals, then the poorest lower classes (here it's the homeless) and no one is allowed to question or even counter the official stories or lines of thinking or policy without being jailed, ostracized out of society (Cancel Culture) or have punitive psychiatry used on them to 'cure' their dissident views.


I don't give a fuck who you are or how much of a victim you  or your 'people' are. Learned helplessness was bad enough now its graduated  to Victimhood culture? 

All African Americans in this country come from UNDER HALF A MILLION PEOPLE taken from CENTRAL, WEST and to a lesser degree SOUTH AFRICA.  The estimate is 12 million were transporter and 10 million survived. 

Those areas of Africa are nowhere near ancient Nubia.

Also one case of a people's enslavement or genocide does not make that case any more or less important than any other peoples. 

If you think any of us are fooled by trying to include Native Americans in the 'Peoples of Color' insanely childish simplistic race theory you aren't fooling anyone. Native activists themselves have always protested, mentioned and resented historical attempts to "mix them down into the lower classes" to get rid of their culture and thus their claim to the land and bury the history of their genocide. 

The very fact this genocide is ignored for its sheer numbers in favor of other peoples is outrageous and always has been. Americans try to claim that the Natives died off of disease naturally or starved naturally.  History if researched properly shows that Native Americans were killed off by methods such as germ warfare and starvation ON PURPOSE.  

In a global world places like Boston try to hide their agendas and corrupt past and present a very different view to the rest of the world. Trust a lifetime 4th generation local-this area of the country is elitist in its operations and along with organized crime, this will always be the way it operates. 

In Boston corporate diversity simply means 'black people'. And then local blacks complain to me that a company only hires Haitians and they discriminate against local blacks. Corporate chains here hire with what I call 'corporate ghetto-ization' or 'ghetto-ization of corporate'. A chain location makes sure they only hire one kind of ethnicity from basically the same country or general area. I hardly ever see diversity as it's done in California where people are from everywhere but have to be up to corporate standard to be hired. 

In a place like the northeast and MA generally this isn't possible due to size, density and the fact that the power structure isn't genuinely corporate as it is in Cali. It's also mainly due to the elite wanting to maintain their position first and foremost-the only way to do this is to ensure Divide and Conquer which they've been pulling off with Machievellian expertise for centuries. 

Just becuz the mafia has been replaced by military complex contractors and the elite acedamia has been infiltrated by people who claim to be more communist and revolutionary traditionally than the W.A.S.P.  old guard doesn't mean that changes anything. Everything the northeast touches becomes elitist in nature.

There's not enough room, enough land, enough resources or enough of anything to go around in any manner that would be considered fair. Its just the nature of the area due to its design and its geographic location. 

Thus we see the reality of how a geographical area forms a certain type of people and cultures based on conditions and what people need to have an evolutionary advantage.  Just as in ethnicities.  This is the reality of humans. Bottom line is that IF WE WERE ALL GENUINELY CAPABLE OF EQUALITY WE WOULD NOT HAVE ENDLESS WARS ABROAD. Most of the war torn areas consist of primitive, tribal peoples that the west is determined to 'civilize' in order to continue to build a globalist world order. 


The only 'diversity' these asssholes want is to make sure that everyone of every color, creed and background becomes civilized and indoctrinated into a globalist industrialized culture of corporate sameness. They do not want our earth's global diversity that exists naturally.  As long as everyone is plugged into the same technological network, taking the same psych meds and drinking coffee at the same big corporate chains that have taken over our world-then there will be 'peace'. 


To be honest, until I hear a lot more about what went on during the COINTELPRO infiltration of the African American civil rights movement as well as the social engineering/ modification of blacks using gang formation, crack cocaine, privatized prisons and rap music not long afterwards- I do not trust the African American community in any fight or resistance against globalism or what some people call the New World Order. If anything they are now positioned to benefit from it, sadly the price being offered for what they should have been given as their due decades ago. 

We all know the situation and history concerning African Americans is immoral, illegal and wrong. However it is feasible that people who have served as spies and slaves for so long could be still serving in that capacity even unknowingly and unbeknownst to them especially in a very manipulative and deceptive place such as the northeastern USA. 

Becuz many of us sense that this 'revolution' and 'progress' is not what it seems and it's being done the wrong way. There are people being left behind, people being displaced, victimized and scapegoated.  We all know deep down this is just another social engineering scheme, to ultimately benefit the power structure becuz of the way it's being done. 

It's not happening naturally which it should have and the very same powers that ensured it did not occur naturally are those now ensuring it occurs forcefully with destruction not creating something new, with hate not care and human compassion or good. It's not for the good of all. Using exclusion not inclusion. Creating a prison not a promised land. 

Using intimidation, force and war not well meaning construction for the common good and for generations to come to live in a better world. 

This is also the con of the new corporate driven environmental agenda-too much too late and not in the right places, again being used to cause upheaval, generate profit and to destroy the old to gain control of the new. 

Playing the old shell game-rearranging people isn't change. It's the same old games those in power always play and I am shocked that humans still fall for them.

Modern and westernized humans arent capable of EQUALITY nor ENVIRONMENTALISM. If you want to be taken seriously by those really paying attention first get rid of planned obsolescence and nuclear everything and stop all wars-a species capable of 5g and AI should not still be involved in warfare.

Until then, I refuse to give in to slavery, brainwashing especially by means of intimidation and violence. 

All that does is prove that it's by force and it's a lie and also that the old stereotypes are true-that certain peoples solve all their problems with violence which I've experienced all my life, due to their genetic makeup and their having higher testosterone and adrenaline levels which they retain from their homeland where it gave them evolutionary advantage.

I also don't trust the unrealistic presentation of African Americans as Africans. 85% of African Americans possess European DNA-mostly of the blonde variety. 

What I see more so than African sensibilities are those of other ancestors. Perhaps it's the 'White Devils' within that are driving them to deceptive, violent agendas using force. 

Personally I like or dislike African Americans based on how I respond to what kind of European DNA they have not their African ancestry.

This is becuz Europeans are very different and have a history of in-fighting. Much like the African tribes and nations, from what I've been told by Africans themselves. 

Life, people, society it's all so much more complex in what makes it, what the problems are and how to fix it than easy answers. 

When I was young, my interracial friends parents couldn't get a table in a restaurant for us to sit at. You had to really want to be together to be interracial. 

Now its marketed and its trendy and its encouraged and it's considered contributing to the common good. 

My point is that whatever the system, mainstream or power structure tells people to do must be questioned becuz the changes usually occur unnaturally with destruction and by force and there's always casualties. And its always for THE BENEFIT OF THE POWER STRUCTURE not of the people. 

If EQUALITY can exist in MA and it's all altruistic wonderful progressiveness to create fairness then why has my life gone the way it has as well as my mothers yet family members who were involved in  organized crime have been given all the benefits of a good life and opportunities as well as old acquaintances that were career criminals now lead normal lives unscathed, as if nothing unusual had occurred or an ex of mine who had committed crimes and then tried to frame me had doors to Hollywood opened up to him soon afterwards as a payoff? 

Becuz MA is rotten to its core with corruption and abuse of power and nepotism, elitism, snobbery, greed etc. MA is and has been involved in things people would not believe unless its researched. Yankees are masters of maintaining a 'good front' and have been doing so since the Salem Witch Burnings-appearing 'goodly' and righteous through piety whilst committing the most horrible crimes against humanity in the interest of greed, acquisition and maintaining power. 

NYC has more remorse for its misdeeds than MA or Boston ever will. 

I recently found out that an island off the coast of Massachusetts was where Project Paperclip began and was maintained-not somewhere in DC as people might perceive. .

And that is the key. Perceptions. Boston is excellent at hiding things and in managing perceptions. 

And anyone paying attention shouldn't fall for it yet again. 

All the real black revolutionaries are dead. Only house slaves remain. And those who have been enslaved have not perfected liberty can only offer oppression. 

Elections are supposed to be about people and voting by the people for the people not for us to choose two possible sides representing agendas all put forth by international behemoths who basically now own everything. 

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