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Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

True gangs involved with Organized stalking

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Infiltration of gangs into Military:
Remember the old days of the Soldier being a 'dirty, dirty dog' like grandpa told ya about the Marines is gone. Now if u notice they are portrayed and marketed as squeaky clean all American boys who are balanced and represent a normalcy that the US is craving for.
THE PERFECT COVER FOR AN INLFULTRATION...or at least a gang presence.

Now, u have to understand that supposedly a huge part of ganglife is mainstream Hip Hop.

I beleive this started out as 'rap music'..I first experienced this music as a little city girl in the late '70s.
Grand Master Flash and Sugar Hill and the like.
Then I moved to the suburbs. Run DMC came out.
I noticed something about the whites-they liked DMC but they knew nothing of the afore mentioned. Run Dmc seemed....packaged to me. Like the do wop groups who all wore the same outfits and had a schtick.
I simply lost interest until the early '90s then lost interest again when it got boring again. It also was in the stages of becming a huge enterprise and u could sense it.

Now I mostly listen to rap on the college stations-alternative rap if u will.
Some of these alt artists actually claim that federal agents and other kinds of agents have infultrated the ranks of very mainstream hip hop artists. This one guy actually outed an agent in his song.

Alt Rap is more similar to old Punk or Metal in its blatant honesty about what-the- fuck-is-going-on-out-there in the truly big picture. It admits that the perpetuation of violence and the programming and conditioning of youth/soldiers are used by the architects of society to control all of society.

Now...if gangs that can be identified as violent gangs/large operations as being involved in Organized Stalking & Harassment there might be a few motives :

>They are simply greedy and will partake if a Target is conracted or sub contracted out to them for favor or pay.

>They have been influenced by military via thier own infultration of it.
They will now have the gangs they are connected to outside the military officially, take part in harassment of TI's for purposes of human experimentation etc that TI's claim may be a military connection to Targeting especially in reference to non lethal weapon and other tech.

>They have been infultrated by truly covert, black type agencies government or private mercenary corporations that perform same functions as of late that are now utilizing them for covert ops.

>They are using u for gang initiation becuz you are vulnerable already anyway as a TI.

>They are trying to see which gang can get you or destroy you and they will get some ultimate reward.

>They are protecting thier 'territory' becuz Targets bring heat.

Thats all I can think of. The thing about being Targeted is that the perps are a diverse group.

For me however looking back at my experience certain known gangs seem to be interested more than other kinds of persons involved.

In St. Louis, MO, USA the 'white t shirts' would get at me all the time. In Boston, MA they jsut give me slightly dirty looks.

The 'red t shirts' left me alone in CT but followed me constantly in MO.
They consisted mostly of just teen agers and were m/f. (The males were consistently annoyed that I "walked around every day like it aint nothin". Welcome to tbmc programming. I survived suicide programming-u think I should feel a fear concerning death why now? )

The people with red bandanas have been consistently polite across the country. They seem to know something of my situation but dont bother me in any overt manner. If they have taken part in survaillence or going thru my things they have been quite stealth about it.

No one else has bothered me that could be ID as gang members.
-Misc incidents:
In AZ weird guy who was off in the distance w/a black bandana over his face. It was so ' down the rabbit hole' I couldnt stop laughing. He was so far away he couldnt have done any physical harm...I dont get it. And he was alone. I still dont get it.

Recently at a gas station in Southie I was stemming until the African manager told me not to recently. I was having a good day when I started getting perped.
The perps consisted of these slightly creepy types who told me to "be careful out there tonight"
and generally trying to freak me out.
As they drove out the passenger rested his hand on the windowframe of the old car and it was a hand signal that means many things to many people. (The Three Horned God sign a.k.a.-the devil sign). When I piped up and stated " aww, they jsut flashed me the Three Horned God sign" in a mocking tone, a black woman who had been baiting me w/ her kid for the last half hour
looked annoyed and defeated..almost sheepish. http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-3171174-showing-devil-sign-with-hand-isolated-on-background.html


The sign of the horns is aka:
The Devil's sign, Three Horned God, Texas Long Horns sports team, "I love you" in American sign language for the deaf, and years ago I recall Italians having pendants to wear on necklaces that were a hand making this sign.
On the 'know gangs' site there is a photo of a female flashing this sign and sporting a yellow bandana. Its a latino gang affiliation.

( Maybe the perps from that gas station were Italian deaf people who loved me, were also Satanists high level and low-who also prefered the Texas Long horns over the Red Sox or Celtics.
Really all I had to do was stick a Yankees sticker on thier car and they would have gotten the shit beaten out of them a mile up the road anyway.
(great idea: covert war counter terrorism tactic for Boston: know a perp? Stick em with Yankee logo shit and watch em die).

[BY THE WAY I THINK ITS COWARDLY TO FRAME LEGIT PEACEFUL SATANISTS AS ORGANIZED STALKERS...why would a real satanist want to interfere with someones freedom or individuality. If anything Satanist would think this sort of oppression of the will was wrong. I am sure there are mind control cults out there claiming to thier members to be satanists.]

Aside from how stupid this was, it all amounts to nothing more than gas lighting-more psych warfare.
They want you to run to the cops and claim gangs are following you. Well, since the cops are occassionally involved in my stalking and in other states more frequently so I do not think thats a good idea.
And what proof anyway? Not directly .

INTERESTINGLY, the African guy that works at the 7-11 in Kenmore Sq after 12 midnight now has shaved his head, wears a red t-shirt and has a more bad ass attitude. Like he got some cred for messing with this Target.
Real man, helping to pick on a woman who has been driven to pan handle.

This guy is the one who always got me when no other stemmers were around and he'd say mean things like " You dont need to be here" as he toked his cigarette on a smoke break. He's the one who came out and greeted the Brighton cop as if daddy just came home and he was now going to tell on me what I did-like a a little kid. He comes running out and says "I told her to go away for three times now"..
Nooooo, you harassed me three nights in a row when no men were around to stop you. He never told me to leave. If he had as a TI I would not want to risk trouble so I would have left. Him disapproving of me is quite different than him asking me to leave.

When he there at night, certain gang members come in there and they shake hands with them, greet them like they are recieving the Queen or meeting the Pope. I am waiting for one of them to kiss the ring soon.

U can show respect for your own group but dont disrespect me.

So again the set ( a sub set or group of a larger gang. The parent group so to speak) or someone who wants to be a recriut that wears red t shirts is harassing me just as they hav across this country.
I dont know why it seems to be this particular group.

Perhaps that insident in Southie with the Devil sign was just perps trying to frame up gangs to see if the Target will blame certain known gangs instead of just non gang members who are perps. I highly doubt that a prominent latino gang who uses the horn sign is involved.

I watched this video of a jail stabbing on the 'knowgangs' webpage. I thought I was going to cry. It was so murderous. At least there is evidence which is more than I can say for Targets of Organized stalking/harassment and injury by technological means. This is also why people treat organized harassment like its harmless and say it could be worse. Look what violent criminals are usually up to.

Do not feel obligated to be compared to other people. You have a right to not be treated badly by cop and criminal alike when alot of you dont even know what u did to begin with to become a TI.

I know one thing. These gangs at thier top levels are probably not the soldiers u see in the vidoes and on the street.I bet they are highly intel sociopathic criminal minds.

So look for signs of street gangs or big syndicate gangs involved in your organized stalking.
Then it truly is 'gang stalking'.

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