Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Here we go again. Not everything runs in the family

 Let's get something completely straight dumb fucks. I am smarter than both of the people that gave me their DNA so let's get that straight first of all if you don't already know consider it put it into the calculations of your strategies second of all I know that the secret of psyops is convincing the victim or the enemy that he's already lost when the opposite may be true so put that into your calculations the other thing would be that all these years I've had lots and lots of help from family members involved in let's say protecting people that are important on the Italian side and God knows what else comes with that that I don't even know about to my foster family having that little sheriff star to my maternal side which has all kinds of people that I'm not supposed to know about but I do in various forms of law enforcement as well as any kind of favors or connections from the old days from my family forget about me and my olden days if you will. So I don't know what's going on but I know now what the deal is or have a good theory. As I've said before I am not as dumb as either one of my DNA sources they gave me their DNA 23 chromosomes each. And I get lots of info and tip offs and protection so if you think that you're going to try to start fucking with me because some idiot relative of mine and just committed a violent crime you're out of your fucking mind it's not going to work it didn't work before it's not going to work now. And I'll remind you that getting framed made me quite the person who allows thinks and nothing but legal terms every time I'm challenged so I already have helped this person's brother with his defense and this person won't even talk to me because he's so mentally ill. But because this person has had so many mental challenges in the past this person really hasn't been dealt with in a protective way that he should have he never should have been allowed to be on his own that was the doing of another family member who coddled him protected him and spoiled him and now that person's not doing really well so she can't help him so now he's getting into trouble so the system should have minded this person to begin with he never should have been allowed to run around free without the help that he needed from the mental health system so that's your fault and you were playing and somebody should actually sue you and I'm going to advise them that they should sue each state involved specifically the one that he was the ward of at the time that he traveled into another state to come at the crime.

The other thing is that he was taking a certain medication that nobody with mental health challenges should be given because it causes aggression I've also informed my family members to put that into his defense. So remember people you are the ones that fucking framed me parties unknown the point is that you lost because I have luck help and I'm not wrong I'm right I'm in right there's like a bunch of different people involved in my history that are all criminals or they're bad people or their crooked or they're wrong and I'm right and I'm righteous and they have everything they need they have houses they have cars they have everything they can want because this isn't about all the cover stories that you make it appear to be about cuz if it was all the bad people would have been in trouble by now it's about me personally. And if anybody wants to try to call me mentally ill paranoid especially after that frame up then when I write my book not the one about homelessness the one about this entire situation I will name names and be a complete fucking stupid fucking cunt ass bitch and I will fucking ruin people's lives make people lose their families I will embarrass people and I will fucking screw everybody in this God damn State and surrounding states into the wall. Now I've played nice so far the problem here is that after the Boston bombing when I was told from people on the street is we're not dealing with locals anymore we're dealing with FEDS I was told Federal cells came in busted everybody around Harvard for drinking in the park and stupid shit and then demanded that they work for them doing dirty work probably for the dirty trucks department or stitches or whatever so that's why these people don't give a fuck because whatever I have to say they're not going to get in trouble but they also think they're smart and they're not from Boston they're obviously from a bigger you know system and they're not that bright but they are determined and they certainly do have more funding and they're a fucking pain in my ass.

So I kind of just sit there and don't pay attention to any of this because you've got nothing I've got more on the frame up than you do on trying to prove it was me that sent those emails because you can't come up with anything because if you did proof who sent them it would come back to the very people trying to frame me and say it was me why would you want to find out who sent the emails when you know that like you hired him or something or it comes back to the justice system or politically connected people. And I live with that every single day and believe me it will be resolved one day it's either going to be tolling time and legal action or it's going to be an expose either way I win because I'm a winner and I deserve to win it takes like a thousand of you to keep down one lion all these little ants keeping down a lion is basically what I'm dealing with and I keep on dealing with it. Because I want what was supposed to be mine everybody else seems to have everything they need and their crooks or their bad people I don't get anything and I keep getting fucked with and I keep getting blamed now everyone's saying that I'm drinking because I had a concussion a couple months ago and my back is screwed up permanently from traveling all these years of the backpack so I have an unsteady gate and now people like to say that I drink so this just never ends the constant rumor Mill the constant like making up stuff about the person that just doesn't end whatever they can come up with but they don't actually tell you the truth which is I've been screwed by this state probably from the day I was born. And the only reason anybody ever protected me is because they felt like I should be kept down and know my place because that's how Massachusetts is but I feel like after 9/11 and after the Boston bombing I feel like people just went too far with it and even people in this area felt it was just too much and it was unfair so the good thing about Massachusetts and New England is they will stick together and protect their own and be fair because it did go too far at certain points but I don't appreciate the whole keeper of the way keep her quiet keep her down we're not doing that either.

So now that explains why there is a lot more bullshit around me so this didn't work before it won't work again like I don't care what my relative is doing it doesn't matter what he does I don't know him I haven't seen him since I was one and remember the law where you cannot diagnose somebody unless you evaluated them I don't care what it looks like. And I want you to remember something else legally speaking we can also bring up the fact that this person who committed this violent action in another state two states north of here he is an acid casualty used to see these people around in the '90s all the time he's from the 60s and 70s and it's like Sid Barrett not only was he being given acid all the time people will probably putting it in his tea and stuff like that like sit there he's being ghosting himself like every single day had to get well known forget about the new series where people that already have mental illness might take LSD as a therapeutic treatment we're talking about somebody that didn't really have anything wrong with him before he was just an oddball and then you give him loads and loads of acid every day for years on end then he develops mental illness so that's what's wrong with this person he's got too much synthesized ear got in his brain it's that simple. I don't do LSD and I've been in recovery for 25 years and I'm awesome and I'm a badass and I'm a winner and you are not going to prevent me from finishing what I started when you fucking started this with me maybe you shouldn't have fucking started with me maybe you should have left me alone or maybe you should have showed me some damn respect and showed me like a piece of paper or come to me and talk to me maybe even offered me a payoff none of those things were done it was like fuck you this bitch is stupid and really what it was was to drive me out of the state so then we can do further human experimentation MK ultra stuff because that's exactly what happened to me when I left the state places like the Midwest the Southwest places where nobody can really see what's going on and it'll all be in the book and it'll have so much in the book that it'll be believable. And don't forget I have a pedigree my mommy is a documented radiation experimentee from a military hospital in Massachusetts just now closed both parents US Marines I'm not one of these survivors that's doing all these book tours and I have all this money and all these crooked people around me like some people I won't mention who claim that they have this programming and that they do these people and they have phone number and whatever it is and they've rubbed shoulders with politicians and they don't really have any direct sort of Khalid that shows that you could say that they're MK ultra I actually have a lead my mom is a documented radiation experimenting and everybody knows that that's where it goes from there that's where it's the root of it.

And let me point out something else and case people haven't read all of my blog I know there's a lot of material here let me just say this again I'll either remind readers who have been reading or I'll tell new people about what I have said before about this particular male relative of Maya who you think you're going to make me look crazy like him I was told by his sibling a female years ago that he had made a statement about not wanting to be around my other parents family and being leery of them because they were you know both US Marines and connected to the military and he was always afraid of military people and very frightened by them and he stated allegedly now this is alleged I don't even know if I believe this family because they might actually be involved some of them in the deception we don't know because they've years ago when I first saw them out and met them they omitted things like oh did one of my relatives worked for Raytheon that was omitted like completely why would you admit that when that's your Dad's job or your grandfather's job why would you admit that why wouldn't you tell the grandchild that I think that's very interesting and very telling so we don't know what's going on with these people they're all a little crazy thank you.

So he's Leary of military people Leary of my other parents' family and this relative of mine who's very close to me who gave me DNA but I haven't seen him since I was one turned around to his sibling a female and said my other parent and her family were involved in a secret military project now it sounds like he's just playing old until he ill doesn't it? However it does turn out years later that if you look at it you could look at all the videos that were made of all the testimony from the president's advisory committee on human radiation experiments and they are looting all of them to that very theory and their memories speak of being involved in other experiments and what's going on in their lives is that it has not ceased and it continues and they're being victimized and harassed to shut their mouths. It's right on YouTube the testimony of people at the president's advisory committee Clinton for radiation experiments he even apologized Clinton did.

Well I've always been curious to know how my other parent my relative knew that information? So we can theorize two things number one he didn't know that information and this sibling of his is blabbing it to me as kind of a mind fuck or she knows and he doesn't really know what's going on because that side of the family is in on it somehow thus the omission that one of the older relatives worked for Raytheon because Raytheon is like a constant theme in my life or was.

And it wouldn't surprise me that after the government gets caught doing this stuff that they just handed over to private military contractors and now they're probably handed over to something even more unsuspected by the public like tech companies or something biotech who knows. But we can hold to talk that there's definitely something going on we don't know exactly what it seems to be connected to the stuff that was going on that you could trace in the 50s 60s and 70s and magically it all disappears so that much information research and potential to make money is going to just vanish and people are just going to stop doing it because they got caught that doesn't really make sense that's not how the world works. I don't see any of the hospitals and institutions that were involved in it getting into trouble in fact there's a major institution here in Massachusetts that's one of the best hospitals in the country supposedly and they are now a bloated research hospital and they were a documented MK ultra hospital. So let's get realistic about the way the world works

But if my relative did say something like that he must have heard it from somewhere so we can deduct that he either said it or didn't the sources either him and then we don't know where he got that information or his sibling is fabricating it in order to cover up for perhaps other involvements from family members or specific family members

I don't know and I don't really care the main point of this blog number one number one all TI's advice number one number one rule never ask why because the motive is always need or want you don't need to know the details it's either greed or necessity or someone's nature is very screwed up and they just enjoy being sadistic whatever it is you don't need to know you never need to know don't waste your time. So I don't really give a fuck with the details are but there's something screwy about the whole goddamn story 

But that's the way it was told to me so all I can do is use logic and deduction and theory and put it away in a file where I don't have enough information and it's unsolved the point is is that there's something fucking going on with that so if this person this relative is spewing stuff like that or his sibling his female is spewing stuff like that where I never mentioned any of my other parents situation being a documented radiation experimentee it's interesting that my other parent or his sibling either one of them would be aware of that and mention it to me when I don't recall mentioning it to them at all. 

So we can see your eyes all we want we don't really know what the situation is without proof without evidence. But the series are legitimate considering the situation. 

So I don't make any decisions on that's the problem with today's conspiracy theory culture is that people are spewing out all this stuff like it's fact without using any logic or critical thinking and maybe that's a purpose maybe they're useful idiots and they're just missing formed and they serve the purpose of Miss information they could be disinformation agency then there's just a bunch of influencer type people that want to make money and monetize The conspiracy theory community now while the rest of us like basically we might have storage spaces because we're legit.

Either way you have to look at this school situation have to be responsible you can't just run around making the series and saying that this is fact I don't do that I've never done that no will I ever do that because it's irresponsible and I want answers not storytelling time.

I think some of these new conspiracy theorists people are actually into making more mystery than getting answers or seeking the truth or sounding like there's an alternative information system out there that makes sense that people should look at because it's like they want to perpetuate mystery so they can just make money and it's all about them and the cult of personality. I don't think that's why a lot of us have suffered through this did all these work all these years so a bunch of people can jump on a bandwagon because it's easy now. And in fact if you look at the work they're doing it's pretty shoddy and it's very questionable and it's all these bells and whistles and videos and graphics and please stop putting music in the background of a video we are trying to explain and alternative theory to the public because all it does is make it look stupid I know you're trying to sell stuff but some of us actually have dedicated our whole entire lives to this and it's all we have because we were never allowed anything else and actually in the end the work is pretty damn important where is what I see is people just rehashing old stuff that's already been done so they can get a name for themselves and monetize stuff that's not what we're supposed to be doing.

So the point of all this was once again I don't give a flying fuck what my DNA donors are doing. And this is been an ongoing thing like it's almost you have to remember this a lot of this is based on East German stasi where in East Germany if a kid a child was too much like a parent who was a pain in the ass to the Easter of in government they would Target that person and keep them down for life just because they were afraid they would become a political dissident and if you don't believe me read the books read staziland read all the books that have been written interviewing the living remaining stasi officers and agents. If you don't want to read it then you can't say you don't believe me you're fucking irresponsible and you're bullshit and your opinion doesn't mean shit you can exclude fact to hell you want fuck you you're wrong.    

Like for instance I didn't know this until I was much older because family members would keep things from me that was part of the culture nowadays I hear people bringing crime to their mom's house we didn't do that in the old days especially the old school guys you didn't bring anything especially Catholics you don't bring anything to your mom's house you pretend you have a normal life and if you want to go to crime you keep it away from your family. And you protect women and children because they're careless and no child should have their innocence taken away that is why it was told to me the old school way. So I was never kind of informed about what was really going on I'm a female I'm a child no one's going to tell me anything cuz they don't want me to think badly of myself or my family. Well this is a good thing because I don't know what's going on hahaha. So only later on was I told the story about some very early on fishing behavior that was done to save another family member and it was only done once and I think everybody understood why the person did it to save a female family member this is way back in like the late 60s or something but I didn't know about it but you were going to remember that the system knows about it so I've noticed that all the things I've learned about my family's history on both sides people- the system both legitimate and otherwise taking everything that I've seen and has been done to me and has happened to me now putting it into context with all those stories that I never knew existed it all makes sense that everything that was being done to me is motivated by lazy stupid people using extremely elementary and simplistic methods of projecting outcomes based on simply the idea that I would behave as my parents did or my family members. For instance when I was being framed and I went to that shit hole run by that military contractor that crazy ass you might as well be a Nazi experiment camp north of here I was put in there for 3 months with bullshit methods and totally illegal probably I'll have to find out someday but yeah crazy house okay so crazy house thank God I got through it they got him smart thank goodness I must have something protecting me somebody somewhere wants these books written it must be really important what I'm doing because I wouldn't have gotten out of it myself well I did have help but again underestimating me is my greatest weapon it happens with women all the time read biographies of famous successful women it's always because people underestimated them it is our greatest gift it's the greatest cover that we can operate under and that and we think we're they think we're stupid. 

So it became apparent to me that these people are projecting outcomes based on the idea that I'm going to act in the same exact way as my family or parents that I'm going to have the same motivations my same nature the same intelligence the same internet machinations the same behavior model  as them.

I was reading this police thread and it was great because when they talk to each other they tell the truth which I wish would happen more often and they can't talk to us on the street anymore because they got in trouble for that and the system's gone completely crooked completely globalist it's all about selling us out to the world economic forum and you know what it's about so we can't really learn anything from people that are well meaning and law enforcement anymore because they've kind of put a plug on that which is fine but now you can see it just from the behavior which is I see in a thread about Rachel Rollins thank God we got rid of her thank God it finally came out maybe the female guard in that jail they put me in free trial illegally in New Hampshire maybe she was right when she looked right at me and said you know what the system does work maybe someday maybe she will be correct maybe I will get Justice I'm still believing in her words because she probably knew I was being steamrolled and said that to me to like give me some kind of Hope because she certainly can't say anything cuz she works for a corrupt piece of shit. 

. I also want to remind people of something you need to stop trying to do character assassination by saying I was in jail okay I'm a superhero let's not fucking forget that I'm awesome and that I'm a badass remember I keep mentioning that okay you can't bring me down because all of this stuff has been done to me I wasn't doing anything I was traveling and writing and that was fine and all of a sudden it wasn't fine and somebody decided to take a window of opportunity to frame me that doesn't mean I did anything any different that I was doing the whole time and everybody around that scene in Harvard was getting busted and because I didn't drink do drugs or steel or do other dumb shit you got to make something up right as I said I've heard from people on the street that things changed and things changed hands and now you're dealing with people that are much bigger with more resources that are much more brutal that don't have any compassion for people on the street and they're just going to use them they're going to intimidate them and use them and I've already mentioned who the person said was doing this so now there's a window of opportunity I get framed so how is that my fault it's not and I don't know my rights I don't have a lawyer it really that I can trust I don't know what's going on I have no money I wasn't in contact with family I was in transition trying to move out of that area cuz I already got really scary as I said for reasons I just mentioned cuz it was getting totally infiltrated and taken over by really bad people that want to use everybody and make them into snitches or whatever it is so I wanted to leave so I left and I went to a state north of here that just has no oversight and thinks they can do whatever the hell they want they used to be really nice in the 70s and eighties when I was a kid and now they're complete corruption and I think now we've seen the Jeffrey Epstein thing you know Maxwell was hiding there from what I've seen there's lots of creepy Grandpa people working in the justice system and the service department there so as far as I'm concerned we're dealing with human trafficking from Maine down to Florida if not drugs as well maybe guns who knows I definitely saw and heard about drugs when I was in the jail and you can clearly see there's something going on with children and they will kill to hide what's going on now that we've seen that Epstein and Maxwell were free to roam around p-town in Massachusetts while I was sleeping on sidewalks and we can see that Maxwell was being harbored by the state I'm talking about that put me in this shitty jail pretrial when they never should have done that I think we can make deductions or at least theories they're realistic that there's something to what I saw there's something going on that's really fucked up with kids and trafficking and eventually it'll come out and I'll do anything I can to help by writing that book. So always remember I was put into a jail cell for 3 months because somebody sent an email under my name after I filmed a policeman because he was harassing me on private property and I was only just going by my rights by not showing an ID that's it that's all.

And then I come back here and all these wise asses are like you were in jail I have a relative who's a vindictive narcissistic bitch who is sick in the head I've been told right to my face years ago that this person is sick I know she's sick because the family made her sick and she's patient zero here she's the original TI in my theory and of course she's sick because she's been mistreated her whole fucking life so I put up with it because of like again remember I am Noble as fuck so of course it's the right thing to do to help her and put up with it but this is the kind of sick shit that my family does to me trying to put me down and make me look like an asshole when believe me I'm not the worst okay so I don't even put up with it I was in a foster home for five years thank God I had I'm not bringing with like Native American grandparent age people I know how to change a tire by the time I was sick whereas my parents was too busy shaking her big boobs to get men to come change a tire for her and I saw the definitely the difference in behavior and I learned probably what you would call republicanism living in that Native American hillbilly white foster home in the suburbs which is self-sufficiency is best live by nature hunt be responsible gun owner and do everything by yourself and don't be lazy. And that's why I'm different from my family I have other influences and on top of that I'm a different person just because I come from two people doesn't mean I'm like them I may have tendencies but I'm not just like them.

So this police threat was talking about Rachel Rollins and it was before people realize how bad it was and a lot of us already knew and obviously the police knew as well and somebody wrote that she comes from a family of rats and she's a rat just like them and I can kind of see that and I'm really grateful that somebody actually put that out there so most likely the parents years ago we're doing something like that and that's where she comes from then that's kind of what she reminds me of.

However it does really kind of tell it's retelling about how those people think so when I'm in jail pretrial let's keep saying that nobody gets the idea I was convicted free trial of course it's all to get me to break this whole entire thing was just a bullshit scene to get me to like break so I would like entrap or incriminate like myself or something and I just kept fighting and thank goodness for the Constitution and freedom of speech and what the right we have to written word been institutions so I'm in jail in the jail cell being held even though I could have been held in a halfway house with a bracelet or something pretrial nobody ever talk to me because of course I'm being steamrolled why would you want to give me a fair shake and respect my rights I don't get what everyone else gets that is what means to be targeted remember that it means that you're not going to get what everyone else gets and you're going to be totally slammed and put up on display for like some small stupid shit or dumb shit that everyone else is doing but everyone's going to focus on you doing it or it's like you're the worst person in the world when that shitloaded people around you are like way worse this is what it means to be targeted and it works if you don't continuously be vigilant about it and have help of course like I do. Or did

So I'm in jail and they put this fat bitch in with me just like fat Italian chick I'm sorry but the Italian people in New Hampshire it's much to be desired it's embarrassing it makes Jersey shore look like the height of culture and ancient Rome which of course we know it's not so is it interesting how they have to Napoleon come into Italy and all of a sudden we're a third world country where meatballs increase balls and all of a sudden like there's these embarrassing fucking people that represent what Italian people are when it's like hello we used to run the ancient classical war for 5,000 years oh that just kind of goes out the window do you see what I mean by perception management? How do you go from Julius Caesar to Jersey shore? You see what I'm saying it's all perception management and if you're not careful this country is going to be just exactly like the fall of rome.

So anyway this dumb fat bitch is in my cell I don't trust anybody anyway but I'm just like minding my business and I am so naive that when I look down underneath because the chick was like a fat bitch and she kept constantly having I think it's called commissary like she kept having like lemonade and all this food these chicks are fucking obsessed with food in this place right so they're all about this commissary whatever it is like cantina or whatever they call it like this food shit that you can buy right it's like obsession so like this chick has all this lemonade and food so she has this like multicolored pile of shit in a bowl on her belly in her bed underneath me and I'm thinking wow how did she get fruit loops in here like fruit loops cereal right well come to find out later I guess they were like pills or something like that's how naive and not paying attention to your dumb shit I'm walking and I'm using speech to text if I could I would put that in capitals! You're dumb shit I don't care I am on a mission trying to write two books I'm trying to get the notoriety I could have had as an artist and a writer if you didn't put me in this dumb position with your shit but I understand it's probably really important to fight up against people like the world economic forum I get it who else is going to do it? I understand but I don't like it and I really don't like how my looks are falling apart and I'm overweight from the stress that really sucks but I guess in the end I'm going to be a hero I've already been told I'm a folk hero so let's get the fucking long-term superhero status like after I'm dead and people read all this stuff.

So like some guy some officer I don't even understand the rankings it's like the military and like even though I come from military my brain just like blanks out with all these systems of order like they don't make sense and shit so like I have no idea some person with a badge all I know he like comes through and starts screaming and yelling about how we're all supposed to be a family and how come people aren't doing what they're supposed to do keeping the place safe he was basically saying like how dare you not rat or sell out on a drug dealer or something like your family members? And that was very evident to me but I didn't get it at the time because of course I am unaware of my family's stories about their history so I'm just sitting there going why is this guy thinking I'm going to ride on people like I wouldn't do it intentionally because my attitude is if I'm walking through California on one of my travels like I did every year and I'm walking through Santa Monica and the fucking per pieces of shit find me the minute I set foot in the place and then like fucking with me people jogging what is it with joggers and gang stalking people jogging or fucking with me and shit so you can find me but you can't find fucking whitey Bulger who now we know is living there the whole time I mean the guy didn't even have the decency to leave the country. I'm sorry but I think that the people that were handling that guy let him be as arrogant as he wanted so he would get caught later because if that were me I would have like done more than just gotten fat and old to change my appearance I would have got my ass some place where nobody could even bother to find me and take what little money I had with me what is wrong with him well he's being handled he's being mind control he's being told that well we're allowing you to exist so we're going to take care of you you just go hide in California you can live out the rest of your life I wouldn't trust that shit but you know what if you look at pictures of whitey Bulger when he's younger he just looks like a really smart blonde con man and he looks kind of crazy and of course now he's claimed he's MK ultra with LSD experiments I don't know if I believe that might have been just a defense last minute but it it's reasonable I mean that's how I've seen them do mind control on all their underground crime vice stuff which also will be in the book I wouldn't exist without mind control and terrorizing people from the time they're little from these families so it makes sense that they might have created a monster long before he became one but then being from Boston I can tell the look you know I look at pictures of him in the '70s and he looks like a city father. He looks like a politician so you create these monsters and then you let them loose and then you work with them and you take the spoils of it and then later on you simply just handle them and then you sacrifice them when it's time to I don't know what's wrong under the bus so it's really the public that are the most dangerous people it's not like they super rebelled against this shit it's not like they filled the streets and didn't go along with the extortion in the beginning they wet their beaks they got their bread buttered they are the most dangerous ones and we can see that now with all this work shit and them not paying attention to minding the store with selling the country to China.   

So you see that person in the jail in the psyops jail I'll call it the psyops jail cuz it was so obviously like like this military contractor we won't name three letters and the place has like a Union Jack I mean like they just own the whole town just like their small towns I've been through in Texas where like the oil industry just owns the entire town the refinery is owns the entire town the hospital is all doctors on the take in case somebody walks in with any health problems from the oil refinery it's so obvious that they're going to handle it right there when the person comes in complaining this is how things really work. So I'm in psyops the jail right so this very brilliant officer decides that he's and whoever created this little orchestrated this little situation is going to try to judge and project my behavior according to what my family is done that I'm going to just like rat somebody out or say something or whatever because that's what like another family member did like 50 years ago one time to save another family member. So this is just like the German stasi where they just assume that the behavior is going to be within the family. Thank God they're not that bright and they're lazy that's the thing about the all this all of these people regardless of what section they're in of this they are lazy and thank goodness for that they're not very imaginative and by the way there are people that have the highest IQs in the world that's great but they've done tests that have also shown that you can be really smart and have a high IQ but you're not necessarily clever creativity and clever is going to Trump everybody sorry that's the way humans work..

So I have seen this system in action where it resembles the society where they think that you're going to do exactly what your family members have done well then goodness I have all these weird variables that make it so that might not be the case but it's been amusing to watch. So I've established that behavior doesn't necessarily run in families especially if somebody like me for instance has a different upbringing from the family like I'm in a foster home with like Native American people that are my grandparents age teaching me how to do bow and arrow and all kinds of you know self-sufficiency why in the fuck would I behave exactly like people raised in a different environment so they're just lazy and they're immature thank God for that. So we've established that not all behavior is going to be similar with all family members or even parents or siblings so why would you assume or try to establish a relationship genetically between mental illness especially when one of the parents or relatives as I began this host about why would you assume that that person is going to be mentally ill like their parent or relative when in fact the upbringing is different the situation is different the person has variables like severe abuse of mine altering substances made out of ear got mold that they've shown stick in the human brain and drive people completely insane and if they didn't have schizophrenia before well now they're going to have it. So good luck trying to make it look like I'm going to go off like this relative of Mayan because I'm not it's never going to happen and I don't care if people trying to frame me 6 years ago made a big deal about me carrying a knife it doesn't matter people have been trying to make it look like there's a problem with me carrying a weapon within my rights within the law for years ever since the frame up and even in a certain local college in Boston not Cambridge where people were very keen to make sure I didn't frequent that particular college library because I have direct really nasty dirt on one of their professors and books she writes and the people she writes them with and I'm sure they wanted me out of there well the way they did it is to set me up and make it look like a knife and fork set was a knife and I had it out and was doing something inappropriate well that were true I would have arrested because the tall 6'3 Irish cop that showed up rolled his eyes like the security who's of course is on the take from the college is wasting his time he looks at it rolls his eyes and goes look just leave for today and don't come back that college chose trespass me when I have so much dirt on them and of course it was a neocon college at the time totally in love with the Bush administration. so of course they have cars to want to get rid of me of course they have caused to fuck with me and if I was really doing anything wrong do you think it would have been arrested of course so we see how this works we have to make it look like Rachel has knives and Rachel's dangerous and crazy the only thing I do is to like give people a hard time who give me a hard time first why don't you anything inappropriate. And if I sit on a bench and I'm smoking my tobacco and I'm drinking my coffee and I'm talking on the phone loudly that's too fucking bad if I'm loud if you don't like it also if I'm blogging too fucking bad if you don't like the content also if I sit there and decide to just like comment on something passing by me maybe I'm doing activism maybe I'm causing a stir maybe I'm being what's called an agitator if the other side can do it why can't I if he's fake fucking anarchists and fake protesters can do it why the fuck can I maybe I'm doing what I call an art piece or maybe it's performance art or maybe it's me rehearsing a blog post before I put it down or maybe it's me just making everybody here the truth about something that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm not. Maybe I'm just fucking with people in public and if I'm not saying anything to someone directly and I'm not being offensive to anyone directly I can do whatever the fuck I want and say whatever the fuck I want. And the only thing you can do is try to make me look nuts or find me a little make me look offensive.

And I carry a knife who fucking cares you should have seen what they did during the frame up I can't wait to write this expose. You can just read my blog post from the night of the frame up when they came for me in February of 2016 it's fucking ridiculous looking back at it now it's absolutely ridiculous it's like a bad sci-fi movie. The guy that was the doctor it wasn't even qualified to do the shit that he did I was told and on top of that he actually asked to see the night why would the attending doctor asked to see a knife when Dan well you know the police are going to take it away from you and it's a knife from Walmart that cost me $1.69 by the way it disappeared out of evidence so you're going to frame me claim I'm carrying a knife and that's somehow a big deal because of a bunch of threatening emails that you had somebody right signing my name to it and the language isn't even match the language on my blog by the way it matches the language of the asshole it was fucking stalking me for months a year before that writing me nasty comments on my blog in the comments section spooking me messing with me scaring the shit out of me and I didn't take it seriously and I probably should have. So this is all bullshit but see that's going to tell pro the police and the people on the bottom levels can make it look like however they want and you just have to keep going back to court that's how it works that's how the harassment works they keep making stuff up and you have to keep going to court and eventually you get tired of doing it or like in my case they hit you all at once and they think that one of those is going to stick. Well thank goodness I had help and I thought I'm sure next time they try this crap they'll do something else like I felt this whole entire last couple of 2 years maybe last in the past 12 months that there's like this quiet frame up of me lol. Like there's this frame up where I don't know that they're coming up with stuff but like people are giving false witness again people are making stuff up people are analyzing stuff and and making observations I don't give a fuck you've got nothing and in fact I've got more to try to hunt down who sent those emails and where they came from and I've got more from what's written in my blog and from my records and my memories and my writings of this entire situation then you have with that stupid frame up.

And I'm not alone I have plenty of help plenty of people to think that the other side is wrong and they're bullshit believe me I've seen it even from the military industrial complex people just know what's happening and they really don't want to see humanity go this direction and I'm not going to stop until I finish what I said out to do because you took the best years of my life away from me my mom is a mess denied her whole life my dad is now insane for two decades and now he's becoming violent because something else must be going on now now they're pushing the envelope or whatever. Neither of these people should be in this situation they're very intelligent talented people and they've been given a shitty deal well I'm fortunate I was given a shitty deal and people actually stepped in and did something so I'm not going to waste this opportunity I was given.

To not only get Justice for me and my family and even people that I've met along the way that obviously have been denied a life because they're being used in the criminal system or they're being used for a purpose that they have no life because they're being basically kept prisoner so they can serve a purpose for the system and that might even include mighty Bulger as much of a monster as he was it's almost as if you like it didn't have a choice. Everybody should have a choice they should be conscious of what the choices are basically I've seen people that have been enslaved since birth that was the plan for them they're going to do it to all of humanity and the only thing people like me can do that are broken out of internal enslavement which is programming is to tell everybody else outside in the world how it works if you want to not be a slave this is how you would go about getting away from it you have to go back to intentional communities breakaway societies primitive technologies there's going to have to be a backlash and an alternative if you don't want to do that and you want to go along with the enslavement that's up to you I'm just delivering a message you can do whatever the fuck you want when I'm done I'm going to go paint pictures and retire like I was supposed to be doing when this whole thing started in 2004.

So I highly suggest you stay out of my fucking way and if you even think that you're going to make any parallels between my crazy relative and me believe me you taught me so much in that jail I remember having to beg and wheel and deal just to get one of those plastic bendy little pens you know the kind that you can't use to shank somebody I remember I won't soon forget that I won't soon forget that even in the jail I had snitches fucking with me and I didn't realize that they were snitches cuz I'm naive and people involved in like child abuse cases and I didn't get it now I know if I go to jail the first thing I'm going to do is get this bitch out of my cell I want a new cell and I'm not going to stop saying it until I learned all the tricks I know what the tricks are now. All you did was make me more effective and now every time something happens to me even in day to day life I think like a lawyer and a courtroom I run my whole entire existence like that now and I resent it I never liked lawyers I never liked courtrooms I don't like law enforcement it's not my thing it's not that I hate them it's just that I'm not interested it's not something I'm interested in and having to be forced to think differently to accommodate to these challenges really pisses me the fuck off it's taken away a lot of my artistic ability. But it was necessary to have to start thinking like them. And I resent it and I'm going to get my revenge one way or another because nobody takes my life away from me and makes me change the way I think why the fuck should I go to your level if I wanted to be involved in law enforcement I would have become a policeman or a lawyer I know that law enforcement is like number four on my vocational testing but dancer painter and writer are before the law enforcement number for choice of my vocational testing so like I probably would have chosen those first and I was planning to do that. Again you're not going to take something from me without giving me something in return. I won't soon forget having to wheel and deal just to go to an outdated law library to look an old books and not really having the time to keep up with the frame up and the lady the dumb bitch in in the state north of here at the fucking desk when I asked her who runs the prison system there she talks about one guy that's like the end of the line he's like the head of all the prisons in jails in New Hampshire and she describes him as the king oh I don't know who's above him he's the king and I don't think you can resolve anything that happens here because he doesn't really do anything about any of this stuff I'm about really I'm sorry so the state above me is not managed by the feds at all really I didn't know we lived in the Bill of Rights without a constitution well that's interesting so this is how this state operates they intimidate you is if they're self-contained and nobody can touch them and that's why they were hiding Maxwell there so fuck you and I'm going to get you for that I don't like somebody telling me that there's no recourse and that someone doesn't answer to someone and he's the fucking King first of all I was raid raised by a 6'1 single parent and my grandmother was a US Marine I'm not going to sit there and have some bitch some tiny ass bitch I'm some stupid dick ass cow tipping bunch of bullshit north of here and that stupid state north of here which used to be cool but now it sucks turn to me and tell me some guy is a king call it Athena program and call it whenever you want I was programmed to not really think of men as kings.

I don't know about you as a TI in an activist but I've been approached by people turning to me years ago before we had cameras in our phones telling me to my face you know you're up against some of the most powerful people in the world don't you care aren't you afraid well no I think I was like programmed I mean that's what this all looks like right okay I'll try blah blah sra. So let me remind you of a memory that I have that I put on here before that's going to be in my book when I was little I have a distinct memory it could be a false memory it could be laid in there with the point is is it's in there anyway so false memory is bullshit because where are the people getting the memories from? In other words I'm not sure if it really happened or didn't I was like under the age of six or I have not a lot of memories I don't have hardly any memories from under the age of sex the point is is that if I do have a memory and it's that details it doesn't matter if it happened or not maybe the memory was laid in there and that's supposed to serve a purpose and programming so it doesn't matter if survivors recover memories that are real or not the fact they're recovering a memory that even if it didn't happen what the fuck is that memory doing in there to begin with? Cuz these are pretty detailed story lines so something is going on.

So there's a raggedy Ann and Andy doll when you're a little kid you don't know a house or a location I remember just an orange room maybe wasn't even orange but I remember a room little kids only remember a room not a building and there was a raggedy Ann and Andy doll back then in the 70s was really popular but I get in Andy and I remember that they would let me play with this little boy and so I remember one day that the little boy disappeared he just disappeared and they took the raggedy Andy doll away from the raggedy Ann and Andy doll coupling and I distinctly remember being given the impression by a man I don't recognize who came into the room and gave me the impression that the little boy had been taken away and killed now that may have happened or may not have happened remember they're trying to fool children deceive them with programming so they might make you think that another child is dead when they're really not the important part is that you perceive danger and death and disappearance of the other whatever that thing is a person or whatever so that they get the effect they want so if I think that this little boy was taking away and killed and he's dead and quote unquote disappeared that's what's important so I remember the person turning to me and saying something to the effect of little boys aren't important just little girls. So this could be some kind of programming especially during this women's lib era maybe they're discovering women and more capable of being effective in certain positions that they're looking for in all of these games where if you program a little girl in a feminist ERA with a strong female parent who's a big woman and a grandmother who's a US Marine who comes from the blood of the blakes of Galway from nights and my great grandmother even just left the family farm in Ireland and came over here because they were going to give it to her brother who's a drunk so she said fuck it I'm leaving well of course we come from Rollo we come from Norman Invaders and being Scandinavian outlaws in the very beginning that's what we do of course you know I'm talking about going from rolo to the Normans two whales working for the king getting land in Ireland and then Cromwell took it away from us Castle Menlo all that stuff that's where my ancestors come from in Ireland is Galway so it's no surprise my great-grandmother and her sister just said okay we're leaving fuck it we're not going to put up with this we're going to go find something else cuz that's what we do lol. So it's a makes sense with my grandmother would have some kind of military job or something to seek excitement and be in the military right? So you have this background and then you have this strong parent who's a female with no father around no men around then you turn around and you have this feminist era single parent and then you have this programming where you basically tell a little girl that is being programmed that little girls matter not little boys well you're going to have a woman that is not afraid of mail authority unlike my one of my parents of my female parent who was raised crazy world war two returning soldier PTSD sanctity the home I mean my mother's generation is terrified of male authority terrified. I have had or in my series about GS it appears to be that abandoning me like male authority in this society it seems like the psychological thing that they're doing to cure me of this fearlessness against the most powerful people in the world as that person said to me males is replacing male authority with female authority they're feminizing it up even though women are probably worse and then and they still work for the same corrupt people and then they're making it so that I get abandoned by what you would call male authority in this society and I get mistreated or framed notice how the harassment that in theory comes from like typically male authority in our society and notice how all the people that have ever been part of that frame up and all of the people that framed me harassed me scared me intimidated me came after me stalked me with their cars involved in that frame up it was all men all men even the people in the stupid jail this high ops jail north of here in that ridiculous state it was all men. I only remember one female officer approaching me before I was framed and put into the jail pretrial showing up one female was always men and she didn't even have much to say it was all men even the people causing problems in the jail all men.

Because I know and have known for years but they're trying to do is undo that programming so I'm not so fearless. They're trying to make it so that not only do I feel abandoned and unsupported by mail authority traditional mail jobs authority in this society in my hometown but also that I should learn to fear male authority because I'm program not to.

Why else would it always be men of course you're dealing with demographics of employment in jobs where a lot of these guys I've heard nice to knock their wives around so and there's a lot of aggression and male aggression in the job to begin with these are typically male aggressive sort of jobs great good for you.

I already know a lot of the games I'm already hip to this I've already figured it out. So if you think that I'm afraid of you taking my male relative who gave me part of my DNA and making parallels with his behavior and I'm supposed to be all that combative effect of all these years since the system really turned on me in Earnest in like 2013 or so when things really went South around here at least I don't know maybe the whole country Obama's second term was a shit show everything was fine in the first term I was left alone I could travel everybody was happy Bush was out but the second term shit show that's when all this crap started and 2013 I don't know what the hell is going on but I certainly sense that this state this area was going into something very bad and it just went downhill from there until the Boston bombing and then that was it once you're involved in something like that and you have to keep supporting a lie you can never ever go back to living honestly again. And this is worse than organized crime and all those open secrets being part of something like that the Boston bombing if it's not honest you can never be honest with yourself or anyone else again ever ever ever you are a butt and sold in a worse way than organized crime ever had it here this is like globalist spot and sold this place is all done. Aside from the little pockets of decency in the medical field or the little pockets of support or little pockets of law enforcement that still do the right thing according to local rules I mean the place is gone.

So go ahead try to equate my behavior with my relatives cuz I've been watching this for years and it's a joke. Why didn't you just make the fucker do alone shooting? That would have been much more in line with the shit you were trying to make it look like I was going to do which is bullshit of course. I am going to continue to own a weapon within my rights to defend myself and use for utilitarian person purposes according to my subculture and my lifestyle I'm not going to give up my right to bear arms even if it's just a knife. I shouldn't have to I'm not the bad guy here.

and by the way if people want to bitch about the way I live or the company I keep or the odd bedfellows that I've had to it's an expression that means war has odd bedfellows in other words you might have to hang out with people that you don't want to you might have to be around people that you don't want to be around to get your mission completed that's exactly what I'm doing call me associate I don't give a shit it's for a good cause. I know I have narcissism that runs in my family but mine is functional narcissism which means I have confidence and no one's going to put me down that's what I use it for my other relatives one specifically close to me has maladaptive narcissism which means it's only just destructive and alienates people away from her it's something you have to learn you learn it when you're on recovery when you become a self-actualized person there's something wrong with having these traits genetically you just have to make them work for you and for the common good.

So I'm hip I'm ready I already got it all laid out not only am I giving advice to that person for their legal defense even though the person we're talking about my relative is so mentally ill he doesn't even believe I'm related to him directly he believes I'm related to his brother that's mentally ill that's not living in reality or genetic test could prove otherwise but I just look just like him anyway but that's how far out this person is so don't try to equate me with my relative. Because things don't run in families you're just lazy you're stupid and I can smell the desperation you keep trying to create these narratives but who's the writer here? Me I'm going to write it the way it's supposed to be written I'm going to write the ending the way it's supposed to be written don't quit your fucking day jobs by the way you suck at this.

Remember my vocational testing that I was denied going to school denied doing anything I want to do remember my original vocational testing back in the early 2000s was dancer painter writer law enforcement and then something about being a clerk or whatever cuz I like to organize things. so pretty much do all those things I write I'm not a great writer I'm a painter who writes things but I write I can write and then I'm traveling with a backpack and being very athletic there's a dancer I'm doing the blog that's kind of like law enforcement stuff in a way it's kind of like I see something wrong I say something about it trying to correct things that are wrong do the right thing help people etc and then the painter well I'll do that when I retire when I just regurgitate everything that's in my head and in my files and my records in this blog put it all together and make everybody look like the pieces of shit that they are. And I can go on and pretty pictures like I was supposed to be doing of course now my eyes are screwed up from that moldy apartment and my finger is missing from being forced to flee this area and go live with somebody I met in the ti community that turned out to be a psychopath and a criminal who claims she was a Christian woman and also a victim and I lost my finger so I might not be able to paint and draw like I want but hey if Tony iomi can play the guitar with a missing finger I can do it right.

you see when we have shitty parents all we have to do is reach out to people that write their life stories biographies actors musicians successful people that's all you have to do is just ignore your stupid loser parents because remember they probably could have been successful that maybe they were denied it they didn't have the upbringing the opportunity or they might be TI's in genetic breeding program who knows the story lines we can come up with LOL and maybe they could have been great if only They had been if in a chance so there's no excuse for you not to just reach out to other people reach out to other people and look for their example and look what they've achieved and just use them as an example pretend they're your fucking parents if you need to because there's no reason that you should do is badly as your family has. I'm fortunate I was taking away for 5 years and put into a productive environment of self-sufficiency and kind of like primitive technology is which might explain while I'm attracted to those things. And then I was basically warned and said on my way in the early 2000s to leave town and do abandon everybody for 10 years so I'm going to do the right thing and return the favor I'm going to deliver a message to the public about what's going on the world economic forum transhumanism and they can make their choices accordingly.

So let's cut the shit with whatever my dad's doing whatever my mom's doing whatever my uncle had did whatever my aunt had did whatever my grandpa I really don't give a shit my grandparents or whatever who cares. I'm put into a situation I'm making the best of it I'm trying to be as successful as I would have been without this situation and I have the opportunity in the means to do it and I'm going to succeed because winners win. And after I'm done I'm going to go do what I want to do which is to paint pictures and retire somewhere away from this God damn place. I've never seen a bunch of fucking people in this area I mean the stakes are high I realize but Jesus I've never seen an area where a woman writing a damn blog who doesn't even have any money it doesn't even have officially like a place to live or anything of her own is like the biggest fucking threat how much money and time are you ask those putting into this shit?

I mean I have literally been to other parts of the country where people just are nice to me and nobody really even bothers me you are so good God damn threatened here you're so arrogant and you're so selfish ever since the witch burning is even it just shows the way you are you just can't stand you can't stand it can you be wrong or getting caught or losing and not being able to be greedy corrupt assholes.

And let me remind you that this area of the country have discovered is where project or Operation paperclip began and then that would make sense that a local contractor was involved. The stakes are very high here this place is not what it seems and I don't care how much they subliminated or make it opaque with globalism and lowering the quality of life and corporate sameness so nobody sees what's there anymore I'm going to tell the whole entire story from the day I took my first breath until I'm finished writing. And you can't stop me.

So go ahead and keep trying to write really badly written stories with characters that aren't yours I'm not a plaything and my dad's not a plaything and my family aren't playthings you can't just set up these little dolls in your doll house and make narratives don't you stop playing with yourselves and go do your job and catch the real criminals so again fuck you. Fuck you're quiet little fucking secret sneaky little frame up behind my back to make it look like there's still something wrong with me when you couldn't fucking do it with email sent on my God damn name risking your damn pensions risking your medical licenses the whole fucking time anyway now you're going to try it again? If I were you I would quit while I'm ahead stay the fuck out of my way cuz my learning curve even now is still quicker than yours you can get all the education you want I land on a dime by nature by what mother nature gave me you can't buy that can you? How jealous are you how how envious that's too bad. Maybe you should not have crossed me keep it up. and like I said I'll be a real bitch but of course the people that are doing this don't have any loss that they care about locally that's why they're doing it because now you're doing with people that could give a shit about what happened 20 years ago or something or in the last 10 years good I don't give a fuck about what you give a fuck about I give a fuck about my prime directive and my end result and I'm going to keep on trying to finish it until I'm done.

You know this is also due to the fact that his sibling a female was coddling him all these years nobody put him on medication and put him in a safe place where he belongs now she can't control him cuz she's not doing well that's not my problem that's your problem again your irresponsible your system doesn't work you have people falling through the cracks. Nothing to do with me. If I had my way the guy would have been taken care of and since his sibling has more money than God maybe she should have been taking care of him with some of her money and being a good sibling instead of being a selfish bitch but now, is catching up she's losing her mind as well. I'll never forget the article I read where I read that these people I'm talking about we're going to join the horsey set I found this article somewhere that they were going to join the horsey set and they were going to buy their first Arabian for 25,000 and my mentally ill relative his sibling who's a female and her husband or in this article where they're going to buy their first horsey trying to be part of the horsey side. well now they're probably lucky if they can just pay the bitches medical bills so why don't you take some of that money and take care of my relative why don't you get him a condo and make sure he's safe why did you let the state take control of him and that whole family has money they don't want to take care of him? Don't look at me no one ever gave me anything no one ever found me and gave me shit I never got Christmas cards I never got anything from that family I'm happy to know some of them now so I can hear about my wayward parent but that's all I get and nobody even thinks about my feelings no one ever says wow that must be rough for her nope everyone just mean to me but I don't give a shit I don't care we don't realize I don't care because it's so much worse for me that you never imagine but to me it doesn't matter because I'm awesome remember I'm awesome I'm Noble I'm a superhero I'm great I am so great I am so great and fuck everybody else and I am going to finish this project for the greater good and then I'm going to retire and I'm going to die who cares about these circumstances and these fucking people to me they're just characters in a fucking story.

So good luck trying to intimidate me again with some bullshit narrative that is badly written and good luck trying to take advantage somehow of my emotional pain or whatever you wanted to jit me out of a life you wanted to fucking make sure all the bad guys who are horrible people and criminals get all these payoffs and I have to live out of a storage space so I'm going to take from you then I'm going to fucking put you on front Street and I'm going to make money off of the story because this never should have happened and I shouldn't be being treated like a piece of shit especially by stupid people like townies morons people in like local justice system or connected to it they think they know what's going on local people who think they know what's going on believe me you're not smart enough. The average person I don't care what you think you know that you heard from someone you heard from someone you probably is an infiltrator into the local police department who's like military intelligence or something I don't care what you think you know you thinking you know what Mk ultra is about is like a child trying to understand the Mona Lisa all you're going to get is a pain by number color painting from that child because they can't proceed the complexities of the Mona Lisa so don't even try to think stop thinking. You're not smart enough to understand this entire situation why don't you just stick with the dumb cover stories in the tiny little world that you think you know and be satisfied with yourself and I'm such an awful person I even had one dumb kind some stupid Irish bitch be there on this too and one of the shelters years and years ago when I first started out with this turn around to me and say children of a lesser God this Catholic bullshit. They actually look at us and they feel bad for us like we're children of a lesser God but where are these people coming from they are so fucking retarded. But that's what they are they're like zombies in the video game they're just in the way and they're all over the place and it makes your job more difficult trying to get to your goal just like a video game and that's all you people are that don't know what's going on and you get in my way everyday and you think you know you're nothing more than incidental characters in a video game because you're stupid and you shouldn't even be involved in this heavy shit anyway but the enemy is smart and he puts you in my path with false information making it look like it's normal life and all these bad things and rumors and all this shit because he knows the stupid people are useful look at 2020 until today and the way we live now large groups of stupid people dangerous and very useful.

I got to go do my laundry which is actually a hell of a lot more important than any of this crap for the last 20 years talk to you fans later and say hi to my fucked up parent and you might want to take care of him for once instead of using him and torturing him so he'll act out and make me look bad. And maybe that rich ass family of mine that I have never really spoken to maybe they should fucking take care of him for once and take all that ill gotten money and maybe buy him a place and maybe make someone like watch out for him so he doesn't have a miserable horrible life in his own head for the next how many years he's alive I think it's very cruel what they've done to my parents both of them and I'm not going to let you get away with it and the public dogs me and they dog my family the ones that don't have money that they're not afraid of all these people are cowards and they're stupid and they're losers. And you're not going to turn me into one of you and I'm just going to write my books and move the hell out of here if I don't get some sweet deal living here in some respect that's one thing that nobody is ever given me is respect so I just take it from you and I just demand it wherever I go like I own the place because this fucking God damn state has never treated me with any respect and you're damn right I'm going to take it out of your fucking hives every chance I get I'm going to rub your noses in your mistakes and your corruption like a dog like you fucking deserve like bad little children cuz that's all you are

Games up they're not going to work.

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