Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Decent Video on Questionable Content Involving Perversion and Well off Connected People in Politics (I Reject The Term Pizzagate)

 Warning: nudity, sexually suggestive content, adult themes are presented in this conspiracy theory video. 

Outstanding Pizzagate Documentary (2017) 

i refuse to use that stupid term that everyone has used to tag or refer to this situation because it trivializes it. Please stop putting '-gate' on the end of every word then labeling something thats NOT occuring during the Nixon administration.  Also I reject the idea that these problems have anything to do with political affiliation-that is disinfo, divide and conquer and distraction. 

There is a lot of useful content in the Pizzagate conspiracy theory but one has to deconstruct the false theory and de-politicize it then reconstrut it with consideration to criminal sciences and law as well as other disciplines. 

 even though this is one of the better more credible vids I would scrutinize parts of it. I'm referring to the British girl's testimony towards end of vid. 

 i must again point out that blaming our government and using generalizations like 'THE GOVERNMENT' is damaging and outdated. Governments are huge structures that have many different departments. 
Perhaps some are infiltrated by people abusing power etc but that isn't likely how the structure was intended to function. Think a healthy body as opposed to a diseased one and consider the US Constitution as our immune system (when considering issues concerning the US government). 
We also have a system of checks and balances thats supposed to work. 

It's the public's ignorance of the governmental and legal system that causes people to become disconnected and form a conspiracy theory culture as now that is totally counter productive if not by design filled with disinformation and misinformed people. 

If your government isn't functioning properly then it's the peoples' fault. We're supposed to be minding the store. 

PLEASE don't get sucked into the disinfo psy op that is using information from so called 'Pizzagate'. There is information that should be considered. However forming an entire long drawn out conspiracy theory over it as well as becoming obsessed with it is ridiculous. 

This is nothing new. The Bush scandal connected to the Nebraska banking scandal and Boys town sex scandal, often referred to as 'the Whitehouse Midnight Callboy' scandal was much more pressing as well as the more recent discovery of the full scale of Jimmy Savilles crimes spanning his lifetime. 

However the way these things are being framed and portrayed seem to serve to only disgust people, terrorize or overwhelm them and make simple facts that should be questioned seem unrealistic or unworthy of examination. 

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