Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Monday, February 9, 2009

RE:Suicide / articles the UN/the System is destroyed

I didnt say go out and 'do it' point is that its a personal choice firstly. But if one is thinking that way then consider revenge in some form. Activism, exposure, some sort of action against the system. And that they want you dead is the greatest incentive to keep doing things to wreck them.
A ruined life is no future. And the alternative of the hive mentality is not really attractive.

Anyway it was about the right to choose, but really suicide is common on Youtube and the internet so no one is going to care and I was hinted to by someone a few weeks ago that "they dont put suicides on the news for fear of people imitating them"..thus no one will know or care.

So keep finding reasons I guess, to stay alive.
Murder suicides are not recommended becuz...well, for me personally I have thought about it but could never figure how to get ALL my enemies or betrayers in one place at the same time. You'd have to pick and who has f*cked you over the most or whatever--all the vengeful things survivors/TI's think about. People are lucky that surviving TI's seem to be able to show great restraint. Very lucky.

Its better to leave a video as evidence. If you show them your death however there are morons who will get off on that. Its more than they deserve really. For myself, I would make it as private as possible. And I would do it away from the places that people have taken from me spiritually and emotionally. Cities, buildings and brotherhoods dont deserve your energy so dont give it to them.
You should have seen the annoyance in St.Louis when they realized I was leaving and I wasnt going to off myself in some hotel there--which is what was being heavily run through my mind. And I did not come up with this myself....the tech in that city is murderous. And when I walked to the bus station with my big pack on my back, security guards just looked so me leaving walking and not in a box was just so inconvenient for them.

And try to stay the hell away from certain the 33 long/latitudes. I now this is kind of out there...but a theory is that your death is a human sacrifice suceeded in the big picture. There are greedy idiots out there who truly believe that if you die on their 'grid' that the whole world will be healed. More slave owning mentality of the clinically criminally insane. This is just a theory according to my experience its not really provable...just threw it out there.

Depends on your specific situation I guess..but we all have experienced other TI's dying as well as perps seeming to desire forced suicide. We'll see what happens I guess.

Everyone treats us like we are dead anyway.
Its great to watch the economy shit the bed....but I feel bad for the unaware of gs. The truly innocent. But everyday I see people hang thier heads, turn away or catch my eye like its so inconvenient that they have to spot me and think about what has been done to me.

I wonder if they are going to be made to pay at all...or if its par the course that TI's get screwed over for free and the aware or in on it get the benefits without charge at our expense. Debt tends to catch up with some point. Nowadays however it seems lies, gross negligence, invasions of privacy and unethical professonal behavior doesnt cost people anything. It should.

Anyway, a good article:

What do you guys think of this? What influence does the UN have really?


  1. What happened to that posting I commented on?
    Anyhow, the last link; I have a mixed regard as to the prison system and how many it harbors. Perhaps the drug dealing could be dealt with by state provided medicines. Even Walter Cronkite has said the "War on Drugs" is a farce and that it is criminalizing far too many, and that drugs should be decriminalized.
    The UN has about zero influence on policies in the Western World. I don't see that a president can make much of a difference from my jaded TI perspective. Once one sees the degree of state sponsored criminality, gangstalking and the rest of it, never mind the gravity control games that go on, we might already in the Prison Planet, and we TI's have a rare priveledge to know it. Sorry to be so grim,

  2. I think the reason it's thrived is because so many have tolerated this situation. The people that DO care (probably very few) figure well, it's only one person.

    Nobody wants to help an individual getting bad treatment. Just look at all the news clips, where one guy would be getting brutally attacked, and it's caught on tape, and literally nobody is stepping in to help.

    Then try watching those perp-approved, infiltrated shows, such as COPS, which may show a cop getting attacked by a 'convicted criminal', and there are good Samaritans stepping in to help the cop. And then watch the 'real' news, where the police are literally killing a guy, and it's being secretly filmed. Or some poor guy is getting bloodied by a violent thug in a hammer attack on a subway, and everyone is pretending not to notice.

    Of course, that's not to say any of those I mentioned on the receiving end deserved the beating-- just pointed out the difference between the 'reality' painted by perps and what is really real.

    It's a possibility that those violent thugs are protected by the GS system, and that's why nobody is stepping in the help the victim. From the tone of my harassers, it doesn't seem very far-fetched that they are indeed very passive-aggressive, potentially violent people trying to stay out of jail.

    This leads to another path, that perhaps all this making people docile via harassment could be so that violent offenders can get away with any brutal beating they so choose, and the public is too beaten down and scared to help the victim. So violent thugs and 'kingpins' can have their way with the public.

  3. So what do you think of Dick Cheney's take on the Patriot Act? He was really all into this, like we really need the surveillance to catch terrorists. Without it, the terrorists will win. Blah, blah... The way he worded his response sounded like he was on the side of the gs system.

  4. -I dont know what comment you are talking about AJH or the post. It may have been taken down accidentally. What was its content?

    -I dont pay attention to politicians in the sense of what they do overtly. I get a sense for what is being done by design in the big picture.

    We can all see the patriot act is for the purpose of spying and its just an intel gathering fest for our enemies or the perps...I know for targets it was never a good thing.


    Dick Cheney Gives his Final Interview with Bob Schieffer on Face the Nation - 1/04/09

    At 2:37 he says 'I don't believe we've violated anybody's civil liberties'. About a half minute prior, he talks about the NSA working with the CIA on Intelligence gathering 'for us'. But who is the 'us' he is speaking of? Perps, or the govt.? This could be interpreted as perps are working for the govt. But you already said to be careful in making such a connection, and I think you are right, that we should just stick to gathering the facts, and make conclusions later.
