Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Target as human sacrifice/scapegoat

Beware..there is a very creepy aspect to being a target that is experienced by some people. Its spiritual or metaphysical, a sort of psychic vampirism.
We all know someone who 'sucks the life' out of us or even out of a room but as a Target, one is especially vulnerable to people like this due to being beaten down constantly and never allowed time to heal, regenerate or re align with one's self (or definition of oneself). The redefining of the Target as victim by perps and keeping the target hostage daily as victim provides opportunities to very dangerous emotional and psychic predators.

If a Target stays in one locality too long and certain persons become familiar with you who are perps who are involved with harrassing or torturing you daily, even at first if they seemed harmless enough eventually they will harass you to a point where they start taking your energy in a very real way..there also seems to be the ability for that person, especially supported by other perps that show up on teh scene later, to begin to dump all their negative energy/problems/etc on the Target. In this way once again you become a human sacrifice in the short term as well as the long other words a Target may function as a scapegoat emotionally and psychically not jsut for the network at large but for individuals.
I have experienced this twice and its usually from EXTREMELY abusive sexist males, who you may not realize are even perps at first or are dangerous to you becuz u r not in an intimate relationship w/ them. of course my being a female this would work but i notice it must be in unison with the rest of the targeting cocktail as well and other perps male and female must be present as well. this is not imaginary..this is one of the WORST immoral acts against a target is the ability for serial killer-like individuals to put that kind of energy on a person without actually touching them. it shows the extent of psychological and emotional abuse a target is forced to endure..and how these animals can eventually break someones defenses down to the point of it becoming metaphysical or psychic in some way.
this is why this system is so nasty. ultimatley these people are taking empaths, imprisoning and abusing empaths for healing energy... its like you are forced to heal everyone who abuses u BY FORCE and IMPRISONMENT without being able to regenerate yourself..this is how they wear u out and eventually..
....many outcomes are possible after that i guess.

In a society that readily disavows psychic anything as really existing, its a perfect destructive , immoral activity...there are no laws. Just like there are no laws against psychological harrassment or organized stalking.
There should be laws becuz after the physical , emotional and psychological there is the realm or place of a person's life energy...or perhaps the stealing of this energy is made possible by the abuse on the 3 afore mentioned levels. I believe all of this would be impossible without the key-the sexual targeting. It's the access point.

Do u honestly want to live in a world of complete order that the clinically insane at the top keep promising (think akin to a James Bond villian "World domination.The same old dream" "u realize he is quite mad"...uh, yeah pretty much.) that's based on forced unwanted sexual stimulation of the human animal?
Heres a little clue fer ya..its called mind control. They do it to program people all the time. Its a powerful key into people's minds, bodies, psychs, emotions.

I hate to info you in case u didnt already know but the coming world order sounds based upon programming all of society is to be like a huge programmed mind?
But of course. People have access to info now, education, others..hmph-'others'. Yes, lack of isolation will do that, break a person's or whole society's programming. And subliminals on tv or in ads just dont work the way they used to to shock, abuse and shame the viewer into compartmentalizing what they just saw...thus consumer is truamatized and then suggestable.
Mind control programming uses same tactics. Trauma, isolation makes you suggestable. (and in the exmple, security cameras EVERYWHERE provide constant veiled threat, or screens even take the place of mirrors in mind control programming. they definetly help provide a false enviroment and constant reminder of authority, a false presence(a disturbing one at that) which i dare say is ultimately bad for human mental health.)

Think about it ..all activities on the internet are the participants being isolated yet having a collective experience. There is sensory deprivation involved.

There can be no True Peace in a world that cares little for balance in health, enviroment, population and true mental and physical health and well being in humans. Technology, without the resolution of the very issues that make humans crazed, aggrressive, sick, stressed, unhappy or violent will result in technology being used for the enslavement of doomed populations.
People are acting out aggresively and technology is used to provide maximum control and accesss to the aggressors while providing minimun control to the victims and maximizing victim isolation.

I know I know..most people are not using tech for these abusive purposes. But there is no policing. Not the kind targets need anyway. We cant even get relief from real life authorities, why bother policing the Internet? What is needed is laws. Advocates. Yet if Targets are dealing with a sick cult of people who are numerous and good people seem afraid it pretty much looks like they'll always get thier way. If these persons are intergenerational as perps and if they need targets to feel grounded or anchored or even as true life hands off human sacrifices there is very little hope. But there is hope in the negative. If you are a Target feel hopeful in the logic that a society like this one cannot sustain these sort of appetites indefinetly and they will be reduced in numbers and most likely die out..There is no such thing as 'guilty parties' in this. Everyone is a victim, ultimatley, of mind control and unmanaged human greed.
Its too bad they cant let some of us be....lets hope they begin to have to feed off each other soon.

Can u possibly sense how this rules my life and is wearing me into the ground?
And there is no way out
there is only resistance.


Anyway, the weird stuff that happens that is so heavily emotional it becomes semingly psychic
may have something to do with or made possible by the tech part of the Targeting 'cocktail'.
(Organized Stalking [aka group or gang stalking], druggings/chemical poisonings by varying delivery systems, tech [non lethal weapons, etc.], possible implants to assist tech part of cocktail-especially if you've had prior surgeries and are experiencing anything unusual from those areas....and if one does research one finds the world of implants to be used legitamately for medical purposes to help people could easily be used for the horrors of targeting a human or even human experimentation. )

When you've been targeted since 1996 as a Target and gather all this info becuz u r living thru the nuances of it you become a specialist. Its difficult however to keep the subject efficiently documented with no educational backround (would have had a common system of info storage-delivery others could readily relate to all doctors speaking Latin.) and living in the middle of the experiment or war or activity-what the hell is This we are going thru anyway?

When we are gone our detractors will make sure it's marketed as insanity
but we know what we are going thru is death
death of the spirit
the personality
the brain.
Yes gangstalking is brain death
but those involved can never destroy the mind
they can never take your mind
as old files empty
and memories are wiped away
and You, you
start to lose your inner playground
while they NEVER give up trying to control the Outside
your day to day life
to redefine you
you retain
whatever Territory was once yours
though every few months you find
it has shrunken down
and eventually you will find yourself
on a desert island
alone and surrounded
with what little remains of the Honest TRUTH
with what little remains of You
and they cant have that
they cant take it
Die with it
in your wretched hand
be found cold and lifeless
with a piece of cloth torn
from the fabric of your life that once was
white knuckles
locking up
your idea of what was once yours
Is yours

remember that a piece of
is as good as all of
a thing

die with a piece of your
original mind

and u die
with all that
is worth dieing for

NEVER change your mind
not for anyone
not for them

Marley told us
as children
"dont let 'em change ya
or even re arrange ya"

this unfortunately
is as hardcore
and exactly
what he meant.

DO NOT take on a label of mental illness if you are targeted. it only gives the perps more power to hurt you and invalidates all you've struggled for.
All your research, searching, questioning.
Plus what about all the other targets out there blogging and trying to expose the truth?
The perps are possibly going to make u crazy..but that does not mean u were to begin with.

The fact so many people are experiencing being targeted around the world and there is a tactic used trying to immediatley label people instead of investigating shows a complete lack of reason and logic which shoud make anyone suspicous of a mental illness label replacing a reasonable question and answer session.
No one has EVER asked me my side of my story yet I am heavily persecuted daily 24/7 since 2003 and really since 1996. I think 1996 and up to 2003 was a study period for the perps, also trying to get a nice good frame up where they could really use people in my life against me and a nice juicy set of circumstances for a nasty pr smear.
This is why once u know whats going on its VERY important to stay clean, sober, relationship free and in control as much as possible. I know its hard but not reacting perp antics and coming up with ways to intercept them is importatn...though i realize by doing this i and other targets are just possibly providing them with data to help them destroy the next person of similar traits....yes, if u simply try to stay alive and survive you might still help further their aims.
Just do your best, and dont become a perp..never be like them. If you give in you will lose your identity and be reabsorbed into thier system anyway. If you find yourself weakened and turning..u know the options. Do whats best for you.

I am not going to sit here and preach a pro-life stance for Organized Stalking Targets whom society has turned away from
to the point
where all you get in the way of seeing people as still human and not ALL capable of atrocities is occassoinally people cant even look up or in the eye in your presence
or they genuinly feel bad for u when they do look at u.

you who are also going thru this know what i mean
yes there are still some people
who are intelligent enough to know this is an elaborate con
and they know its wrong
"whats being done to u is wrong" they may even say. but it changes nothing.
as far as i can see a target gets harrassed until they are mentally insane or dead. which is better than Loving Big Brother before you check out.

I believe the people doing this are ..ugh. satanists. (there i said it). The whole thing is so..stupid and illogical and...
anyway try to look at them like an ancient tribe who has lots of power in numbers but not as individuals. They seem to be part of a huge collective, like cells. It could just be a fake out to snag a tired confused rapidly declining target like me into finally grabbing something solid to hold onto. Who knows? But with other stuff i have been looking at it seems feesible. Its really not a big deal. THERE ARE OTHER TRIBES.. and i dont mean christians either.

best right now to stay out of all religions, for me anyway. who knows who's running what?
the christians i have really is catch as catch can with good people in those ranks. Alot of mind control/denial. I will NOT trade one prison for another, thank you very much.
i will try not to do something out of desperation and fear i would no thave done anyway..I Will Not Lie.
I do not wish to become a Christian. I am not mentaly ill just targeted. I am not mean spirited or bitter but betrayed and heavily wounded in battle.

The perps lie. They lie as a way of life and as a way to destroy lives using negatively channeled creative energy to create deceptions.

As you read this and every other Targets blog, I know u view me as a loser, a weakling.
Such is the sensory deprivation of the internet.
If you saw me, heard me and listened
I would strike you as articulate
highly intel
and you might even see
I was at one time quite beautiful

You would respect or fear me
perhaps you are truly humane
and would connect with compassion
but no one can save
the lion
from the hunters

a mighty beast
born to rule
will still fall

It doesnt matter to these a-holes how much potential u had or what part of the world you were going to save or whom you were going to help. your power is thiers to take. And there will always be other people, other sources of food for these idiots. more Energy to steal.
It seems either you join em or they beat you.

They seem especially terrified and threatened by poor geniuses, artists, women. I think they hate everyone who is not them.
even when they have perps pretending to be your friends, u look at them when they think u are not looking ..and its PURE HATRED in thier eyes. How can u hate someone so much that u barely or do not know?
I believe they are soooo wrapped up in the collective that its such heavy mind control...but perhaps to some its the fun of a seemingly easy kill.
I hear most humans like to go along with the crowd, makes em feel good..and safe.

I wouldnt know.

I usually go along with whats Right. What is Evolving..and what Heals.

And stand a middle finger to the enemy, casually. We all know that these second rate attention seeking f*cks were never worth too much of our time anyway.

Might Makes Right
Too Baaaad
It Doesnt
Make Great.

That, my dears is for me too lose and for u to never have.
Welcome to the world of mc survivors.
being a perp, i hope u deprogram someday. and slowly lose your minds to the things u have done.
becuz u WILL remember. u will suffer.

And dear Targets, my others, if you are just waking up....go read something more positive. this is the very unattractive scene of someone targeted too hard and too long. There is no guarentee you will fare as badly. Perhaps yer outcome will be differnt.
I wish u well.


  1. This was a really great post. You made so many good points. Being around them in energy draining. There were so many good points you made however.

    I found as I read it, so much of what you said is so true. I usually avoid the spiritual, energy aspects of this, cause it's hard for me to explain or articulate, and most people would not understand it.

    I saw so many parts of me in this post. I liked what you said about keeping clean, sober and relationship free. I also don't think you have to be christian, but if you are fighting Satinist, it still does not hurt to use the bible. They are still affected by it.

    Let's hope they don't win, even if they are studying us to make it easier to break the next person, let's stay strong. I get the feeling that this is the path many of us are on, because we are just that sort, something about us they hate, and need to destroy for this one world government crap to be fulfilled.

    Also they do seem to hate specific people over others, thus the targeting. I think the points were very good, and I will add this post to my site under the forum topic posts with the most.

    Hang in there, you really are not alone.

  2. Your blog has a content warning. When I found the blog a few days ago I don't remember this being there before I could enter, now it's there. Maybe I missed it the first time.

    [quote]Content Warning
    Some readers may find the content of this blog objectionable. In general, Google does not review nor do we endorse the content of this or any blog. For more information about our content policies, please visit the Blogger Terms of Service[/quote]

  3. very good post - had not yet found anything so descriptive of the etheric angle with regard to organized stalking. [[[looked for a contact link, but couldn't find one so I'm posting this. Feel free to contact me via my site, I'd like to connect if u would]]]

  4. This Sunday is Indigo Ribbon Day. The Ribbon has been adapted by some members of the Targeted Individual community as a way to show unity and solidarity.

    Every cause has a symbol of hope, a ray of light. When people see this ribbon, it's with the hope that they will realise that there are Targeted Individual and that they are suffering.

    It's a voice for those who are having to remain silent. If you have a web blog, website, etc you can paste this on your website.

    If you campaign offline, you can paste the ribbon on just like you would for any other cause.

    The Indigo Ribbon is a ray of hope for Targeted Individuals. Light for those in the dark. Hope for the Survivors.

  5. Gangstalking is a money scam. That is the reason why soooooooo many people partake in it & are sooooo loyal to keeping it a secret. Life insurance policies have been taken out on the t.i. The victims family knows this as welllllllllllllll. All the information put online is misleading and provided by this criminal ring to misinform and confuse. All of it is done for money. Tis have been sold to organized crime grps period. Its a money scam.
