


Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

The Dangers of the New AI 'Companion' Coming Soon From Big Tech (vid by a privacy tech guy!)

The Next Scary AI Phase In Your New Windows and iPhone 16 is Here
by Rob Braxman Tech

It's interesting that we're seeing this now and I also saw some small news blip about people being able to buy a life-size robot that helps around your home. They are in their infancy but the fact that they have actual robots that look like people with no faces that can actually do human movements and clean the house it's not going to be long before they become more advanced. 
Just take what you're being shown that's for civilians and add that to what you've seen from companies like Boston Dynamics which is supposedly creating robots for the military but of course everything that goes into stuff like the military ends up trickling down into what we buy every day in our daily lives as consumers in the civilian world. I also have a theory that this might be why they've made sure that there's a division between the police and the public because they're going to claim that robot policemen don't make mistakes and don't have agendas or bias the way that humans do which would be absolutely horrible because you can't reason with a robot you can't outrun it and you can't fight back. 

And just like with human beings as far as programming goes which I haven't done a lot of work on because I don't understand how to use my other blog that deals with these issues more so, there could be underneath or secret programming in the robots just like the public's understanding of a Manchurian candidate or someone with high level programming it takes a little more to understand. If you can program a person and have internal programming that even they don't know about then what makes it so hard to do it to a machine where the circuitry is probably less complicated than a human being? 

This is also happening after we could have created a society where the youth are completely weaponized against anyone older anyone who remembers a free society without technology ruling us and without the hive mind and a US constitutional government which is barely hanging by a thread. 

There are so many suffering people out there that actually need help the elderly the disabled people aren't talking to each other anymore neighbors don't have neighborhoods they have communities people don't take care of their neighbors anymore that are elderly we let the system do it, most kids are not being taught to go out and help would it take care of elders or even to visit elders in their own families.. 

This may seem like a harmless consumerism or you're right as a citizen of a capitalist society but capitalism is not to blame it's how humans use it just like guns don't kill people, people kill people. What it's doing is teaching the youth that they don't have to be responsible to other human beings. On the iPhone in the last couple of years I've seen this feature that they have where they can erase anything in the background that they don't like and the example they use in the advertisement is some working class guy is doing painting on a wall and it interrupts this hipster yuppie kids picture so he basically just erases the guy out of the background. The feature comes at a time when kids are being told they can simply just cancel people and that everybody over a certain age is to blame for the world's problems and are horrible racist people as if that's the most important thing on the planet right now. These are the same fucking kids the Gen z kids the younger ones that are now getting older, these are the same kids who don't understand the irony of them using their cell phones to mob people during BLM but not paying attention to the fact that cell phones and companies that make them have destroyed the Congo and the young kids in Africa have to do all the mining of dangerous materials that we need to make cell phones. 

Therefore in a society that is now totally divided and conquered and living as separatists yet claiming we all get along together, where people don't take care of each other anymore I don't mean everybody but your average person is a complete fucking idiot at this point and I don't know where these parents are but the kids are completely out of control, you're creating a society where people are going to need to fill that void.. 
Thus the new AI companion! 

We all knew this was by design we just didn't know exactly how they were going to go about doing it. 

But it's just like the man in the video says just arm yourself with awareness and create alternative communities. We have the freedom to do so where people in China and places that have been totally taken over early on in history probably for the purpose is going on now for the grand plan that we see unfolding they don't have a choice we do. 

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Adrenal Fatigue: being targeted can kill you over time

 The stress of being targeted especially if you run out of town and it becomes a physical thing where you have to travel to stay safe eventually can kill you through developing a cortisol metabolism and body type. 

How to Fix the Adrenal Body Type - Dr. Berg

Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
if video is unavailable here, go to this link: https://youtu.be/ViBCHO6FSiI?si=NdSnj6vM75I-TMci

Some quick key points about me

 I just want to clarify some things that I've heard whispers of or that I feel like is being deducted or there's a smear campaign out there with rumors and whispers. 

I've always been dedicated to this blog and my situation is very complicated and I'm lucky enough to know why this may be happening to me in theory of course. I have a pretty clear picture which means someday I have to try for some sort of illegal resolution and of course writing books because the former probably won't work until I'm very old and then it's pointless to salvage whatever life I was going to have it's already too late I'm already 54 this system in our society this shadow system has already taken the best years of my life away from me and denied me a life so the only thing I can do is try to leave behind information for others as my life's work. 

So it's time to clarify some things because it's not for me it's for my readers I don't want people to believe smear campaigns cuz it only interferes and what I'm trying to accomplish. 

-I don't drink. There's been a lot of rumors and people especially in Boston or Cambridge for some reason working for the public transportation system don't know why that is I can guess but I won't get into it here we're walking by me and saying that I drink or making gestures like somebody drinking. In the suburbs here I think it's just assumed also I think it's assumed because of the company that I keep and where I live now. I don't drink what people might be saying is that I've had multiple concussions from car accidents and other things that have happened and I recently was told a couple of years ago I have post-concussion syndrome. And I recently got whiplash 2 years ago and the post concussion syndrome has not gone away and it comes and goes which means I need physical therapy and a neurologist to follow me now for the rest of my life because if your post concussion syndrome doesn't go away within a reasonable amount of time after the injury it's never going to go away. I've also lived in the Northeast for far too long and I live inside now which means unless I live in a really gorgeous Victorian that's been totally demolded and renovated in a nice upper middle neighborhood like Newton or Melrose or something I'm going to be mold sick it's not as bad as a hotel room cuz those things are deadly but I've been exposed to mold in hotel rooms and apartments just too much since 2016 when I was framed and my wings were clipped and I had to stay here so my health has suffered. Not only am I not traveling which kept me healthy and fit but I'm also not going to desert areas which dried out my mold exposure issues which began in the early 2000s when I was exposed to mold and it almost killed me and it made me sick and gave me permanent damage neurologically into my lungs into my eyes and my nose. Therefore from two reasons number one ongoing low-level mold exposure and number two neurological damage such as head injury which is what concussion is I often walk with an unsteady gait I trip over things I can't catch myself when I walk I used to fall a lot after the last injury and that's a purely neurological issue from post-concussion syndrome. Possibly it could also be from mold exposure because I know when I had my first mold exposure and I left town to save my life and move to Arizona very briefly in 2006 to dry out if you will I was very frightened of the way I was walking was with an unsteady gate and that means I couldn't walk straight because of the neurological damage from the moldy apartment in the early 2000s so I recognize these symptoms. So I walk unsteady and I walk funny and can't keep my balance because of neurological issues not because I'm drinking.

I've been in recovery since 1996 approximately. I quit opiates and that was a huge problem it was a huge problem for a lot of us in the 1990s which is annoying that it's a huge problem now because it should have been dealt with in society already and at this age you realize that it's all on purpose it's by design and they could stop it if they wanted to but they're not going to it serves as suppression of certain demographics social control and well black market economics people make money off of it. So drugs are not going anywhere. I did have a relapse in the late 90s which is normal for early recovery, somewhere around 98 or 99 due to fraternizing with the wrong partner who was still living a lifestyle of nightclubs etc and after a few drinks and relapses on some things that were not my main addiction I realize that my health at that age couldn't stand up to even having a couple drinks and I also realize it just didn't do anything for me anymore so I just put everything down and moved away to the Southwest when I came back basically by recovery started again. So when people ask me what my recovery date is I would have to think about it and I would say if I went to 12 step meetings in those meetings it would be the late 90s like 98. But I tell people I've been in recovery over 30 years because to me the main problem was solved in 96 and I even quit smoking I believe at that time maybe a year or two afterwards so all of the heavy duty stuff and all of the behaviors that were connected to addiction were pretty much gone. And by the way early recovery is not a year you're kidding yourself if you think it's a year early recovery is 3 years. And you don't have a good stable base of recovery until about 5 years. After 5 years pretty much are going to be safe if you keep doing what you're supposed to be doing which is going to the meetings or whatever you find works. If you relapse you just have to get up and start all over again. so non addicts aggravate the hell out of me and everybody else when they sit there and whine and say isn't early recovery one year or oh my brother is in early recovery and he should have gotten it by now and the person's only been clean like a year people are very fucking stupid when whatever the condition is doesn't affect them. Being nasty to somebody who's trying to get into recovery and taking it seriously and going to the meetings and saying that they didn't get it right in the first 3 years or 5 years or year it's like telling a cancer patient that they're a complete asshole for not going to remission in the beginning of their chemo treatment. Very few people that are genuinely addicts are going to get clean in the first year it's kind of like homelessness yeah there's people that are temporarily homeless and houseless they go to the shelter they get into the program whatever it is they go to HUD whatever it is and they get the housing and they go back inside that is not somebody that's lived the lifestyle and been in the subculture of houselessness in the United States that's somebody that was experiencing homelessness as that ridiculous stupid phrase from the industry comes from. 

The person who's genuinely been out there and been homeless and heartless and lived in the subculture for a long period of time regardless of what level or what demographic you are or were he's going to have a lot more difficulty acclimating to being inside there's actually biological physiological biochemical reasons why that person would now have a hard time being inside. 

-I am not mentally ill. 

Yes we all know that people that are mentally ill sometimes do not admit that they're mentally ill and not going to say they are. However regardless of what was attempted during the frame up with the emails if I had money for a lawyer and this state was not corrupt especially the small little city with all that money and power packed into a small area with all those lap dogs those judges and lawyers there's nothing but lap dogs for the system and the kangaroo Court that's there in a county that makes most of its money off of academia the military industrial complex and prisons and now big Pharma and biotech in the city I'm speaking about where the frame up mostly happened, if the power was equal like I had enough power to fight the corrupt power that was coming after me they would never have been any question about my sanity because the way that the frame up was attempted was absolutely ridiculous and nobody in the right mind would believe it. I have evidence to prove that everything that was done the way it was done was done illegally it was done incorrectly and so it's all no and void another words if I brought everything to a judge who wasn't corrupt because he's being blackmailed or whatever the hell it is in this damn State all the time and believe me there's way too many of them, I would be able to prove plainly that this was all done incorrectly and it's fabricated but because I'm poor and I have no money and because people see me living a certain way of course the bad guys take advantage of it and they smear me and people are going to listen to their brother's cousins Uncle who knows somebody in whatever authority or whatever it is and they listen to that person when that person's either number one compromise themselves or number two misinformed by somebody else higher up. 

So if you want to believe this shit go right ahead there's no evidence of it. Again if I had a lot of money a lot more than the conditions I just discussed above I would need a lot more money to prove the entire conspiracy but if I had a million dollars or a billion dollars or save 500 million dollars would be safe maybe, maybe a little bit less but a lot more than a million dollars if I had a lot of money or backers with a lot of money I could prove the entire conspiracy and I could afford to bring forth all of the things that make it so that it's reasonable to assume that I would actually be a targeted individual. I know the words I can't say on this blog all the things that make it a lot more feasible that I would be targeted opposed to me being delusional that I am not really targeted. 

I might put it into my book but I'm not going to put it on this blog and I'm not going to talk about it publicly. But believe me if everything was revealed the family I come from both sides of my family people used to associate with etc you would say to yourself why aren't I targeted opposed to why do I think I'm targeted. It's just easier for me to appear to be normal and nobody and I like my life as a traveler and alternative but believe me I would have chosen something else. 

So if you want to assume that I'm delusional or crazy or imagining things then go ahead but that's why we have laws against people saying somebody's crazy and making it fact or even a doctor who has not assessed a patient saying that in their assessment the person is mentally ill because there was a presidential candidate decades ago who wanted to get the better of their opponent and they accuse the person's wife of being mentally ill using a doctor who was working for them and the person actually got sectioned the woman got put away just because a doctor who had not examined her said she was not so there's a law now that says that you can't assess somebody without actually seeing them first if you're a doctor and this is why people saying Donald Trump is mentally ill did not work because it's specifically designed to protect presidential candidates this law that I'm speaking about so Donald Trump I think had somebody examine him and the person went in front of the public and said that he's mentally fit I think. Believe me if we could have every world leader and candidate for world leadership tested for psychopathy sociopathy murderous fucking intentions sexual perversion and other things the world will be a better place but at this point that's not going to happen. 

It's easy to say somebody's this or that or the other and it's easy to believe it and for some people it's fun that's why I don't pay attention to it because most people that are not key players in these games they don't matter. They're like zombies in that video game that you play they're just kind of in the way and you have to kind of get them out of your way while you go towards the actual Target on your mission but there's hundreds of them and they keep coming at you all the time so that's kind of what the general public are they're nothing but zombies in a video game they just served to kind of get in the way they're not really part of the objective the prime directive the mission they're just a pain in the ass while you get to where you're going I just ignore it and I kind of laugh at them because they really don't know what's going on if they did did they certainly wouldn't be irresponsible towards me the good guy but that's because the public are misdirected by bad guys who appear to be members of their community people they can trust the same old story. So you believe whatever you want because I don't really care because I'm just going to brush you off. 

-I must be mentally ill because my father is mentally ill and recently committed a violent crime in this past year. 

This really doesn't affect me and I could feel the heat when my dad who I haven't seen since I was one years old by the way when he committed a violent crime I knew people were going to see how I reacted and I knew that it was going to be trying to use it against me and I just ignored it because I don't really know the guy. My father is what you call an acid casualty. We used to see them around a lot in the 1980s and '90s and then they kind of fell away and you didn't see them much anymore because a lot of them died off or got old. But you'd see them around a lot back then and they had interesting stories and they were a little crazy and a little off and sometimes they be paranoid and just old crazy heads from the 1960s. Well the problem with these people is that they actually were suffering from brain damage from LSD which is actually a mold called ear got and it is synthesized mold and when it gets into your brain it can stay in the folds of your brain. One of the reasons that a lot of us survived a little better is because our parents told us horror stories about these LSD trips that people would take I mean they would not stop warning us and telling us about one guy my mother said when she was younger took LSD and he started seeing windmills you know those windmills in Holland those big windmills or the ones they use now for wind power he kept seeing razor blades attached to the pedals of the windmill and they were coming at his throat and he couldn't stop seeing it cuz he couldn't get out of the trip and he went into a mental institution and nobody knows what happened to him I never heard the end of the story probably they treated him but he's probably going to be damaged for the rest of his life. One woman I knew in recovery was my sponsor made a joke pretty much about the same condition which is that she knew a guy that took an acid trip and he thought he was an orange and then he went into a mental institution and he still thinks he's an orange I mean I don't know if that's the exact circumstances I think she was trying to make a joke very sarcastic dry humor joke but that's kind of what happened to people. 

And my father's family may have some kind of imbalance or predisposition that makes them a little more susceptible to something going wrong if they do something like take too much acid but I distinctly remember my mother telling me that my father was tripping every single day when I was a little baby and it was the 1970s it was Cambridge Massachusetts MIT Harvard that's where either people were making this stuff or pushing it the two colleges respectively and people were feeding him acid and that's one of the reasons that she left he picked up my little baby chair I had a little baby rocking chair it's in photographs of me as a baby and he took it and threw it against the wall in a acid rage some kind of fit he was having and she just left to never went back then of course he got pissed off because she left and kind of moved on with his life and after that he was so traumatized he would say things to my aunt his sister who I have spoken to off and on throughout the years he would say things like I had a baby daughter once with the police came and took her away. My aunt would question him about me being present in her life as I had tracked the family down when I was 18 and started fraternizing with him and speaking with them and she told him about me and he said oh no no that's not my daughter that's my brother's daughter I had a daughter once but the police came and took her away. And that's the end of it that's what the guy thinks the guy is actually so damaged and so messed up that he wants to believe I am someone else's kid and that that memory of that day when the police came and took us away is what he chooses to be the end of that chapter of that story. So I've always just left him alone and let him have his story because obviously the man's brain is fried and he doesn't have any kind of quality of life so just leave him alone. 

I think one time when I was 20 I attempted to call him or he called me I don't know what the hell that was about or how it even happened but the conversation was very strange he tried to treat me like a stranger and he just sounded crazy the one thing I did take away from it though was that I have my mother's deep Germanic slash Dutch tone of voice but I have my father's meter tempo and voice inflection which was a good thing for me to hear it's strange not having one parent around who you can reflect like a mirror to see where you get your traits from so I've seen pictures I've talked to his family I've observed them their behavior of their body language their features and I've heard him speak that was enough to give me a little bit of the rooting in the ground that I needed to know who I was. 

But the man has always been mentally ill and it's not because he was born mentally ill it's because probably upbringing or whatever it is was not great and then he ends up just tripping way too much that's why my father is mentally ill. I've said this to his sister multiple times and she refuses to retain that information she still keeps insisting on saying things like"he was always a little different from the rest of us" what because he was creative and smart and moved away from home and decided to live like a hippie? I don't trust her opinion and my mother keeps forgetting that you even told me those stories because she's old and has health issues that affect her that way. But I remember hearing the stories and I know what medical science dictates and he is a classic LSD casualties from the 1960s and seventies it's that simple and that is what has caused his mental illness. 

Which means number one I have DNA from another person that gives me a better chance of being logical insane and not being mentally ill and number two I also have not tripped on acid especially acid from that era or has a drug of choice repeatedly so therefore the same thing is not going to happen to me and I come from different parents under different conditions and it's not the same generation and all these other factors. 

Also I may have inherited My Father's Love of travel and ability to travel however I'm productive with it like my mom's family I build something I run it like a business I make something out of it I have that Norman invader DNA that's entrepreneurial and takes travel seriously as a way of conquering and building not just traveling around which is probably a Slavic trait from my dad. 

In a lot of the fault comes down to the States involved especially the state that he became a ward of a few years ago I think 10 years ago or something he got really crazy and he became more of the state why didn't the state retain him why didn't they give him better living conditions so he wouldn't be unhappy why didn't they force him to take his medication if he genuinely was mentally ill not being framed but genuinely needed help? Why did he even have a car how was he able to drive around if he was that crazy? I had a family member bragged to me once and he had a gun many years ago decades ago what is my father doing with a gun? And you can see the credibility of my dad's family for somebody from that family to actually say that to me which of course didn't freak me out because I was raised with my mother's family but it was still an asshole thing to do and you can see the irresponsibility of the family with that statement. My dad's family different members different people as well as his parents have money some of his family members are absolutely loaded or were loaded before that was medical issues that drain their money why didn't they just take him out of the public system that wasn't working stick him in a condo that was paid for in a place that was designed to have people watch him so he can't have all the things he liked that we keep him busy like woodworking and all this other stuff? So the family didn't take responsibility and the system didn't take responsibility and that is why my dad ended up in another state I'm committed a violent crime which has nothing to do with me because if I was in charge of guardianship of my father I would have made sure he had what he needed to keep him happy and safe and that he and everybody else around him was safe. Dad is not what happened and that is not my fault I was powerless over there my father's family has taken extraordinary steps to make sure that I never talk to him I never meet him and that I never involved in anything to do with him and they tell me very little but these are the same people that would not tell me that my grandfather work for Raytheon they keep saying he was a carpenter growing up which I find suspicious as well so I don't trust them and nobody else should either. Besides they're really stupid about legal stuff because when my dad committed that crime he was on gabapentin. That drug is known to cause aggression I have dealt with it with doing advocacy with someone that I know in their medical care and the person had to be pulled off of the medication for every dangerous aggression problem. So again another question what was my dad doing on gabapentin? There's no way that somebody with that kind of mental illness that has had his history of issues should be on that drug and I tried to tell this to my dad's family and I tried to tell them to tell his lawyer and they just don't care. These are the kind of people that grow up with money but they're not smart and they're not driven towards going to college and so they're fucking lazy and they don't know what they're doing they might work but that doesn't mean that they work at making the best life. I got what I needed out of these people I got DNA that's extremely useful to me I feel bad for my dad and if you put the theory that I work on up next to it there is some things that are very suspicious about the way he's been treated overtime and the things that he said he might too might even be a victim if you apply my theories. But there's nothing we can do about that now he's lost to me and that's the end of it but this is war so there's going to be casualties. That's always been my attitude and that's the way it has to be. 

Just because my father was talking about things that are politically charged or conspiracy theory type stuff allegedly now remember I don't know if there was any cameras or recording equipment it's all alleged so the person who was victimized might even be lying or whoever is the witness that was saying that he was saying these things unless there's proof like irrefutable proof that words came out of his mouth about conspiracy theories I'm not going to believe it anybody can say anything anybody can make any claim, so we don't know if he was really saying those things but if you was saying things about conspiracies while he committed a violent crime there is a huge difference between somebody who is paranoid delusional and dangerous and somebody who is a victim of political oppression and just because they're related isn't mean that it's the same thing. 

Again this smear campaign would probably be this really outdated theory about how if with a parent is mentally ill then the child must also be as well or something stupid like that. And in this case it does a hell of a lot more good for the bad guys and the smear campaign people than it does for me in my position but again stupid people believe stupid things and act stupidly. And again just ignore it because they can scream it to the hilltops as much as they want all that matters is a piece of paper and all that matters is proof and all that matters is what goes on in a court of law and you're dealing with an American public that would rather protest and burn cities to the ground then go face the justice system to make changes to the way that it functions and the way our authorities do things you're not dealing with reasonable people anymore so I wouldn't pay attention to anything the public say at this point. After the election they might be some common sense but it seems like it's not going to be changing the general culture in this country anytime soon. 

-I just do this for attention I'm all about getting attention. My clothing that I wear is all to intimidate people. 

I don't do this blog so that I can get attention and the way I dress is simply because I've adapted to my circumstances and I'm part of a subculture it's kind of like being drafted it's common for people that have been in military service to continue to wear their uniforms or still go to VFW Halls to meet with old buddies it's like an experience that you get bonded and you just can't forget it. Not any disrespect to service members who have legitimate service and legitimate military but it is similar so I'm part of like a tribe now or something and it is what I am and I'm not going to just give it up I worked really hard for it and it wasn't my choice I just kind of adapted the best I could and the reason I dress for involently is probably because I should have been dressing a flamboyantly doing something in the arts I would have been dressing flamboyantly being a painter or something anyway so this is just who I am I'm just adapted it to my current condition. And I have no time for people that are ignorant about travelers and alternative lifestyles and stuff like that either they don't know what it is or they don't respect it and then they just don't exist to me if they want to try to use that to win some kind of victory or make a judgment I'm just going to ignore them because they're not reasonable and you can't talk to them so why have them be part of your reality. 

My blog is because I needed to create it out of self-defense and also to help other people because it's pretty much all I was capable of for a long time I wasn't allowed to do anything else or I didn't know how to adapt my circumstances to doing anything else especially in the very beginning when this first started you're dealing with MK ultra high level programming there's a lot of stuff going on with people that are going through deprogramming they can't concentrate on outside actions and realities and circumstances and focus on the internal deprogramming process. Maybe the best they can do is put on a backpack and run because they can't focus on the outside world and the internal world at the same time it's all very complicated and it's something that they don't want the public to know about it is a lot easier to make it look like I'm stupid or homeless by choice or something dumb like that and I just ignore it again I'm writing books that's what's going to matter that's where all the information is going to be in and people can use it for whatever they want to use it for hopefully will people will use it to fight the oncoming reality of transhumanism where they're going to try to program all of us or make us all programmable machines if anybody can leave a guidebook for this kind of thing it's those of us who have gone through stuff like this. 

-she's just a scammer and wants money. 

Well I did get supported after I was framed by a mysterious donor that kept me going for many years afterwards and then she fell off the face of the Earth and disappeared. But during that time I learned about a better quality of life I could have and I felt that somebody cared and it definitely rescued me from a bad faith because of what the frame of it done to me me not traveling etc so I appreciate having a patron or a sponsor at that point that's pretty much the only time I really had any substantial donations given to me. I think I've had maybe two or three donations that were substantial maybe a couple hundred bucks maybe twice the whole entire time before 2016 I think somebody sent me $300 once when I was in California from Australia and that was about it and these are just gifts so it doesn't really impact anything else and everything was done legally and everything was done with all my other affairs so that it was you know would go smoothly for my future so when I do become employed or I do become you know wealthier that I won't have problems from in the past I mean it's already as confined whatever they want but you know I like to keep my books in order if you will. 

-she's secretly a criminal and people don't change etc 

I don't really understand this one I don't know what people are referring to but it had lots of weird accusations even traveling and other states like 3,000 miles from here I've had accusations which shows you the reach of this system, and even now people are stupid enough to believe rumors I guess but it doesn't matter because I am simply just trying to live on a shoestring budget as usual and find my way through the greatest country in the world where anybody can rebound or reinvent themselves or come back from a hard hit where they lose everything etc. If you can get yourself back on track in any place it would be here so I just ignore that as well because it's probably just coming from the enemy camp and they're siphoning it through the public through a grapevine of people that people trust and then people believe it because they have nothing to do they're bored they're stupid they're jealous whatever it is I just don't pay attention it does get a little annoying sometimes and it is especially heady in places outside of the city where people just have nothing better to do and they seems really jealous for some reason more so of course why would you be jealous in the city with all these beautiful college students people have money they have more stuff to do I think it's a suburban thing where people get kind of weirded out or they want to cause trouble and start rumors but I also think the people just don't have time for this shit anymore anyway. It can be annoying to get this feeling that people feel as if they hold power over you because they have a judgment handed down to them by a supposed authority or that collectively as a community and neighborhood a store whatever it is these little groups these people live in and their petty little lives that they actually hold you in some kind of suspension above the ground almost like they carry you they hold you with their judgments or their knowledge of you that they think they have I just ignore this because it's just the way humans are and it's pointless because it serves no purpose and getting the prime directive and the mission completed. An example I've given before is I was in 12-step meetings in the late 90s before this system became really over after 9/11 which happened for a lot of us which is how this original TI movement started I mean it started way before after 9/11 but it just exploded after 9/11 because so many people became victimized in ways that were really obvious and then you in hindsight you realize stuff was being done before 9/11 but you didn't really see it or you just thought it was odd or whatever it is and it was much more mild and hard to detect. So an example is I was in a 12-step meeting and someone who again trusted authority in the meeting you know wealthy suburb of Boston is trusted authority was talking about somebody in a negative way that was in the meeting saying that he had done this and that and he had you know gotten intimate with the wife of somebody in a position that he probably shouldn't have and he was doing things he shouldn't have been doing and of course instead of the wife being blamed it was all put on the man and this was given as the excuse as to why this person was being shunned and harassed and now we know it as gang stalking or community mobbing or organized stocking whatever you want to call it, but back then it's just kind of looks like he was just basically marked for death I mean marked for just being totally shunned and hate it on. And so I looked at the person and I couldn't figure out why the person didn't just move out of town if it was a local issue concerning local people and it was just local community mobbing? I also couldn't figure out why people believed this authority figure in the 12-step meeting because we're not doing a real investigation here and nobody has questioned the alleged perpetrator who's being harassed. So even then looking back one can clearly see that I looked at these issues a little more with clarity and with reason and logic and deduction instead of believing what somebody told me which is probably one of the reasons I have a Target on my own back now and probably always did. 

So allegedly the person passed away according to this authority figure that was harassing him or leading the group and harassing him, but we don't know that do we? He might have just moved away who knows that's the thing about this kind of thing is that people aren't thinking clearly and you have to realize that people can get killed because of human carelessness and stupidity and human beings energy in a group being directed at somebody can be deadly and dangerous and the people involved in that group might be extremely stupid not realizing the damage that they're doing so all these fables and parables and stories and rumors and whispers you have to ignore them because they're a waste of time and energy and they could do a lot of damage and it is appalling when you are targeted and you talk to these people and they don't really know what's going on it's appalling how stupid some of these people are that are involved in these community mobbing groups that they don't know what they're doing or that they could actually cause a person's death and they don't care because the victim has been dehumanized as an enemy. 

It's better to stick with the good people and just try to dissipate the groups that are being used as useful idiots and force multipliers against the targeted person. 

That's all I can think of for now comment and leave a comment or email me if you can think of anything else so you've heard anything interesting or weird or any strange remorse or accusations I'd love to hear them it's almost a source of entertainment at this point.

 I removed that last post concerning the Boston City counselor who's been arrested  because I felt it wasn't the best service to my readers though it might have been helpful to others. If somebody comes to my blog and they see that latest post and they're a newbie they might be confused about what that has to do with the subject matter of this blog I may edit it at some point or I may put it on another blog connected to this main blog where it's more appropriate because it's more personal but I want to make clear I did not remove it because I'm afraid to speak out or because it makes me look crazy or whatever it is that people think. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

United Healthcare CEO May Have Been Murdered By 'Manchurian Candidate' Due to Insider Trading and Corruption Investigations

First, some comic relief:

Woke of the Weak: When Losers Become Dangerous: Murder Is Not 'Hip'

(Info about shooting begins at 3:00 minutes into video)

Kids a total frickin' Fredo:

..because he's FUCKING STUPID. Gunning a guy down, right out in the open, in front of witnesses and cameras (which is how he got identified.) How did someone convince/brainwash this kid to do something like this?

Okay... time to be serious.

The following vid delivers more info and creates a better picture of what went on and who the shooter was. The host talks too much about himself and compares too much but has some good insights especially concerning how the shooting isn't about healthcare and how are system isnt 'broken'-its corrupt.

United Healthcare CEO Killer Had DEBILITATING Back Pain, Raged at Health Insurance ABUSING Americans

Key points

-The shooter's family has loads of money. Health insurance claims shouldn't even be a concern for someone like him. 

-"in the week leading up to the shooting he became estranged from his family and friends ...Luigi Mangeone's mother reported him missing on November 18th..from a home in San Francisco where he lived for a time." "The suspect.... reportedly went missing and cut off contact with family and friends last month after .. back surgery."   Just enough time to either be drugged, brainwashed/programmed (Manchurian Candidate) or at the very least-radicalized. 

What could they have done to him during surgery or even at the medical facility? What may have been done to him that may have changed his personality? 

-one of the most common factors in the psych profiles of lone shooters other than being white and male is lack of sexual intimacy or inability to obtain sexual relations with others. 

It's reported that he was frustrated about his lack of intimate relationships due to his beliefs that he would not be able to perform and/or women wouldn't want him.

The following is a good video that was put out before Luigi Mangeone was captured as the main suspect.
It gives insight into the actions of the suspect, use of weapon, mistakes and possible motives and psychological profiling without the bias of knowing who the suspect is.

From YouTuber's profile:
"Dr. Grande has a Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision. He is a Licensed Professional Counselor of Mental Health (LPCMH) and a Licensed Chemical Dependency Professional (LCDP)."

Unpopular Insurance Giant CEO is Killed Walking to Manhattan Meeting | Brian Thompson Case Analysis

Key points from Dr Grande's video: 
-UH CEO Brian Thompson had death threats recently so had a security detail issued to protect him. Why were they not present during the shooting? Why the security lapse?
-the shooter seems to be using a weapon used traditionally more for practice or training. He seems inept at its operation and handling. Was he trained recently in a hurry, just for this crime? 
-"this was a targeted killing. Brian was assisted by someone who had a motive to kill him". The motive the YouTuber offers is only one possiblity. Perhaps the killer was fulfilling someone else's motive which was less morally motivated and more motivated by business and cover up. 

Dr Grande gets in depth about the weapon that was used. Following is a interesting YouTube video from gun experts that do an analysis on the suspects weapon and use of it and this was also published before the suspect was identified and apprehended:

Debunking The UnitedHealthcare Assassination Myths

It's interesting the way that neoliberals elites have come out in droves approving of the killing in sick, appalling sentiments and keep pushing the idea that the killer targeted the CEO based on corruption in the healthcare system at large and of course their 'useful idiot force multipliers'-members of the public who jump on the bandwagon with the same sentiments without realizing what their actions are actually contributing to. 

Perhaps their motive is to cover up how the corruption actually works in healthcare and business generally  which is definitely an issue the public are uneducated about. 

Instead of shooting a CEO why not find someone who's dropped out or retired and ask them how these things work so that we can fix them. I'm sure financial crime and corruption generally that is successful for any amount of time is sophisticated beyond the average person's understanding.

When Alan Greenspan was in charge of the US Treasury other financial people like economists would have conversations with him in interviews or on talk shows or an economist would go on Charlie Rose and talk about his interaction with Greenspan and they would always say that when he becomes tired of debate or when he wants to win in an underhanded way what he does is he just simply goes into realms they're so advanced that even people with high levels of understanding and education in these subjects cannot follow him. Therefore one has to wonder what the hell exactly he's capable of doing with anybody's money even the country's money. Finances math and math is science and this stuff can get very complicated and a lot of these people are just off the charts way smarter than we are so to complain about corruption makes no sense unless you have an exact complaint. 

If you're interested in changing the system as the gentleman said who was correct I believe it isn't broken it's just corrupt, then do something about the laws or influencing the way corporate has to run or get involved. Sitting around bitching about it is simply lazy.  

it's terrorism plain and simple. Driving the American public towards useless rioting burning down cities destroying their own neighborhoods and kids screwing up their own futures in a country where everyone is pretty much guaranteed a chance especially nowadays if they advocate and fight hard enough for their rights, is a form of warfare and convincing people to not go along with the justice system and with doing things through legal methods but instead to do stupid mindless things like violence and YouTube videos and screaming and yelling at the top of your lungs is basically a war tactic. 

And they're trying to get rid of the Constitution by making it so that people don't utilize it. 

We don't know why this kid did we did but it's awful suspicious the whole thing all the circumstances. He had absolutely no worries in life as far as Healthcare goes I highly doubt that his family would not let him get back surgery if they're letting him travel all over the dam world as well as try to settle in Hawaii and be a surfer. 

There's a lot of other potential factors that could be in play that I'm not going to write about here I'll write about it on the other blog the deal is directly with thought and mind control and potentially how that could be accomplished to get somebody to do something like this. I haven't written in the other blog because WordPress changed their format and I wasn't able to figure it out for years and I was busy. 


Wednesday, December 4, 2024

The Dangers of Mixing Facts and Ideology (post title taken from author's Quillette article)

YouTube audio and video edition of Michael Shermer's article on Quillette titled  An Unscientific American: editor-in-chief Laura Helmuth's departure from 'Scientific American' last week is an object lesson in the dangers of mixing facts and ideology. 

The Scientific American Goes Woke + Laura Helmuth's Resignation

Monday, December 2, 2024

If you're a traveler and you're now semi or retired you may need this

 I know I've put this on my other blog about homelessness but that poor thing gets neglected. 

Since this is the main blog I'll put it here maybe somebody will see it a more easily. 

If you're a traveler especially backpacking walking a lot around the country you know what I mean when I talk about when you're not traveling especially if you have to be inside for a long time or you suddenly have to stop traveling the way I did when I was framed and turn to seeing in one place and God forbid like me now being inside a small room all the time, you'll know what I'm talking about when I tell the rest of the world reading this blog and only travelers about how when we get off the road the only thing that keeps us sane is this point of view from inside our minds of continuing to travel. 

Well I have a remedy for you to keep your sanity inside as well as for sleeping! 

Drone videos. 

Cinematic Drone Compilation - One Hour of Amazing FPV Drone Flying

(Look for ones like these if, like me  you get annoyed by depressing music That's supposed to be soothing. The ones I've chosen the music isn't too intrusive or overdone.) 

If you don't like the internet or YouTube, as many people targeted and otherwise refused to go on the internet on YouTube or even social media, going on small trips or small journeys locally could help or even occasionally doing something like going to a gathering a festival in another state and coming home and resuming your normal life may help and it will also help maintain your fitness and your metabolism that you gained by being a road traveler (as I am in menopause as of recently boy don't I wish I had that road traveler metabolism. Remember? You can eat absolutely anything as long as you ate rich calorie laden food every few hours. I still can't get used to having big meals and secretly I still desire to eat the stuff I see on the shelves that's road food I just think my body's become accustomed to it now and I'm wondering if it might not be better to just return to road food but then again road food is kind of unhealthy but then again on the other hand again you eat less of it because it's in small containers or small portions, however you're not working it off by exercising so I don't know. At some point travelers should get together contribute to society with a system of living and eating it's the middle of the road between their creepy World of modern living inside and our neoprimitive lifestyles of traveling living outside and eating every few hours protein and fat rich food.)

I used to pass by houses especially when traveling through my home state and I would always think to myself these are nothing but pretty prisons. 

people's mindset when they drive cars everywhere, only travel by airplane back and forth to one destination occasionally and the modern sense of property and homeownership is just plain creepy. 

As a kid my mom would show me these suburban neighborhoods and ask me if I wanted to live there. I've moved around and average of every 5 years since I was born sometimes last but never more. 

The suburban neighborhoods would give off this horrible vibe is if it was just certain death to live there. Those neighborhoods and elementary schools for some reason give me the worst feelings ever of just being in this awful reality. Nothing could be more awful than a kid growing up in a suburban neighborhood or having to go to any elementary School. After being framed many of you know I was held pre trial in a corrupt NH county jail before being released because oh I don't know- i wrote enough letters and screamed loud enough and they realize that they couldn't get away with their scam so they had to let me go lol. That freaking place was less empty and death like than the places I just mentioned. 

When you're in the jail cell you can look outside the little window in the hopes of when you get out you'll have your freedom and for some reason I kept looking at this dunkin' donuts and that was like my main thing as I wanted coffee I guess coffee is really important to me I think it's one of life's last little pleasures. But the little window provides hope of what you can get if you work hard enough like me to get out of being framed or if you actually did commit a crime - serve your time. It's like light at the end of a tunnel but the places I just mentioned are like worse than a graveyard they have no hope it's a death sentence the suburbs and those first horrible years of indoctrination in school that are so damaging to human children at least in the United States public school system. Maybe it was just the places I lived outside of Boston in Massachusetts maybe there are good public School systems in America all I have is the chilling memories of my own LOL. 

When I was older around first years of high school I would look out the window and the teacher's voice would trail off and all I could look at is the tree out the window and behind the tree, the hills and behind the hills whatever was next behind that. I wanted to see that and I wanted to be outside more than being held inside listening to this person drone on.  Nowadays they would call it ADHD but all it is is just the Gene variant known as The Traveling Gene.  In the future we should strive to make sure that medicating a natural gene expression is seen as eugenics because that's what it is instead of treatment for a disorder which is the bullshit that big Pharma is pushing as well as an outdated school system and a school system and medical community based and rooted in the medieval days which is screwed up to begin with so you can't really improve on something that's fucked up to begin with you'd have to re-engineer it. 

many of us are just more comfortable traveling long distances time seems to become normal when we do that. Nothing feels better in this world than those wheels under that travel bus.  Those are the two greatest freedoms that a TI will ever experience: rapid moving Wheels underneath you, the short temporary freedom of a taxi ride somehow outsmarting and outmaneuvering the public transport and ride service systems, and those places in between cities and towns on the highways. Quiet uninhabited, unpopulated. These are the real freedoms in our modern world.  

for those of us from let me put it politely heavily Masonic areas like the Northeast (other cities like St Louis has a beautiful large Masonic hall building downtown) which of course gives us an advantage and we are raised learning a lot that benefits us however the architecture even though these architectural designs of cities or neighborhoods or areas that make you gain power and safety and strength to their design, once you travel out to nature's designs say in the Southwest you realize the value of both. 

I think people would be more realistic about climate change hysteria if they just realize that most of our planet a good chunk of it is uninhabited. Of course humans are damaging the environment but I noticed that climate change people are not concerning themselves with the things that actually need to be changed to make a difference they're doing what the corporate run environmental movement wants them to do. You just see all these armies in the field beneath you when you're standing on the cliff all these armies fighting in the field with each other and then the observer watching from the cliff who knows the truth. Oh how they misdirect the humans. Generation after generation century after century. 

 there's one thing they cannot control and they can't change and that's the forces of nature and massive pieces of land which can all be yours when you become a traveler. 

When I was a little girl I thought I could own the sky. That it was so beautiful that the entire thing could be owned by me. When things became extreme after 9/11 and I was living in an apartment under such bad conditions it would ruin my health for the rest of my life with environmental allergies (which by the way I only healed from by you got it traveling and living outside) I was reading my tarot cards,  I remember I pulled the card that was The World. It was starting to become apparent than a big transition was in order and it makes sense now because soon after that I had to flee my home state. 

So of course I gained the whole world and that's what's been given to me because everything else has been taken away and of course that's what that card meant. 

I knew a woman who was my sponsor in my 12-step recovery program in the late 90s, after I began to experience circumstances that fit with the targeted individual and gang stalking theories she pretended not to know me after that point but when I was first involved in recovery she told me that but tarot reader had told her that her husband would wake up one day and just be clean and sober. Well he died so of course he did simply one day just become clean and sober. That's why you don't need fortune tellers and you don't need to mess around with that stuff because there's always a price and a double meaning. Besides most of the telephone operated fortune telling services are either run by organized crime (see the FBI and other law enforcement stats for fact checking) and with that you're probably going to have a connection to rogue intelligence operations.

Don't waste your money on telephone psychics because the weird thing? I've seen many people that I know are targeted even if they don't want to admit it and every time they call one of those things they drain their money which of course is a tactic that they do to TI's they want to waste your time money and health as a rule of thumb you can use but what's weird about it is that the person on the line that's doing is like a greeting usually knows all about the person calling and they shouldn't. This is an interesting thing that happens that you should take note of especially when you cross over if you will if you want to put it that way from normal life into the strange reality of being a targeted individual. Even though you're taken out of society you get a lot of insight and vision and you see a lot of stuff that explains a lot of weird things that you didn't understand before about the world we live in. 

And you have to pay attention to the psychic reading scam because it goes a lot deeper than that because we've all had the weird instances where when we call somewhere it seems like there's a handler that handles a TI's call in the early 2000s I even had experiences at certain companies where they gave me the same exact person and it's supposed to be a random call center until I finally got the clue that it was a handler. So that's why whenever you call a business and you get someone who either gives you answers that don't benefit you or they seem sketchy use another phone or call back again. And the psychic reader scam is a perfect example of how you can call a number or no one's supposed to know who you are on the other line but somehow they do. 

Well after traveling the country before cell phones became prominent and people knowing your goddamn name all the time in public when you don't even know them especially in big cities the phone call thing becomes Small potatoes you get used to it people knowing who you are and you don't know who they are. 

If traveling kept you healthy insane then I would use these resources on YouTube or other places where you can watch drone videos and check out new places without having to go there there's some really cool drone videos that make it so that you can actually explore terrain that you never would actually be able to in any vehicle or on foot they have this really cool terrain video of unreachable places etc stuff like that mountain ridges and places you would never be able to see up close or walk the drone can skim the surface of really difficult terrain. 


You can even check out credible legitimate videos from space programs to look at terrain on other planets. 


And the videos of train drivers or from a train driver point of view if you just let that run you'll keep your sanity especially if you're trapped inside and having to do something difficult. 


When I had to take care of a sick relative after a stroke and it was trying and I had no knowledge of how to take care of this particular health issue and the apartment was very small just two rooms and cluttered that kept my sanity leaving those train videos running. 

You can also watch videos of people driving truck. 


I haven't found anything where there's just a car driving down the road randomly or a truck but I wish I could and I wish there was something that lasted many hours different videos of different car trips they're just random all over the country that last like 10 hours would be great like the airplane videos. 


Dream Airlines, the videos and links above, is great. I use it to sleep because nowadays they're trying to make all the gadgets in our home ultra quiet which I don't understand so you get some nice background noise from these videos as well as it looks as if you're going somewhere. I've only flown once and after watching loads of air crash investigation shows I will never fly as long as I live again humans are unrealistic and living in a fantasy world, unless I have an ejector seat and a parachute I'm not getting into anything that's a flying machine because in every air crash investigation video I've watched the only people that really survive are the military people that have those things in order to survive a bad situation with a faulty piece of machinery. You completely fucking insane and in denial if you're flying in a massive metal tube carrying 400 fucking people and nobody has a goddamn helmet parachute ejector seat or other means of escaping survival from 30,000 fucking feet in the air. You're all insane.  Besides being a targeted individual you need to think twice I guess with our particular situations working with these theories you've got to think twice about driving and flying. If you look at all the conspiracy theories about powerful people who are corrupt you'll notice that airplane and helicopter crashes are a favorite method of getting rid of people and in some of those conspiracy theories they don't give a damn about the other 400 and whatever people that are on a plane as long as they get to like 1 to 5 people that are on the damn plane mission accomplished. Imagine 20 to 400 people dying just because you want to get rid of one or two people as every TI knows the people that are in charge of these games and the designers and the perpetrators really do not give a fuck it's results by any means necessary. 

Well now as a traveler I own the sky. It's mine I'm in possession of it and no one can ever take it away. If ever I do not like where I am I simply have to go outside and look up in the sky and no matter what time of day I know that those clouds or that Moon will always be there for me and I can picture the clouds in the Midwest because all of us know that we pay a lot of attention to the clouds in the midwest don't we because they can kill us like earthquakes on the West Coast heat in the Southwest snow in the Northeast tornadoes or cold or storms in the Midwest. 

We now here the rustling of the trees communicating with us or the birds even when they're sirens in the background whereas for those of us from a city environment we were raised on the sounds of screaming sirens in the street at night that was our background noise. To be freed from that is wonderful and to be truly connected to the natural World in some way. I believe this is where we're going to go when we die. They have their weird unrealistic beliefs about where they go when they die but we have our proof right in front of us every time we walk outside and we connect with it constantly. Don't let anybody take that away from you once you're given the whole world and you own every piece of land that you've ever conquered by hitching or walking or riding a train there, you'll always have something that other people don't have 

However it then becomes very difficult to live in their world. So try to find little ways of preserving your sanity and connecting with that feeling of being on the move and in motion constantly. 

And remember this is a lot more than just useless traveling or running away from something, if you are to the level that I'm talking about after traveling your experiencing connection with a lot of geographical forces things that they don't want you to know about like ley lines etc. If you're sensitive to land mass and forces under and around them you'll know what I'm talking about.

It's as if they don't want humans to connect to nature in this all powerful way. Not just going outside into the woods or going on camping trips but being connected to the land itself and all of it's forces both man-made and natural. Especially the modern world with all of its diversions and prisons like television other media and consumerism, lifestyles that contribute to ill health or perpetual game of providing things like bad food and then cure is like fluoride in toothpaste. If they didn't sell you all that sugar you wouldn't need the poisonous fluoride You see how this works. 

It says if the system is afraid of humans becoming aware of or educated about or connected to the land it's forces and the natural world. We should be in a of natural disasters and how much power is on this earth and it's wonderful between connected to these things because these are the things the few things that the people in charge cannot control and when you become part of that you have the ultimate power. 

Normal life since disappointing and silly after you've gone this far not just with physical travel but traveling and working with the TI theories. You become push so far out of society and out of other people's experience of reality You have no choice but to become connected to the natural world. 

There's going to be a lot of problems after you go inside and after you reconnect to the modern human world, and in order to continue to maintain your sanity you may have to simulate frequently that you're still traveling or maybe it's just what the traveler gene requires. 

Sunday, December 1, 2024

As You Age You Must Stay Healthy-Negligence in Medical Care is a Major Problem for Targeted Individuals

The Lie That Made Food Conglomerates Rich...And Is Slowly Poisoning Us

Ive experienced this myself as i age and certain powers that protect me no longer seem ro exist as they did when i was younger, traveling and writing this blog. A few years before i was framed my healthcare became much more difficult to manage. Ive had to learn to advocate for myself and everyone i care for that is also suffering negligence -purposeful or otherwise. Working with the TI theory or just being poor or not a favored demographic nowadays in certain areas will get you bad healthcare. Since theres so much oversight with adherence to patient's rights etc its being done very sneakily. Dropping thr ball, not offering full services, providers being negligent, home care not having oversight are all methods of denying care or services to individuals without anyone seeing what's going on. When it comes to working with the GS or TI theory and not just the atypical negligence it can become extreme. The desired result of being targeted is to ensure someone is neutralized. The same phrase can apply as does in 12 step programs: jails institutions and death will be the most probable outcome. However, slow and soft methods that appear to be natural causes are always desirable especially if the negligence can be put on the targeted person to make it look as if they are negligent with their own care. Now that most hospitals are corporate or under the umbrella of massive parent companies and our healthcare has been politicized the stakes are even higher and many professionals may not be able to 'afford' to do things properly or do the right thing for a targeted person. Leaning on the advocacy system within the hospital works to a degree as well as playing all the victimhood/ID politics cards. Be ready for well trained, indoctrinated young people who know the systems new play book and are absolutely mercenery about enforcing the shadowy system of protecting corporate corruption especially forgieting our US Constitution and real human rights not neoLiberal ones while appearing to be champions of neo Liberal values that pretend to be improving society by establishing access to services to everyone. For targeted people there is no inclusion. Thats what makes the new system of unrealistic neo Liberal values so dangerous. You'll be dismissed and written off by a bunch of kids now dominating these fields who have been raised to be hive minded and do not see individual people or the system they are part of as a machine that is under human control and has to be maintained when problems arise. For the most part-they ARE part of the system that is malfunctioning. They are particularly cold hearted and inhuman very subconsciously to anyone whos part of an undesirable demographic. they are the perfect worker bees and soldiers in a depopulation ag in a depopulation agenda. the younger generations I've noticed like to use words like "feel" instead of "believe" or "think". they will actuallythey will actually pull this kind of thing when making complaints about care and of course always watch out for being invalidated in the intereevent in the interest of eventually labeling you as mentally ill and if they can't get away with that then you become a problem person who's complaining about nothing. expect that one of the first sentences out of their mouth is going to be "so...you FEEL as if so and so gave you bad care or didn't provide care". make sure to document exactly what happened and how it is either unprofessional or doesn't provide what's called a standard of care which means you are getting the same care as everyone else is provided. any interaction with the word feel is going to evolve into what happened to you being invalidated. nip it in the bud right when it starts. start studying holistic methods even just vitamins and eating differently even alternative lifestyles like traveling urban camping even part-time. over these years I've discovered that living inside the modern homes the way that we do is what is slowly killing us especially as we age. I now believe this is one of the main reasons why the homeless have been marginalized ignored and mistreated for so long and are now being destroyed with drugs and over tolerance creating a huge homeless problem. it ties into my theory about the ultimate threat being primitive cultures people's and lifestyles and even things like alternative medicine. looking at the healthcare system as a sick care system might just be the new way to think about things. it's nice to know after decades of watching the mainstream system do everything it can to wipe out holistic alternative herbalist and especially integrative medicine that there are still people out there trying to establish what should have been the true timeline in our world. humans should have been on their way to evolving way past the way we live today. it's sad and horrible that the powers that be only see an evolution for humanity in its enslavement through transhumanism and fusion with technology instead of nature.