Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
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Friday, July 16, 2021

Biden Becomes Responsible, Respectful and Serious At Joint Press Conference With German Chancellor Markel-So Why Can't The American People Get The Same Consideration?

 Even the reporters in the audience were serious and there was no bipartisan clowning, no drama or baiting. Press conferences in the United States are basically circuses at this point where even his red headed White House Press Secretary Psaki gets into the act and has exhibited very inappropriate and unprofessional behavior handling reporters and questions. 

If ever you believe that the country is going to hell since Trump or even Obama or that you have become depressed becuz of the chaos, baiting, infighting, constant rhetoric, arguing and constant insanity that seems to be so manufactured or if you are sick of the public being regressed and infantilzed or that you recall fondly a time when leaders spoke to the public respectfully and about relevant topics of importance to us then WATCH THIS VIDEO AND REALIZE THAT THE POLITICS IN THE USA HAS BEEN BULLSHIT MIND GAMING PROBABLY SINCE REAGAN...but it got really disgusting with GW Bush. Clinton was also pandering but it just seemed more respectful. Playing the saxophone should not determine winning a presidential election.

I don't know, could anyone take Jimmy Carter seriously? I think even then it seemed like it was bs. The country was so corrupt and a mess but some of the basic structure still remained. 

And always in the background of the presidency was HW Bush. Since Nixon. Probably before. And then through his son. Then there's the video of his son GW Bush attending  McCain's funeral slapping Barack Obama in the ass just as HW was so fond of doing to people as was revealed before his death-as McCains widow turned away for an instant in disapproval of such an action especially at such an event. However her reaction seemed short lived as if she was used to seeing such behavior.

That doesn't seem like an action that would suite someone like Michelle Obama who has terrorized the American public demanding to be taken seriously-a form of intimidation throughout the eight years of their occupying the white house, resembling more the behavior of a gangster than a world leader. With one slap of her husband's ass by GW Bush, any and all terror that had any effect over eight years time no longer has any effect.

Interestingly GW Bush at least for me personally, reveals the truth and offers anyone who wants to rise to the challenge of oppression to do so-in spite of himself and his trying to continue his family line's agenda. 

When Bush says the US Constitution is just a piece of paper at least it's a challenge instead of outright intimidation on a public who can't fight back becuz they've been terrorized and infantilzed so badly as today. 

The insanity of today's American culture is noticably absent. So much so that with just one viewing of this, the completely brainwashing insanity has fell away-from the last four four years if not the last eight, including Bidens administration. 

It's very noticeable that Biden keeps his voice serious and metered and a low tone that's sincere (in appearance and affect) calm, consistant and is for ADULTS who are citizens of a nation that expects to he taken seriously not condescended to like children. Lately Americans are being treated like abused children who are being villified by their abusers. It's absolutely disgusting.

He also made damn sure he kept his face.very controlled, very serious but seemingly gentle. At one point he seemed to be tempted to put on the clown face he does when speaking to the American public but he kept steady and continued his 'act' quite successfully.

I haven't seen an American politician in high office treat people that way or even speak on relevant issues in a mature, responsible manner since Gerald Ford was president and I was just a toddler then. Reagan just seemed to be speaking to Americans with Bush's hand up his ass like a puppet. When he was shot at by that nut case (who of course was traced back to his family having had connections to Bush's family) many people wondered if maybe Reagan did something or wouldn't do something that got him snuffed..or if HW Simply got impatient to become Commander In Chief before the next election.

The fact Biden addresses the issue of ensuring progresses in technology align with freedom not oppressive authoritarianism is obnoxious considering how Americans are being treated and handled in the past many years. 

Watching this you'd actually believe he's a responsible respectful person who takes the issues facing all of humanity currently seriously. 

Also what was noticably absent was the culture of the left that's been used for everything from Divide and Conquer to mind control over the American public. There was no one there to weaponize becuz it was another country. Then it's obvious that without the American people-the con can't be pulled off on us. 

I get the feeling that the rest of the world has no idea how we are tortured almost daily with polarization, manufactured bipartisanism and the never ending circus the media creates as well as the use of the public as useful idiots who act as armies to wage war on American citizens for the cult of identity politics.

If only the person I experienced in this news conference was the president of my country I would be alot bester off and would have gotten alot more done over the past 20 years. 

Keep this vid as medicine the next time you actually believe how ridiculous the country has become or angry enough to hurt someone or if your feeling isolated, left behind or just fed up. 

Obviously the Matrix has an exit. 

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