


Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Thursday, December 29, 2016



Suicide isn't an answer. Neither is taking others' lives.

It's much better to be alive while you can. We are all going to die someday anyway.

It's just a moment. Then nothing. There's got to be more attractive alternatives.

Just go through the suicides on this one site. Suicide is what? You just stop living? So what?

Nothing really changes anyway. Look at all the FB suicides. Meaningless.

So why do it?

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Hope Everyone Had A Good Holiday and Remember Stay Peaceful No Matter What

Peaceful resistance works much better over the long term than giving in to any sort of baiting or negativity.
Holidays are stressful. Remember that.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Many People Who Never Had Issues Complaining Of Being Harassed With Committment/Certain Cases Of Filming Being Used As Evidence

So Ive been told that at least one homeless person was committed due to people going by and filming the person to prove the person's  public behavior showed they were incompetent.

People couldnt leave work to testify so it was done this way.

This particular individual actually WAS incompetent and could not take care of themselves and had physical illnesses and injuries that should have been dealt with months if not years ago.

What is so disturbing is if this method were used on a case like mine.

Theres been too many homeless telling me theyve been picked up or committed in the past year in this area when their only problem was drugs or drinking etc. In an area where this was always tolerated its unfair to change the social norm then determine people are potentially disordered.

Its obviously political and needs to be fought.

What if multiple people decide to bare false witness against me as seems to have been the case already?

I did nothing wrong and I am not incompetent nor disordered and should not have to live in fear. Neither should anyone else as this seems basically special interests or politics.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Vetran Suicides-The 22 Obsession/War And Murder-Suicide/Vets And Others Framed As Threats To Society






Ive felt helpless for months becuz I cant say what I want on this blog becuz I always run the risk of having whoever framed me with threats sent to authorities with my name on them, sending more and due to the last three threats, one of them was tried in court with a total disregard to justice, laws, human and civil rights specifically my right to due process.

I have collected enough documentation to sue all parties into oblivion as as discredit the frame up but when many different institutions and agencies are abusing power in a concerted effort its very difficult to have things done properly as well as creates an extremely dangerous situation.

Im sick of being silent about this issue. Ive made a video for lone shooter prevention and will make one for this issue as well. Im not a vetran, Im uneducated and Im not a man. I have no children-Ive never even owned a home.

However, RA Survivors go through alot of survivor guilt and the cults who continue to harass and handle Survivors utilize a Survivor's past against the person to gain control.
Theres people who make you feel guilty for things that you were put into as a child. From kiddie pornography to rituals to simply being part of something evil. Remember most of the parents are either victims themselves or somehow easily controlled by other means.

Even though as an adult the Survivor may not choose the same belief system and activities that go along with that in adulthood they are tethered to the cult by the acts they were involved in.

To be exposed to such brutal violence as a youth after minimal training (bootcamp=brainwashing) without the intricate, complex system of compartmentalization Survivors have the benefit of, leaves soldiers especially vulnerable to memories surfacing and effecting them.

And one has to be realistic about potential sinister intentions of a very violent, greedy military industrial complex connected to governing bodies.
I would not rule out theorizing that targeting vets to suicide would be very cost effective and serve multiple purposes.
Cutting costs on vets benefits and care. Silencing victim witnesses to war crimes and potential anti war activists or advocates and on the lone shooter end of things-validating everything from increased security to new toys for authorities and even potentially causing the continued chaos that keeps this country in a state of emergency since 2001. (If Im wrong on that status let me know.)

Vets must realize that the potential to have been microchipped with nanotech is very plausible or given drugs that permanently effect the brain on top of the damage from battle. This is simply a theory many people have come up with and it can be further investigated. There are credible people with websites who deal with such subject matter and watch out for disinfo in this area.

Most shooters are men. Im not a man. Perhaps women are self healing. Its possible that testosterone has alot to do with the process of 'snapping'.

Whatever is happening, whatever has happened, vets who are having alot of difficulty need to factor in that theres more going on domestically than meets the eye in this country and may effect them and make it even harder to heal.

Its also not an easy society to live in as when my grandfather came home from WW2, Phillipines and Korea. People are selfish and competitive. Cowardly and manipulative. Dumbed down and ignorant. Things are expensive, jobs hard to get. Keeping up with the Joneses more expensive and ridiculous than ever.
People feel like they can be as mean and rude as possible as long as they dont break the sacred rule of Political Correctness.

The root of my story as an activist begins with my maternal grandparents being US Marines-my grandmother a reservist I believe.
Ive posted her obituary and her service is listed.

My grandfather was damaged but could function in daily life but there were signs here and there.

If Id turn on a ceiling light, where you had to pull a hanging string, the 'click' would awaken him in his recliner, and once he gave me a look as if he did not immediately recognize me.
He said it sounded just like a gun being loaded, he thought for a split second I was a German-that this was his last moment but he chuckled it off. He was from New Orleans and had a more laid back way of dealing with life than tightly wound, fretting Yankees.

He loved war movies. He had good stories about war and the bayou from what little I could get out of him.
Yet my grandfather was committing violent acts against his children and from what I know it seems he was compartmentalized when doing so.

My mother recalls my grandmother testing the beds military style after the kids made them by dropping a coin on the sheets and blanket and it had to bounce or it had to be made right repeatedly until it was done correctly. Beans, franks and toast on Saturday night for dinner and my grandmother never gave up eating SPAM (bleh).

In later years when my grandfather was given medication after a surgery he strangled my grandmother in the bedroom, which was not his typical behavior.
He claimed, with much worry on his face and distress, that he had awoken to being in the war again and he really believed he was there. He said he saw men die again he had not seen in 50 years and that he had NEVER wanted to see those things again.

These years of violence stay with men who are in combat.

It seems in every war men return to a society that has a system of romanticising soldiers but then not wanting to deal with the reality of damaged men returning as vetrans.

I find it very odd that cities like Boston are populated by men returning home from war who seem to totally have it together and yet theres homeless vets in camps outside big cities or losing it to suicide or lone shootings.

In San Diego there were street people who wanted to forget the horrors of their service by living as bohemians and smoking pot, wasting whats left of their lives forgetting. Running from memories.

Everything we do now is to basically try to cover up the fact that at this level of evolution, progress and technological advancement there shouldnt be any more wars. Look at what Boston Dynamics works on in tech or the surveillance capabilities we have. It becomes obvious that war is now for profit.
So, chaos has to be manufactured.

Someone once told me to better understand my situation that I should compare it to a budget of a major construction project. Deaths of workers are factored into the budget.

Recently a kid from the Harvard Sq street scene leaned on me the other day and told me about his one-percenter upbringing. He tried to make the point to me that he grew up in a household that was part of the 1% and told me the way that those people think is that they don't care about human life all they care about is profit and that's all that matters and that's all they want to ensure happens.
He was telling me thats who Im up against.

Perhaps it may benefit vets having a hard time to realize that there may be more going on than just PTSD, brain damage or a pre existing vulnerability.

This could get me framed up again but I think its only right to reveal that Ive recently learned in the Cambridge area the act of sectioning people is being abused it seems partially to clean up certain areas valued and being marketed heavily as tourist areas. Ive discovered that multiple people not just myself have been sectioned under either false pretenses or flimsy reasonings. This reflects the stories above of punative psychiatry being used on innocent people.

Realize the system has ways of pushing people into taking violent actions, especially men
If you have any indications at all of being vulnerable you must take a stance of no matter what happens you cannot choose violence-to yourself or others.

Ive only written about the ways they seem to 'push' people psychologically, emotionally even sliritually to show example to help others. It was always assumed or a given I personally would not be vulnerable to such actions as I have been through so much for so many years and have done so much work on myself and been in contact with much of the legit Survivor and other communities that I am well above and beyond something like that happening.

But many people are snapping maybe not seeing any other way out or not seeing alternative theories for their circumstances.

You will be helping this system to harm more innocents like myself if you give in to violence. I spent four months in jail without any evidence of crime becuz of the rise in lone shootings during the past adninistration being used to manipulate and intimidate people. That was done illegally and by denying me due process throughout my orde.

The legal and medical systems are being manipulated in such an outrageous manner lately that its literally unbelievable to any American. I have never encountered this much abuse of power using official offices and institutions before in any other time period. If you feel vulnerable to taking to violence YOU ARE NOT ALONE and you are up against an astonishing amount of corruption.

Taking to violence harms other vetrans and people like myself who are family members of those documented to have been involved in unethical human experimentation utilizing military personell and their family members.

Read up on activism like mine on the internet and avoid bullsh*t disinfo. There are others, there are answers.

Its like a magician's trick-once you know how it works you can no longer be fooled.

Whatever is driving you inside, remove yourself from it. Change locations if you have to. Learn how to friendly, calm and diplomatic even when you dont want to be.
Change your friends, your life, yourself.
Network with people so you arent isolated even if they arent people you consider perfect friends for you. Avoid being a victim of cyberbullying while doing so. Theres plenty of good, nice, engaging people beyond the walls or the matrix or whatever term people choose.

One reason its easy to bait warriors with shadow games is becuz they know you will fight back. They also know sneaky, disrespctful actions from weaklings will infuriate you. The world is full of lazy, greedy pieces of shit who hang their entire lifes cred on whatever they think fools the public into believing they are better than you-and theres lots of others just like them.

If youve been to war then you know what humans are capable of. You know then the facade our latest incarnation of human society has fabricated is absolutely ridiculous. Political correctness at home and war crimes abroad? Anyone can look up the carnage caused by the complex contractors-but this is acceptable becuz the average citizens mind seperates these two as if they are unrelated.
And always take note that the same contractors who provide military services then provide domestic services and products.

Bush said the US Constitution was just a piece of paper and he is right. Bush was a friend to oppressed people becuz there's a rebel side to him that seems to want to throw it in peoples faces just how corruption is pulled off.

Theres wisdom in what he said becuz if we dont stand up and demand our rights be respected a piece of paper is just an inanimate object.
Without human energy, intention and action backing it up it is just paper and writing.

This post is the only gift I can provide to veterans. That there are alternative narratives-dont let circunstances write your ending for you. You can be in control.

As for police violence lately all I can say is that Im not shocked at whats going on becuz weve chosen to militarize some of the most corrupt and organized crime/institution serving police forces in the country however I am shocked at the potential that if the theory is plausible that certain rogue or corrupt cops are engaging in harassment of people targeted as potential shooters-it shocks me to think of their total disregard for other officers who may be harmed by the results.

The only thing that makes sense in this theory is infiltrarion by parties that arent truly a cohesive part of the force-like private corporations or even foriegn governments but Im very politically unaware so dont want to make assessments.

Ive realized I should stay out of politics as Im too undereducated and not well read enough as I spend so much time on what I specialize in.

And if Ive suffered at the hands of corrupt authority and navigated effectively then anyone can. Dont be the next useful idiot or excuse to continue the chaos in this country.

If you are experiencing harassment from authirities thats within the scope of driving you to feel desperate-you need to seek safer ground and take legal actions. Documentation will help establish a pattern of abuse not just of you but others being victimized. Manipulation of circumstances that render a person isolated from a support system make you vulnerable to various interested parties of which you can be useful to.

Instead of barricading yourself in a room with weapons fortify your life and protect yourself by surrounding yourself with support, companionship, acquantences and practical legal help.

I didnt file a complaint with Internal Affairs when a few years ago the first signs of harassment began which Ive posted on this blog, becuz an attorney working for the offending city predicted that they would just throw my paperwork in the trash.
Ive learned that legal documentation is always valuable and gives you a voice and some credibility if it escalates. If I had filed that complaint, everything that has transpired over the last year thats been so damaging may not have happened.

Dont try to take on anything bigger than you are by yourself and thats probably your nature AND IT WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU.

Dont be the next news story.

Innocent cops and citizens are getting killed. Soldiers are dying when theres so much they could do if they healed.

Whether its my theories or others, whatever is driving you, that has you, get up and walk away. Its not as powerful as you think.

Violence and Over Eating

Mobbing and bullying certainly qualifies as violence and TIs under certain conditions can become more isolated and thus vulnerable than at other times in their lives.

As we age our abilities to cope change.

As we become seasoned at fighting back and defending ourselves we may not take into account that our bodies change as we age.

People should take this into account becuz we may need to adapt to changes that come with age-not just changes in outside conditions.

There are 12 step group meetings for over eating and other 12 step may be used.

Keeping a person at high stress levels can cause burn out and eventually damage the body to cause ill health. Causing someone to give up is also an end result.

Overeating will certainly cause ill health effects eventually, especially if a TI is isolated from sex, touch, emotional support, validation and experiencing new things or learning like education.

Isolation, loneliness and being abused daily can result in stress eating. This is the opposite of anorexia. Some of us only wish we had that problem and if you are a stress over eater you may feel that even though that coping mechanism isnt any better.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The more you create entire cases to try to prosecute crimes with HEARSAY,


Had A Problem At City Office Today With Another Patron-Was Resolved, No Threats Made, No Authorities Took Further Action-DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT TRYING TO USE THIS FOR ANOTHER FRAME UP OR CHARACTER ASSASINATION

Went into a crappy part of town to deal with business affairs. Also tried to help friend get phone for housing lists because he wants to get housed.

He stayed outside waiting. I tried to call him out the window but hes slow and cant see well.

Peiple in corner made fun of us and were African American locals. Comments were made about our lifestyle etc. I made a comment back.

The two girls didnt take it seriously and dropped it and so did I.

A Latino male who was not involved became a drama queen and attention seeking and focused only on what I said, making a scene and of course this got him seen before everyone else in the que.

He threatened the security guard with losing his job by tomorow, bragged that he paid taxes as if no one else in the waiting area had ever put money into the system, demanded to see higher ups ranting and then made comments about the President elect of the United States, somehow being delusional or assuming that this altercation had some direct influence of Donald Trump.

The two girls who harassed me had dropped it and so did I, because we wanted to get our business finished at the office.

Only this man who was making a scene when he had no involvement continued to make trouble.

When asked I told security what happened and he stated that in such a situation seek help from security instead.

I informed him that in our subculture we often fend for ourselves under duress and so I was not used to seeking this as a solution but would be mindful to do so in future.

My friend came in to doorway and I instructed him to either leave or go and wait for me outside. The security guards and told him that he could get a phone from a person who provides that service that is no longer allowed on the property but is over in a local supermarket so he was sent over there to do his business.

During this time the same females as well as an African American male continued to harass us and make comments now consisting of profiling us for being homeless individuals (comments about living outside), all houseless people being on drugs and using racist language like 'white trash'.

I ignored this and sat down to wait to be called.

-Security did not have to take any further actions
-no threats were made by anyone involved other than the youngish Latino male, not involved in the original altercation who made a scene
-police were not called
-everyone calmed down and became orderly again
-when my number was called my worker told me to go to security next time because they wont tolerate harassment of me there like that . When i asked if I was in trouble he answered no and also added that all the employees in there pay taxes but that was not an excuse for the Latino male to make a scene.

I finished my business and left an alternate route which goes by a commuter rail and police station as well as a food trucking area as Im familiar and comfortable with this working class culture and know I would be assisted if any further trouble ensued.

I also felt like going through Southie, not the homeless hood area where theres a wet shelter, was less depressing and distressing considering what I just had to go through.
This is the way my friend and I walked to this office and it was not a good idea.

Instead of focusing on a few words uttered in self defense when Boston's culture has always been notoriously reverse racist and no one does anything about it while its happening why doesnt anyone clean up the open drug use and blocking of sidewalks in the skid row areas?

Its become a huge problem that this city seems very hateful of the homeless and Bohemian type alt lifestyles but will embrace any culture bases on race or ethnicity.

This is blatant classism and just goes to show there is no such thing as equality as every time it is attempted, some group suffers because they are given the status of unimportant or unprotected to benefit another.

So I do not expect to see any bogus frame ups for threats or emails or any other bullshi*t as well as any fraudulent accounts of what transpired used in any court cases for character assasination as is being attempted so cheaply and childishly in this most recent court case Im involved in.

Most of all becuz the comment about Trump seems paranoid yet is very telling of a community that feels they arent righteous on their own and need to depend on a commander in chief to defend them if not define them.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Jerk At Voting Polling Station Terrorizes Cop Then Bumps Into Me...WTF


Done voting. Guy is beside me close as Im putting ballots into machine. He says to policeman working at table beside volunteer "You mean no one came in here today with a gun...(and threatened anyone)?"

The poor cop you could tell was stressed out and his attention distracted from trying to finish up as it was almost 8pm. Felt bad for him.
Then I move to my left to get a sticker 'I VOTED' and the same guy purposely bumps into me so it seemed, and invaded my space.

Who in the hell says such a thing to a policeman whos probably already stressed out by all the shootings to begin with, and especially in a location and during an event that Im sure he's been briefed is a higher than normal risk for such violence?

Who interferes with the workings of the US govt and rights of its citizens with such disregard and disrespect?

And IM THE ONE being so easily framed for domestic terrorism? Wtf is this crap?

Btw, if this post is misquoted and used against me in any legal proceedings like has been attempted in the last court case I will sue you until you are as destitute as I am now to the fullest extent of the law.

If anyone should be questioned or have their sanity questioned, its scum like that jerk in the voting station scaring cops and messing with people trying to exsercise their rights as Americans.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Could The USA Still Be In A State Of Emergency? (Thus Explaining Why The Country Seems To No Longer Respect The US Constitution)


So that means in order to extent this 'state of emergency' bad things would need to keep happening. A persistent, constant threat must be present.

Interesting isnt it?

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Could Lingering COINTELPRO and A New Age Of Endless Ethnic Revenge Fantasy Based Campaigns Be Rotting Our Government From Within? (And Will Hillary Change That Or Perpetuate That?)


I smell COINTELPRO...bad.

Im gonna vote for anyone except anyone associated with the mess and racism of the last eight years.

The latest shooting in Iowa on the news just now-white male shot two cops. News made sure to mention he was well known for his 'racial outbursts'. But the two policemen he attacked were CAUCASIAN (WHITE) MALES.

How does one suddenly relate to the other?

Remind me to never again neglect keeping up on politics.

Institution Claims My Blog Is Racist-Heres An Article For Ya

Institution involved in latest email frame up case claims my blog is 'racist'. Cool. Heres an article for you.
Also take note that my experiences were never racially charged before Obama-our most racially polarizing president-got into office.


Many people not just those involved in cutting edge activism and the conspiracy theory community are taking note of the failures of the PC agenda and that its destructive results do indeed seem to be part of a larger agenda over the long term.

Corpwatch- The Case Against GE


Sunday, October 30, 2016

Psych 101-Mindset Of Lone Shooter Article: More Profiling That DOESNT APPLY TO ME

Another article that shows this frame up for what it is.


My planning ahead has always been for my project nothing else: writing two books-one on the non profit industrial complex that exploits The Homeless and a sci fi/auto biographical work about these years of odd experiences.
And a trip to Europe to see if I want to relocate there. Those have always been my main plans and they are all I talk about with people I've met over these past ten years around this country. That is what I live for and anyone who's discussed this with me as well as my readers knows it. Besides, my committing crimes would prevent me from producing what I want to establish my power in the world. After so many years of selfless hard work WHY would I want such a thing to happen?

"The shooting becomes a statement of whom they want to be," Welner adds. "These are crimes in which the perpetrators aim for immortality and spectacle and see the shooting as their crowning achievement. After that, nothing else matters, including living."

I have a strong sense of Self as well as my books and activism is 'who I want to be'. Also being a woman ultimately my womb is immortality. I think men struggle more with feelings connected with this not women.

Secondly I am not too concerned about my manhood, lol. Nothing has occurred to make me feel like less of a man in life becuz I happen to be a woman. And my possessing a womb and a vagina and other assets means I will always be able to create life as well as have things to negotiate power with, as well as guarantee my well being either temporarily or long term.
These blogs are babies becuz I have no children. Keeping me from creating and working on them through silencing me with intimidation and threats is actually what this past two years have been about.
The article mentions masculine power being defined in the USA as potential to destroy. My work has been about trying to preserve and save. The work speaks for itself. That also isn't how female power is defined and I'm female-why would I seek male status. As far as the warrior concept goes I believe this is in the DNA or it's not and frequently female warrior ship is defined differently than male.

Next I was never isolated from society. After the first horrible experience in this frame up I was temporarily trying to find a new home base as an activist and Traveler, being confused by the changes in Cambridge after so many years there. Being scared, wounded, confused, in increasing ill physical health and sleep deprived does not make one 'a loner' or dangerously cut off from civilization. In transition perhaps.

Then there's the creepy part about shooters imitating scenes in movies. I'm far too adept as a painter, writer, music lover (with many musician friends) and generally creative artistically inclined person to want to imitate other people's creations. My ego as an artist is way to big to tolerate that-a character trait that is frequently used against me as well as one I'm readily despised for. (Too bad.)

I also have no knowledge of or experience with guns except for having been in a home where such weapons were used for hunting, responsibly of which I never took part or viewed first hand.

Again, it seems in a corrupt, broken system, all you have to do is put someone's name on something and they can be found guilty without even a proper trial.

Here's more:


The 'outcast' crowd I am part of is a subculture that's rooted in Americana if not human primitive history. Also I've always taken pride in the fact that in the Traveler subculture, we all come together yet we range from coming from abject poverty to trust fund kids to people who's parent(s) are billionaires. We dress alike and crave the same experiences or express the Traveler Gene http://elitedaily.com/life/culture/wanderlust-gene-people-born-travel/953464/
by being part of this culture and don't readily focus on differences as defined by the mainstream.

Why Female Lone Shooters Are Rare:

"As more details have come to light, it's become apparent that the San Bernardino shooters probably thought their violence was righteous. The FBI is investigating the case as an act of terrorism, making the shooting different from many mass shootings in the United States."
Religious brain washing seems at work here.

"It's important to remember that shooters don't "just snap," O'Toole told Live Science. The San Bernardino killers had likely been planning their attack for years, investigators have found. Chillingly, many people are very good at mimicking normalcy as they go about their deadly preparations, O'Toole said. The trappings of a happy family life — a marriage, a new baby — could have been, in part, props to maintain that illusion, she said."

The only evidence of my planning anything in any and all record of my affairs is of writing books and leaving the USA.

And I certainly wasn't playing 'keeping up appearances' very well by being part of a subculture society, dressing in outrageous clothing atypical of the culture, urban camping and traveling cross country every year and begging if I ran out of money like a gypsy. That's not quite hiding. Not that I care about what people think of my choices (also works against me probably).

Lastly, I don't hear voices telling me to commit violence. Most of my life I've heard music often and it's either something I've heard on radio or when younger-things I probably should have written down becuz they were original creations but unfortunately I didn't know how to read music or play an instrument.

I dated someone once who admitted to me that he heard voices like this, that instructed him to harm and he claimed he resisted but he knew of cases where a person had snapped and given in to such instructions. Needless to say I stopped being around this person. I've worked too hard to die in such a manner.

This snippet of the article mentions this condition:
"Culture interacts with mental illness in surprising ways. For example, researchers reporting in a 2014 article in the British Journal of Psychiatry found that 70 percent of Americans with psychoses who heard voices reported that the voices urged them toward violence. In India, that number was 20 percent, and in Ghana, only 10 percent.

"People who we think of as being 'crazy,' how do they absorb the larger cultural messages and scripts that are out there?" Garbarino said."

What's interesting is that Americans who have this ancient delusion condition are prompted to violence whereas other cultures are not.

This country keeps refusing to evolve and doesn't want to look at the sickness it produces in its people or the sickness from other countries.

If Americans were realistic about the true price of our quality of life, sickness or extremism within and without the US would be more readily understandable.

Psych 101-Mindset Of Lone Shooter Article: More Profiling That DOESNT APPLY TO ME

Another article that shows this frame up for what it is.


My planning ahead has always been for my project nothing else: writing two books-one on the non profit industrial complex that exploits The Homeless and a sci fi/auto biographical work about these years of odd experiences.
And a trip to Europe to see if I want to relocate there. Those have always been my main plans and they are all I talk about with people I've met over these past ten years around this country. That is what I live for and anyone who's discussed this with me as well as my readers knows it. Besides, my committing crimes would prevent me from producing what I want to establish my power in the world. After so many years of selfless hard work WHY would I want such a thing to happen?

"The shooting becomes a statement of whom they want to be," Welner adds. "These are crimes in which the perpetrators aim for immortality and spectacle and see the shooting as their crowning achievement. After that, nothing else matters, including living."

I have a strong sense of Self as well as my books and activism is 'who I want to be'. Also being a woman ultimately my womb is immortality. I think men struggle more with feelings connected with this not women.

Secondly I am not too concerned about my manhood, lol. Nothing has occurred to make me feel like less of a man in life becuz I happen to be a woman. And my possessing a womb and a vagina and other assets means I will always be able to create life as well as have things to negotiate power with, as well as guarantee my well being either temporarily or long term.
These blogs are babies becuz I have no children. Keeping me from creating and working on them through silencing me with intimidation and threats is actually what this past two years have been about.
The article mentions masculine power being defined in the USA as potential to destroy. My work has been about trying to preserve and save. The work speaks for itself. That also isn't how female power is defined and I'm female-why would I seek male status. As far as the warrior concept goes I believe this is in the DNA or it's not and frequently female warrior ship is defined differently than male.

Next I was never isolated from society. After the first horrible experience in this frame up I was temporarily trying to find a new home base as an activist and Traveler, being confused by the changes in Cambridge after so many years there. Being scared, wounded, confused, in increasing ill physical health and sleep deprived does not make one 'a loner' or dangerously cut off from civilization. In transition perhaps.

Then there's the creepy part about shooters imitating scenes in movies. I'm far too adept as a painter, writer, music lover (with many musician friends) and generally creative artistically inclined person to want to imitate other people's creations. My ego as an artist is way to big to tolerate that-a character trait that is frequently used against me as well as one I'm readily despised for. (Too bad.)

I also have no knowledge of or experience with guns except for having been in a home where such weapons were used for hunting, responsibly of which I never took part or viewed first hand.

Again, it seems in a corrupt, broken system, all you have to do is put someone's name on something and they can be found guilty without even a proper trial.

Here's more:


The 'outcast' crowd I am part of is a subculture that's rooted in Americana if not human primitive history. Also I've always taken pride in the fact that in the Traveler subculture, we all come together yet we range from coming from abject poverty to trust fund kids to people who's parent(s) are billionaires. We dress alike and crave the same experiences or express the Traveler Gene http://elitedaily.com/life/culture/wanderlust-gene-people-born-travel/953464/
by being part of this culture and don't readily focus on differences as defined by the mainstream.

Psych 101-Mindset Of Lone Shooter Article: More Profiling That DOESNT APPLY TO ME

Another article that shows this frame up for what it is.


My planning ahead has always been for my project nothing else: writing two books-one on the non profit industrial complex that exploits The Homeless and a sci fi/auto biographical work about these years of odd experiences.
And a trip to Europe to see if I want to relocate there. Those have always been my main plans and they are all I talk about with people I've met over these past ten years around this country. That is what I live for and anyone who's discussed this with me as well as my readers knows it. Besides, my committing crimes would prevent me from producing what I want to establish my power in the world. After so many years of selfless hard work WHY would I want such a thing to happen?

"The shooting becomes a statement of whom they want to be," Welner adds. "These are crimes in which the perpetrators aim for immortality and spectacle and see the shooting as their crowning achievement. After that, nothing else matters, including living."

I have a strong sense of Self as well as my books and activism is 'who I want to be'. Also being a woman ultimately my womb is immortality. I think men struggle more with feelings connected with this not women.

Secondly I am not too concerned about my manhood, lol. Nothing has occurred to make me feel like less of a man in life becuz I happen to be a woman. And my possessing a womb and a vagina and other assets means I will always be able to create life as well as have things to negotiate power with, as well as guarantee my well being either temporarily or long term.
These blogs are babies becuz I have no children. Keeping me from creating and working on them through silencing me with intimidation and threats is actually what this past two years have been about.
The article mentions masculine power being defined in the USA as potential to destroy. My work has been about trying to preserve and save. The work speaks for itself. That also isn't how female power is defined and I'm female-why would I seek male status. As far as the warrior concept goes I believe this is in the DNA or it's not and frequently female warrior ship is defined differently than male.

Next I was never isolated from society. After the first horrible experience in this frame up I was temporarily trying to find a new home base as an activist and Traveler, being confused by the changes in Cambridge after so many years there. Being scared, wounded, confused, in increasing ill physical health and sleep deprived does not make one 'a loner' or dangerously cut off from civilization. In transition perhaps.

Then there's the creepy part about shooters imitating scenes in movies. I'm far too adept as a painter, writer, music lover (with many musician friends) and generally creative artistically inclined person to want to imitate other people's creations. My ego as an artist is way to big to tolerate that-a character trait that is frequently used against me as well as one I'm readily despised for. (Too bad.)

I also have no knowledge of or experience with guns except for having been in a home where such weapons were used for hunting, responsibly of which I never took part or viewed first hand.

Again, it seems in a corrupt, broken system, all you have to do is put someone's name on something and they can be found guilty without even a proper trial.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

HAARP Author Nick Begich Unfortunately Does Not Have Good Credentials

This seems to have always been one of my things as an activist in the TI community-to question its gurus.

I believe Derrick of FFCHS ran into trouble in recent years and Id discredited him and the organization long ago. My experiences with FFCHS was not good and the minute I had started questioning non sensical things about them, or just making sense I was chased out by trolls (and met a few criminal opportunist perps through them).

There IS something arrey since 9-11 or even late Clinton to be more specific but definitively since 9-11 and the war and with nasty, heavy handed attempts at censorship from the establishment like my recent situation, one has to question why such methods are necessary if one or all of us as a community is simply imagining things. Why the hatred, the lying, the crooked methods, the denial of due process.
There definitely IS something wrong.

However just like David Icke and InfoWars we have to look closely at the people guiding us.

The tech involved in this war arent my specialty-Im more a person who has deep experience with high level programming, ritual abuse,handlers, involvement of the sex industry and crooked authorities, acedemic connections and with my mother being a documented radiation experimentee both parents US Marines- MK Ultra.

Many sensitives have been effected by changes in the daily environment. Electromagnetic pollution is accepted reality in certain European countries.

To just believe an expert put in front of you isnt enough. We need strong opposition and ever since my recent situstion where authorities have acted dishonorably, subverted the US Constitution and been as viscous as possible instead of seeking justice and to protect the innocent-my position on ensuring we have solid opponents to counter our enemies and detractors.

I dont feel that Nick Begich's credentials are going to scare any of the opponents we have nor convince the American public, and this is unfortunate.

I dont understand why he didnt get some sort of legit education even if it meant being blacklisted at an institution of higher learning. If hes bright he could get through it.





And INFOWARS loves to feature his videos-that right there is a red flag.

Hes very pro Russia and pro China I notice. Both very close to Alaska. Also Alaska is oil interest and right wing Conservative Republican-traditionally supporting military spending and contractors.

His suspicion about his father's death is notable-perhaps hes blacklisted and couldnt take advantage of the same opportunities and resources as a US citizen-just like the rest of us or perhaps its more complex than that-and even Nick Begich doesnt know why he does what he does...

One wants to believe but theres just too much to question about his education and educated people can dismantle his theories.

Friday, October 28, 2016

The Latest Twisted Comments From My Blog Stalker

Cant be sure if all along this has been just one person or a few but the abusiveness level and sentiment is usually similar.

(Sent comments to MYSELF? This isnt
Fight Club. Wtf?)

So...in another comment someone commenting the same way claims Im that I wouldnt be in trouble if I wasnt such gun toting right wing conservative wack job.

Now they have been lately (if same person or group) having this as content-lesbian, and child killer. But isnt THAT the opposite?

Anyone using frickin nursery rhymes should creep anyone the hell out immediately and this kind of using songs has been an ongoing standard.

So people are trying to hang me repeatedly, without trials or evidence, on hearsay (printed and otherwise) and not protecting me from the sort of person or people who've been harassing me for months.

So how is our system NOT corrupt at this point?

Oh btw for whoever is involved who thinks they are clever-Ive not been documenting and taking legal action to get justice, restitution or show the system works-Ive been doing so SO IN THE END I CAN DEMONSTRATE AND DOCUMENT THAT IT DOES NOT.

Which is reward enough.

And there NEEDS TO BE LEGAL REFORM in EVERY STATE across the country so that no one ever again can be arrested, sectioned, jailed or have their liberty taken away in any form due to a person's name being put on a threatening communication by another.

Getting Bored With Current Situation-Hope Community Enjoys Exploits Becuz Pay Later Plan May Be Costly

I am so bored with this stalker's frame ups and the community taking full advantage.

Enjoy it now becuz civil suits later on arent going to be easy.

Cheap thrills at my expense and that of my readers isnt appreciated and I am going to prosecute this personal suffering and loss as well as subversion of the US Constitution to the fullest extent of the law.

You cant just abuse someone and take their lives from them (and endanger their health) just becuz you dont like what they write, the way they dress or live or that they have strong opinions or even negative ones.

Kids Are People Elementary School Kenmore Sq Boston-Public Finally Sees Corruption


As usual my disclaimer applies- no threatening communications of any kind will be sent by me and if this does occur then authorities, interested parties and the public need to seek justice for the recipients as well as myself.

Its interesting that my alleged 'paranoia' thats being sited recently and attempted to be used against me in the recent three frame ups for criminal threatening hasnt caused me to act out in any similar manner over ten years time since the creation of this blog.

It is curious isnt it? But it does seem that justice eventually prevails-and corruption as well as charlatans get exposed.

For a few solid years I had to deal with the same negativity mentioned in this link, I even documented it-and I didnt retaliate, make any contact, send any nasty correspondence or take action at all.
Thats becuz my writing, my future books always have been, and always will be-my greatest weapon and solution-not threats of violence.

Kids Are People Elementary School Kenmore Sq Boston-Public Finally Sees Corruption


As usual my disclaimer applies- no threatening communications of any kind will be sent by me and if this does occur then authorities, interested parties and the public need to seek justice for the recipients as well as myself.

Its interesting that my alleged 'paranoia' thats being sited recently and attempted to be used against me in the recent three frame ups for criminal threatening hasnt caused me to act out in any similar manner over ten years time since the creation of this blog.

It is curious isnt it? But it does seem that justice eventually prevails-and corruption as well as charlatans get exposed.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Satanic Church Opens Quietly In Salem, MA-Leader Harvard Neuro Science Grad-False Memory Foundation Supporter

Salem, meet your new neighbor: The Satanic Temple
By Sean Teehan Globe Correspondent
September 20, 2016

Unmasking Lucien Greaves, Leader of the Satanic Temple
By Shane Bugbee
July 30, 2013

"Not long after that Doug (Mesner) was accepted to Harvard University. He used to call me, shocked that his professors were taking him to lunch and inviting him to meet with luminaries like Richard Dawkins. Doug's studies at Harvard focused on neuroscience, and he began delving deeply—and sometimes dangerously, I felt—into the world of false memory related to ritual abuse and alien abduction, even exposing professional psychologists as culprits and forcing them to recant, retire, and even run."

So much for the "live and live" vibe in Salem, MA mentioned in the first link thats allowed him to set up his church in the area.

“Satan stands as the ultimate icon for the selfless revolt against tyranny, free & rational inquiry, and the responsible pursuit of happiness” according to the Satanic Temple website." 
Excerpt from:
So I guess some activists arent allowed those pursuits.

Remember I and other activists are not Christians and support freedom of religion as well as separation of church and state.


"The fact that I have to respond to someone who has done his best to infiltrate the survivor community and attack it at will- while trying to build membership to his “Satanic Temple”, I have found this boy-man to be full of hatred and contradictions. Two things are for certain though- he loves media attention and he utterly hates me and my crusade."

I have a theory that this isnt even genuine and neither are the key people involved.

People must know and remember that LaVey Satanism is just one kind of many. There are Satanic factions that reject even outright hate this kind of Satanism and it's leaders.

If you research the people behind this organization you can understand that theory.
LaVey had lots of connections in Vegas,some of these being family members.

Mesner and his mentor should be examined more closely.
Sometimes people simply want to get rid of a competitor simply by the saying 'your enemies are our friends' even if that relationship is of pure convenience. It serves its purpose.

Ritual Abuse Survivorship communities, like an activist community are rifed with DISINFORMATION agents, agitators, provocateurs etc like any other.

The theory of programming simply tries to show how ritual abuse utilizing terror and a specific belief system can be used to lay sequences of programming along with complex mathematics.

Wouldn't it be nice if tyranny could be effectively fought against? Like special interests and agendas hiding in the damndest places utilizing deception?

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Boston Is No Longer Safe For Anyone Who Believes In The US Constitution-Law And Order..

What used to be genuinely elite, I now fully grasp has been degenerated into a city that educates average people and celebrates mediocrity.

Everything you can imagine has been done over the past decade to ensure theres nothing elite or special remaining in this place, probably to perpetuate the survival of the institutions.

The place has become so bloated with power, so catered to the hive and so arrogant that not only does it seem those in power and a compliant public frame up whoever they want, the public think its funny.

This is the general intelligence level that locals now have to deal with in the 'new' Boston and Cambridge areas.

Ive never seen a larger group of morons take up residence and the reigns of power in such a short period of time and with such a damaging effect-unless you judge success simply by monetary gain, profit and numbers-then I suppose out shell of a city is 'doing well'.

Nothing like a little Necromancy to gain complete control of a once living, spirited entity. Just destroy and kill its spirit completely then animate the cadaver and you've got SUCESS!

And guaranteed control....dont insecure, loser serial killers who cant get it up with the living f*ck dead bodies?

I'd say thats an accurate description of what we are now dealing with in this area.

Why respect law and order or the US Constitution when you can just lie and frame and decieve your way to your goals?

I have never in all my years seen this area THIS corrupt...and I was young when ethnic organized crime overtly ran these areas. This is much worse, much more indecent, without a moral code and hiding under a psuedo rule of law.

Its unbelievable and thats exactly what they are depending on.

Many years ago, someone talking to me warned me about this system: "they are trying to bring you down to their level". Thats for damn sure, especially in the past year.

I was recently warned by street friends that this system is trying to demonstrate I have a criminal record as well as make me flip out so that I forfeit my right to legal recourse and justice in the courts.
Sounds about right.

If I understood that this area of the country was to become completely indecent and lawless while somehow re inventing its EXTERIOR so it appears almost sterile, I would have left a few years ago.

I always seem to try to leave and come back, probably simply out of not knowing the proper, practical way to change residency permanently.

This time I will succeed in getting out of the northeast entirely and ensure I never return. The place is rotted to the core and for every nice person you meet, theres ten-fifteen who are assh*les and its intolerable.

Im sick of being nice to people I dont actually like and tolerating assholes becuz Im afraid of getting framed up for criminal threatening again. All becuz NH terrorized me and MA is so sneaky, I have to humble myself when Im the victim??!!

This place is completely rotted, beyond help and I never want to know this place exists after this case is over.

Boston Is No Longer Safe For Anyone Who Believes In The US Constitution-Law And Order..

What used to be genuinely elite, I now fully grasp has been degenerated into a city that educates average people and celebrates mediocrity.

Everything you can imagine has been done over the past decade to ensure theres nothing elite or special remaining in this place, probably to perpetuate the survival of the institutions.

The place has become so bloated with power, so catered to the hive and so arrogant that not only does it seem those in power and a compliant public frame up whoever they want, the public think its funny.

This is the general intelligence level that locals now have to deal with in the 'new' Boston and Cambridge areas.

Ive never seen a larger group of morons take up residence and the reigns of power in such a short period of time and with such a damaging effect-unless you judge success simply by monetary gain, profit and numbers-then I suppose out shell of a city is 'doing well'.

Nothing like a little Necromancy to gain complete control of a once living, spirited entity. Just destroy and kill its spirit completely then animate the cadaver and you've got SUCESS!

And guaranteed control....dont insecure, loser serial killers who cant get it up with the living f*ck dead bodies?

I'd say thats an accurate description of what we are now dealing with in this area.

Why respect law and order or the US Constitution when you can just lie and frame and decieve your way to your goals?

I have never in all my years seen this area THIS corrupt...and I was young when ethnic organized crime overtly ran these areas. This is much worse, much more indecent, without a moral code and hiding under a psuedo rule of law.

Its unbelievable and thats exactly what they are depending on.

Many years ago, someone talking to me warned me about this system: "they are trying to bring you down to their level". Thats for damn sure, especially in the past year.

I was recently warned by street friends that this system is trying to demonstrate I have a criminal record as well as make me flip out so that I forfeit my right to legal recourse and justice in the courts.
Sounds about right.

If I understood that this area of the country was to become completely indecent and lawless while somehow re inventing its EXTERIOR so it appears almost sterile, I would have left a few years ago.

I always seem to try to leave and come back, probably simply out of not knowing the proper, practical way to change residency permanently.

This time I will succeed in getting out of the northeast entirely and ensure I never return. The place is rotted to the core and for every nice person you meet, theres ten-fifteen who are assholes and its intolerable.

Paid Internet Trolls Breaking Down Society, Blocking Constitutional Rights, Preventing Law And Order






Thursday, October 13, 2016

Its unfortunate that in the new way of doing things, a person defending themselves from corruption and arrogance from those in power abusing their power, with total disrefard for any human decency -far too common nowadays- is percieved as challenging the system, disrespecting authority or getting out of line.

What a sad, twisted reality we now live in today.

Another Shooting Prompts Me To Urge Our Community To Work On Prevention-And Take Caution In Discussing Cases


Is everyone done trying to screw me to the wall now? Are you ready to stop prosecuting innocent people and hear about how the theories of my community might actually save peoples lives or are you going to continue to allow innocent people to be hurt? Its not wonder I'm being hit with multiple cases SO I CANT SPEAK OUT and my freedom of speech is totally taken from me.

Yes, many of us want to claim that 'authorities' or people with an agenda are behind shutting down a lot of activists right now. But what about these men who were injured for instance or ones who have died-on all sides. They don't benefit from any of this. You don't get much out of an agenda or conspiracy if you are dead-unless your family getting life insurance is your idea of beneficial which I doubt. Most people would rather have thier lives.
I am sick and tired of seeing this happen while my hands are tied because I'm living under threats and intimidation.

I just looked over the paperwork from two of the three cases. This has got to be one of the worst frame ups. Its all based on anonymous tips, hearsay and most of the accusations and paperwork I HAD NOT EVEN SEEN UNTIL MY ATTORNEY IN NH MAILED IT TO ME recently. So much for being able to face your accusers. All but one of the 'tips' is completely anonymous.
The authorities seem to be protecting the informant who gave the original tip to the FBI about me allegedly having a gun in Harvard Sq. It says it was anonymous but yet there's an age and address listed for the anonymous tipster.

A lot of the accusations are conflicting as well. And what was done in NH is the most illegal, abusive, outrageous subverting of the US Constitution, my human and civil rights as well as due process Ive ever seen in my life. My current attorney is still confused about the outcome of the NH case because the decision they seemed to have made would have required me to HAVE PLEADED SOME SORT OF NO CONTEST OR GUILTY which I did not. I did four months in an abusive, moldy jail becuz I would not plead out to something I did not do.

I am continuing to get abusive comments from whoever did do this, the stalker who is a reader of this blog. The person has become very crazy and is saying things like I am an evil woman who is in rebellion against god, that I am a gun toting, right wing conservative but yet then the person will write that I am a left wing lesbian and abortioness etc. Whoever they are they are getting very crazy and its outrageous that people were and are still trying to focus on my having done this when evidence clearly points to this nut job commenting on my blog WHO HAS HAD FOREKNOWLEDGE of police coming for me due to the first email sent AND MENTIONED ANOTHER INCIDENT BEFORE I KNEW ABOUT IT and I had not mentioned anything on this blog about it.

The judge in NH effectively disqualified himself btw by saying, as he put the case on a 'no finding' status for two years, by saying "I dont want to see anymore of this nonsense miss Orban" and I said " I am going to find out who sent this, believe me" to which he replied "I believe YOU sent this".
So the judge is biased...and "believes" I sent the threatening communication? Belief? NOT PROOF BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT??? FROM A TRIAL WHERE IT IS THE STATE'S BURDEN TO PROVE BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT? Is this absolutely for real?
He also threatened to push through a horrible sentence on me EVEN THOUGH IT WAS NEVER PROVED I SENT ANYTHING AND THERE'S EVIDENCE THAT ITS A READER ON MY BLOG.

Its hard to defend yourself when you are being attacked and provoked constantly in Valley Street Jail in Manchester NH and abused by officers who lie on thier reports (I've got the grievances to prove it.)

The only reason any of this is going under the radar is because someone figures that I will be so damaged by this abuse that I wont be able to function and Ill be afraid to make any moves to defend myself as well as obviously that Im going to be successfully witch hunted (historically a Boston pass time) because of the chaos going on with all the shootings.
My mother used to say, thats how serial killers think, and criminals. They blend in with the students (when she worked in a bar in Boston). That they go along with a trend of crime like crooked law suits in the 80s because if everyone else is doing it, they feel they wont be caught. That no one is paying attention.

Whoever is doing this feels that I will be lost to the pervading environment of chaos and fear as well as no one will pay attention to how corrupt the cases are becuz of everything else going on.

None of this matters anymore. People are dying due to these shootings and its been going on far too long now. Its ridiculous that I of all people would be a person to hurt others considering that my work is dedicated to nothing more than helping others and the content of my work especially BEFORE I GOT SET UP FOR THE FIRST CASE consisted of digging into a few high profile lone shooting cases as well as examining many lone shooters themselves.

My posts where I support police are many on this blog. My lawyer in NH  did not look them up and bring them to the bail hearings which is why his ass needed to be fired but its a bit hard when they have you locked up and people are messing with you all the time and you are indigent becuz you cant get to your money so no phone calls, no paper, envelopes etc. Law Library and newspapers is all I had. I now understand in this country why we have things like Law Library and Freedom Of Speech of the printed word. I always understood but never saw something as horrific as what happened to me make an example of how oppression can make those things LIFE SAVING in a certain situation. And the help of other women in there...as usual when the patriarchy tries to crush a woman, its other women who help out.

I'm going to do what I do best and that's try to assist. Whats going on out there is absolutely ridiculous and probably totally unnecessary. I will not be intimidated while innocent people lose thier lives.

First thing everyone must do in the TI community is to stop being careless with what we write. Its obviously being used against us right now. There are multiple articles meant to set us up as potential nut job shooters just becuz its theorized by people in the community that the shooters may have been targeted.
We cant afford to play with ideas anymore. Its too dangerous and its being used to harm the community by mostly big media outlets. (Yes I realize one of the stories I posted was from VICE but if you read my post from a few days back it shows that VICE has basically gone big media due to selling out in the Brooklyn area as well as big media investing in VICE. The genuine Hipster community is done with VICE, that says a lot.)

Secondly we need to help others who may be at risk with prevention. Mulling over details of cases AFTER people are dead is only feeding the trolls and giving our detractors material to work with. Try to get to people at risk BEFORE they act out, make this the focus of activism now, not trying to figure out if some shooter was being harassed. Try to get the word out to anyone, TI or not, just anyone feeling desperate-that taking violent action IS NOT the way to deal with whatever is going on.

In court they tried desperately to use against me that I was mapping out just how a lot of stress and harassment can be utilized to bait people into snapping and losing it. They tried to make it look like I had sent the threatening faxes BECUZ I MYSELF HAD LOST IT AND SNAPPED and may be capable of doing something. Which is ridiculous for those of you who know me but it worked in an ambush basically where I wasn't prepared and had little control over my attorney and had little understanding of my legal rights in the situation and was victimized by intimidation, abuse and fear.
Of course I would map out that process, as my blog clearly stated at the time IT WAS A CANDID BLOG of daily experiences so people could see how this sort of thing works. It was to try to help others and a lot of it was done with my naturally sophomoric sense of humor-both dark humor and sarcasm, from my being largely from a very collegiate area, I've never left that mindset. I suppose when you are surrounded by smart people and even the hobos in the place I called home for years are good looking, talented and smart and fraternize with the college kids, you don't take things seriously and the rest of the country doesn't quite appreciate that outlook.

I discovered that even just mere miles away, right over the border of the next state, you can make the most nonsensical bunch of bullshit fly and look legit as long as everyone is scared enough, corrupt enough and willing to hang someone to get what they need out of it. That not everyplace is like Boston where there's some oversight, watchdog groups and well...intelligent common sense.

The best thing to do right now is not assume you are safe writing anything. It seems that prevention is in order. And its hard to examine a motive for a case when the shooter always ends up dead.
I'm going to do all I can to try to help which was my intent to begin with but its gone beyond just examining the shootings and perpetrators. No one is listening to that. Its just the worst news making it to people. Obviously the people losing it are where to focus on.

And why does no one see this before it happens? Neighbors or spouses or friends or co workers? Its very shady that I get caught up in the system when I'm not dangerous and there was never a chance of my doing any harm yet I'm being focused on but the people who are becoming actual shooters are somehow making it under the radar.

I feel that the only people who can actually help right now are THE PEOPLE IN OUR COMMUNITY. Think about it- no one knows more about how stuff like this works. Lets call it merely 'shady' if you will. That's an understatement but it sums it up pretty well. Maybe that's why our community and the most vocal in it is being set up for silence if you will. So we cant help.

I just had two more relatives die-one while I was in jail and the other when I got out and was too messed up from being abused to do anything but try to deal with daily survival. Now these shootings are becoming a normal occurrence in the news-as if its normal. I simply don't care anymore about being intimidated. And everyone else in the TI community shouldn't either.

The fact that our community is being vilified YET NO ONE WHO IS A TRUE RISK THAT ACTS OUT is being focused on. Someone, somewhere is much more interested in DIVERSIONS than actually solving this problem. No one knows more than we do about how cruel people can be, even just in the situations of workplace mobbing or bullying. Its time we put our expertise to work in a meaningful way in mainstream society.

Another thing this will accomplish, I've discovered in these misadventures is that this will WEED OUT THE DISINFO people or fake TIs who only exist to harm our community. There's no way such a person could set out to be helpful and accomplish anything positive. It just isn't possible. Just like anyone who's been to OCCUPY knows how to tell an infiltrator- thier prime directive is to mislead, misdirect, destroy, time waste, agitate, infiltrate, sabotage. They cant accomplish anything else-by thier task and by thier very nature I dare say.

If you are a Survivor, if you understand SMART's website, you know your true nature. Use that now and don't let anyone interfere in your connecting to what you need to defend yourself-and to continue with activism.



"Richard L. Jacobs, Psy.D., is a psychologist in Brookline,
Weinstein, Harvey M., Psychiatry and the CIA: Victims of Mind
Control, American Psychiatric Press, Washington, D.C., 1990."

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Interesting Article About Fed Coercion To Become Informant


As usual I am not responsible for the author's point of view or sentiment in relation to authorities, I am simply reposting  in the interest of exposing corruption and subverting of citizens' rights. In the hopes the post helps others.

Having Nightmares From Being Arrested And Grabbed Off The Street By Authorities

Wtf is going on? Im having nightmares theres another case and arrest! Its probably from being terrorized with being ambushed by authorities and arrested which was always a shock and surprise because of course I wasnt expecting it.

I dont usually even dream very often due to the neuro damage from that moldy apartment years ago.

Why is this happening suddenly?
Have I been THAT terrorized?

Monday, October 10, 2016

Agressive Parents Who Begin Altercations-One Solution

How to handle aggreseive, rude moms and women who start fights or threaten with kids present:

"I got CPS on speed dial,b*tch!"

Becuz good mommies...dont get into fights in public.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Interesting How All The Difficulties Have Come Just In Past Year-When My Uncle Dies

Well, two uncles actually. Two more family members dead. Two more people I never got to see or speak to or say anything to before they passed.


The other obituary isn't really pertinent.

I was watching out for his passing in obituaries like all older relatives but how would I have known he was suffering a prolonged illness and it was obvious he was going to pass away?

I also heard that my dad is on dialysis and he's so unstable he can't make the proper decision to get a kidney transplant. Isn't that a lovely thing to have to hear about?

He's had such a hard time.

What really happened?
No one really knows.

But I can guarantee you one thing: It isn't going to happen to me. It hasn't in fact.

NH is an odd sort of place isn't it? Maybe he went insane just from living there for too long.

In jail we saw the most INTERESTING movies. And one of them was this boring dumb made for TV movie where this woman has all this frightening metaphysical stuff happen to her in a house that destroys her family yet at the end the interviewing detective deducts that SHE killed them-probably for insurance money. That SHE is the bad guy...not this incredible force of evil no one can see. Even though the stupid idiot has videos to prove her version of events, she gives in to intimidation in the end because,as the saying that kept showing up throughout this turd film kept telling the viewer: People See What They Want To See!!!

And ALL the women in the unit in the jail were so adamant about watching this turd and so enthused about it. Which is strange because those women couldn't organize to save their lives and seemed more concerned with being divided and talking about dumb boring crap all day and night to be on the same page about ANYTHING. (Being forced to watch Lifetime Network all the time in there was torment enough.)

And we saw other turds often enough in there too but just like the last movie I mentioned, I ignored those also. I found them boring.

Gee....maybe I should be afraid that people will only see what they want to...or rather, people may feel they may now be able to do so without consequences.

If only life were like the movies, huh?

I believe in a higher order. That Truth is ultimate power. If you stand by that, you will be protected and people will have made their own consequences by their own actions.

BTW violence is a stupid persons solution to problems. The notion I would have to resort to that is as distasteful as this entire situation has been.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Braver Than Any Man: Eileen 'Didi' Nearne


"Braver than any man: Revealed for the first time, the awe-inspiring courage of two British sisters who waged a one-family war on the Nazis - and were left with emotional scars that never healed"

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Youtube published private vids as public earlier today-author's apologies to readers

YT vids meant to be by link access only came up public today- even though my default for uploaded vids is 'unlisted': by link access only.

Don't know why that happened but I'm sorry to anyone who viewed them that was not intended to.

I am very disturbed that a reader seems to have sent the three threats to authorities and I'm always the one getting in trouble for it.  I wanted a few chosen people to know the details of what's gone on with these cases. The emails with links and info I sent I mistakenly sent to a few people I shouldn't have so I pulled the vids altogether.

It's pointless to tell the public about the cases at this point as well as I know whatever scumbag has done this to begin with expected that reaction so why tell the public the details?

At least I got a better gauge of who I can trust and who I can't.

Monday, October 3, 2016

A Statement To Readers and The Community At Large-No Retaliation Will Be Tolerated

I am actively going through proper channels as well as seeking help in getting justice for myself as is my right as a US citizen. I have a right to due process and my Constitutional rights.

Any emails, faxes or communications with my name attached sent to anyone with any threatening content will be viewed as RETALIATION for my exsercising my rights as a US citizen within the United States Of America and every avenue possible of investigation and prosecution will be taken to protect me.

I am not alone. I now have family members with good standing in the community watching out for me as well as many fellow activists, legal organizations and lawyers informed of the timeline of these events as well as kept informed with updates.

As per usual I have never sent threatening communications to authorities, I've never been given proper due process to prove beyond reasonable doubt that I did so (or even a trial!) and any further activity as such with my name attached or any indication of a connection to me, this blog, my activism or my personal affairs SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED BY AUTHORITIES in order to get justice for ME as well as the parties that are recipients of such communications.

I've never had any problems connected with myself or this blog for ten years. It should be obvious that this activity is out of character for me and would be detrimental to my work, my credibility as an activist and my future as an author.

Stop protecting the predator(s) who is victimising me AND PROTECT THE VICTIM.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

I'm. Ok. Will be posting soon. Thanks for your support.

Wish me luck again today

As usual I'm going in but never know if I'm coming out again.

Stay strong everyone and keep up the activism. Don't lose focus, don't give up and DO NOT fall for diversions or baiting.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Propaganda Machine Strikes Out Against Targeted Individuals

The Propaganda Machine Strikes Out Against Targeted Individuals
"In the wake of a tsunami of “lone nut” shootings that have flooded the United States in recent months, mainstream news sources are at last publishing extensive articles that dare to mention the formerly taboo word known as “gangstalking.” As could be expected, the “journalists” responsible for these articles distort the facts for the purpose of portraying innocent victims of organized government harassment as paranoid schizophrenics."

The Nightmarish Online World of 'Gang-Stalking'

July 22, 2016 // 10:05 AM EST

This might shed light on the VICE article linked above:

"u/Neoleftist 137d, 2h
I've been a reader of vice for about three-four years now and overall I just think the quality of their articles have declined."

"lucasbelaq • 133d, 21h
You do know that Rupert Murdoch has a stake in vice news now, right? It's about to become a very diluted click bait site...if any alternative news site becomes very popular, they won't allow that to exist."

"fauntlero • 107d
Well now it makes sense. Shit."


"In the Williamsburg That Vice Helped Build, Sudden Barbs From Bands and Fans
Growing Media Company May Struggle to Keep Its 'Streets' Aura"

Just sayin......😯

O-m-g..I am So Afraid To Check The Comments For Moderation

...I am mortified at what I may find. Our friend the stalker leaves the absolute nastiest, most abusive stuff.
Don't worry. I won't abandon true TIs.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Gambling Addiction Is A Terrible Thing..Isnt It?



Sectioning From February Was Illegal

(Per usual the same disclaimer applies. No threats verbal, directly, physical or by any means of communication will be sent by me at any time in relation to this post. If such a thing does occur its in the interest of justice to seek out the true sources of such communications-for myself and the victims of such crimes).

The entire time I was in this place I refused to speak to anyone other than the standard questions 'do you want to harm yourself or others?' to which I answered "no". I was once asked if I had access to guns to which I replied "no". The only info give was of my contact with the ACLU, my physician and a long time friend/character reference. I repeatedly stated that I was working with the ACLU on a case involving HUPD and that I did not want to state anything at that time due to my ongoing legal case.

I repeatedly stated this to the intake nurse at the hospital as well as the psychiatrist and her resident who were part of the team that continues the evaluation over the three day period.

I was approached repeatedly and asked about a treatment plan, my living situation and other things which I refused to comment on.

One day after I arrived at the hospital I was basically ambushed coming out of my room into the hallway by a nurse on that day's team who asked a leading question: "Are you hearing voices Rachael?" to which I ignored her and complained to the physician working the floor. This ceased immediately and did not occur again. Where does it state anywhere in any paperwork that this is a concern?
Also, I was (illegally) sectioned supposedly to evaluate my 'dangerousness'. The stay at this facility should not have been used for any other purpose.

So I guess all you have to do is put someone's name on something threatening and you can terrorize them, lie to them and manipulate when you approach them to apprehend them, never even ask if they sent the threatening communications to begin with and then put them away for five days, traumatizing them for life.

BTW I didnt even know why I was dragged off the street and put into an ER until I asked the nurse in the ER why I was there, hours later.

I didn't even see the horrid email until I was in NH and my lawyer showed it to me. Its awful.
 Why would I screw up my future like that, threaten innocent people and hurt my readers and fans?
I wouldnt. Becuz I havent for the ten years this blog has been in existence. Theres no reason for such a thing to occur now.

The ER doctor who saw me kept bullshitting saying things like "Well, I just think the community was scared..." of a middle aged woman with a $1.67 knife bought at Walmart, up against an entire police department, armed with the latest in tactical equipment as well as a knowledge of weapons and your standard issue of all police equipment and weapons? Grown men. Twice my size. Lots of them.

Are we absolutely serious?

He made things worse by asking to see my knife. Why wouldn't a doctor like that know that its standard procedure for police to take all weapons from a person being evaluated or a suspect of a crime at the time of being apprehended?  And what does the knife's appearance have to do with anything?

Getting Harassing Communications on Phone, Google Drive and Email

Whoever the stalker is thats set me up for criminal threatening with three different police depts might be responsible also for:
Hacking into my Google Drive and somehow putting dirty pics in there, sending never ending spam to my email on this blog and having text ads for Viagra sent to my phone.

Funny...I can think of only one way for someone to gain access to all my personal information. It could be a corrupt entity that had been entrusted with such info over the past year.

Funny how such entities are not concerned with protecting me against this very intrusive stalker...but would rather try to focus on my being a horrible crazy potentially violent person-without any solid evidence.

The odds that the latest threats case I'm dealing with can show I sent the communication is very high. Becuz I'm being hacked and stalked and the latest case concerns a very tech savvy institution.

Not only do they have to prove I sent it as my lawyer states but I say, with all this hacking, PROVE THAT NO ONE FROM THEIR END SENT IT EITHER.

The Traveler Or Adventure Gene (Alternative Theories For ADHD or The Neanderthal ADHD Theory)




Thursday, September 15, 2016

Why Am I Being Treated As If I'm A Potential Lone Shooter When They Are Always Male And I've Already Been Profiled?

Note all recent lone shootings are males. One woman with a male who were motivated by Islamic extremism is the only recent example of a female shooter.
I've posted this years ago-it has something to do with testosterone and estrogen. Women process abuse and stressful situations differently. Women would tend to instinctually not want to harm people or protect them. It also has to do with this male 'go out with a bang' suicide run type of process. Women seem to know there's hope after traumatic situations. There still a world out there to live in. Like after the death of a baby, we can always produce another.

I'm only putting forth what makes sense to me and I haven't researched this thoroughly.

As for profiling, I was told by someone with credible info years ago that in Harvard Square near the university our street scene was looked at by authorities partially due to OCCUPY and partially due to rises in terrorism etc. I was told that we HAD ALL been Profiled if there was indication of any threat. He said that one punk rocker kid who always talked about political violence was Profiled and it was determined he simply did not have what it took to actually commit such an act.
Others who were at OCCUPY and Profiled were put on lists and during say, the Regatta races on the Charles had a polite agreement with authorities to simply not be in the area during such events as a courtesy and to avoid trouble themselves.

It was never said to me that I was Profiled as dangerous or capable of violent acts and I am or was the most visible and vocal activist who was part of that scene around the university.

So why now?

It was also told to me that after the Boston Bombing security changed hands and cells of feda had come into the area to operate as security for Boston and Cambridge.

So....new people. I only have a vague understanding of the changes but it's obvious there's new a new security apparatus as well as alot of new people in key positions of power around the area.
Now I've experienced nothing but difficultly and corrupt practices from this new environment. So perhaps NEW people do NEW profiles or studies and fabricate whatever suits them and their purposes. They aren't honest.

That's exactly what's occurred in two of the criminal threatening cases I've dealt with where I have a reader whos a stalker and puts my name on threatening communications to police departments.

I'm not buying into any of this newly delivered bullshit and no one else shouldn't either. All this trouble just lately and not before. I don't want trouble and I don't think anyone else does either-unless of course you profit from it. Such as solving problems you created. Order out of chaos.

So if it's been established long ago I'm not a threat what IS going on lately?

How The Lone Shootings Trend Is Being Used With 'Pretzel Logic' To Finally Discredit And Frame Up All Targeted Persons

This article from a big newspaper is THE worst attempt I've ever seen to discredit and even frame up the TI community. WITHOUT THE RECENT SURGE IN LONE SHOOTINGS THIS WOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE.


The way battles usually go in this world, if we can keep fighting and advocating through this, there will probably be a breakthrough. This is the action of a rival who has become extremely opportunistic and thise in power seem very nervous.

Also keep in mind that presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's husband, former president Bill Clinton presided over the PRESIDENT'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON HUMAN RADIATION EXPERIMENTS in the mid 1990s and that included his public apology to victims for not only military radiation experiments but other entities performing mind alteration, behavior modification and thought control experiments utilizing drugs and psychology. This was known as MK Ultra.

I can think of no other area of the country that would want Hillary as president than the seats of the Liberal elite such as Boston, NYC etc.

All they are doing is using the fear inspired by the lone Shootings which are very prevalent lately, to intimidate and frighten people into being forced to accept the theory that all targeted persons are potentially dangerous and that the community at large presents a danger due to it being isolated from society.

The entire piece is created with a sort of 'pretzel Logic' where facts and projections and info is twisted and manipulated to suite the writer's purposes. At the heart of the article's power lies the horror and fear raised by the phenomena of lone shootings.

If one deconstructs this article it's plainly manipulative and self serving. If people are scared and nervous enough they will stop thinking if you will, because when we are made afraid, emotion and survival mechanisms take over and cognitive thought, reasoning like critical thinking ability is lessened.

For example first they claim people arent being targeted, then try to make out actual past lone shooters as PART OF THE TI COMMUNITY simply becuz Targets have theorized that a shooter may have been targeted??....uh..so THAT explains why the person lashed out in violence? Becuz they were mentally ill like the rest of us? Whaaa?
So the shooter suddenly becomes part of the TI community simply becuz he was the focus of pondering and curiosity by people claiming to be Targets? Intelligence operations usually include disinformation specialists. I've heard people on TI conference calls from FFCHs who you can tell are suggesting violence on a regular basis to infiltrate, discredit, agitate, provoke-all the fun stuff activist groups have to deal with anywhere they exist.

It's absolutely ridiculous if you look at it. Why aren't they using science and technology to study the patterns of lone shooters and shootings collectively? Algorithms, patterns, math, predictive technology, psych profiles etc. These are used in business all the time for marketing and in criminology. There's even TV shows based on it like Criminal Minds.

And theres only been ONE study done (lol)? And based on this one study these accusations are being made? And the social acceptability of many Targets being doctors, lawyers, former military, police etc etc is totally discredited becuz of the article using as a crutch ONE STUDY?
Is it peer reviewed? Becuz if you read Mark's work, author of the Hidden Evil he actually gets peer reviewed to gain cred and to be responsible to his readers.

So a big monolith newspaper is going to tower over this small community of vulnerable people along with all the other bold intimidation lately and force TIs into silence? Is this for real?

For those who don't know my mother is a documented radiation human experimentee both parents were US Marines. I myself have been subjected to the worst most overt, brutal intimidation of my life time as an activist in the past year. And it has been outrageous the system's ability lately to outright lie or commit criminal acts against Targets and have that covered up by other parts of society.

Look at it this way. I'm not politically savvy enough to know what could be motivating this but whatever is going on, the power structure is scared and therefore desperate.
They are actually screwing THEMSELVES becuz if they don't win this and gain absolute power, a heavy hand and strict police state like laws that forbid questioning corrupt authorities the truth or some semblance of it will be revealed.

With all the documentation that exists on relevant subjects like MK Ultra, Project Paperclip and a history of war crimes, outsourcing military actions and intelligence operations to private companies so there's no oversight or transparency as would be with government actions, plus loads of other info like Nick Begich as well as other scientists explaining the theories on the technological aspects of the TI theory, why would it even be possible to release an article like this nowadays?

Becuz when people are scared they become a mob tha no longer thinks or reasons and that is what the powers that be are now depending on. Think of it as lone Shootings being used to threaten you to go along with whatever is said or whatever is proposed to stop such activities and make you 'safe'.

Take into account the timing. It's like the judge who ended the case in NH said to the Prosecutor when the case ended-that why is it I've been "wandering" the country for 10 years but I don't get into trouble? Why all this only in the past year?

Let me reveal some information that may help explain the compliance in this recent trend.
Now I am only presenting a theory.
My family's past and my own gives me a bit of an insight into the world of organized crime and this is nowadays largely hidden from the public.
When I left the adult entertainment industry years ago I did so partially becuz it appeared that too many criminal organizations were coming into the area and gaining access to my friend's business. It's as if she didn't control anything anymore. I also suspected she was being coerced into turning to blackmail as a way of generating revenue. It was disgusting and I wanted no part of this new way of doing business. As an example just look at Charlie Sheen whos admitted to having to spend millions to keep his HIV status quiet for years.
Look at the former Hollywood star Quaid and his wife who claim there are criminals who create set ups or operations to get celebs money and destroy them.


With the technology that exists nowadays this is totally feasible. Communications, training. Even street gang members can be dumb as nails and be an effective part of a criminal organization, as long as they follow "the way it's laid out" as one black male told me once. This is where knowledge of cults and cult control is useful.

Keep this in mind then take another example into consideration- in the county jail I was in, the women were part of a very tight knit local scene. I was told my first judge was a john who had a kinky sex life. Thus it could be assumed he's potentially easily compromised thus cooperative in whatever corruption is put forth.

Take this theory and then imagine how many people's activities could be monitored and then threatened into compliance, considering security, surveillance etc. Remember we as a nation have militarized a system of authorities that were corrupt to begin with and that never changed. Authorities still work with organized crime at certain levels etc. Criminals and authorities think alike. The criminal mind is superior and it's also very predatory.

It's totally feasible that in vulnerable areas, corrupt authority that's monitoring activity and doing surveillance could assist in setting up a mark for a robbery or other crime.

I suspect I've experienced this in both Austin,TX and San Diego,CA. I had traveled to these locations to avoid winter conditions up north and as part of my wanting to see the country and also keep doing activism as well as for health reasons. I could tell I was being cased out on the street but also by other means to see how much money I had with me and more importantly how much I was going to get at the beginning of the month. I was more careful than usual and I also put word out on the street about my suspicions. I also was very vocal and short about not allowing such a thing to occur and that someone was going to get hurt in a robbery.

Whatever the nonsense was it ended after that. Exposure and awareness, like a porch light deterring a would be burglar.

So let's theorize that private security firms from big to small have the POTENTIAL to be capable of corruption. From big to small. Let's say, organized crime infiltrated or let's reach further and imagine, created such companies. The potential to turn gathered info over to criminals is totally feasible.
Isn't a large part of Russian organized crime former KGB due to the fall of the USSR.

From history one can learn an important lesson-always keep The Guard busy and paid or else they will find other endeavors to undertake. Even Samurai wandered the countryside seeking mercenary work. People's nature doesn't change just becuz conditions do, even countries falling.

Articles like this show up every few years but this is the most damaging I've seen yet. People getting killed is an effective motivator to sway the public especially if they don't care and just want convenient scape goats as well as to perhaps rid society of some group of unwanted people or perceived undesirables.

In a culture now where the people are not allowed to question corruption and deception, they will lash out at innocents becuz of their inability to take on the oppressive power structure.

TIs should simply make it clear that 'we ain't the ones'...that we are not going to be scapegoated.
Go find someone else.