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Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Kennedy Being Blocked From Debating or Being on Ballots


It seems that he's being blocked by lots of stonewalling. 

People in our community applying the theories in this blog to our lives and their strange circumstances are unfortunately quite familiar with similar tactics. As one woman put it to me some years ago: "I'm always unpleasantly surprised". 

It gets worse with every situation we deal with through the years: 'lost files', things being 'missed', people 'dropping the ball' (worst are the people actually using that phrase as an excuse including an insincere apology as cover), people entering incorrect information to cause wasting of time/money/energy.  Endless negligence, casual corruption and even extremes of outright fabrication. 

There was a conservative right wing candidate for governor in Massachusetts some years back, going against Baker I believe that had quite a roster of complaints about tactics being used to undermine his being elected or even being allowed to compete fairly. 

There's more than two parties in this country and it's frustrating it always ends up with just the two main ones at debate/election time. Sadly many Americans probably assume there are just two parties- with the growing ignorance of reality, history, government, law etc among the general public. I remember when Bush the elder was going out and Clinton was running, my much younger more observant mind saw clearly that Bush was hanging back, half sitting on tables and his body language clearly indicated that the election result was already planned out and there was no need to work too hard or take the debates seriously. Clinton then began playing the saxophone and that was what got him elected by my generation. We certainly did get away with a lot and have much 'fun' during this time in office but what youth considers acceptable are usually conditions that don't see individuals or the tribe very well later in life. 

Scientists and health professionals don't divulge the truth about the human brain not being fully developed until age 25. Looking back it shows clearly and a bunch of kids should not be making decisions for a quickly dying world still full of solvable problems yet with multiple species including humans facing extinction. 

Kids don't make decisions kids go to war. That's what kids are good at. I understand that the powers in place are and always have been absolutely scared to death of Gen X and have done everything possible over the years to neutralize us but giving worldly power over to half insane, overly medicated, intimidated, terrorized children who've had their world and identities ripped from them who exist in a manufactured alternate dimension of reality 'online' isn't the best way to do things. (As of millennials, scientists had done studies on human brains born 'native to technology' and having been exposed to personal technologies and the Internet  infancy and its documented that that generations brains work differently compared to normal human brains formed by evolution. To think the Internet and exposing humans in the womb to electromagnetic pollution is a form of eugenics is not that far off of a theory. I'm sure people don't see trans humanism as eugenics but it is and so is psychiatry. )

Ever since Bush was kept in office during 9/11 when he was going to be tried or impeached for election fraud, Americans have been seemingly terrorized, manipulated and locked into having to choose a president simply because they want to get rid of the one whos in office or being given two candidates that people really dont want but aren't given any other choices.

Donald Trump may have seemed like a good idea in 2016 as Obama and company had taken things too far (and now even farther through his vice president Biden as president) and middle America and others were sick of being abused, exploited or ignored. 

That election was never a good idea and it probably was never supposed to happen on a correct timeline. I don't think the people of this country would have voted for him under normal circumstances and without altered conditions.

His history of pushing forward technology and communications that need further study before implementation (5g etc) and selling off America's public lands etc as well as the irresponsible way he speaks is enough to not want him in a key position of power. Unfortunately the reality is that for practical reasons he really is more qualified to run America like a business than a totally corrupt life long career politician like Biden, who's obviously blackmailed and works in the interest of globalist and foreign powers. 

Both seem to have seedy sexual proclivities. Trump sort of has a cavalier attitude about his lifestyle from his days as a NYC billionaire businessman with Biden seeming more creepy due to sniffing women constantly and being inappropriate with children. However Trump's questionable relationship with his daughter from a young age may indicate similar issues.  Unfortunately this is more common than the public wants to accept in highly powerful areas. 

Pizzagate isn't a legit conspiracy theory -its a disinformation campaign. That does not mean that elements used in that campaign on their own don't raise questions or warrant investigation (emails etc). Sexual deviancy and violence in the extreme among rich and powerful people is unfortunately very common.

I think the trend now of flaunting it to the public, daring them to notice or realize it and then traumatizing anyone trying to find the truth with disinformation (such as the Hillary Clinton alleged video that come out a few years back) is a form of terrorizing people.

Getting Kennedy into office may seem like a last ditch effort to return to some sort of sanity and I wish it could be tried but obviously it's not going to happen.

Kennedy also has some questionable behavior such as in an online interview where he was asked to give some sort of indication that JFK Jr may still actually be alive somewhere and he made a very obvious gesture with his hands to his nose. (This was presented as I just wrote it in a video that specifically pointed out this occuring-I did not form this theory or note his actions in the interview. It's on the Internet with people pointing out this incident.) If this were true the last thing he should be doing is engaging in any revealing of this information even though intimation. He knows that. The Kennedys are expert at family secrets.  I don't think that is a candidate who presents as solid.

 Due to these inconsistencies in candidates behavior and political ideologies as covers for agendas since Bush I can't blame people for perceiving Trump as the most stable and sensible candidate. 

Theres too many games being played with the public and it's gotten very overt. For anyone paying attention it's become obvious that our electoral system and right to vote are being made a mockery of. 

I could write a whole other post on who or what might be responsible but the answer is probably the same forces that always are.  I don't think it ever changes I just think that new tactics are invented to fool people. It never changes. 

If people would only research Biden and his history before being in the spotlight due to Obama, it is clear how mediocre a politician he was, even lacking. The plagiarism issue concerning one of his speeches he lifted from a British politician should have been questionable enough but the subsequent interviews where he tried to defend himself make it obvious hes unfit for any office. At least back then he hadn't started enlisting the word 'man' as old skool slang when speaking as an official. 'Hey man.' 'Cmon man'. 

This is what's destroying the country. Casual disregard for rules, manners, professionalism, decency, dignity and responsibility and conducting ones self in a manner required for a position of responsibility where you are trusted by people.

Don't try to sight me on this because I've been forced into an alternative subculture and have now made that part of my identity. However if I was in a position of high office I would not be dressing or acting as much of American politics today conducts themselves. At least voting for Trump got rid of a horrid first lady who can't dress properly and was seen by the people publicly complaining about presidential duties. What a bitch Michelle Obama was to deal with for eight years especially as that administration did so much damage in his second term. If everything could have remained as it was and standards set during Obamas first term we wouldn't be in this mess now. 

One of the Trump benefits at least is having a First Lady who presents herself as well kempt and respectable, even if that wasnt always the case. 

The way Congress is behaving is outrageous and if people would get off their devices they would probably demand a stop to it.

At least watching the Russian parliament meetings I get to see actual fighting whereas everyone misbehaving in our halls nowadays just talks smack and acts butt hurt. 

People wonder why Jan 6 happened. Of course it was manufactured. Of course it was agitators hired to induce people into illegal activity among the crowd. Of course security was lax on purpose and emergency response was withheld. Yet the actual members of the public who felt justified is understandable considering the rioting, looting and the totally irresponsible lack of response to it in 2020. 

Instead of taking care of the issues and getting things done and over with this country and it's people are being tortured and milked dry of everything we have by a system now infiltrated and corrupt by people  working for special interests and their own self interest instead of the people. The people aren't paying attention at this point and it seems that people are satisfied with Trump providing mere economic stability. 

Everyone feels frustrated by this election and lack of choices between two candidates nobody in their right mind would want. However it is important to vote even if it's for an off party that won't win. You're not wasting your vote. You're not voting for THEM, or the system you're voting for YOU.  

Exercising the right to vote is more important than any election. There will be many in your lifetime. 

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