


Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Friday, May 10, 2024


(there is a noise that sensitive people might need to be aware of in many episodes of this TV show.  There's a sound effect used seemingly to build suspense that sounds like an old model bell telephone ringing. Whatever method used to layer it into the audio tracks, it is somewhat subliminated. The sound effect can be very annoying and distracting. I try to tune it out and be aware. If it's too irritating just fast forward through. It seems to be present mostly in early episodes.)

Air Crash InvestigationMayday and Air Disasters are American-Canadian television programs that are available in many places like Smithsonian, Paramount Plus, even YouTube. Sources online claim that these titles are simply different countries versions of the same show but I've found they may be focusing on the same investigation cases but each show has a distinct way it presents it probably to suit different demographics or cultures. 

Air Disasters seems more focused on the investigation process and NTSB personell. It goes over the accident simply as a source of the investigation. The narrator is American and narration keeps things serious and focused. The background of the acted out scenes are  kept dimmly lit which seems to give your mind more ability to think and focus.  Emotion is kept out of this version alot more than the others which makes it easier to focus on the investigation not the accident as tragedy or the individual human dramas. I absolutely can't stand crime shows where the victims families go on and on and they have to give a background on the individual. It wastes time and it takes focus off of the investigation. In this version of the show you can fast forward through it because it's so sparse. 

In contrast Mayday episodes on YouTube seem to focus on the accident itself, human costs and drama instead of the investigation and it's process. I noticed the narrator has maybe a slight British accent, a somewhat high nasal tone and there are details not focused on in Air Crash Investigation. 

I wouldn't waste my time with Mayday unless you've already taken in Air Crash Investigation and simply want different versions of the cases. Youre not going to get anything out of Mayday as far as conditioning or retraining your brain to think more clearly. 

It began in 2003 and there are new episodes as recent as 2023. 

I've found the Air Disasters series from Smithsonian the most useful. If you can get it On Demand with no ads that's probably best as there's no interruption in content. 

Viewing with closed captions (CC) on is helpful. Somehow it maps out better if you can read as well as watch and hear. Most televisions nowadays allow you to change the color of the closed caption back frame as well as the text and even choose a font that might be perceived by your brain a little better than the standard black and white. 

Air Crash Investigation


I hate using Wikipedia but...

Wiki page that explains different names and history of program


There's also many decent YouTubers who are legit licensed pilots that go over airplane and helicopter accidents. I've enjoyed the channel PILOT DEBRIEF lately. 


YouTuber ABOUT: 

"My name is "Hoover". I served 20 years in the Air Force where I flew the F-15E "Strike Eagle". I also participated in an exchange program with the USMC where I flew the F/A-18D for three years. After retiring from the military, I spent a short time flying the CE-560XL for a Part 135 operator, and now I fly for a major US airline."

The value of this type of  content is that we now live in an era where science has become biased and everything is politicized. The powers that be are ensuring the public stays confused and as we know have been being basically terrorized for decades by various means.

The crazy making that's now been normalized  should be familiar to every person working with the GS and TI theories. If anyone sees through today's deceptions it would be the TI community. Anyone who's had to learn to stay calm, learn to play The Observer and keep an eye towards logic and common sense in the midst of their reality being altered understands the value of cold hard facts. 

In the current environment we live in, factual information seems threatening to the official narratives or to Left wing woke agendas.  That's why it's so important to learn how to think clearly or re-learn mental freedom. 

Theres a lot of value in these investigations. There's many concepts that are used to explain why mistakes are made. 

I  began to notice that concepts similar to what's  been used to influence our reality in the past ten years through media are mentioned in the tv show and by YouTubers. One example is  CONFIRMATION BIAS. 

 The crash investigation content calls this by name and clearly explains what it is and how it effects pilots. However, this same concept has been used in the media brainwashing agenda that seems to include discrediting even villainizing all conspiracy theorists. 

It became obvious that agendas are now co-opting and misusing such concepts to sound smart and make their viewpoints seem ultimately correct. A cult like truth everyone must follow. 

If you read the link explaining what CONFIRMATION BIAS actually is, you realize that the claim conspiracy theorists or anyone looking into theories are just 'trying to find facts that suit preconcieved beliefs is incorrect. Actually anyone who isn't willing to look into alternative information are the ones suffering from this. 

People who form or look into sensible legit conspiracy theory or alternative facts or versions of something do so because something compells them to seek more information or alternative information. 9/11 is a perfect example of this. Regardless of how many red flags are raised or inconsistencies are sigjted or how many solid experts and professionals point out these things many people simply cannot move on from the official narrative that's been set. Even if all these things were to simply compell the public to ask questions not even make judgments it's still not happening. 

That is whats so refreshing about any good investigation show. They have to solve the mystery and find the truth even if it takes money, time, resources. They are motivated to find out what really happened. Every amazing aspect of the human mind is put to work. In the case of 9/11 the motivation seems just the opposite and we are encouraged to sleep walk through life for the past 23 years. 

The beauty of this series is that it's an investigation that will not cease until they gets the truth and it spares no one and leaves 'no stone unturned'. It's not a cult or cabal or culture or influencers trying to brainwash you into believing something or not believing something and if you don't do as they say you'll get 'cancelled'. 

That's what makes this show healing, educational and very useful for redirecting our minds into a place where facts are valuable again.  It takes things seriously, methodically with respect for facts. 

There are of course a few investigations that there are conspiracy theories about such as the episode about the 9/11 Pentagon alleged crash (I skipped it)  and various others where people on the program or the internet claim there was a cover up (if you search for any of these accidents online you can find either new updated investigation findings or the alternate theories or information that leads people to speculation about cover ups) but most seem to be straight forward. 

The program does indeed coddle and cover for the airline industry regularly which can be frustrating to watch but it's understandable. It's as if the show has to ensure the public aren't afraid of flying after watching such content. There are some episodes that rally for the victims of the crashes and point out the wrongdoing and even show how passenger's families took matters into their own hands and finally got justice or lawsuits etc and then some other episodes seem to really sort of brush off the responsibility of the flight industry or lawmakers but generally it's pretty fair. I'm not watching it for studying law I'm watching it for the investigative and fact finding and being taken step by step through the process of that though considering legal issues arising from the accidents is also interesting. 

As for myself and others I've shown this to I won't ever fly in such a machine again but my attitude has become that unless I have wings or an ejector seat, fly suit, helmet and parachute- I'm not flying. 

You can plainly see these things are death machines. Especially compelling is the episode 'Ghost Plane'. That right there just sent a message: we don't belong up there.

If you notice on many re enactments of the accident itself or content of cockpit audio recorders, the pilots last words before impact reflect their realization that they do not have control, never did and they're sense of safety was an illusion all along flying in a man made machine that artificially carries humans into the skies for flight. The most common word is "No!". This is a word humans learn and overuse when they are two years old. It's difficult listening to it as the last word of grown men right before impact. 

Another thing to consider if you binge watch this, some episodes replay the accident reenactment ad nauseam-passengers screaming etc. It's as if the production company has to pay for the money they use to create the reenactment and get their money's worth out of it. Just fast forward through it if it begins to interfere with following the investigation. 

Some episodes don't show terror of passengers. There was one where all the passengers were Hindi/Indian and it did not show a re-enactmemt of passengers but simply showed all of the passengers just fading away off the plane upon impact.  Perhaps it had some correlation to respecting cultural or religious beliefs.  

The recreations of the accidents probably from forensics using what looks like CGI is amazing. There is always actual video  footage and news footage also. 

Keep in mind when you're watching this show that a lot of the photographs or photo IDs of the pilots in the reenactment  are actually of the actors playing the pilots. Probably out of respect for families of the deceased.

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