Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Be careful it's very nasty out there right now it seems like the system wants to simply wipe you off the face of the Earth as if you never existed right now TI's lives do not matter

 My sponsor of 5 years up and disappeared without any kind of understanding of what happens and you can tell the system knows it and it's like they can smell desperation and fear and they're just going for the kill right now. If the person who was sending me money was he even genuine at all or if it was done to make me get a false sense of security and make me complacent and lazy and make sure I don't file against people and get my cases fixed. 

I know there's a lot an election coming up but this is ridiculous. I don't know what's going on out here but ever since they removed what they want a medical decision out here it's really bad out here and even a little bit before the masks came off with a family member of mine and who's the original TI unbeknownst to them when it comes to our families involvement in NK ultra and the radiation experimentation which is documented by the way this family member of mine the system has just been going for the kill over the past year it's been ridiculous

So I've had to constantly deal with the fallout from that and quickly fix stuff as fast as humanly possible and just keep installing all of these walls and protections and it's very hard to take care of another TI who doesn't know they're a TI because she can't really tell them because remember only some of us have that expansion of mind. That ability to watch Syfy if you will that the military was using people who watch Syfy to come up with alternate solutions in the future for things because they have expansion of mind I think I posted about that years ago. Well that's the kind of mind you have if you survive being a TI with the GS theory and you can expand your mind over time and grow and see reality for what it is and live with it as horrible and lonely as it is this is the same exact thing that intelligence people go through military people go through that people in positions of power old money politics people who know how the world works have the same knowledge as us it's sad the way we had to acquire it because we have no training which is why we do internet activism to help the next group of people survive all you can hope to do is have people not commit suicide have their minds break and shatter end up in jails institutions or death because that's what the system wants for us.

I noticed there's no readership on my blog ever since I got framed but that's fine I was never here for the infamy or cheerleading or fellowship or socializing I'm here for the next person who does not understand what the hell is happening to them and they're about ready to commit suicide but I can save those people I can piss the system off and cost them so much damn money not that they don't have endless black budget money anyway and now they're doing stuff like what they did to me framing me using the legitimate justice system so they probably can get their hands on legitimate anti-terrorism and other funding to use for harassment of TI's all they have to do is get you on some list that's their game since 2016.

AAnd it's really bad out here like starzyland read the book starzyland you'll get an idea of what's going on on society right now. It seems in theory as if it's gone to a stasi type system like in East Germany. It doesn't seem like it's intelligence networks anymore it doesn't seem like it's I don't want to call them crisis actors but you know you know something's up when you get harassed and have organized stocking done by groups and then you see some of those people 3,000 miles away and a completely different city working in a major hub like Los Angeles train station they have to have some connection to the entertainment community and that of course has connection to the intelligence community and you know black budget money as much as you can imagine.

RRemember your favorite '70s horror movies any of them could have been used to launder money for organized crime the Texas chainsaw massacres infamous for that it's part of the background story of the movie. The game is probably the same today. Why wouldn't you use the capital of deception which is a place that makes movies for doing deceptive intrigue type things in real life?

It seems like a good source of recruitment crossing the borders between Rand fant asy I mean how realistic is the world we live in anyway?

Don't get nervous with all the loan shootings it's just more terrorism to try to get you to give up your Constitution and Bill of Rights and liberties and it's just more terrorism to try to make anybody who looks like their dissident or an activist or whatever it is it's just to make us look bad now I know why they framed me in 2016 because most likely they were predicting the mess we live in today knowing that if you have that on your record even if nobody proved you did anything and of course the system had a perfect opportunity to prove I didn't do it by chasing who did of course they didn't do that cuz they don't want to know who did it on paper because they fucking hired some hacker to send emails to themselves of course. So now my name is floating around somewhere and I'm sure it's connected to terrorism I'm sure it's connected to list some shirts connected to person of interest I'm sure it's connected to facial recognition and the more loan shootings then we're going to watch the people they framed so that's why they framed you in 2016 because it wasn't just me there was a bunch of other activists as well that's why they did it cuz they knew this was coming. Why wouldn't they have tried to frame me abusing the power of the legitimate justice system back in 2006 or 2004 when this all started in Earnest after 9/11? Because back then they wanted to keep it quiet also people didn't have phones with cameras so they can get away with a lot of psychological warfare and nobody would see it and you couldn't record it fast enough well now that they can't go around doing weird crazy factuals using the legit system and that's exactly what they did in 2016 by framing a bunch of us.

II don't know is going on out there right now but people are acting as if those of us that have been around for a while just don't have any power left. My poor family member the system has been trying to just go for the throat and finish her off after a horrible health event for the last year it's awful there's no protection left at all. And as for me it's as if I don't exist I have no power I have no recourse it's as if nobody cares and they know it and they're going to rub it in and make sure that I don't exist. Like they're trying to crush me or finish me off it's terrible. But remember psychological warfare is all about making the victim feel as if they have already lost the game when in fact that may not be true it's very hard right now because everybody believes covid is over everyone's an idiot about the vaccinations on the masks letting people take the masks off in a legal decision not a medical one was horrendous the younger kids are arrogant pieces of crap a lot of them about wearing the masks they act as if not having to wear a mask working at a Dunkin' donuts or something is some kind of civil rights thing like BLM or antifa in 2020 everything is politicized it's absolutely horrible in the cities it is a fucking nightmare nobody is watching out for anybody anymore because what people didn't realize is that globalism and the building boom and the agenda and the globalist middle class totally snaked their way into the cities and finished gentrifying and taking over during covid and nobody saw it also nobody realized that covid was an opportunity to get rid of anybody houseless anybody else anybody that isn't a sheep and anybody that doesn't fit into the agenda for globalism nobody even sees this shit because number one they don't really see what's really out in the city and the street level and be they were inside the whole time working from home and quarantine it they didn't see what was going on outside and they are effectively sweeping and getting rid of populations like houseless people and alternative lifestyles and subculture because basically nobody knew what was going on out here to begin with especially since the slight turn towards globalism the public has lost connection with what's going on in the street what's going on on the street level what's going on outside that started interestingly as if the colleges and the businesses had foreknowledge ;-) of the pandemic coming they started to cut ties with everything that's real on the street level then the pandemic happened conveniently 

People are so isolated and they don't even know it because of the pandemic and because of globalism has now completely taken control. You would not believe the amount of hostile environmental design all of this building boom and gentrification is creating and the public don't even realize that that's what it is.

So be careful out there I know it's bad during an election beforehand but this is outrageous I they're using everything they can about covid to just go for the throat and it seems like there's a lot of people who have been doing this for a long time and they just want to get rid of you right now this is their chance it seems like to just wipe you off the face of the Earth as if you never existed it's ironic they have a movement called black lives matter 2 years ago because I feel as if my life doesn't matter and I don't matter more than ever in the history of my being an activist in this community. Which shows you the trickery of the Illuminati if you will whatever you want to call it the people at the top create these designs and these big deceptions they play with words and it's a joke on the public.

Now you're going to feel as if your life does not matter especially if you're not vaccinated the harassment of people that aren't vaccinated in Boston area as well as the harassment of people that would like businesses as a courtesy to have someone with a mask make their food and to put on gloves especially with younger generation and they're actually laughing at people they think it's funny they think that it's a civil right that they don't have to wear the mask these people don't understand anything about how to do business and what courtesy means because it's all corporate jobs now and these people are not even qualified to work in restaurant or retail they belong in factories but we don't have any more factory jobs for them so unfortunately our quality of Life now sucks because they're in every hotel every restaurant every Dunkin donuts and they've taken over and their staffing them with this cheap help.

It's actually horrible out here right now and the feeling you get is that you're completely powerless and something about the vaccinations and then the unmasking has just let the public loose and they are being complete assholes here maybe not in other parts of Massachusetts but in the city they're total douchebags everyone's a douche and everybody wants their way and they it's much worse than it was before the pandemic that's what's so shocking about this I know the covid-19 vaccines are documented to create aggression in humans and I think that's what we're seeing. People are totally auntie homeless they don't care about anything they don't care about anyone but themselves they don't care the humanity is almost completely gone and this is what happens when you focus on politicizing things during a crisis like a plague instead of focusing on taking care of each other this whole thing was probably pre-planned and it was probably to do exactly what it's done now further the globalist agenda get rid of certain demographics further globalism further gentrification without anybody noticing the inequality of that crap and to just make sure certain people go through the cracks and nobody notices in fact the pandemic has made it so people live more online which is become very dangerous and the humanity is just not out there anymore.

So watch out because I don't know what's going on but it seems like they're just going for it and if they think they can get away with getting rid of you right now it's like you're going for the kill absolutely they just want to make sure you never existed and of course you know I won't let that happen.

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