There are a few golden rules and rules of thumb one can use when navigating through 'gang stalking' theory. They've been discovered and formulated years ago and many are still useful.
The term 'gang stalking' has come to represent an entire system that may be described to encompass not just people who are recruited harassing and stalking people who are targeted either in person in real time or over the internet (cyber harassment) but an entire shadow system that utilizes three basic elements: technologies, chemical warfare or influence and the use of human forces to control human behaviors. This system can in theory be used to control, neutralize or subdue one person, a group, an organization, a large area of people or an entire nation or sadly-a world of people. This last scenario is what many of the activists in our community are trying to prevent.
When it comes to remote influence- which is a nice way of describing the theory of technologies being used to control the thoughts, feelings, actions etc of forms of life on this earth, there are some patterns that seem to remain even though other methods of operations seem to have changed since 2001.
It seems there is a still a system in the USA where remote influence by whatever technological means is used to 'manage' our environments, cities being the worst.
There is a theory that in the USA this system is shut down, turned off or lessened during U.S. federal holidays.
One can feel the difference on Thanksgiving, Christmas and days like today.
Many TIs refer to these days as 'clear days' due to the obvious return to reality and normalcy that occurs with the environment around us as well as within us such as regaining sharp, excellent memory, a returned feeling of self worth, self respect or identity. Recovering good health and ailments disappearing such as arthritis, diminished strength, low energy etc.
No longer feeling tethered to the collective which now more than ever, defines us due to the fascist system of identity politics now implemented in our western society as opposed to normal human collective drives such as self determination, free association and free Will.
There's also a noticeable change in the perception of one's physical environment and one's physical self in that environment and how the physical self connects to mind, body, spirit, soul etc. Let's just say that the system cannot alter one's soul of course but one's Spirit can be crushed or altered or oppressed and one can have a miserable existence due to being neutralized or oppressed within the system day after day.
One oddity is during the normal daily cycle of psycho-management outside of federal holidays, there's a sense that one is no longer multi-dimensional. There is a weird sense of being one or two dimensional, such as like in an Egyptian hieroglyph. One does not feel like one is three-dimensional and of course 4th or fifth dimensional which includes one's inner world of the mind or the spirit etc. It's a sort of imposed dumb down and an alteration of the natural ways that human animals would and should relate to their environment and to each other and other living things.
The reasons the system of control over Targets doesn't seem to care much about TIs regaining a sense of reality and good health during these 'clear days' could be that anyone Targeted wouldn't be able to get much done as the time frame is so short and people aren't in their offices or reachable at work. A TI probably couldn't contact a lawyer or get paperwork ordered etc and especially not be able to contact and talk to people clearheaded with full access to memory or with their natural Will power or motivation intact. The person (self) the Target really is and the genuine, real natural world that exists that isn't under any sort of influence only lasts for a short time so perhaps the power structure figures the person can't exist in that their natural form long enough to be a threat or disturbance.
There's also an effect of the Targeted Individual actually experiencing a sense of loss or sadness when the good life that's is our birthright returns, because it's temporary and so short. It could serve as a form of torture and discouragement even demotivation.
This is why TIs need to find safe spaces as well as ways to outrun the system such as travel and methods of getting around. (A taxi ride can ditch the system for a few hours and provide much needed relief in cities as opposed to ride services and public transportation where it's obvious Targets are tracked-public transport being the worst.
Traveling long range in fast moving vehicles like buses or trains provides relief and this may be more of an issue of being managed by technological means, where one literally is 'outrunning' the technology used for psycho management or torture of a TI.
From my research this sounds like tech from cell phone and 4g systems and related tech, all originating from fiber optic cables laying on the bottoms of our massive oceans [the Internet comes from these-there is no literal 'cloud']. This however will change and become impossible to outrun with 5g which uses actual space satellites).
Another term that is used to describe technologies theoretically being utilized to manage physical spaces and living things within them is 'psycho management'.
This can mean that an area is especially managed and that would be using the three main methods such as technologies, chemical influence and human forces (stalking, harassment and abuse of behavioral psychology by recruited persons making contact with TIs or groups etc within the environment).
The other rule of thumb is that any area that uses heavy tech will use less human forces and the opposite is also true. This seems to not be as useful in the past few years as it used to be but I haven't traveled outside my home area lately to test this theory still being relevant or not.
Many things have changed since 2001 when, after 9/11 the proverbial dogs were released in this country and anyone who has experience being targeted by limited methods in their lives felt the full force of the potential of the GS system.
The existence of 'clear days' still seems valid. It's a good time to get anything done that could not be accomplished under the normal daily system of psycho management. It's noticeable that lately I cannot publish any works and if I do they are horribly unedited and I can only use speech to text. I'm almost totally blocked and a large part of this is from silencing me and taking away my freedom of speech with the 2016 frame up where a probable professional troll/hacker harassed me then sent 3 threatening emails under my name to law enforcement.
It's interesting that operation was done just as the LED street lights were put in world wide as well as Trump was elected and Q-Anon was pushed and the circus we still now exist in was made a permanent reality for us to exist in. Miserably.
It was also when freedom of speech was eroded badly by paranoid, purposeful leftist Liberal elitist agendas under the guise of changing the world for the good of all. When whistleblowers like Wiki leaks and Bradley/Chelsea Manning and Snowden gave those in power the needed excuse to rationalize silencing and framing activists. When lone shooters conveniently went from Obama's agenda of race to Trump and Co agenda of silencing and discrediting conspiracy thworists-shooters went from being white supremacists to being conspiracy theorists. If they weren't then media outlets made sure to make it appear that way.
When Trump and anyone else afraid of being crucified by an Epstein investigation made sure he was captured and killed in his cell.
A nice housecleaning to ensure the corrupt power structure stays in control.
So it's been hard to recover from that battle because PC culture and Identity Politics ensures it's that way as do the LED lights, the building booms, meth and fentynal heroin manufactured epidemics (both the latter managed by the same bankster system) and resulting anti homelessness.
Put off any meaningless tasks until after your clear day. Tomorrow you'll return to being the worthless feeling, non existent being who more resembles a thick browed dumbed down cave man than a modern human living in a supposedly free democratic modern western society.
Tomorrow the futility of living will return. Even though clear days return us to raw, real reality and a natural environment and we are winners again as we are supposed to be not forced into losing by false methods and we are comfortable again as we should be, we love ourselves and have value as is our birthright and that is hard to wake up to, knowing the nightmare of zombie like non existence will return tomorrow-we must keep fighting. Keep pushing towards our goals and towards exposing this system of enslavement and abuse. Obviously, it's what we are chosen to do.
There's a good reason that technocrats (many whom are actually technomancers- attempting an almost magician like control over our world they don't deserve because they aren't magickal beings-they are smart people who use technologies to gain such power using science) want to provide a starving, war torn third world with internet and technologies even though they lack the basics in medicine, food, decent government and common sense. Before the magic and dangerous illusion of modern technologies reaches the last frontiers of humanity, it should be exposed and examined for it's potential for sinister applications.
With tearing down statues and disregarding history books obviously people have forgotten the lesson of The Trojan Horse.
Enjoy your clear day and get as much out of it as possible. Get any and all tasks done or started that have seemed impossible under the normal daily system.
This administration is especially depressing and disheartening by design. Trump was supposed to falsely represent the world of conspiracy-then turn it into something dangerous and overblown by an ignorant public-then lose the election. The effect is that it's perceived that anything from the world of conspiracy theories or alt facts or centrists is considered fake news or discredited. Anyone wanting to defend themselves from leftist Liberal elite terrorism and discrimination, as this faction had been infiltrated over the past 30 years, is now considered a 'white supremacist' and a 'Trump supporter'.
So anyone resisting the agenda set forth after 9/11 by Bush and Co, taken to the next level by Obama and Co, is now supposedly effectively neutralized by the 4 yr circus that was the Trump admin. Not that seeing Harvard and MIT exposed for Jeffery Epstein and admissions scandal and funding spying research wasnt a wonderful revenge during that admin, it's just obvious that the original agenda was still being played out.
Now we've got this and it's the most depressing yet.
What's obvious is that wasting time on who's in office becomes quite apparent when realizing that the same system of psycho management is in place that was theorized after 2001.
It's a lesson in what's important and how not to allow any structure or power to control and waste YOUR life.