Kelly Ayotte Stands By State Lawmaker Whose Misconduct “Resulted In Several Drug Cases Being Dropped”
Jun 03, 2024“Kelly Ayotte is a self-serving politician who will do and say anything to get elected...." said DGA States Press Secretary Emma O’Brien.
Sununu, Ayotte, & Mowers Still Choosing Dark Money, Corporate Special Interests over N.H.
Aide to U.S. Senator Ayotte arrested in prostitution sting
"Ayotte said she was "shocked and deeply saddened" by the arrest of Wihby, whom she described as a longtime friend."
Obviously not enough of a long time, not being aware of certain things.
Independent Senate Candidate Ran to Spoil Ayotte's Chances, Claims Success
I agree on her views about many things and states like NH and CA need that balance between Republican politics and liberal social climate. CA is now being ruined due to the imbalance that's been introduced and I wish the attempt at getting the governor removed had been successful.
However Ive noticed that NH has indeed 'lost their souls' as it was described in the article above, the candidate describing his action as fighting for the soul of the GOP.
The problem is globalism doesn't respect local politics, people or issues. They are in congruent and no matter how much they window dress it's obvious that the world is now held in power by huge companies that have a piece of everything we use to exist, clinically insane powerhouse think tanks like the World Economic Forum and private contractors.
Many Americans aren't aware that our biggest security companies are owned by foreign companies from countries that don't have our Constitution and don't respect the things we do.
It seems there are very few people left available that can think, live or fight independently.
While wondering why Congress is a mess, resembling more the Russian Parliament than the United States Congress with physical altercations and threats, tantrums and drama one has to wonder if it's all on purpose-by design and if most of the politicians are either blackmailed, paid off other means of interference with our government.
When I was being framed in the state north of us, I certainly experienced that certain forms of interference were present. I believe since Jeff Epstein and Maxwell have been dealt with that one part of the motivation for such corruption has been removed. There's always others the way NH has been corrupted seems all consuming as compared to Massachusetts whom has historically made an effort to always compensate for the evil that it does in this world by doing genuine good or making right on wrongs in some form.
I experienced a state that is so far down the path of evil and ruin that it seems repent or recovery isn't possible. This was for many years even before I was dragged into the justice system with a frame up and saw it up close. Even traveling up rt 1 in summer, I was relieved to cross into Maine, into what seemed like a normal dimension again. There's something eerie and horrible about what NH has become.
It's no longer that quaint place where people from MA go in summer or to visit relatives, to relax or go to bike week. To experience 'Live Free or Die' first hand. That's gone now.
There's something going on up there and it's not just any one politician. One sentiment I definitely received was this ideal that whatever corruption is going on up there, no one is going to see it, be aware or catch them because there's no oversight. There's an arrogance about that there. That the state is basically smart rich Republicans, naive ones or poor white hicks being drug addled and ghettoized by Somalians who bring in the drugs, sell it to white suppliers so the locals don't understand what's happening to them.
The locals in places like Manchester seem from old farmer stock and are simple, earthy white people who aren't raised to stick together like in Massachusetts but to be out for them and theirs almost like a Midwestern farmer mentality.
I experienced these simple people being degraded and their cities destroyed, their quality of life degenerated and they aren't big city people who are equipped to handle it. There's no services hardly and no accountability, transparency etc.
If the only purpose of being Republican is to ensure the complete infiltration and sell off of your state to hostile forces in this globalist era then we might as well choose Democrats that manage globalist infiltration methods effectively.
The problem with NH isn't political it seems to be that the GOP there has lost its integrity and simply serves to manage the states resources and people for their corporate globalist overlords as opposed to running the state in at least an honest manner like TX, AZ or even CA.
NH fails at Republicanism because they seem to suffer what I refer to as 'little brother syndrome'. They know damn well they border with a major blue state which is a financial and political powerhouse. The people especially on the border always seemed very insecure about being right wing conservative Republicans. They tried to hard. They had a flare for drama but that didn't hide their fear or ineptitude.
They like wearing camo and driving big pickup trucks but it's all dress up as opposed to say TX. They go hunt at Walmart and return to their homes and that's about it.
Further north of course is real country and more genuine NH culture. Even in Portsmouth something was definitely off. It's as if something evil had taken the whole state and I always found myself hurrying to get past the Maine border. It got worse every year for over a decade. When I was being framed in 2016 it felt as if the sun had died in that state and a nuclear winter had taken hold.
Massachusetts has also been victim to this especially after the Boston Bombing (black op in my opinion) but Massachusetts has a way of regenerating itself and NH a wound that doest heal, turns to cancer and destroys everything.
Manchester is a mess. It's sad to see the once beautiful downtown with historic architecture and commons neglected, in ruins with home bums everywhere. The homeless seem controlled and very scared of something going on in the area. I spent most of my time on the outskirts exploring it was too depressing to engage with locals.
NH citizens are pseudo GOP at least in big disastrous cities like Nashua as they seem to simply be Republican as a means of countering Left wing Democrats not as a means of genuinely living and conducting themselves properly.
Basically southern NH have become Masshole-type people that weaponize Republicanism and it's trappings to combat a perceived threat from Democratic Left politics and lifestyles instead of actually living and behaving like solid Republicans to change conditions or to preserve their state. They actively blame MA politics similar to sibling rivalry in a dysfunction family.
With globalism as a now constant threat to the world and our nation it's time NH got their heads out of their asses, stop waving the flag and sporting camo, cooing over Trump and falling for MAGA rhetoric and start taking responsibility for their own fate and that of their state LIKE REAL REPUBLICANS.
At least in TX everyone KNOWS it's sold out to corporate and the people still find ways to preserve their heritage, culture and wholesomeness. NH is falling apart and everyone is acting like gullible easily brainwashed hicks when the snake oil salesman come to town.
Yankees are notoriously greedy, cowardly, lazy, corrupt and good at acting like victims or rigging politics so victims serve their elitist agendas and preservation of their positions. Massachusetts is an old pro at this way back to the witch burning scandals. For years it was ' organized crime here...just Harvard, Childrens Hospital and Olde Money.' Well, we know differently don't we.
NH needs to find it's place within globalism and extremist nutcases like the World Economic Forum. Obviously culturally they don't have the power that TX does to defend themselves which is interesting considering people in New England love to make fun of 'dumb' Southerners or Texans yet those people are quite aware of what's going on and actively work to maintain.
Playing Right Wing dress up and joining the Trump cult isn't enough. It's time for NH to grow up and start taking responsibility for themselves and their state. You can't hide forever because the rot I saw on the southern border is only going to spread. If a Dem gets into office any problems that arise are going to stem from what's already there that's being ignored and neglected.
Stop blaming Massachusetts or rival politics or ideologies. You've got some SERIOUS issues in NH. The buffoonery I saw first hand in trying to cover up corruption up there probably won't be effective for long so NH citizens need to take advantage of this.
Stop blaming your big brother and clean your own room. At least when MA was flaunting Jeffrey Epstein no one was surprised because that's the kind of disgusting, oversexed, corrupt behavior that's normal here-until people get caught. NH was harboring Maxwell for years-whats their excuse?