


Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Monday, January 22, 2024


 Do what you want this November. 

All I know is that around 2013 I traveled to Vegas and posted my experiences there which included certain things that are now becoming more and more feasible especially now I'm aware of speeches/writings  by a certain Israeli military historian author who  seems to be a mouthpiece for a certain world forum of elites. 

Essentially I put forth the theory that possibly, what was originally developed as military grade psy ops technology was now being utilized domestically to influence consumer behavior. This includes subconscious suggestion containing celebrities (such as appearing on the marquee of famous Vegas hotels)  or owners of popular hotels which bear their names. 

Basically a very simple, clumsy boorish clunky form of suggestion to induce consumers to consume. And if our economy and it's flourishing and protecting that comes under National Security then these methods of pushing consumption might just be covered under that

 Anyone who's dealt with MK Ultra or the radiation experiments during Clintons Presidents Advisory Committee in the 90s and the like has always run into the wall of anything that is to stay hidden gets covered by 'natooksl security' so it would make sense that could be pulled off using that. 

My life changed after that post. Then the famous name of the hotel ran for president. Around that time I was framed but so were many other activists mostly Cop Block or Cop Watch and people in the conspiracy theory community. 

In 2016 three emails were sent under my name threatening key law enforcement, using information posted on this blog, all of which resulted in my losing access to two major institutions of higher learning which had formerly supported me, tolerated me and I depended on as federal funding forced them to allow public use of some of their facilities. I also loved these places for what they stood for and represented and I utilized my progressive familiarity with their spaces and it's occupants as intricate parts of my hometown home base as i had cut off family years ago and was a techno nomad essentially living on the road around the United States many months out of the year. States and places became my second home and each one has been ripped from me just as my original home and life had.

 Fukushima took California from me as a second home very dear to me. Then these events in 2016 unraveled years of work, travel and networking...leaving me as stateless as when I first started out in this adventure in 2006.

I had noticed that there was an eerie rise in readership from Russia during this time according to the map that provides stats on this blog. It was reminiscent of the timeframe Obama was running where a sharp rise in readership from Africa had occurred. No such thing had happened before or since. 

As i was framed I fought hard enough and was lucky enough to escape by the skin of my teeth with some legal damage which considering I was blindsided and completely ignorant of such things it turned out better than it could have. The personal damage to me and my psychological state has been the worst and it's had the long term effect of silencing me as I'm afraid to post anything where info could be used to create more email threats using my name. The frame up did what it set out to do most likely. To destroy me and my work. 

After the initial three emails and people became aware of what was going on I began to receive support from a mysterious source out in California. Someone who seemed to profess to support the hotelier who was had been elected yet upon doing research had consistently given donations to the female democratic candidate's campaign. There were many other red flags but there was nothing I could do. The money came at a price and being subdued for many years was the main one. Forming a  false sense of security was the other both of which were unavoidable. 

As I began to neglect this blog and my work I also became less and less aware of the conspiracy theory communities and anything new. I have awoken many years later to find a curious and absolutely ridiculous psy op or fraud in the form of Q-Anon which is often linked to 'MAGA' which seems to be associated with the hotelier that I mentioned from my experience in Vegas, who had run and won for president of the United States. 

Before all this we were a small select collective of people who had their lives compromised and were doing amazing work piecing together what seemed like an entire movement to alter humanity and ruin the lives of billions of people just as ours had been ruined. Now we're being drowned out by conspiracy theories which stems from bipartisan politics that pit left against right, Liberal against Conservative and moral right against the other side's wrongs. Human beings are being reduced to color and their histories and cultures reduced to victimhoods as they are weaponized. Then used to destroy everything we've known ..and ultimately themselves. 

Average people now jump on the bandwagons and produce podcasts, videos and channels motivated by tribalistic political stances instead of the big picture. These people serve as force multipliers if you will mixed in most likely with disinformation agents to produce useless fodder for consumption by an uninformed uneducated masses who aren't equipped mentally or intellectually or have any first hand experience with being mixed up in conspiracy themselves to be capable of understanding what's truly going on or capable of understanding when they are being mislead. 

Truly valuable information comes from people on the front lines, who have much to lose of they don't report what they've experienced or theorize is transpiring. That information has little to do with who's in any elected office or what political affiliation they are. Usually the business-as-usual type stuff in our world isn't any indication of what's going on that's important. It is important to understand how each administration has an influence on how something long term progresses but things like presidencies can be looked at as superficial in the grand scheme of things. It's not that such things aren't important it's that these issues may be part of what's happening but not the entire focus or situation. 

The public would be better off to view materials that expose progresses in technology, what the billionaires and their companies are up to, awareness of massive companies like Vanguard Inc and how they effect everything we use and own and the likes of unelected globalist bodies of elites like certain 'economic forums' in power now. Paying careful attention to the latter would provide more information to support and validate the original conspiracy theory community's   past work than anything concerning anything going on in US politics. 

In other words the horrors of what we were all writing about over ten years ago is now being openly revealed and put forth as normal available right on the Internet or to be heard in speaking engagements but people's attention is now diverted by politicizing everything and focusing on taking sides in American politics. 

It shouldn't take heavy conspiracy theory activity and flashy videos with distracting music to explain atypical political activity to people but somehow it does. Perhaps most people were naive about these things before as I was raised in the northeast where elitism mixed with normalization of organized crime culture left us pretty much living with a constant awareness of how these things are played out in the world and a blasé attitude toward it. Perhaps globalization just makes citizens dumbed down-that and many other factors of modern living. 

Over the past few years each place that was involved in the email frame up of 2016 has been exposed for various corruption but all are linked by involvement with Jeffrey Epstein and his accomplice Gissein Maxwell. The two colleges were taking funding from him and allowing him access to the campuses even providing offices for him and the state to the north of here was hiding Maxwell away in a small town until the feds finally came for her. 

All of this does connect back to this candidate who I included in my post so long ago documenting my simple yet compelling experience in that desert tourist city in 2013. It also seems to align with the democratic end as there are pieces of a certain conspiracy theory would seemingly be relevant. 

The big picture here is being ignored and the public are being distracted by petty bullshit while something much bigger and of much more importance is happening. 

All the drama and activities surrounding that presidential candidate isn't the news it's that odd experience I posted about in 2012/13 in Vegas that is what's happening now. 

Considering other conspiracies out there concerning the female Democrat that ran in 2016 it seems it would be easy to blackmail many people in positions of power nowadays and it's better to have the public focus on that then the other more long term global issues I mentioned in the beginning of this post. 

There's much more at stake now than just who you elect to run the country for four years. If you notice they aren't even bothering to give people many choices they basically corner people into voting for the lesser of two evils. 

I know our Constitution protects us and our system of govt is set up to take this kind of pressure on it as these global overlords nowadays are akin to King George and the like which is why it's so important for the already compromised around the world to try to pry what protections we have from us here in the USA. 

I don't know how elections would be made more fit to reflect our need to have leadership that is going to defend us and deal with the very real threat from globalist forces that seem to be very anti human and definitely don't reflect a power structure that respects our Constitution. I do know that each side of our politics nowadays seems to be corrupted by these terrifying abuses of technology and science and under the influence of outside actors who form elitist bodies to govern the world's people without being elected. 

In other words when you put it all together even in part-there now exists theoretically the ability to influence human decision making for large groups of people using technology thus there is a very real scenerio of this being abused, used as undue influence and the chance of enslavement instead of enlightenment and advancement of humanity is very real. 

People working in the TI community has been working up to this for years but now it's right in front of us

 So the only thing they could do is silence the most messengers possible and remake the conspiracy community into something that is flooded with useless information.

I'm reminding anyone out there that's left that's still thinking clearly and who's still awake to simply put it all together properly not as they have the pizzle laid out and consider all this when dealing with elections now. 

Our work can still continue but people have to be led back from being distracted by disinformation campaigns. Something this size and magnitude running over this many years should be renamed distraction campaigns..

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Help Me Take Down A Fraudulent Video Of My Work


Someone has had an altered image of me on a YouTube channel for years and it's the only one left that Google won't deal with and the YouTuber hasn't responded. 

I've had the others taken down. They all appeared about the same time as my frame up in 2016 just as I was getting viscous harassing comments on this blog by someone who knew details they should not have about the emails that I was framed up with. There was a lot of activists getting framed in 2016 and there's a good chance many of these cases were from hired trolls. 

If anyone has any input or advice let me know. 

Monday, January 15, 2024

MLK Sold Us Out! -The Beast as Saint

 YouTuber Jay MARVLIS: MLK Sold Us Out!  

Commentary on a video titled:

The Beast as Saint.

update: this youtuber sold out by taking this content down. here's the original video:
btw i have no idea what 'zog' means. if its something anti Jew then disregard it. ive posted before that i dont believe in generalizations. 'the Jews' is just as inaccurate as 'the unvaccinated' or 'the homeless'. theorizing on perhaps elites or a cabal or secret society or extremists is one thing. blaming ALL Jews is ridiculous. its more along the lines that McCarthy was right, which i never thought I'd say in my life.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Words That Hide the Truth


George Carlin was a comedian that was known for social commentary and simply pointing out truths. He gained fame with his own generation the Baby Boomers (moreso the experimental and seeker late 60s section of this generation as it is so large). Yet he has appealed to many people throughout age or background. Its worth considering what hes saying here as it is indeed how we are manipulated over time: Language.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Media-Manufactured Consent


Noam Chomsky - The 5 Filters of the Mass Media Machine Noam Chomsky - Manufacturing Consent

Why We Say 'Ok'/ Why I Misspell 'their' (and why that's okay)

I found this video very freeing and validating. 

I'm from Boston having been born in Cambridge over 50 yrs ago. After watching this I now understand why I began favoring my accidental mistyping of the word 'their' when starting this blog so many years ago. 

My typing the word 'their' as "thier" may have started on PC keyboards when I was producing this blog primarily using library computers both public and in colleges and universities traveling the Traveler circuit around the United States beginning in 2007. 

Typing is something that I mastered in junior high school and it's shocking to me because I could not stand the rest of the curriculum. When I produce my story I will delve into how bad the public education system was then as well as other reasons why school was only part of my education in this world.  It certainly has impressed upon me the importance of obtaining a skill and carrying it with me for life. Even if life doesn't go where we think it's going to. 

It's true that there's this backlash against the elitism in the Boston area due to the structure, academia, medical establishment, etc. It's a reflex to these structures and traditions here to rebel against them. It's also something that globalism is trying to destroy in this area of the USA (along with the established structure I just mentioned)  and that is innovativeness.

One of the reasons I stopped using mispellings is because I mostly write on smartphones nowadays no physical keyboard.  The other is  because when I was framed in 2016 where a troll/hacker sent 3 emails under my name threatening law enforcement, prior to that someone most  likely the person responsible, had been sending viscous harassing comments on my blog for a year or so. In one phase of this someone kept criticizing me for my misspelling of 'their'. They also utilized a shorthand of my misspelling 'because' as "becuz" I think as the word 'cuz' in their harassing comments. After being framed I was afraid to use these little personal marks for fear of more imposters. 

As I began to give up the fun of misusing language I also considered that perhaps it may not be a bad idea to make this change because if non English speakers try to translate what I had written these little quirks may not translate and that defeats the purpose of my blog spreading awareness so I've stuck with proper spelling. 

This video however makes me feel much more reconnected to my original relationship with this blog and myself as more as an artist and adventurer than having to be so self censoring and grounded today. The video is funny in that early 2000s way (Spike Tv, MXC, Bro Comedy etc). 

Video begins in earnest at 0:36 as the beginning is a bit annoying.