If youre wondering what's gone wrong with the left then heres an example of someone who's still using his brains and utilizing critical thinking minus any sort of brainwashing or desperation to avoid being cancelled etc.
Unfortunately he's almost 90 and it seems this kind of common sense and being grounded in reality is going to die with this generation. (Do you honestly believe that a world wide plague coming out of China would have occurred if HW Bush's generation were still alive? Not likely).
He existed at a time when the system could be questioned and when people could afford life's basic necessities so as not to fear risking their very survival in becoming a genuine hardline activist.
He's also right about all the internet distractions and misleading, disinfo etc making it so people are mislead even I dare say brainwashed to not clearly identify the real issues.
What people don't understand about anti government attitudes is that it's not the 60s or 70s anymore-whats left of our government is one of the only things protecting us from the corporatocracy. It's why the US Constitution was created and people don't seem to recall human history as good reason to create a system as the US has.
The public seems to have a very bad case of Stockholm Syndrome and its not going to change unless some of us stay above it and focused.