


Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Boston Police Commissioner Evans Retires, Chief Gross Takes Over

Marty Walsh avoids conflict with hasty replacement of top cop
Joe Battenfeld Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Is this going to be better or worse or what? I'm wondering what's going to happen.

One article specifically instructed the public to pronounce it phonetically by stating "rhythms with 'floss'".
Carve that into your brains.

Oh and btw let's not have any nasty emails under my name or use my freedom of speech to voice opinion to try to show I must have sent any threats ever just because I am critical of law enforcement. Those good old days are over for the bastard(s) who framed me. And I'm still going to catch you someday. 8 more months until the stature of limitations runs out. Do your worst!!!

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Alert and Warnings Post #3: Genetic Warfare and Potential Abuse of Gene Data Bases (Research Projects)

Beware possible abuse of info gathering through bio bank projects, research and genetic mapping or information.

The info gathered on individuals has the possiblity to be applied to genetic warfare in theory.

Gene Warfare? Russia's Accusations Of U.S. DNA Gathering Get Raised Eyebrows, Lawsuit Threat

Certain hospitals in major cities have gotten themselves into debt by taking on emr or ehr (electronic medical/health record) systems which link to go together a patient's info through out a corporate health care system. A good idea for lofty goals and best intentions but perhaps if more sinister theories of possiblity are applied one may want to rethink how much info is gathered and shared.

The complaints among health care workers is too much time spent on tech and not patients. Theres been testing of privacy done that shows that patients can be identified even with privacy procedures taken and then apply theoretically the way the world would genuinely function with consideration to money talks and absolute power corrupts absolutely add some ruthlessness and results at any cost and you can imagine that any info or video or anything about a person is available to the highest bidder or if higher goals are being put forth like cover warfare to preserve the status quo for the good of all-to sacrifice a bothersome few.

Genetic weapons could kill only the people you hate

Humans already exhibit these attitudes towards animals in their environment. To deny that certain humans consider percieved lesser humans on par with the bothersome fish in that article I've linked below-is naive.

Gene warfare to be waged on invasive fish

How would disease be caused in an isolated subject?

Don't know. What if it were feasible or ateast people in a certain area with a bothersome Gene that say, causes them to fight for their freedom or challenge authorities?

What if on a classified level, some hospitals in elite areas that serve elite patrons and train from elite academic institutions right now have the ability to scan a patient the moment they walk in the hospital and assess their health conditions via no touch technologies? Health care, as it's presented to us on still a 20th century level is a mere business-a scam. Just to imagine perhaps what is possible the public isn't aware of.

Be wary of biobank research.

Btw years ago I was told that surveillance videos of TIs being messed with and set up by staff in certain institutions were "sold to the highest bidder".

Never underestimate the potential corruption of humans with too much money.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

LED Street Light 'Blue Light' Exposure-Issues and Solutions (Special ALERT To All Urban Campers)

If you are an outside sleeper or Urban Camper (aka 'homeless') then the new LED street lights that have gone up all around the world are of a special concern to you. Health, well being, safety and even spiritual concerns. Sometimes the only thing keeping Travelers or people on a journey outside of mainstream society is our connection to what seems like a source or a connectedness-to Nature or others like us or just the 'universe' itself as some describe it. This HEV light or 'blue light' over exposure can actually make one feel that there is no connection. This in itself may lead to suicide or violence or misery in life which is unecessary and unfair.

These lights should not be being used outside at night as humans and other mammals need darkness to properly process chemicals that make us sleep. 'Blue light' has traditionally been utilized in northern countries where Arctic winters make humans depressed (SAD). Why would anyone use them then, as street lights at night?

Im not answering that here and outside of governments giving cities funding for installing these lights and thier economy of cost to run them over time one has to question or theorize as to perhaps something more sinister-which is what this blog is about lol,

Someone older I spoke to immediately came up with the idea of trying to rid society of The Homeless. With all the anti homeless/Traveler activity in cities gentrifying for globalism, corporate (globalism seems to provide 'Inclusion, Equality and Diversity' for everyone but our sub culture or demographic) that theory is feasible.
However if you look at the effects HEV light has on the pineal gland or as spiritualists refer to the 'seat of the soul', one has to wonder if something ultimately sinister is being attempted. I wont say 'evil' because even Satanic forces have an energy. These lights make many people feel zombie-like and not just from sleep deprivation. Theres something about the lights that go beyond just being too bright or making one feel one has not slept after eight hours of the activity known as sleeping.

Theres something else to it. A disconnect from the deeper levels of our consciousness. The very brain waves or levels our minds reach into that make it okay to be alone, love ourselves, think deep within our minds, exist quietly or connect to something bigger that seems timeless and keeps us safe- or at least a sense or illusion of safety throughout life.
Taking humans away from this, especially people who experience profound times of 'aloneness' or being on one's own is the ultimate in torture.

These lights also seem to cause heart problems and an urge to overeat-like constantly eat during the day. Being female perhaps this is a way to try to connect to Oneness or the Source if you will or to self medicate that disconnect that naturally would not exist. 
Theres this creepy feeling of a false environment where the world is completely lit up all the time which somehow leads to a feeling of always being connected to a human collective-sort of like if one was always connected to the internet with other people.
This is a completely unatural state and many people over 40 find these lights too bright for the eyes, intrusive, painful and were not raised with computer or cell phone screens as younger people born native to technology. For them they may not know any different and having blue light exposure seems normal. Being connected to a collective constantly is normal. Not knowing automony or having privacy or reaching deeper levels of inner thought may seem normal but its not. It almost seems like a kind of virtual communism or hive. Somehow, these lights provide that illusion in cities.

One of the most frightening prospects about the effects of these lights on not just outside sleepers but anyone experiencing over exposure is that if one is unaware of these effects one may commit suicide or even homicide or violence.
Cities may turn lights down to certain levels by law but that doesnt matter if a business parking lot by the street is blaring thier LED lights at full force. People paying to stay at hotels or inside homes are having unwanted exposure to outside street lights. (I would say amber bulbs may solve this).
Im wondering if the opioid crisis is partially to due to the effects of these lights on people with vulnerabilities to such conditions-to theorize even further on that about sinister intent: suppose you couldnt medicate every human unfit for the global world order under the corporatocracy in thier youth abusing psychiatry. This would be a great way to simply sweep the rest away. Since punative psychiatry is being used so heavily now and manipulative tactics making numbers of mentally ill among addicts and  homeless appear higher than they really are-making people sick and crazy through sleep deprivation and disconnection from the source of life would certainly help corral all the intended victims into the desired traps.
Thats if you want to entertain that a huge amount of military are coming home who served under Bush's war-basically war crimes and those who dont commit suicide or need Wounded Warrior programs are a bit too well adjusted to all theyve seen and the world its created since 2001 and ease right into jobs with the private sector of the war-for-profit machine.

Our nation seems militarized with many things weaponized against the public. It seems beneficial to view things as if they are potentially akin to military operations or tactics. Eerily, such theories seem very feasible now.

Curtains dont stop the effects of these lights. Sleeping under them however may present special hazards which must be countered for survival. 
To all outside sleepers you need to be aware of the potential effects of LED street lights. Ive already posts about the potential for installations of INTELLISTREETS and other surveillance software in the street light posts themselves but that is not the concern here. That would actually be more livable than the effects of the HEV light on humans. 

Make others aware. All it takes are a pair of inexpensive blue blocking amber or espresso tinted safety goggles or glasses to improve quality of life even perhaps save your life or of others. Youve only got approx 80 years on this planet-dont let anyone waste the time you have here. You have a right to life or you wouldnt be here.
Slavery is optional.




UV vs. blue light: Which is more dangerous?










