


Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Consider that this is just a ritual killing or serial killers

(latest from homeless TI blog: http://homelessti.blogspot.com/2010/01/homelessness-book-and-shedding-light-on.html )
As I wrote that last piece something let up when I wrote about the Hillside strangler case. Someone somewhere got very spooked or felt exposed by the racial profiling of the murderers by a German detective.

There is a chance that the reason you will not live as a victim of gang stalking is that you are dealing with ritual killers who's motives dont allow them to stop what has been started.
It also might be serial killers or the like. If the official line is that society only recognizes individual stalker cases opposed to 'organized stalking and harassment' or bullying/mobbing by a group covertly put together and acting covertly, who is to say that all serial killers work alone? It seems like the worst perps involved in this are capable of some of the most shocking torture and abusive behavior. This system gives them the freedom and opportunity to express themselves in this way whereas in normal society thier behavior would gain consequences.

And we have all pretty much figured out that this is related to kiddie rings and using children for human experientation or programming. These are not people who allow themselves to be exposed and are expert at intimidating thier victims. I watched a pedophile brainwash and intimidate an entire family for years and I had to take alot of heat for years becuz I saw through the games, wouldnt allow myself to be his next victim and treated him no different than I treated any pimp I dealt with in passing, which is to be polite, smile, take advantage of their weakness to attractive females and stroke thier egos if necessary to get away from them, in passing, as quickly as possible and secretly, quietly have as much disrespect for them as humanly possible as well as never EVER allow them any access to me or my life. And also burn them or free their women whenever possible.

I did the same thing with this monster in my family as I learned in my 20's that there is a such thing as a woman who does not get '
pimped' by men or the system run by men. It is possible to avoid this but always pay lip service to the lion as you brush by him. Keeping him tame is in your best interest. Not taking his crap is also of the highest order. There are plenty of other women in his percieved 'harem' for him to control and in families like mine the main perp has control over pretty much everyone especially the women. Be that woman who is not scared of the abusive authority figure..at any cost. Be that person who preserves their sanity and thier identity seperate from the abusive and infected collective.

This is a family that took joy in this former Marine aquiring a Purple Heart and seemed to idolize him over his lifetime, yet it was proven beyond a doubt that he was a child molester and did untold damage to multiple lives. THAT is the power of intimidation of lies of deception and of denial. Denial is the end result of all these things.
Its what the perp wants.

And in families like this scapegoats serve to take on the burden of all the anger and negativity felt towards the perpetrator and oppressor, in order for a dysfunctional unit to function. This is the price of a corrupt system.

That example of a corrupt system is a microcosm of the macrocosm that is our country right now.

What is most shocking and outrageous is that survivors of families like this are basically asked to be revictimized and put bsck into the stupidity and deep freeze of denial, in order to cover up for injustices the system cannot afford revealed like programming and human experiemntation.
Its no surprise that many survivors of programming eventually fit into their theory the obvious connection between pedo families and mind control programming survivors.

The actions of the gang stalking system are indeed to basically put a survivor BACK into the state that they were in when they were small or the last time the family had control over them as victim/scapegoat.

This is why people call this 'ritual abuse'. It seems to be perpetrated as just the way things are done without much thought as to if its wrong or if its necessary. Its just done this way and thats the end of it.

(by the way people such as my mother for example used to scream at me to "get a life" when refering to our family or the main perp. In a typical disregard for my feelings it was all about her or not making waves in my f*cked up family. First of all me being gang stalked interrupted any chance I had at healing or putting old hurts to rest such as the way my family treated me. Secondly my family and all the a-holes back home in that sick isolated over priveleged cess pool known as Boston who think they know me or have any right to control me need to learn real quick that how I feel n ever ANY OF THIER BUSINESS. )

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