


Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Done With Trying In The United States

Getting messed with on Greyhound. Travel companion is being more of a help to the jerks on the bus or the perps, which ever one they are, than to me.

Its becuz of him that I am on a bus to begin with and he's not being understanding of what Ive been through.

Hes done nothing but make the perps job easier. He has GOT to go.  Hes now a danger to my safety and this project, which I cannot allow.

As I've posted he has motive to help the gs system to begin with.  So now I am stuck with trying to wait out until next month and just leave the USA.

Its hopeless.
I never get left alone for a minute and I can't focus on what I need to do.

I thought having him with me would b easier but it seems that he's just made things more stressful and put me in dangerous situations.

I have no reason to stay in the US anyway. It sucks now. And I have no contact with anyone from my past anyway. Why stay?


  1. Come to australia,that would be nice.murray

  2. It's ridiculous mindset: the fact that someone is "winning" or that they have to win or beat somebody. The way I look at it is, they will never beat me, but this is a battle that I cannot win. I can't keep focusing on beating them 24/7. Everyone is so concerned with getting a victory for their "team", yet nobody wants to mind their own business and worry about fixing themselves or becoming better. It's a very warlike time we live in. And with war, there will be propaganda. That's where the media and arts come in -- to serve our militarized police state in putting propaganda in everything the public comes into contact with.

    I don't feel like I should have to "beat" anybody. Our Militarized Police State fosters the attitude also that targets don't deserve their fair share of education, or other opportunities in life, or to live without any kind of adversity (stalking, harassment, being monitored like a terrorist). It goes along with their mentality that we "deserve" to be kept out and marginalized. So who does deserve all those things, the people giving in to the militarized police state? THEY deserve all those things, not us?
