


Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Allright sistas..I need yo advice. Is this a good cause for some woop ass? Or just some sistas bein ignent?(RACE in gs)


Hey, I grew up in the inner city for a few years as a child. My Ebonics may be rusty.

So...it is believed if reported by a white person. Hmmm. I want to see that becuz then it would set a precedent...and if it sets it for a white person I promise we will also set it for a 'black' person as well.
This post is very suspect in nature...
Firstly, why is it funny? Hmmm. Not a good intro. Then we have the other commentator which claims that there is race involved. All Targets know that gs spans over race, class and other usual boundaries. Most people have very..uh, 'diverse' perps. In fact we all do...THAT IS HOW WE KNOW WE ARE TARGETED INDIVIDUALS. (DUH).

If we were harassed by a specific group then we could narrow it down a bit.

NONE of us get validated...I wish we did. TI's have one thing in common. We have redesigned classification of people...even the biggest racist would have to call another TI family if he was serious about getting anything done about the problem. In war no one has the time to focus on differences. This is covert war..we are a group of people spread out over the world all getting similar treatment.

And ALL people 'in on' this are gloating jerks. Even people who just KNOW about it are gloating jerks.
Imagine every sexist being thrilled becuz the Target was an aggressive independent female or someone smart and attractive. Yes, a racist will be thrilled if the target is of a race they do not like. Like every black hater who thinks my being targeted is a great way to finally get back at whitey or even a score or some shit.

People are cowards. Instead of realizing that gang stalking people is in itself really fucked up and destructive they use the actions of this system to also get off on their own personal shit...like sexists love when women get targeted, racists enjoy whatever race they hate on, pedophiles who have to stay out of trouble somehow love to harass adult victims, cops and fire types can go on whatever has been done to vilify the target so that satisfies something in them....everyone MAKES EXCUSES FOR THEIR PERSONAL TASTE FOR THE GANG STALKING EXPERIENCE. Some people even make it like its about business..like it was necessary. But they all take some personal pleasure in being mean to the person. It makes them feel like they have continued power as well as it seems to bond communities.



This is not about race. Here is a website from a black woman:
and my blog has '1996' a book by an African American woman who is a TI. There is a vid by a black man called "Life of a TI" on here as well.

Race issues can be left right at the door when it comes to gang stalking. If you let race become a focus you will fall into the perp tactic that tries to get the TI to start blaming a certain faction for targeting them. Also, its a diversion.

A person can take only so much. If you needed to put up borders due to being so mentally destroyed that you started avoiding certain races or whatever, I of all people certainly wouldn't blame you. If you had to start trashing women or whites or men or whatever becuz you were targeted no one would blame you...BUT THE PERPS WHO ORIGINATED AND CONTINUE THE BAD PR CAMPAIGN(S) WILL USE THIS AGAINST YOU. Your best bet is to adhere to other TI's and keep any personal beliefs out of it.

You have to realize that whatever you stand for as a person that is positive WILL BE IGNORED OR USED TO PERP ADVANTAGE AS WEAKNESS. Whatever you stand for that is negative or is an area of personal growth you need to work on THEY WILL USE THIS FOR THE BAD IMAGE CAMPAIGN AND THEY WILL TRY TO AGGRAVATE THIS AREA FOR YOU AND MAKE IT WORSE.


  1. Good article once again. I'm a guy, and I get a lot of man-hater types playing the game. These women have a lot of hateful, "well, I'm gonna teach you a lesson that women are really superior to men" type attitudes to them. They seem to have this determined look in their eyes, like they've made up their mind they don't like me much, and their mere presence in front of me is teaching me a lesson about 'who really is better'.

    I never understood why such people have a beef with me, but they seem to be found of presenting strong-looking women and flaccid men in front of me, apparently trying to show me 'my place' in 'their world' of perceived superiority over me.

    I've gotten the impression from this that my stalkers are predominantly female, or perhaps the 'leaders' are female.

    And who really does such a thing? I get the impression they are struggling with issues of their own sexuality, or have men who can't satisfy them, and I am the scapegoat.

    They also seem to love having stalkers in front of me that try to send the message that I am small, puny, and weak, as well as dumb. And I sure am none of these things, else they wouldn't be undertaking such a massive effort to keep me down.

    There are other tactics they use. Every once in a while, they use the classic gangstalking tactics, such as loud conversations, ya know, idiots talking very very loud to annoy me.

    Some of them involve trying to bully me with allegations I'm a sex offender or a playboy who takes advantage of women.

    I get called homophobic names, but only under their breaths. Sometimes they call those names outright (classic gangstalking). One lady was saying stuff like 'really really wimpy', as if she were referring to me.

    A lot have such anger and resentment towards a TI, they start to believe they really are bigger and stronger than me. And there are a lot of individual women doing this to me.

  2. mm all pretty much true from what I've seen.
