Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

MA 2008 ballot: advice for the oppressed.

As a targeted individual we have much different circumstances to live in than others. Some TIs are wealthy but are prisoners in thier own lives.
Some TI's are driven to homelessness and can't work even if they wanted to due to workplace 'mobbing' always being an issue anywhere they go.
This is made more possible for the oppressive covert system by the increased amount of businesses that do not pay under the table or have to 'play ball' with state and gov't in other ways. The good part of this is that there is accountability in that workplace for mobbing at work but if a person were sympathetic to a TI and wanted to provide a safe place to earn income this may be beyond their control if they state and govt have official tip off of thier being employed. It is also discouraging for alot of TI's becuz here we go again with having to fit into the cookie cutter mold when really you are being put through society's meat grinder daily.
Alot of TI's find themselves at the mercy of state/Fed assistance whether they like it or not. Alot of 'regular' people do not understand the circumstances and as it stands now, they will easily believe what they are told- put politely: that we are mistaken. So TI's are fugitives out in the open. And really only other TI's, perpetrators from the system of oppression and onlookers who are hip to what is happening are in the know.

This changes a TI's outlook and daily living. THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU STOP VOTING AND CRAWL INTO THE DARKNESS LIKE THE SYSTEM fact you should refuse to 'go away' quietly and if you never voted, START VOTING.
Voting can provide not only a sense of accomplishment and control that TI's badly need but if targets apply the reality of thier situations to voting, some revenge or evening up may be had.

This state needs to get honest about what it spends its money on. Ya wanna know why its the nanny state? So that they take care of the poor-even enable them and also manage them so that no one notices how much corruption there is through the good ol northeast mob/union/govt system.
There should be more getting people to reach thier full potential not just giving out money to the poor. But I notice alot of programs for the poor are purposefully anti-intellectual.They are either institutionalized or out right old school harsh parochial/puritan style run.
As long as there is covert oppression and people cant get help via proper channels then there will be a need for a net.
This is one of the reasons that MA is the way it is. MA has been around a very long time and it seems by its policies and laws that it is aware that there is covert systems of oppression of people that are part of the system as a whole and cannot be dragged out into the open and destroyed...thus panhandling is legal state wide and towns/cities are allowed to make thier own statutes. There are good homeless services. I believe that this area is trying to take care of the targeted in many ways.

So if you are a target then vote like one. If you are sympathetic to the issue then weave it into your view of reality when you make choices daily or vote on issues.

So, it seems that alot of TI's are harassed by firemen, police are involved and those damn other union people like MBTA and city workers/construction workers. Alot of TI's have named these groups as having large perp populations. And they are extremely arrogant and gloating about hurting TI's.
But I notice that the voting choices are set up so that if you wanted to get revenge on say, taking away state money for construction projects and cutting police, fire ambulance employees (all notorious perp populations) then if one voted for cutting thier funding a TI on assistance would also risk cutting money needed for the poor. And if you think about it, it seems that these unions will shut the city down to get thier way...what do homeless people have as leverage? Nothing. So I got nervous thinking they'd cut funding for the poor before cutting the possible spoilt brat strikers. And Targets are the oppressed poor, we are mistreated even among the poor populations.

So I wanted to vote YES on #1. It would cut pay and jobs from the union groups I mentioned and lower construction jobs. All sounds like good revenge.
But it's too risky becuz it would possibly cut programs TI's need and who knows, maybe the greedy bastards might need more perp assignments to get by if there were cuts. I decided the net is better, becuz then the union brats have pacifiers in thier constantly open mouths and those of us in 'no exit, no growth' lives would at least have a net. Who knows what that "41% waste" spending is that they speak of ?
I wish they would let voters know more details, like exactly what would be cut.

The lazy, free loading poor need to go. But then I think, how many are targeted? Its not easy to reach your full potential when you have lots of the good old constant 'bad luck', 'tough breaks' and psychological harassment everyday. You get knocked down and cant really get up again at a certain point. TI's and the covert system of oppression's lies cost the state and the public tax dollars. Every day. There is a difference between people who are kept down who need a net and people who are lazy and sneaky who have decided to stop trying or were raised to never try. Also, why dont they have a question on the ballot to outlaw crack and mean it? To outlaw drugs and mean it? Becuz at upper levels you have corrupt authorities that manage crime.

One thing that must be done is to stop enabling generations of poverty. Having babies isn't your obligation, ladies, and if you are destitute ONE IS ENOUGH. But in order to survive often the poor have big families. I do not believe that the state or govt should pay for women who want to have multiple children they cannot afford and keep on having them. If poor women didnt have babies as par the course when young and were encouraged to concentrate on themselves personally we would have a female population of poor that could support each other emotionally as well as poor men, who seem more lost than women in poverty.

I have found that alot of perps are pot smokers. I do not know why that is but it is a pattern. Firstly, Cannabis is different than Hemp. Hemp would be useful as clothing and paper even fuel. Cannabis sativa is 'pot', the stuff people smoke. However, the pot out there now is not the pot of the 70's or 80's. In the 1990's I noticed a change. I am straight edge myself due to health issues and my own preference, but I did try some in the early '90s and was alarmed at the results. It seemed waay stronger and there was something bad about it. Like it was very heavy and not pleasant. It was not the pot of my youth or my mothers generation-that giggly silly stuff that helped one make great artwork as well as made one feel brotherly love in the 1960's. I had become convinced that changes were being made to pot at the level of the seeds -like possible genetic engineering or hybridizing the plants. If this were the case pot could become a DRUG OF SOCIAL CONTROL rather than freedom and positive experience. Why not?
The way people categorize drugs as a danger to human health is unrealistic and based on the folklore of the mythical drug subculture or the anti drug culture of fear.
LSD is ergot poisoning (mold) and you might as well expose yourself to mold.
Americans are like children when it comes to looking at illicit drugs for what they are-drugs. Chemicals; they should be treated with respect becuz they can do horrible damage but they can also help humans if used medicinally.
Unfortunately, in our industrialized society, 'drugs' as recreational drugs, are sold to users in a bastardized form from nature's creation with all kinds of god knows what put into them to maximize profit.
THEY ARE NOT PHARMACEUTICAL GRADE. THERE USED TO BE TESTING CENTERS FOR DRUGS IN THE 1970'S AND WITH MDMA (Ectasy) IN THE '90S. THESE NO LONGER EXIST LEAVING THE USERS TO RELY ON MYTH AND FOLKLORE IN THE DRUG SUBCULTURE which is the main danger to taking illegal drugs along with the criminal culture that comes along with it. Drugs being illegal puts users in a world and mentality of crime that lasts a lifetime. It makes people feel that they must be sneaky to feel good. There is a difference between a career criminal or gang who likes to smokepot and a gullible population who can be utlized and controlled BECUZ they smoke pot.

I do not like the change in pot users. They are depressive, non caring and drug users have always formed special interest groups over bonding through using the drug illegally.

Years ago before Bush Jr. came in there were pills called THC pills. They were for people who could not eat due to illness. I noticed that there seemed to be a pure 'love your brother' feel to these and the people taking them seemed mello, feel good. I thought that this resembled the pot of the past...what if pot is being altered to make people depressive, non caring and zombied out? Instead of connecting and a feeling of spiritual peace and calm?


I strongly opposed this and do not want to vote 'YES'. Pot is not what it used to be and the culture is not a pleasant one nowadays.
However, I do not think that CORIs for a minor offense are good for people trying to get work or that prisons should be full for a small amount of pot. There needs to be changes in what people know about drugs and it needs to stop being covertly marketed as rebellious. The drug culture is a place where alot of people end up who are potentially very bright and the drone-like environment didn't provide them with stimulation.
It is also natural and healthy for humans to try to self medicate out of pain or damage to the spirit.
Until we face other issues in our immature society that ignores emotions and other legit human needs I am not going to be part of putting people out for trying to change thier consciousness in a culture that pushes robotic obedience, conformity and nowadays mindless hatred of thier fellow man if not disregard for other people in general. And the lack of art in daily life, the push to compete in the global markets is ruining the culture of simply being human. We are not machines.
Then again maybe if the rules remain strict people wont be tempted to try it. I dont know why so many perp groups I have encountered smoke pot. Its kind of creepy. We all know the drug trade is part of a TI's getting targeted on a few levels. But should that affect the small time users? But there it is from a TI perspective. Oh, I did not consider how many TI's are out there who may utilize marijuana and risk being arrested moreso than other people using. And the prison system, who classically engages in illegal human experimentation and denying people their human rights wouldnt get thier hands on so many TI's as well as people in general for minor offenses. Hmmm.

This is about racing Greyhounds. I know they adopt them out now but that took alot of effort on animal rights activists. And I never want to see gambling come to MA and if it does I'll be damned if they do it on the dogs back.

And there is the prez election we all know but also please vote for all the other positions, do research on what they are really up to and who they stand for. As a TI it isnt easy.
Alot of us are targeted using union members it seems so voting Democrat supports them. Republicans as they are now, support alot of the oppressive measures taken against us and would cut programs we rely on if we are poor and kept that way or made destitute. But when you vote do what suits you best as a targeted individual in your circumstances, whatever will max your chances of survival and punish perps the most.

Good luck.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, ive read some of the stuff on mind control, like Cathy O'Brien,Fritz Springmeier etc, they say that marijuana was the one drug that worked against brainwashing, dont know how true that is though. It seems it would be easier to hypnotize someone if they were stoned..
    in regards to the weed these days, they the thc content has increased drastically over the years. those pills you are talking about i think were called marinol, i never got to try any. there is all kinds of hybridizing, cloning, indica/sativa strains, so the pot of today can be very different than that of the 60's-80's. Its possible the govt could be altering the strains for their agenda. of course its not just the weed, the people and their vibe has changed over the years...All i know is pot started making me kind of paranoid, and it was more my personal isues tyan the marihuana itself. In recent years, i have noticed i prefer the high from standard cheaper 'swag' weed over the extra potent strains out there, but i rarely smoke much anymore, i havent sampled that many different kinds.
