


Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A Vision Of Farrakhan And Obama

Went to Brookline, MA. Place is gutted. Its gone. Its letting in corporations finally as well as whatever Jewish character it had is barely there. Hipster YUPpies and those horrid young people nowadays who are awkward and afraid of everything in normal life, so respond with snobbery to everything that doesnt conform.

Wrote this experience on my social networking site as an aside then..got a vision and an ideation that Farrakhan and his relationship to Obama and his power in this area has alot to do with whats going on- specifically the African American influence here with GS and the destruction of many areas with special ethnic character like Brookline, MA.

Funny I was going to do a piece on that on my other blog and had downloaded a bunch of photos for it last month.
Here's a post someone did on the relationship.

Farrakhan makes some valid points but its painfully obvious he's a con man as well as a valuable character for the agenda of the elite.


  1. In Europe many of these political immigrants seeking "refuge" are part of old alliances, dating from WWI and from earlier times. Italy invaded Ethiopia in the early days of fascism (1930's), and there have been many alliances between Islamic factions and Europe for centuries. Europeans do not welcome in immigrants they adhere to political alliances that help shape NWO politics. In France, for example, immigrants are treated with harsh racism, in Germany it's the same. They are not "welcomed" there is a reason immigrants are brought into those countries and it has nothing to do with welcoming unwanted elements from 3rd world countries. The US welcomes in Mexican immigrants, illegal migrants, and there is a definite reason for it.

    You are being targeted by blacks for a reason, maybe to steer you into racial hatred and mind control you into following one of their agendas. An opinion, not specifically negating your outrage against the group that seems to be targeting you the most.

    I have had a lot of "snobby" blacks attack me with vehemence that whites don't even exhibit, although it's the racist whites who train, pay and orchestrate their attacks upon me, while they stand back, relaxing, watching it unfold. I just write this so perhaps you aim your view of hatred at the people really responsible for what is happening and not the puppets working for them. I agree completely with your opinion but white people act the same way. You have heard the expression "white trash" and these people are the stalkers surrounding me here in Thailand--I mean they are everywhere this is their "paradise" where they can be pedophiles and pay something like $20 for a girl for all night, and they get treated like "kings"--and they act just like "niggers" not even using a racist term. Europeans need and want a large supply of cleaning people and scapegoats and dark-skinned sex things, they welcome these immigrants for nefarious purposes besides other political alliances in the NWO.

  2. In Europe many of these political immigrants seeking "refuge" are part of old alliances, dating from WWI and from earlier times. Italy invaded Ethiopia in the early days of fascism (1930's), and there have been many alliances between Islamic factions and Europe for centuries. Europeans do not welcome in immigrants they adhere to political alliances that help shape NWO politics. In France, for example, immigrants are treated with harsh racism, in Germany it's the same. They are not "welcomed" there is a reason immigrants are brought into those countries and it has nothing to do with welcoming unwanted elements from 3rd world countries. The US welcomes in Mexican immigrants, illegal migrants, and there is a definite reason for it.

    You are being targeted by blacks for a reason, maybe to steer you into racial hatred and mind control you into following one of their agendas. An opinion, not specifically negating your outrage against the group that seems to be targeting you the most.

    I have had a lot of "snobby" blacks attack me with vehemence that whites don't even exhibit, although it's the racist whites who train, pay and orchestrate their attacks upon me, while they stand back, relaxing, watching it unfold. I just write this so perhaps you aim your view of hatred at the people really responsible for what is happening and not the puppets working for them. I agree completely with your opinion but white people act the same way. You have heard the expression "white trash" and these people are the stalkers surrounding me here in Thailand--I mean they are everywhere this is their "paradise" where they can be pedophiles and pay something like $20 for a girl for all night, and they get treated like "kings"--and they act just like "niggers" not even using a racist term. Europeans need and want a large supply of cleaning people and scapegoats and dark-skinned sex things, they welcome these immigrants for nefarious purposes besides other political alliances in the NWO.

  3. Well... it looks like they have a never-ending supply of gutless idiots playing an endless array of mind games and intimidation tactics. It's so funny how they need to keep doing this to targets in order to "reform" them and to remain hidden. And the well from which they draw these massive quantities of losers looks to be infinitely large.

    So the perps' line of thinking is: they are corrupt and unjust, but since they have an infinite supply of dirty tricks, human losers, and technological toys to pull this off, they never have to worry about doing things the just, FAIR, legal way in the first place. Imagine how much energy and effort is going into this thing. Haha, there are some powerful people being protected by this racket, and they require an awesome supply of manpower to pull this off. Imagine how wasteful this is to the economy.

    Oh but they are very very afraid of targets' abilities to expose them, and it shows up in the psy-ops and the harassment all the time. "we are afraid of being exposed". I see this showing up in the programming content as well as the harassment. You've seen it yourself with the "nobody is going to believe you" content.
