Wednesday, July 30, 2008
The Pentagon's new map
True, they are not needed to be so big as a "Leviathian force"...alot of us have been wondering where the military will go in a global world that now seems so small.
Its a good idea and this man readily puts down alot of peoples insecurities and the b*llshit that exists becuz esentially he is a problem solver.
The reason I put this in my blog about 'organized stalking' is that years ago in my research path I was attracted to a strategy he had connected to the map above concerning how to handle Iran.
"Disconnection defines danger" also seemed familiar alot of Targets claim they are singled out or were loners, free thinkers etc.
When perps have said things like "Why do you have to be so...unusual?" and then later in the game a man an a woman are staring and the man says "She'll conform eventually" it gets pretty frightening.
How to 'handle' a certain uncooperative middle eastern nation sounded alot like what Targeted INDIVIDUALS have to live with. Isolating and controlling them until they cooperate or conform.
What disturbed me is that I notice that whatever trend is used in warfare or managing peoples on a large global scale reflects what is used on individuals in that same timeframe-like a 'trend'. Humans are fashion victims by nature..or it could be that it legitimizes what is going on if the micro matches the macro.
His idea is novel. Plans like this, how will they work as they are presented if corruption and other realities are not addressed? Is he going to stop all drug running? Is he going to clean up all corruption in the military itself?
His scope in the video seems to cover only the conversion of the military into covering transition as well as limited warlike actions. In the writing above he illustrates more that countries need to be managed and this or that is why they are 'disconnected'.
I am not concerned with his global plan becuz that is not my scope. All I see is that the system in place now has been and will be experienced by certain persons as corrupt. The 911 counter measures have been abused to further terrorize targeted individuals.
Notice in the video he speaks of regimes people would like to see 'gone', with good reason alot of them.
When he speaks of using non lethal weapons...I can just see the corruption coming out of this great plan that would work if everyone wanted a better world, not a global prison.
I assume becuz certain technologies that are in place now are being used that they will be used on that scale as well.
Its the parts of the plans that he's not telling you becuz I do not beleive that is his concern. When someone else comes along and writes something on the realistic potential for the abuse of this system or how to avoid corruption then I will be alot more comfortable with it.
Look what is being done to individuals on a small scale.
I am using his piece becuz it reflects alot of the behavior modification TI's go thru.
I, however, am most likely looking for a world that is fair where bad things no longer happen, he seems to be trying to make it better, faster- after they do happen.
Yet in the following piece, the authors claim that globalization is claimed by many to promise peace and prosperity for all:
I am saying that if you do not admit that the system could be used for corrupt means which I know he is not adresseing but...
Like for instance the recent surviellance system that has been so questionable.
When questioned about the recent posting of warning signs on cabs of the existence of video cams inside, I asked the cabbie if the cameras were there years ago (prime spying time 2002 and up) even with no warning signs...he got coy and said in an accent " What ? If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worrry about!" This legitimizes spying by intimating as long as you are a gooooood little boy or girl that authority will not do you wrong. Untrue, very untrue. I told him that corruption exists and the recorded video captured could be used for other purposes against an individual by persons with access to the content with criminal intent or bad intentions. He woke up and acknowledged this to be true but of course did not want to tackle logic.
I just wonder if this is all connected to everyones fear of a new world certainly will help establish one world. But then what? The darker urges I have seen, to really really rule men's minds and what is in thier hearts must be adressed eventually.
A beautiful mind-load of sh*t as supected
(notice what he was involved in for work. then he lost it huh? hmmm.)
I always hated the idea of this movie...and now after being targeted I just wonder if this guy wasnt harassed into loosing his mind for a time. This system is very threatened by geniuses or mathematically inclined people it seems. I wont get into why.. anyway, I loved this article becuz a particularly busybody perp once tried to bait me upon meeting w/directed conversation using this movie and its character as bait.
Saying that people with this disorder often are brilliant and let it go untreated even though there is 'help'.
This is the sort of woman who watches Dr. Phil for life advice, sides w/everyone in the world who's helping to stalk Britany into insanity then compliance "people are just trying to help her..why doesnt she let people help?" (becuz she's being f*cking terrorized and reacting like anyone living under extreme stress would.)
After I told her my story however, she was started to sympathize of course after the blanks were filled in..(uh, the truth will do that).
Anyway, this is how the media wields diagnoses as a weapon in a subliminated way.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Blogger perped/ In 010101 We Trust
I write my posts. I can usually type what I want uninterfered with.
However, if I am working on a certain post, the behavior of the system will change as to interfere with my writing.
I am on the create post screen. I am typing. here are some problems I experience that could be computer harassment/stalking:
While typing a piece i find that the system has gone from normal and functioning to malfunctioning right in the middle of what i am doing.
sometimes it is from the get go of writing a peice and falls later into working properly later or when I go on to do a different peice.
The problems are:
-If i am typing words get 'eaten' by the space bar or if I want to interject a word/symbol in an already written sentence, the new word will 'eat' the other words to the right of it.
- The italics button goes on by itself and will not go off.
these are obvious to me. some other problems that might just be a messed up system are:
- the color palet wont turn off after it is used once.
-spacing seems to work different ways at different times, too large spacing etc.
There is a difference between Bloggers functioning on Fire Fox and on Explorer:
On Firefox I can never get a link to be active once put on the post. The two engines seem to create a Blogger that looks different as well.
I was told by a student that Fire fox has better security.
The biggest dead giveaway was a few weeks ago my piece would NOT post at all. Someone told me that extra letters/symbols were added to the codes on the 'Edit Html' tab. Documented it, Fixed it.
This was a good lesson. Very very valuable. It reminded me that the internet has become a tourist trap. A disgusting world of billboards messing up the natural scenery--and that it is
still an illusion.
Dont get caught in the eye of the snake it is illusion.
I looked at the Html tab. Go ahead, look at it. Realize now that its STILL all numbers, code and math. AND THAT MAKES SENSE . That has structure we can control.
It was explained to me that people get caught up in or 'beleive' the 'pictures' or graphics that make up the way everything looks on the internet now.
It is still source code!
And this you can trust.(at least on my level of knowledge anyway I dont know if the math 'warps' or doesnt make logical sense as it should further on).
Its kind of like the way subliminals in adds are alleged to work. You get fooled by the decoy that IS the pictures and the colors. The true message is within and this is what effects you.
This is what the 'perps' use to further a Targets frustration I think. It really does appear that somone is messing with your 'world' on the internet. Take it back..its all numbers and they have no loyalties. They are tools. Numbers cannot be bribed, blackmailed, frightened or coersed into action or deception, not at this level anyway.
Hysterical coffee complaint issues
This may actually help you. Ya know how Targets have to deal with conditions so oppressive without recourse that no one even wants to beleive us?
Well, look up " Dunkin Donuts complaints" on yer search engine w/quotes. There are like 160 sites! I could not beleive this sh*t, compared to what a TI goes thru.
But D&D is so beloved by locals that I can see how its such a security blanket if anything were to change they would feel threatened. Really travelling across the country if there was no DD I genuinely missed it. I dont know what they put in their coffee but....
Some of the stuff the employees pulled is humorous like the idiot who had the "I Love Head" on his DD visor.
I was looking them up becuz an employee was eating today instead of working in a nice nieghborhood wwhere she is lucky to have a job. She makes this little Indian woman who speaks barely any english work instead of her all the time and she has scolded her for 'people not being able to understand her' . For personal reasons I wont put here I want this stopped. (We all know if I put something specific down then every idiot trying to gain my trust or pump for info in the next few weeks will be Indian or some shit. They will always take advantage of your emotions.)
I have thought about working for this seems like such a simple flowing sort of job-one where you could write all day in your head, come up with ideas and still do yer job.
Now the company is owned by parent companies and they have that annoying online test to get hired...the ones that I always failed at Wal Mart (why was I even going there?) becuz my profile says I am " too aggressive- and honest"...uuuhh, oh-kay.
(Actually I cant say the DD one is the same. .....Wal Mart? You see now the desperation a TI is driven to. I am going to sue the perps just based on the fact I was driven to even applying at Wal Mart for a job..that in itself should be sufficient. )
Its just comical the stuff people complain about compared to what we have to deal also illustrates how different thier security perimeters are.
They are so safe. They dont even know..
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
True gangs involved with Organized stalking
Infiltration of gangs into Military:,13319,96056,00.html
Remember the old days of the Soldier being a 'dirty, dirty dog' like grandpa told ya about the Marines is gone. Now if u notice they are portrayed and marketed as squeaky clean all American boys who are balanced and represent a normalcy that the US is craving for.
THE PERFECT COVER FOR AN INLFULTRATION...or at least a gang presence.
Now, u have to understand that supposedly a huge part of ganglife is mainstream Hip Hop.
I beleive this started out as 'rap music'..I first experienced this music as a little city girl in the late '70s.
Grand Master Flash and Sugar Hill and the like.
Then I moved to the suburbs. Run DMC came out.
I noticed something about the whites-they liked DMC but they knew nothing of the afore mentioned. Run Dmc seemed....packaged to me. Like the do wop groups who all wore the same outfits and had a schtick.
I simply lost interest until the early '90s then lost interest again when it got boring again. It also was in the stages of becming a huge enterprise and u could sense it.
Now I mostly listen to rap on the college stations-alternative rap if u will.
Some of these alt artists actually claim that federal agents and other kinds of agents have infultrated the ranks of very mainstream hip hop artists. This one guy actually outed an agent in his song.
Alt Rap is more similar to old Punk or Metal in its blatant honesty about what-the- fuck-is-going-on-out-there in the truly big picture. It admits that the perpetuation of violence and the programming and conditioning of youth/soldiers are used by the architects of society to control all of society.
Now...if gangs that can be identified as violent gangs/large operations as being involved in Organized Stalking & Harassment there might be a few motives :
>They are simply greedy and will partake if a Target is conracted or sub contracted out to them for favor or pay.
>They have been influenced by military via thier own infultration of it.
They will now have the gangs they are connected to outside the military officially, take part in harassment of TI's for purposes of human experimentation etc that TI's claim may be a military connection to Targeting especially in reference to non lethal weapon and other tech.
>They have been infultrated by truly covert, black type agencies government or private mercenary corporations that perform same functions as of late that are now utilizing them for covert ops.
>They are using u for gang initiation becuz you are vulnerable already anyway as a TI.
>They are trying to see which gang can get you or destroy you and they will get some ultimate reward.
>They are protecting thier 'territory' becuz Targets bring heat.
Thats all I can think of. The thing about being Targeted is that the perps are a diverse group.
For me however looking back at my experience certain known gangs seem to be interested more than other kinds of persons involved.
In St. Louis, MO, USA the 'white t shirts' would get at me all the time. In Boston, MA they jsut give me slightly dirty looks.
The 'red t shirts' left me alone in CT but followed me constantly in MO.
They consisted mostly of just teen agers and were m/f. (The males were consistently annoyed that I "walked around every day like it aint nothin". Welcome to tbmc programming. I survived suicide programming-u think I should feel a fear concerning death why now? )
The people with red bandanas have been consistently polite across the country. They seem to know something of my situation but dont bother me in any overt manner. If they have taken part in survaillence or going thru my things they have been quite stealth about it.
No one else has bothered me that could be ID as gang members.
-Misc incidents:
In AZ weird guy who was off in the distance w/a black bandana over his face. It was so ' down the rabbit hole' I couldnt stop laughing. He was so far away he couldnt have done any physical harm...I dont get it. And he was alone. I still dont get it.
Recently at a gas station in Southie I was stemming until the African manager told me not to recently. I was having a good day when I started getting perped.
The perps consisted of these slightly creepy types who told me to "be careful out there tonight"
and generally trying to freak me out.
As they drove out the passenger rested his hand on the windowframe of the old car and it was a hand signal that means many things to many people. (The Three Horned God sign a.k.a.-the devil sign). When I piped up and stated " aww, they jsut flashed me the Three Horned God sign" in a mocking tone, a black woman who had been baiting me w/ her kid for the last half hour
looked annoyed and defeated..almost sheepish.
The sign of the horns is aka:
The Devil's sign, Three Horned God, Texas Long Horns sports team, "I love you" in American sign language for the deaf, and years ago I recall Italians having pendants to wear on necklaces that were a hand making this sign.
On the 'know gangs' site there is a photo of a female flashing this sign and sporting a yellow bandana. Its a latino gang affiliation.
( Maybe the perps from that gas station were Italian deaf people who loved me, were also Satanists high level and low-who also prefered the Texas Long horns over the Red Sox or Celtics.
Really all I had to do was stick a Yankees sticker on thier car and they would have gotten the shit beaten out of them a mile up the road anyway.
(great idea: covert war counter terrorism tactic for Boston: know a perp? Stick em with Yankee logo shit and watch em die).
[BY THE WAY I THINK ITS COWARDLY TO FRAME LEGIT PEACEFUL SATANISTS AS ORGANIZED STALKERS...why would a real satanist want to interfere with someones freedom or individuality. If anything Satanist would think this sort of oppression of the will was wrong. I am sure there are mind control cults out there claiming to thier members to be satanists.]
Aside from how stupid this was, it all amounts to nothing more than gas lighting-more psych warfare.
They want you to run to the cops and claim gangs are following you. Well, since the cops are occassionally involved in my stalking and in other states more frequently so I do not think thats a good idea.
And what proof anyway? Not directly .
INTERESTINGLY, the African guy that works at the 7-11 in Kenmore Sq after 12 midnight now has shaved his head, wears a red t-shirt and has a more bad ass attitude. Like he got some cred for messing with this Target.
Real man, helping to pick on a woman who has been driven to pan handle.
This guy is the one who always got me when no other stemmers were around and he'd say mean things like " You dont need to be here" as he toked his cigarette on a smoke break. He's the one who came out and greeted the Brighton cop as if daddy just came home and he was now going to tell on me what I did-like a a little kid. He comes running out and says "I told her to go away for three times now"..
Nooooo, you harassed me three nights in a row when no men were around to stop you. He never told me to leave. If he had as a TI I would not want to risk trouble so I would have left. Him disapproving of me is quite different than him asking me to leave.
When he there at night, certain gang members come in there and they shake hands with them, greet them like they are recieving the Queen or meeting the Pope. I am waiting for one of them to kiss the ring soon.
U can show respect for your own group but dont disrespect me.
So again the set ( a sub set or group of a larger gang. The parent group so to speak) or someone who wants to be a recriut that wears red t shirts is harassing me just as they hav across this country.
I dont know why it seems to be this particular group.
Perhaps that insident in Southie with the Devil sign was just perps trying to frame up gangs to see if the Target will blame certain known gangs instead of just non gang members who are perps. I highly doubt that a prominent latino gang who uses the horn sign is involved.
I watched this video of a jail stabbing on the 'knowgangs' webpage. I thought I was going to cry. It was so murderous. At least there is evidence which is more than I can say for Targets of Organized stalking/harassment and injury by technological means. This is also why people treat organized harassment like its harmless and say it could be worse. Look what violent criminals are usually up to.
Do not feel obligated to be compared to other people. You have a right to not be treated badly by cop and criminal alike when alot of you dont even know what u did to begin with to become a TI.
I know one thing. These gangs at thier top levels are probably not the soldiers u see in the vidoes and on the street.I bet they are highly intel sociopathic criminal minds.
So look for signs of street gangs or big syndicate gangs involved in your organized stalking.
Then it truly is 'gang stalking'.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Targeted systematically while panhandling
Unfortunately there is perhaps an element of racism involved as well so if you are a TI who is sensitized to this as a tactic I dont want any of you to get triggered, read with caution or maybe at another time when you will be desensitized to such subject matter.
So I am living day to day. The perps hate it becuz its yet another job where I get exposure and if I am being harassed its public and obvious. Also it leads to the question "why are you out here?" (which of course now is used by perps scam baiting)In certain parts of the city I try to do activism and talk to people also -
in Kenmore the second I started doing activism for Gang stalking met with a nasty smack down/punishment. A large perp group descended on Kenmore Square one night and it was so severe, so outrageous (mobbing, harassment,brighting, louder than usual music in bar next to stem spot, scam baiting- you know 'the treatment'-an all out attack or blanket bombing[military term] to let the TI know a certain action is not allowed) for hours all night as well as activity at the spot nights thereafter I decided to stop telling people about Covert war and giving website addresses.
People started to look up the websites right in front of me on thier phones as well as look ups at home...the minute I started getting a response, they slammed me.
At one point over last few weeks a cop from the district of the original harassment that drove me from my home in 2005 came and removed me from in front of a store...of course it was a move that came after I had been targeted in Kenmore square as apart from the regular panhandlers (all crackheads and drunks with criminal records doing nothing with thier lives except smokin up yo money..I aint judgmental, just annoyed it aint right they should be favored over someone doing the right thing.)
At first the other pan handlers were ok with me, even helpful/protective. Recently I got a $49.oo video camera after the activity mentioned above. Acquiring any recording device ALWAYS makes the gs system turn up the heat. They hate the damn camera.
If they think you are slowly falling into being a street person this seems ok. But do activism about blacklisting or get a camera or anything else that is 'proactive' and they start the action up again.I was told by an experienced Target that the camera "is a threat to them".
Since I got the video camera and the heats on
I now get targeted at new 'spots' to pand handle at within a day of being there.
The first day is ok the next day-perp central.
On meridian strips they hate it becuz they gotta keep it movin- they're in cars so they cant stand there and harass me.. i am not the sitting duck they prefer when i am stationary in one place. (remember they always crave control of a TI's environment).
So the tactics of perps in cars are ridiculous and overt on these strips. You get a lot of genuine just *ssholes as well but the camera takes care of them.
Three things have gotten me targeted as a pan handling Targeted/Gang stalked person:
-I found somenting that made me feel ok for a minute, that allowed me to rest really made me happy at this point. (empowerment of TI)
-I was pulling in the income I needed.(empowerment of TI)
-I did gang stalking activism. (exposure/empowerment of TI)
-I got a video camera to counter the harassment-gs related and just regular harassment (random, non tactical) from like drunk young college students and plain old jerks. (exposure/empowerment of TI)
The things that will get me harassed anyway[simply normal reactions to me;normal life]:Sober,white, look young, appear healthy, female, shapely, fairly pretty face(I guess), refuse to 'look' grimy or dont 'look homeless', sound educated, no children, no man.
I have seen this tactic before. Make it obvious to people that as long as you tolerate the Target in your vicinity your life will be miserable. People will turn on the Target for relief and a return to conditions they know.One pan handler there, an older man who is out during the day has been doing this for years. Unfortunately, he latched onto my GS activism and has used it to make me feel bad, like saying " people like you always think someone is after them". I do not trust this man to start a smear campaign.
This is a common trend I am noticing among stemmers who are very territorial and dislike any new competition.Which this man is well known for.
An example:
I was severely harassed on MASS AVE near Berklee School of Music by a resident of the First Fenway Co operative 149 Mass Ave, a fat light skinnned guy.
He baited me outside this building.
(One of the few rent controlled I have discovered)I wouldnt let him make me angry and stood my ground. I pulled out my camera which he threatened to break. He was extremely aggressive and harassing.
He called the police and walked from the scene.
When the cops came they were none too pleased that someone used them for a set up. They saw i was within my rights on city property and were really fair and level headed cops.
Iwas told by local that he works as the bouncer for TC's pub connected to the building he lives in. A family member of mine being bar tender for over 10 years I grew up with bouncers. They are territorial, not critical thinkers and know exactly how to injure or harass someone without putting thier hands on someone.
(ironic the rent controlled apartment-when I am homeless and in large part due to corruption of the housing system).
The local Berklee cops told me this guy is a bully, known for attacking Berklee students ($) as well as local people.. he was described by someone as " a dick". People all the way down the other side of town know him and he is descibed as a clown, a jerk etc.
The local panhandlers in the area got in on what he was doing and after i got my camera out the creepiest guy started telling everyone who came up to him I was "crazy" becuz I was journaling with my camera. I found a sympathetic ear later.
Sadly some students joining in..the young college guys in this often think my situation is very amusing.
(The next day the creepy stemmer got his: an oldster came by with a rosary on him and scolded this guy for stemming when he is "supposed to be in a program"-12 step or new jail release?
The guy looked sheepish for once in his life. Very different from the guy who was intimidating me and trying to steal my cup of change. Gooooood.)
So pan handlers can be used by other perpetrators on the street to target someone.
Its sad but the school in Kenmore and is favoring certain panhandlers DURING THE DAY.
A person I met out there helped me by letting me get some rest for a few days here and there NOW HE IS TARGETED at the spot and told that the school and the building owner "does not want anybody begging outside the store"...thats not what I saw today. They all seemed pretty chummy.
Typical chess game:
Target only certain people to have-not. Let privelege reign for others to have.Execute perfect warlike moves and work angles among purposefully created confusion. (Have people from the store tell you the wishes of the school. Have the school change thier own rules as only ever heard by the convenience store workers. Have no one really enforce the laws on the books or the signs posted except when you need to use them to target certain people more than others.)The end is blame on a god like, faceless entity like 'the owner of the building' who no one knows or ever sees-like the king up in the castle. Power u do not see is more intimidating, like a mythical god. Then whatever confusion is around its out of EVERYONES control. Its really utter bs but it works.
All of these people are African American, they are either crack heads or drinkers (thier own admission) and NONE OF THEM ARE HOMELESS. (I am saying that racism is often used against targets as a cover so that a target will claim it and seem paraniod or racist themselves)
The majority of the staff at the school is African American.
As of a few days ago a certain pan handler did not get on with school staff due to the school wanting them off the property this person has caused too many disturbances. Today that panhandler messed with me and pulled a few deceptions. She hasnt before.
She and a small white woman who works for the school were focusing on me way down the block on city property. I came over with my sign and got closer and started doing gangstalking activism. I heard them talking about the homeless. My gs activism made them focus away from me.
I had enough.
As I walked away from Kenmore today upset and frustrated, I saw the picture behind me of the school staff and the panhandlers all together on the property, smiling in unison as i left. I showed my feelings for them with my middle finger. A school staff member smiled and waved.
The saddest thing is that on top of the school in the windows are three pictures of historic personalities involved in human rights and change. Mother teresa, Licoln and Martin Luther King.
Who said brilliant marketing doesnt work?
Mother T took care of far flung outcasts with little hope, and MLK was about human rights and supposedly was a victim of COINTELPRO(!), and Licoln was a politician.
How does any of this have to do with special needs kids? You know there are plenty of heroes in that activism are that are unsung. What about pictures of them? Keller was a major figure in getting better understanding for the severely handicapped.
As I fight for a cause I think is right thru daily activism, as well as my own survival as a human being and an artist I think its an ironic setting every time I look well as the caption under those pictures of the three mentioned above: "helping people one person at a time."These people woulndt work outside the system or challenge the authority figure or even march in a REAL HEATED protest rally if thier lives depended on it. Some of us are actually out here, trying to fight true oppression and what about the non lethal weapons issue and the abuses that is and is going to bring up?
I am always clean and presentable with the two outfits i carry with me. I am mercilessly polite to passer bys and i make sure i am withing my rights as a panhandler. since being asked to get off the property I do not frequent it during the day when the school is open but make sure i am up the street on city property.
I was told that other pan handlers are jealous of someone doing something productive, as well as getting a cut in there easy money from someone with a better more desirable cause.
Old school Boston manipulation by staff in social services positions I grew up with this subtle targeting, and its specific to our region. Its ever so subtle.
-The other pan handlers technically arent homeless. Only I am.
-Single women cant go to family shelters, but the school is for disabled kids and they deal with families so this appeal markets to family oriented people to get them to react the way you want them to.
-They should have no right to control the redistribution of wealth or tell people where to invest thier money. They care for children they are not a financial institution nor an investment firm.
-They should have no right to try to dictate control over what goes on on city property or to influence by the connection to thier property.
-The only right they have legally is to enforce the NO TRESPASSING sign put up BY THEM in recent months.
-They are neglecting the exercising of thier rights by exercising a system of privileges instead (they only call thier right to have only certain stemmers removed while extending privelege to others-perhaps discrimination)
-perhaps this sign interferes with my rights under MA state law in city property in the area of thier property.
I understand its a school for handicapped kids. As far as I am concerned they should let NO ONE up there during the day due to this fact. Like a bunch of kids who already get treated different in supposed 'civilized' society need to see normal grown up people demonstrating singling someone out. Beleive me, these kids already know the pain of getting targeted and will continue to suffer being marginalized thier whole lives.
Lets hope the world will change for all of us who are marginalized. Maybe the world will be better when they are grown up and i am just older. That might be worth sticking around for.
I have no idea if they are truly connected to the gangstalking system or not. Perhaps they were simply told I am an undesirable or other lies I cant imagine.
Maybe they just dont think I need to panhandle -perhaps its a racial issue.
I know one thing, from that letter and thier behavior lately they certainly beleive they good at perception management thats for sure.
I have a sign that i use for too many attitudes on NEWBURY ST when the crowd is soo out of touch I beleive they think I am not homeless. The sign says:
" 37, FEMALE ,WHITE and HOMELESS- DEAL WITH IT!" With 'reality check' in smaller letters at the bottom.
Guess who loves this I get all my money from while holding this sign?
African Americans, Asians, Latinos. Why? becuz they are sick also of the racism inherent in the system. They are tired of every black being catagorized as poor, homeless, addict, trouble etc etc. Plus they know damn well that the wealthy whites in the area can be classist/sexist and to an extent racist to me.
It takes me 8 hours to make what other panhandlers make in a few hours. I get harassed by perps, yes, but to a lesser extent, offended whites who cant stand the idea that i am thier mirror image and this could happen to them...just like blacklisting/being targeted.
WHICH IS EXACTLY WHY I AM show just how far ongoing psychological harassment, ptsd and abuse can take a person...
and to show other victims, all victims of abuse or injustice- to not allow them to break you at your core or to stop you from your goals no matter what setting you find youself in. Destitute or other wise. I am not lying about my situation. I am truly at this place in my life due to persecution and its not imaginary. People need to see it alll as it happens.
LIVE BABY> live.
I suspect that they keep sending a holes to bait me becuz if there are enough incidents, even if I turn out to be innocent, like Mass Ave they police and communities are going to say 'enough of this woman, she is trouble'. The 7-11 store staff are already using this psych tactic on me becuz of a bully on the late night shift who keeps harassing me.
The staff before refer to me cutley as 'trouble'..yes yes I know a person who standa up for thier rights is 'trouble' and especially a woman who defends herself-who does that 'bitch' think she is? So it wont matter if what i am doing is just, fair, within my rights or interesting to people.
The perception, though false and a gross generalization is that I am undesirable.
I have seen these tactic used on TI's that start doing activism...its the same as using a TI's private life against them.
Then the police who are perps, can say " your presence causes a problem why dont you move on?'. In other words, we cant control the perps so YOU the Target, have to suffer.
The crackheads, drunks some of whom 'blow up the spot' ( get loud and belligerent towards patrons especially if they dont get what they want) are MORE desirable to Kenmore Square than the polite clean and sober panhandler that is doing something productive with the money gained as well is truly homeless and trying to produce some work from the experience.
When you give you are taking care of your fellow man. If you choose to give it is your choice and discretion/wise investment is your responsibility.
If a panhandler is truly aggressive or gives you any crap if they dont get $ from you then call the police on them. You should not have to feel threatened by rude harassing people(beleive me I know how it feels-it sucks.)
It ruins it for everyone who IS polite. But also stop harassing panhandlers as well.
We dont need it.
A funny blog about Boston Pan handlers:
An article about how hard it really is to I know.
I know it sucks we get treated like criminals when usually Targets are being supressed becuz OF criminals. Its more shame inducing and also if you are treated like a crminal or scam artist I am sure it just adds to the credibility of the smear campaigns or cover stories.
The King of Kenmore Square/Allston..Mr. Butch gone
Never involved in peoples silly games or nonsense.. a genuine person of his own. One of the features of the by gone days when cities were not gentrified yuppy haven's peppered with some local crackheads of color pan handling for the appearence of diversity.
This was back when the city was truly expression of creativity that has become frowned upon lately- probably seen as leading to possible independent thought and not conforming.
The concept of diversity has become cheapened. Now it seems neighborhoods are not allowed to form naturally but are pre fabbed and forced into a formula that works for ultimate social control.
The nation will find that like all oppression, covert or obvious-it will only work for a time.
Lets hope this stasi like enforcement of boredom and conformity and rule by bullying intimidation, covert force and subtlety will grow weak and a structure built by human hands that falls in disrepair so that nature starts to take it back--weeds pushing through the concrete in the sidewalk...vines and greenery destroying fences and buildings left unattended. Slowly ever slowly.
Butch always seemed comfortable with his colorful persona and living off the grid.
He didnt pass away without leaving anything of his life-he made the places he frequented more..comfortable for anyone who was different as well.
Perhaps he even gave young people coming here a sense of permission to be themselves that they need so badly at that age.
I know this article helped me today...again even after his passing Mr. Butch helps one of the outcasts to feel comfortable-if just for a moment.
But that little span of time can sometimes be key to if someone presses on or not to fight for themselves or for what is right or gives up.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Another reason to drive Targets homeless/compromised shelter system
Bostons biggest shelter, used to have a private Trust that started it and funded it. They got bought out by the state. They expanded, in unison with churches, now they own all kinds of great property locations and supposedly provide all kinds of services to the homeless.SRO's are one of these-single room occupancy.
Years ago in Boston, you could rent a room in a rooming house and be on your way afterwards. Over the years alot of people who were poor or homeless started to rent these places. I stayed in one years ago and it was full of the poor, drunks, a prostitute and some elderly people. The thing is that no one really bothered anyone. I guess perfect people with perfect lives (people wealthy enough to cover up the fact they are involved in the sex industry or drunks or morally unsavory in some way) didnt like the undesirable element or someone didnt so the rooming houses got converted into SRO's and now the state owns them thru the homeless shelter basically, in conjuction with a church.
But I know this system. Who gets an SRO is not going to depend on if they have stopped being thieves or crack heads or 'unsavory' its who they know, if they are controlled in the system or what favors they will do for 'the state' -ratting, informing, and the like (harassing targets, having superior knowledge or a targets life).
The riff raff will be managed
There are less and less places for Targets to go now becuz the state has taken over the homeless population and all its services. As usual this invasion is justified by the one idea that people who had warrants were staying at these places undetected.
That is the biggest bunch of bullshit I have ever heard.
I have been so heavily perped in this particular shelter I cannot stay there anymore. The shelter everyone considers worse is actually better for me becuz it is a real shelter for the homeless-no judgements, no long intrusive intake (info to use against TI's later), no keeping your stuff at night (so they can go thru it later- I got my ID stolen by staff at the big powerful shelter in the late 90's. Nice people.)
You know as a Target that if the women in a certain shelter use higher level deception/perp tactics which would require much more intel to pull off (knowledge of my former associates) then you KNOW these b*tches are heavily in with the corrupt cops locally.
This is the same shelter that I had to run to when they wouldnt fix the mold in my apartment when they were supposed to and two cops in suits who looked like a shiny toothpaste add or a Mr. Cleancut America contest winners came thru the door and showed thier best display with thier little colored tail feathers (female attraction tactics) and loudly proclaimed that they were looking for someone who stayed there and would she contact the police to provide information and "her services".....cop gigalos, hysterical. The whole time the guy speaking was looking at me however.
No dice dude, sorry.
Do you honestly think I am going for the old ploy of 'lets get rid of an old mc survivor by making it like she/he was an informant'? I have read that is a very common tactic.
Add onto it the jerk in CA who asked me "what are you doing in ___ Rachel...running from the FBI perhaps?" No, a-hole, I am sitting here and in my internal computer system I am putting it all together slowly and you are just another file so keep on smirking--you indignant FUCK.
Angry as I am about having no place to live and knowing even if I did get a place the bullshit would start the minute you settle into a place where you lay your head for more than a week anyway, I am also saddened by the injustices I see along the way.
That society is simply managing disease, hurt pain and poverty and still insists on not solving these problems.
That underpriveledged people who have enough to be sad and worry about are being policed and criminalized on top of that.
Its very clever what they are doing. They have turned the homeless into scapegoats to please the other classes whilst simultaneously utilizing them still to oppress and police those classes ( by not totally solving the homeless problem). The mechanics are unimportant- it works.
Why do you think you see homeless people still sleeping outside?
Yes, some of them are banned either perm or temp for whatever reasons of offenses in the shelters.
But alot of the homeless refer to the shelters as 'jails'. I myslef am sick of the people who dont shower, are diseased and mentally ill to the point where they make a disruption from getting sleep.
Alot of people seem disillusioned with the system, they have made claims that the big shelters with the money backed by the state have screwed them in some ways like lying to them or worse ripping them off by stealing thier money right out of thier accounts.
Perhaps alot of these people are targeted and do not realize it. From what I know about corrupt systems thier stories are totally viable.
In the big shelter thier is alot of favoritism. When I got perped in thier years ago they sent this crazy crackhead in to stare at my feet and when I asked, she said " I am staring at your perfectly manicured feet" terrorizing me based on the fact my feet looked good for a homeless girl...but of course you see in these places the ghetto queens who have a laptop dvd player, gold jewelry and are focused on thier social calender mostly-all becuz auntie works the desk or is some family member or knows you from the neighborhood.
Worst about these places that are institutionalized now is the jail like heirarchy that comes to exist.
I dont deserve jail becuz I fought to live. Nor do the homeless deserve to be so vilified and used in these political ways.
The attitude is that now they are managed and this is a good thing and everyone in society is happy.
The reason it doesnt work for my is that I really dont belong there.(duh).
This bullshit WILL end, it just needs to run its course. Living in a society of covert, subliminated bullying and intimidation of the public ..lets hope something has to give somewhere.
Unless they make sure the mind control tech is all pervasive.
Perhaps that is why certain people are targeted, becuz they/we are resistant somehow.
I had this perp, a temporarily tolerable one, and he slipped that I see things I am not supposed to and I am into critical thinking and thats some of the reasons I must be suppressed.
How fucked up is this?
Mind Control site not covert war related.
'uncategorized' is interesting.
In the 'false memory' section its not false recovered memory, its that people cant remember what an object looks like from memory. It made me laugh becuz I have a bit of photo mem left but before the severe targeting I couldve remembered any object exactly.
Also he kind of messes with the way its supposed to get done becuz one could remember a penny from mem and draw it or describe but one may not be able to say 'yes that is the layout design for the American penny' by looking at a bunch of drawings. I sense I am using two very different parts of my brain for that.
It mentions human experimentation too.
The part about lying might help you with perps.
Another reason to drive Targets homelss/compromised shelter system
Bostons biggest shelter, used to have a private Trust that started it and funded it. They got bought out by the state. They expanded, in unison with churches, now they own all kinds of great property locations and supposedly provide all kinds of services to the homeless.SRO's are one of these-single room occupancy.
Years ago in Boston, you could rent a room in a rooming house and be on your way afterwards. Over the years alot of people who were poor or homeless started to rent these places. I stayed in one years ago and it was full of the poor, drunks, a prostitute and some elderly people. The thing is that no one really bothered anyone. I guess perfect people with perfect lives (people wealthy enough to cover up the fact they are involved in the sex industry or drunks or morally unsavory in some way) didnt like the undesirable element or someone didnt so the rooming houses got converted into SRO's and now the state owns them thru the homeless shelter basically, in conjuction with a church.
But I know this system. Who gets an SRO is not going to depend on if they have stopped being thieves or crack heads or 'unsavory' its who they know, if they are controlled in the system or what favors they will do for 'the state' -ratting, informing, and the like (harassing targets, having superior knowledge or a targets life).
The riff raff will be managed.
There are less and less places for Targets to go now becuz the state has taken over the homeless population and all its services. As usual this invasion is justified by the one idea that people who had warrants were staying at these places undetected.
That is the biggest bunch of bullshit I have ever heard.
I have been so heavily perped in this particular shelter I cannot stay there anymore. The shelter everyone considers worse is actually better for me becuz it is a real shelter for the homeless-NOT A F*CKING STATE RUN INSTITUION RESEMBLING A PRISON.
You know as a Target that if the women in a certain shelter use higher level deception/perp tactics which would require much more intel to pull off (knowledge of my former associates) then you KNOW these b*tches are heavily in with the corrupt cops locally.
This is the same shelter that I had to run to when they wouldnt fix my apartment when they were supposed to and two cops in suits who looked like a shiny toothpaste add or a Mr. Cleancut America contest winners came thru the door and showed thier best display with thier little colored tail feathers (female attraction tactics) and loudly proclaimed that they were looking for someone who stayed there and would she contact the police to provide information and "her services".....cop gigalos, hysterical. The whole time the guy speaking was looking at me.
No dice dude, sorry.
Do you honestly think I am going for the old ploy of 'lets get rid of an old mc survivor by making it like she/he was an informant'? I have read that is a very common tactic.
Add onto it the jerk in CA who asked me "what are you doing in ___ Rachel...running from the FBI perhaps?" No, a-hole, I am sitting here and in my internal computer system I am putting it all together slowly and you are just another file so keep on smirking--you indignant FUCK.
Angry as I am about having no place to live and knowing even if I did get a place the bullshit would start the minute you settle into a place where you lay your head for more than a week anyway, I am also saddened by the injustices I see along the way.
That society is simply managing disease, hurt pain and poverty and still insists on not solving these problems.
That underpriveledged people who have enough to be sad and worry about are being policed and criminalized.
Its very clever what they are doing. They have turned the homeless into scapegoats to please the other classes whilst simultaneously utilizing them still to oppress and police those classes ( by not totally solving the homeless problem).
Why do you think you see homeless people still sleeping outside?
Yes, some of them are banned either perm or temp for whatever reasons of offenses in the shelters.
But alot of the homeless refer to the shelters as 'jails'. I myslef am sick of the people who dont shower, are diseased and mentally ill to the point where they make a disruption from getting sleep. Alot of people seem disillusioned with the system, they have made claims that the big shelters with the money backed by the state have screwed them in some ways like lying to them or worse ripping them off by stealing thier money right out of thier accounts.
Perhaps alot of these people are targeted and do not realize it. From what I know about corrupt systems thier stories are totally viable.
In the big shelter thier is alot of favoritism. When I got perped in thier years ago they sent this crazy crackhead in to stare at my feet and then I asked, she said " I am staring at your perfectly manicured feet"...but of course you see in these places the ghetto queens who have a laptop dvd player, gold jewelry and are focused on thier social calender mostly-all becuz auntie works the desk or is some family member or knows you from the neighborhood.
Worst about these places that are institutionalized now is the jail like heirarchy that comes to exist.
I dont deserve jail becuz I fought to live. Nor do the homeless deserve to be so vilified and used in these political ways.
The attitude is that now they are managed and this is a good thing and everyone in society is happy.
The reason it doesnt work for my is that I really dont belong there.(duh).
This bullshit WILL end, it just needs to run its course. Living in a society of bullying and intimidation of the public has never lasted forever- something has to give somewhere.
Unless they make sure the mind control tech is all pervasive.
Perhaps that is why certain people are targeted..I had this perp, a temp tolerable one, and he slipped that I see things I am not supposed to becuz I am an artist and I am into critical thinking and thats one of the reasons I must be suppressed.
How fucked up is this?
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Never forget
There seems to be an attitude that your never going to stop the gs system, that itll be ever present in society.
So, u might as well cooperate. -go fuck yourselves perps-
Also, perps who were gs active in the past now claim that I will move on and get with a group of people "not as a victim'.... but in the arts or something.
I notice as the war climate changes, the gs is changing.
Perhaps soon the war will end.
Even our covert war may let up alot if that happens, considering TI's claim thier targeting got severe in 2003.
This may seem like a good thing but there is a sneaky little thing that seems to get engineered after a war.
You get a generation who just wants to 'forget'.
This validates the system of war.
This resembles trauma and then compartmentalization.
Targets are different in that our situation continues thru any administration.
Also, we never enlisted for this, war was never declared.
People perhaps are treating TI's situations as traumatic events that must be gotten over or put behind them in order to get a life or move on.
Uhhh, false sense of security anyone?
This is covert war. Or it is a crime. or a can somehting be gotten over IF IT HASNT AND WILL NEVER END?
THese jerks simply want a Target to get comfy in the prison they are in now.
Its part of the break you down process. Do not listen to these people.
Maybe they are afraid of you as a Target moving in the direction of activism, they fear exposure.
Or they really are such control freaks they took part in your targeting to begin with to modify you in some way and now the time has come for them to help define where you go next in life( I think I am going to be sick).
You have a right to be angry and hurt by what has happened to you.
The loss you have dealt with is very real.
In order to fuction you may find you are less emotional or feeling your emotions less pertaining to your situation.
If you forget they win. Most certainly.
These people are control freaks-they're stalkers! And anyone who knows this is happening to you and does nothing or is in agreement with it as a motivational tactic or behavior modification program is a major unhealthy person who most likely wants everyone down at thier level and is getting that by you being a TI.
Even if the gs sytem claims it made a mistake becuz of the slander campaigns there still needs to be punishment and there needs to be restitution to the victim.
The idiots you are dealing with are either control freaks, sadists who have gotten thier fill of your energy, persons who claim "u know, its not rare for people to want to take you down to thier level" (SLU student/perp-2008) the normalization/minimization of abuse, people who may have you right where they want you as tired and worn so now be made into a 'model' prisoner, tired of you fighting for your rights and want you to finally give up, feel u r wasting your life on fighting the Targeting or that fighting is " that is the college attitude" (perp St. L, MO 2008)-in other words u r being rebellious, immature, think u r 2o yrs old and too idealistic. Grow up.,
that u deserved it anyway or u needed a lesson -in maturity, morality, " had to find out the way the world really worked" (perp- Belmont, MA 2008).
Worst of all is that the Target needed to be toughened up. These are the kind of horrid A-holes
who quote Neitzsche and get "whatever doenst kill me makes me stronger" tattoed in rather large letter on thier backs but would never have been exposed to this quote had a few popular outlaw type celebs been throwing the quote around for 30 years.
How about the Nietzsche quote " you dont worship god, you worship the police!"
That might be more truly appropriate.
Ultimatley,these f*ckers never had to go thru what u went thru and they have no right to tell you where to go next or when...perhaps it is the TI should tell them where to go.
The 12 step I was in for years gave me a good base of recovery. It also has some good ideas for recovering like DONT COMPARE and DONT TRY TO RUN SOMEONE ELSES RECOVERY.
Anyone who tries to move you on from a traumatic event prematurely is doing so becuz they have something to hide and becuz
this is the essence of mind control conditioning. You'll compartmentalize it if you forget. That is very very forget it all and for always.
THe compartmentalized trauma can then be used to manipulate you later. YOu are conditioned.
Do what you like and feel is best for you but alot of these people are either under mc themsselves, are programmed and never 'woke up' or dont get it.
I can especially see the value in this action for the perps becuz a good dose of forgetting will most likely lead to alot of forgiving. If you feel that burnt out-go for it I guess, but what about morals and principals?
Dont negotiate with sets a presedent that says you are easy to screw over and will now be the systems 'bitch' for life.
It sounds to me like a last ditch effort by a bunch of jerks who are scared of exposure.
Dont give it to them.
The Gangstalking Book Excerpt:
"MULTIPLE STALKING Stalking of a target person by more than one perpetrator, which is notably different from the widely known cases involving single stalkers. As of January 2004, multiple stalking is not recognized by the public or public officials as "genuine" stalking. Correcting this misconception is the purpose of this web site.
Other terms referring to multiple stalking: Harassment clubs, covert war, stalking groups, stalking by proxy.
See also cause stalking an the book which explains it, "Terrorist Stalking in America" by David Lawson. "
This is a definition of the simplest version of what targets go thru....on the most elementary level it is stalking of ONE person (Target) by multiple persons (perps).
How do you know? Mostly becuz alot of people seem to focus on you, are really mean to you and most disturbing, seem to know alot or all of the details of your life-even very private things.
Heres a good analogy:
Picture yourself back in a 'village' type enviro, like high school. U r with other students everyday. Say a large group of them do not like you-intensely. They decide to bully you daily. Add onto it that these kids taunting you seem to know very private details of yer life even what u do at home when no one is around. Now, in hs u saw basically the same people everyday, occasionally a new kid. Imagine if the fellow student population that were harassing u now consisted of mostly 'new kids' daily with just a few bullies familiar to you.
Add on that alot of trusted authority figures turn on you as well.
Now imagine whatever new school u attended in any state in the US you had the same experience.
Now put yourself at an older age and out in the world. That is what it is like to be Targeted..the analogy I gave is a good way to experience the feeling of it.
Adults often have illusions about thier freedom and autonomy in society, so bringing you back to a place where a you were basically trapped in a situation is a good way to experience how it feels.
The safety of your enviroment is gone and your trust in humans extremely damaged.
Now add to that in the 'adult' world, no one acknowledges this happening or there is the constant subliminated veiled threat of a mental illness label if you talk (tell).
(Intimidation is just that even if it is experienced at 8 or 80.
Give it up. )
Here she gives a link to a review of the book that in its updated version has other stuff with it on the page. I suggest just reading excerpts from the book (highlighted to click on) not the other stuff-in dealing with the issue of this book. .
Scrambling news comes up as an error now-not found.
The reference for purchase is a reference to a different book
"Cause Stalking"
At first "Terrorist Stalking" seemed like a staple among Targets but it became very hard to purchase. One assumed it was 'the perps' messing with stuff again possibly. With my limited contact with an activist group I found people claiming to have it but hard to get a copy, but like I said my contact was brief and limited, so I cant say its important...BUT being of the Zine generation and a Gen Xer it seemed to me that if TI's were really in trouble that this book, especially if it became hard to find should be posted FOR FREE ALL OVER THE NET.
(We are dealing with covert destruction of peoples lives and its all 'underground'....why was activism set up so above board style? Why was it, is it not more underground in itself?
TI's posting anything and everything to support other TI's are getting the right idea about what the internet is supposed to be about, not this occupation by mainstream society that is defining it now.)
As I read excerpts from this book it was helpful but some things didnt sound right. Just the idea that this man would not be killed or that TI's wouldnt be running to him left and right didnt make sense. Why wouldnt he be used as a victim witness? Still the ACLU and other human rights groups dont take our cases, even though some are glaringly obvious as 'plots of evil design'. ( Wouldnt he be helpful?
Also, it seems to avoid police corruption at all costs, perhaps becuz of a PI's ties to the police. Understandable, but there are ways to implicate certain parties in any writing without outright denying thier involvment. I am not an ememy of the police nor am I anti-police. As a single female I need thier presence in society constantly....but I know what they are capable of and I know there are bad cops. Also, if someone wealthy enough wants something to go down, what can the decent cops do? Not a thing.
I am not afraid to say that the police in almost every city I have traveled to are involved in my gang stalking. There are a few exceptions, places where they seemed neutral or one city even helpful to me with no stalking by cops. I have no access to the info to explain this, I assume its a very involved mix of who is in office there, if I have sympathizers in that location, etc.
Info I would not have access to becuz I am out of any loop politically.
Also,I believe he makes no mention of other motives for people being targeted or projects/ involved. Nor does he reference similar activities for use as oppression throughout history such as Russia or Germany.
Then the other book came out and it seems to try to replace the book one can no longer get.
Now you have groups names etc...thats all fine and good but I thought the first book was making allusions to the idea that this is an as yet undefined and uninvestigated 'group' (thus his investigation-duh). If I want to go to the FBI website and look up the gangs and extremest groups that are documented and already taking part/posing as members taking part in my gangstalking depending what state I am in or region, that info is already available.
I mistrusted the pushing of the second book to replace the first one.
I thought perhaps he was being targeted heavily and this may be a way out for him, to place blame squarely on known groups.I am not sure. Perhaps he is trying to let Ti's come to thier own conclusions while removing himself from danger.
/Here is a blog entry from a targeted person with an exemplary website. This guy never stops, he's on every thread. He also seems to use his mind by combing thru details about information.
His website is uber helpful, to see there are other targets definetly. Here is a piece he wrote on the book that gives some good points and details that should be considered.
I use Terrorist Stalking for the validation but becuz keeping Targets compartmentalized thru stress and trauma ( tbmc) is so important to the disinfo ops, I just dont trust anything that is an end all-be-all for motive.I would read this years ago, want to beleive that this was the reality of it all, while a part of my mind knew it was for other reasons or that there were other factors involved.
Targets are tired, scared, desperate people. It is easy to promise them a safe place, some answers finally and perhaps to be able to get back home, back over the rainbow, where things are safe and familiar could be good again.
A part of you just uses this book to feel safe.
Its advisable to use this book for what you can use it for safely, dont just beleive anyone who directs you to a motive that excludes others.
Still its nice to actually read excerpts from a book that seems to be about what is happening to you.
One use might be for perps, and nay sayers who immediatley call you crazy or paranoid.
Yes, that is its use.
If I had known about this book I could have thrown it right in my (annoying family member)'s face along with the logic I used to trip the b*tch up anyway.
As always, I am excluding truly mentally ill people who arent gs and targeted.
There was this funny incident in the gs call one night where a TI claimed that a shrink called up and said all her patients were now claiming to be simply targeted not crazy, and could we all be more clear in our communication and responsible to somehow exclude them. She said perhaps we are of a population that is being targeted but that her patients thought they all were too now.
This is where investigation needs to be done as well. Case by case. How many are targeted and not crazy?
First off, the cruelty involved from family and strangers is exceptional. And TI's who do not seem to have disordered thinking, can illustrate corruption involved, show cause, be a reasonable person etc should be listened to and an investigation launched.
We all know that the attempted labeling is veiled intimidation and silencing.
And investigations would blow a hole in the psych community so dont expect that to happen anytime soon.
Remember, gangstalking is all about power and control.
If you have the capacity at this time this book might be useful to you merely as a weapon against the enemy that wishes to represent you as isolated (u r alone, the only victim) and crazy(imaging or fabricating it all). Good, there is a book out there or at least excerpts from a book that has a publisher ( I assume) that illustrates its existence at least.
Beware the perps might be pushy and perhaps ignore this reference or get more pissed off.
Good, keep it in your arsenal. Things can often be scavenged and used to your own advantage.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Another Interesting TI Blog
"In a similar way gang-stalking and related psychological attacks are designed to surround, isolate and eventually destroy its victim. Like the strangler fig’s growth, the gang-stalker’s routines may develop slowly over a period of months or years. The gang-stalker’s intent is to completely surround the victim, cutting him off from friends, family and other support systems. Eventually, the victims 24-hour daily routine is monitored and manipulated by gang-stalkers and other covert operatives. The psychological attack eventually overwhelms the emotions of the victim. He becomes mentally unbalanced. His emotional reserves are depleted, and, he is isolated from any support systems that can bolster him. Like a tree surrounded by the strangler fig, his demise is near. He will eventually react to these relentless psychological attacks in a way that results in incarceration, homelessness, suicide, or death.
This gang-stalking methodology falls under a system of psychological operations being developed and tested on American citizens by covert quasi-military law enforcement agencies. The basic process described above has been taught by the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) since the 1950’s. “The purpose of all coercive techniques is to induce psychological regression in the subject by bringing a superior outside force to bear on his will to resist. Regression is basically . . . a reversion to an earlier behavioral level. As the subject regresses, his learned personality traits fall away in reverse chronological order. He begins to lose the capacity to carry out the highest creative activities, to deal with complex situations, to cope with stressful interpersonal relationships, or to cope with repeated frustrations.” - CIA Human Resource Exploitation Manual "
For myself, I just ignore the references to WHO is responsible becuz as I have stated I am of the opinion that if we do not have proof on paper of our own victimization, then its useless to name and blame. But the author referencing the manual above, which shows the way the covert activities are made to systematically destroy a person was helpful to me....other things in this blog might be helpful to you too. Take what u can and leave the rest.
On another note,
Alot of the TI network consists of people who are disconnected becuz they have been burned by perps or even prehaps desperate Ti's ,and now only interact with other Ti's by taking in the info that is put out on the web.
Each TI who posts info is like someone bringing something new to the table...each TI seems to think of things I have not or process info differently than I. Other TI's find expose me to info I may not have found myself.
It may be more comfortable to figure out your situation this way as it lends to sitting back and really analyzing what the 'other' is saying or how useful the info is to your situation. Talking to other TI's personally, it might be dangerous or even uncomfortable.
Each piece of info u can gather from other TI's might be how you figure your own situation out.
For me personally, communicating with other TI's is jsut depressing..why is nothing really getting done? Why is there no true unification among victims for a movement? Why do TI's not support other members moreso? Why is there not a concerted effort to weed out and protect the real TI's from predators such as perps and operatives?
Alot of TI's are examples of sitting ducks.
It must be the mc tech or the whole gs formula serves to truly keep people down. Why has there not been a revolt? One that would reeaally cost society and make people wake up and either do somehting or be jsut a little afraid to take part? [It need not be violent as one would imagine a 'revolt ' to be- read a history book. American's are notoriously unsophisticated when it comes to creativity in this area. We are a violent country in a alot of ways and we are too 'young' to have anything but a blatantly violent history. American's are always blowing things up and crazy sh*t like that. Even in the '60s when, I belive, they avoided killing people but they just wanted to do property damage it was still violent. There are more sophisticated ways to fight. That pie in the face of Bill Gates was the Belgian splat seen 'round the world. It made a statement and it was just a damn pie. Get it?]
Its just all too suspect to me.
I am not ignorant about the existence of this system historically, its just that its wrong and destroys lives..why would I validate it with quiet acceptance of its existence?
(ps-I dont know why they splatted Mr. Gates and it doesnt matter here ...I am simply using it as an example of tactic.)
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Dangers of gs activism 2
the following occurences:
People will email you, people u do not know. Especially if like me, u were naive enough to enter this realm using your real name, especially on yer email.
If u r perceptive, then you'll see how manipulative these emails recieved can be.
People are either the 'bad guys' and trying to get rid of you right away,
draw u into infighting with other targets,
or confuse u.
Then u will recieve warning emails that may not be overt but suggestive of who is conning u into what.
The info can be delivered via very novel means sometimes.
Sit back, take it all in, document and copy these emails, keep them to yourself and watch what the f*ckers do before taking any major actions.
It is encouraging that there are people who care who will email u to warn u. It means u r not alone always, at the perps mercy.
Which I know day to day it seems that way.
BE careful however of very overt emails that warn and try to pit people against might abe an attempt at infighting--a waste of time diversion.
THough I am sure that loners or people with little power/money will be treated badly by ops becuz they are of little value except to serve to make the ops seem more legit by ops secretly abusing them and then,like every other perp, trying to make themselves look better when the Target complians legit about the ops behavior.
Perps and ops want TI's or others posing as TI's who have money or other such useful assets.
I have heard that legit TI's, being human, are subject to simply being snobs like all other humans and just not liking or wanting certain TI's around.
Yet, I have seen legit TI's rejected and picked on and the craziest whack jobs on a call with the most unbeleiveable story treated like kin....uh, RED FLAG anyone?
"Important " TI's get treated better not becuz they are genuinely more important but becuz they are more useful to the predators constantly scanning for prey in the forums.
All TI's that have legit stories and can show some cause that makes sense are important.
Please try to stay strong if you get burned by activism.
Its not yer fault that a bunch of SNEAKY F*CKS are not showing all thier cards.
another good TI blog
This person seems genuinely Targeted..they have thought things I have not. This blog was helpful to me.
I really appreciate how the author sticks it to them with articulate, comprehensive writing about
perps and thier actions.
I do not know this person personally nor have I written them at all. Just a refferal.
Use it if u can.
"Gang stalking is form of torture and terrorism. It is a hate crime whose objective is to hurt a targeted person using slander, harassment and intimidation. It can be initiated by an individual or group, i.e., government, corporation, ethnic or religious organizations, schools, unions or the underworld. The reasons one is targeted may range from vengeance, clash of political or religious views, jealousy, to sport and entertainment.
Professional gang stalking organizations exist that can be engaged to stalk and harass a targeted person. These organizations have a large network of people, (loosely referred to as gangs), they can call on to achieve this. This network extends into every level of society, from retired homemakers, maintenance workers, businesses, teachers, doctors and dentists, churches and synagogues, the unemployed, corporations, unions, government officials, do good groups, clubs and societies, watch groups, to coworkers, friends and family members of the target. They have affiliates they can contact in any city or community, nationally and internationally, and have them gang stalk a targeted individual (TI) who has relocated or is traveling.
The people who participate regularly in this form of terrorism are composed in part by those who may feel they are doing good by harassing a TI, believing when they are told that the person they are targeting poses some sort of threat to society. Others may take part because they enjoy hurting or controlling people. There are also members who were once targets themselves and have negotiated their freedom from being gang stalked by becoming gang stalkers themselves.
However many of the people used to harass and intimidate the target on a daily basis are just regular citizens who do not even know that they are becoming part of a large gang stalking network. They are told that the targeted person is crazy, committed some terrible deed, is under investigation or said something offensive personally about them. Not knowing that they are being lied to or that the target is being gang stalked all day every day, some people are easily persuaded to participate in harassing the target only once or in some subtle manner. Many are compensated by getting preferred jobs, special deals at certain businesses or cash and other perks. At times blackmail and intimidation are used on people or businesses who gang stalkers need but who will not cooperate.
Gang stalkers use slander, harassment and intimidation tactics to discredit, terrorize, isolate and even drive a targeted person crazy. They will start by going to great lengths to find out everything they can about the targeted person. They even go so far as contacting the target’s childhood friends, tapping into telephones and computers, and placing cameras and microphones in the TI’s home.
Then a hatred campaign is started against the TI using lies, incrimination and harassment. They will stalk the TI and slander them to their friends, family members, neighbors, stores they shop at, employers and anyone else the TI may have had dealings with. By the time a TI becomes aware that there is such a powerful sinister force targeting him, most people he may consider allies, as well as others he may want to go to for help in his community have also been recruited by the gang stalkers. Hence any attempt the TI may make to explain the real reason he is being targeted or the full extent of the gang stalking may not be believed. Some are gang stalked to camouflage other covert operations gang stalkers may be using on them.
Gang stalkers are very effective liars. They lie without a conscience and will tailor the lie to create fear and distrust in the person, community or business they are trying to influence. Rarely would any of the gang stalkers beneath the top level of the gang stalking organization ever know the real reason the targeted person is being gang stalked."
Warning-used cell phones-Alert
If changing locations/residences:
Cell phones.. old ones you've used. Get rid of them somewhere real discreet away from where u r going next or keep them indefinetly.
Or the perps in general can get more info about your movements or deduct what u know by who u were contacting.
I got this awful feeling and a couple of other..ahem, internal warnings , that that very phone I got rid of carelessley was now most likely in the hands of nosy people.
I am very frightened now as to what that info will lead to. what actions will the local perp groups take? Do they contact other perp groups? Wil they be threatened about just how much info
a Target might be gathering on them and thier system/network?
I was tortured so badly in the midwest...I cannot BELIEVE that this shit is not illegal everywhere, not just MA, MI and Maine. I want to leave that faaarr behind.
U have to remember, alot of these people hate you, they either think u are a criminal or they treat u like one, even if u dont deserve it and are very hard on the people who run the prison systems. These law and order types crush justice, fairness and the legal process by with a Nazi or Stasi camp mentality.
After I had to leave my uninhabitable apartment in 2006, I was going homeless and a cop in RI at the commuter rail station screamed at me " NO MORE ALIBIS"..he was really crazy. I cannot imagine what they tell these people. What is thier problem? That same night I got on a train and the conductor started making excuses for every law enforcement and train employee everywhwere by saying becuz of 911 everyone was " under alot of pressure".. of course this is to subvert the Target's needs and human rights and excuse the perps who hold official authority as well as minimize abuse.
Remember, the 911 era was and still is a feeding frenzy of violence, obsession, and victims. What better time to get rid of people that are harmless than to vilify them among truly scary types like (programmed) suicide bombers?
Notice how no one mentions they are programmed? Then you can bet that every covert, nasty effort will be employed to cover up the existence of 'mind control' /willpower control/brainwashing.
Anyway, please if you move try to keep info from both places helps.
Also, in AZ my roomate turned out to be perp. He claimed to talk to alot of Homeland Security guys at his airport job. He said to me " you can learn alot about a person from thier cell phone".
Beleive me, it was weaved in with alot of 'I know u and your situation' conversation.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Behavior Modification in relation to organized stalking
( The picture of the kid in the chair is hysterical when you think of him as a Targeted person by the Organized Stalking would you like to be an adult on a time out for the rest of your life?)
Behavior Modification under fire: No accountability.
Alot of these 'tough love' facilities are being investigated or shut down.
Here is one that seems to want to represent bh with accountability and responsibility:
(no I am not endorsing this particular program, nor am I criticizing it)
At least they tell you to go to counselling first and seek a few opinions about your child's mental state or if its beyond the kid's breaking point. It just seems more responsible as if there is more accountability.
I am sure that truly hardcore cases where the kid is endangering his life some motivational training is helpful.
Organized stalking Targets often experience behavior modification as part of thier experience.It resembles the former operations, not the latter.
Newstandardnews article above: "On the issue of human rights, the elder Kay remarked, 'Children have the right to expect that when they?re getting so far out of line, someone is going to rein them in a little bit.'"
Adults are not children..alot of targets are adults or have been targeted since birth or childhood for doing nothing wrong to begin with.
.."Between labor sessions in the woods, Kent described navigating a constrained social system in which girls were forced to "disclose" all secrets. Staff routinely rebutted confessions with accusations of lying or withholding information, ....The pressure to confess, Kent said, was compounded by the stress of obeying seemingly arbitrary rules.... "They used fear to change us," she said. "We were not changing for positive reasons." "
Sounds like confession thru torture and psychological warfare. More like Prison or Military POW camp.
".... program succeeds in inducing total, self-obliterating submission. 'The other 30 girls there, you know, were believing in the program,' she recalled. 'You eventually believed in it, too: that you were this rotten, filthy, horrible kid, and that (the behavior mod program) saved your life.' "
Notice how she talks about self obliterating gangstalking causes.
Also, the isolated locations...Targets are socially isolated for this very same reason. Eventaully if you are mostly around perps everyday, you'll believe thier version of reality. Only for Target's its 'go get labeled' or 'dying isnt so hard'.
Notice the similarity ..that eventaully the victim beleives that they were horrible people. That they deserve it.
"( A parent) is convinced that a residential program...transformed his son from an unruly teen into a responsible adult. He believes the program's key feature is 'a positive, conformist sort of element,' which becomes 'indoctrinated by the kids themselves.' Soon, he explained, 'they create an environment where the kids more monitor each other than anything else.'
But...(other party) says 'turning kids into narcs is not a good thing, in terms of how you want to help kids? establish some sense of their own social ethics.'
.... said that while a young person could eventually learn to adhere reflexively to rules in a confined environment, conformity itself is not a healthy goal. 'You might condition a rat or a monkey to do something if you punish them enough,' she commented. 'But it doesn't mean there's been some insight or great growth.' "
Thats the thing I dont get....I was having insight and a growth of self that was genuine when I was heavily targeted.
It seems the system, both for adults and children would rather have obedient citizens than truly good ones.
Also I looked up illegal behavior modification.All that came up on the search engine was the human rights list from a health care facility in Maine, USA.
Yet, it lists everything that Gang stalking targets have to go thru everyday in violation of our human rights.
"Policy on Human Rights
It is the policy of (faciltiy) to insure that persons with disabilities have the same rights as persons without disabilities.
The right to the least restrictive environment.
The right to be free from unreasonable discipline.
The right to know and understand the rules by which they must live.
The right to be free from illegal physical restraints.
The right to be free from inappropriate or illegal behavior modification or physical or emotional abuse.
The right to be involved and offer input into the planning of their programs, and in creation of the rules by which they live.
The right to be represented by persons within the organization which serves them.
The right to privacy of their records, and the right to view their records.
The right to receive fair wages for work.
The individual rights may not be abrogated except by due process."..
Wouldn't that be nice.