


Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Max damage w/ minimum evidence

OK...I know the term 'mind control' is annoying. Its overused, its a broad term. Yer sick of seeing it becuz alot of people are bitchin about it and then alot are saying it doesnt even exist. (which is in itself, a tactic right there.)

I'll make definitions but really you could look up these things for more detail.

survivors of trauma based mind control aka programming: people who were/are in cults or other sick controlling groups. Thier inner worlds as persons are controlled and formed from birth, especially the programming is done when they are infants becuz this is before they have any other points of reference for the 'real world'. Alot of these people do not realize they are programmed due to the trauma involved and they may be chosen supposedly due to intergenerational ability to disassociate. These survivors usually have MPD or alter egos. Very complex. For some specific purpose benefitting the group. Includes humans programmed as couriers, sex slaves, etc. Sadly, it includes those programmed to commit suicide by a certain age or more frighteningly for a specific purpose.

survivors of mind control which also uses trauma..let's use the term brainwashing: people in abusive adult relationships where one is the abuser and dominant, also children of. Includes domestic violence, pimping (when its NOT up to the worker to choose), trafficking, POW's, and cult members, etc.

survivors of what people are calling mind control technologies..there is no term that sticks here and to my annoyance much confusion. 'TI' is one term but it fits other people and situations as well. This appears to be a system of targeting humans to be victimized(for varied rationales) by non lethal weapons, remote influencing. Alot of these devices can be researched and their are sensible websites.
Just watch out for the crazies/disinfo people who are performing their task cointelpro-style to misdirect targets and any movement or collective of targets at large.

This tech is part of what seems to be a huge behavior modification system but I am sure its also used just to get rid of some people. Some Targets describe it as an electronic jail, others as harrassment, some as a death sentence.

Alot of "TI's" have other forms of victimization as part of the cocktail which is the System of Oppression.
This may include covert druggings.There are some very frightening results which seem to utilize drugs that can make a Target begin to experience the signs of true mental illness like actually hearing vioces that resemble word salad in ones mind.(true schizophrenia-if u r still articulate,logical despite what they are doing to you tell anyone who says your crazy to go f*ck themselves..mind control experts assert that a truly disordered mind will exhibit itself in the very bizarre use of language..remember whoever is doing this is trying to make you crazy, u r not crazy already.) Also, behavior modification (conforming, obeying, not interfering) the ability of these drugs to actually make a target hear commands is amazing. Usually put into medicines the target is taking for other health issues..be leary of capsules.
All it takes to verify this is stop taking the medicines at intervals and see how react. If u only have these unusual reactions when taking medicines which are never supposed to illicit these reactions as side effects(look them up) then yer bein' screwed with.
Flush the corrupted medicine down the toilet, out into population-to spread the misery. Especially when you as Target, recall how the pharmacy staff specifically cannot look u in the eye as they place the medicine on the counter for your purchase..more sheepish behavior from prob good people forced into sick acts of covert war. They, as persons in the medical field who most likely like helping people may be actually trying to warn you with such aversions of eye contact. In covert war, its so damn nasty, that no one can seem to say no to the order to perp someone.Either that or the pr smear campaign the perps have done on u is so good that people actually convince themselves u deserve this outcome somehow.

Some people are gassed, again its usually covert and a few hours a night..over time this destroys the TI's health. I have heard some TI's experience persons overtly spraying them with substances in public another form of drugging/poisoning. (jerks in the 60's used to dose people w/ LSD[ergot] in different ways like this spraying and putting in food or dirinks so with this example it doesnt sound crazy anymore, becuz alot of people admit remembering this behavior).

Finally there is the Gang stalking or organized stalking. It includes so many tactics but its basically psychological harassment by other humans.

Most comrehensive description yet I've seen of gangstalking activity.

What I have experienced as the long term effect of their collective actions is attempted mind control/behavior modification of me as Target via what is largely coersive persuation. www.factnet.org/rancho1.htm ( I am utilizing this website as it is a great rundown on coercive persuasion, it mentions Scientology alot but that is not my concern here...it is useful to see a possible example of an actual entity using these tactics however.)

Another cause of alot of people's targeting might be due to this websites mention of some nuts and bolts layouts of the NWO-type idea.
www.crossroad.to/text/articles/mc9-24-98.html (its Christian but refer it to anyone who doesnt fit into thier future plans)

What pisses me off about this is that they want to bait everyone with this ideal of a wonderful disny-esque politically correct world..which would be nice if it weren't for the fact that as far as I can tell their is still going to be a huge crime syndicate and all the same old problems still existing..which would require mc slaves, programmed people, torture, human rights violations etc.
so, heres the loop...
u r going to target someone who's a survivor of mc programming

utilizing a nasty pr campaign w/ the assistance of alot of criminals in trouble -everything fabricated, half understood and taken out of context

by making it appear as if they need to be behavior modified

becuz they do not fit in to the model of world wide mental health standards.

which means not only are you revictimizing and blaming the victim..u r covering up crime..which means crime will still exist in your coming new world. its the same old story and its going to work i bet. especially if logic and the ability to question and use facts is taken away.
thsi amounts to more mind control and pressure to fit into a system that may not be what it seems.
in order for a target of this kind to truly need behavior modification, which is unethical anyway, one would have to be admitting to all the facts. are u considering parasitic or infectious disease in your new world as explaining peoples mental health? what about enviromental illnesses, allergies? Certainly u r not considering the ever concealed world of persons who are programmed and have very complex issues to go thru before they can become socialized or even happy.
2+2=4 NOT 2+2=5. Unless the people allow themselves to belive it is true..then all is lost.

Perhaps the idea of fighting for freedom or truth is a passe one..maybe my ideals will become unthinkable, unrealistic ideas in future.

When u r a target, what is most damaging is no one listening or hearing u...which is important for all abusers to have over thier victims. Its the minimization of the abuse by covert ops/gangstalkers(perps) who know what they are doing to u and an ignorant public who thinks they know. You will meet people thru your targeting who seem to have an idea of what is happening to u and are even likable..whats damaging is they usually end up pulling the viscous tactic of blaming u, the Target, of not performing well enough under these conditions. Again its 'blame the target'. Abusers always blame you for not doing enough or that u deserve this somehow. You can tell though that they are perps sent to make u nuts. They are miserable people, they are bratty or arrogant and they usually have to treat u like u r stupid all the time and they can be caught looking at you with pure unadulterated hatred when they think u dont see. These perps main function is to get close to you to , yes, humiliate u and possibly handle u if u give in, but they serve to continue the negative pr campaign...possibly saying u appeared crazy or u r a 'bad' person. I can certainly do without being told I am not performing well enough under duress thats for sure..of course after u r hurt by this u will get a satisfied look at some point. Lately perps have managed to get close to me in situations and whats another interesting tactic is after they do stuff to torture u in close quarters, if u look them in the face and they are without backup they will give you a genuine smile to divert your rage or anger towards them.. this is truly sick behavior. Its the biggest I've seen for aversion tactics. Mostly females do this ...a non perp smile(unlike the description of the classic 'perp-smile' which is quite insane and sociopathic..in human facial expression language it seems to indicate a sense of sick satisfaction or revenge type victory over an opponent. I have made this face myself in past when getting back at someone in some small petty way, but perps wear it like they just won a prize or something.. a shit prize..a 'sh*t eating grin' i guess? ...their diet sounds about right to me.)

Its a passive sort of behavior so females especially younger ones might be privy to this..
I recently expereinced a new tactic for multiple contact perps who are male who do not want to be looked at directly by Target after perping u in some small way..they change their expression immediatley to a hurt little boy( all the hurt inside they can muster) look-knowing I as female and fellow human being I will probably not 'attack'....both facial expressions are used by perps u come into contact with frequently in your enviroment whom cannot be overtly aggressive in the mean things they do to you but wish to avoid obvious responsibility for thier actions..both are diversion tactics and are highly insulting becuz they intimate Target is stupid and unaware.
More valuable to them is they are harmless expressions unto themselves and can be used to insinuate u are crazy as Target..if not connected to the rest of the sequence of thier actions.

see how one of thier main goals is to burn out your logic and analytical centers on frequent daily occurences? this reduces the effectivness of your overall ability over time to remain logical thus you begin to fall into mind control by the group-the gangstalkers. also, if indications or expressions of human emotion such as freindliness or compassion(smiles, hurts) are employed then Stockholme syndrome will hopefully follow-they're hopin'. This is also a strong indicator that they themselves either come from cult mc enviroments or abusive enviros becuz classic "what's good is bad and what's bad is good" is employed. Its amazing to me that they feel what happening to me is a good thing or that their is nothing wrong with being a part of torturing a human being with constant psychological torture. I only hope most times that they are either very immersed in mind control cults where they just cannot exert thier own will to save thier lives or they have been fed such a bunch of crafted bs that they really believe I deserve this.
How else could u be privy to driving someone crazy or to suicide? Maybe like all mind control families I've dealt w/ they live heavily in denial.
There is a sadness to them..some like to drink heavily at night, and often. If you look in a moment, very quickly, you can see all the pain they are in...drunk night after night. They may never make it out. This will be thier careers, thier lives.
I wonder what it feels like to take peoples lives as a matter of course. Over and over agian, target after target-person after person. Some groups have said of me "she's just a target" if a member feels bad. Thats easy when you are heavily controlled in a travelling group of perps...being a 16 year old helps as well. I can see the truly psychopathic and sadistic ones will make it, this is the job just for them-they enjoy it...but alot of perps are painfully human. Is it going to be as easy when your older? It seems, like most mc victims, they have whopping cases of arrested development.

The white sexist males are my least favorite..they are my most frequent perps and they really actually believe in the satisfaction they are getting..finally, something to bring back the good old days-before women could speak I assume. Now, they have this wonderful system to stroke thier ego's and make them feel secure in thier manhood, especially important for men in our w/ our John Wayne obssesed culture. All at once the ever present threat of the return to a matriarchal society is squelched..if only for a moment. All that fear and hatred of woman. Woman.
A woman wiht intel, talent and will. Threat, threat, threat.

This society will eat itself alive before it will ever move the parameters outward a bit and acknowledge their is an actual creature as a talented, beautiful, intelligent female who is as expressive of the primitive as she is fond of the sophisticated. Traditionally this is called an artistic temperment..over in Europe its existence in women isnt so rare. Over here its probably listed as some sort of disorder, "darling, you need a pill" and by the way in the interest of the new world mental health standards-yer outlawed.

Imagination is outlawed..it will be destroyed within the human animal or it will be used against said animal for the purposes of enslavement. "we" own imagination in this society...and dont mess with "us"-or we' ll have you gangstalked. Perps= a bunch of people who excersise the ultimate abuse of the gift of imagination. Blocked artists-little Hitlers.

Miserable drunks, losers who need to feel the surge of a kill..false hunters. Perfect perverts hard at work at the ultmate art of voyerism...
All cowards. Everyday for miles all I encounter are cowards. Time after time after time.

And becuz I hate them they feel its only right they hate me and ultimately they get to win everytime becuz they are in a huge network. so my life , that should have been a wonderful one, spent on the arts and helping people..and the joy of finally knowing myself, is now replaced with more servitude as a mind control victim/slave to the constant demands of a bunch of nasty needy strangers to feel good about themselves-remember I stated earlier .." if the worker has a choice".. and besides they get paid or out of jail free card for providing not pleasure, not release but pain and suffering to someone. And somehow, someone told them they were righteous in what they were doing..poor little mind control victims. Never seeing the truth, never knowing truth must be a shitty way to live. I am not going to die that way.

I am sure these idiots are not even told why someone is targeted. Its all male egos , female jealousy , youthful ignorance and human ape-like aggression. No other reason is possible, though there are plenty of rationales. Thats why its soooo important to constantly keep me in the dark about what really went on back home, and why exactly this is happening. Its especially important to ....

wait..its 1143 pm. so close to 12 midnight, when the tech part of the targeting seems to stop..relief is given. From 12 to 6 am I can think and muse and be Myself again. (sound crazy? u better get to doin some research on all this)

Does ANYBODY see how wrong all of this is? Or are you all targeted too, into mindlessly going along with all this horror.
Its almost twelve...why dont you ask yourself that very question.

1 comment:

  1. have tried to write u before you are a genius and they change shifts thats why u have relief at 12 . they have children. i would bet on it i have heard kids around me and seen the smiles u talk about. i have moved to asia and am stalked listen u have said so much i need to hear. pictures speak louder sometimes post them www.flckr.com i have written u before.
