Recently I posted I am concerned about certain issues that seem pressing as opposed to the ongoing research into deeper subjects as conspiracy theory.
There's some information that must be shared immediately even though it's second or third party, thus hearsay.
I suppose this should be listed under abuse of power or brutality by authorities, even torture used domestically on citizens but it may be more compelling than that due to recent rise in violence that seems to have no clear motives other than experts suggesting a vague theory of 'mental illness'.
The information written is aquired from people who have experienced abuses of power that wish to remain anonymous. I'm not a journalist but akin to one I won't reveal my sources.
This is hopefully going to do more good without the controversy and drama surrounding credibility and assist potential victims especially if it prevents them from victimizing others.
It seems that authorities in the US have the capacity in certain states to utilize military grade technology (those used in psy ops in foriegn conflict) to torture prisoners or those being detained in their buildings.
One person giving an account of such abuses claimed this occurred in a Republican state in the Northeast, in New England. They have claimed that while being held in a district court house as the person was in the process of having paperwork done to be released, they were 'hit' by an inexplicable very strong urge to commit an act of physical violence on the only fellow inmate with them in the cell, who happened to be elderly woman.
This of course would have served the purpose of keeping this person incarcerated indefinitely as well as other consequences as well as have their mental state permanently labeled.
Since this person has had much experience researching theories in our community and understands that theoretically this could be induced by outside forces such as classified weapons systems or technologies, all of their Will and mental powers were utilized to remain in control and avoid a disasterous outcome.
Potentially this person avoided an unfair, unjust and horrible fate due to the knowledge the TI community has provided over many decades.
Activism works and awareness is necessary. It saves lives and can avoid violence. Besides that if these theories are correct due process according to the US Constitution is being interferred with.
This person had no history of violence nor were such urges or episodes the norm in thier lives they have claimed. The state they were in allegedly committing this war crime was not a place they frequented. However it does have multiple military complex contractors, some internationally powerful with a clear history of corruption.
This person's story suggests that people being isolated within the justice system who are under control of very questionable authorities who deal with prisoners are potentially put under extreme pressure then may be able to be manipulated to commit violent acts.
In theory any of these recent acts of extreme violence specifically in public spaces could feasibly be caused by such means.
Which seems to lead to the solution being to step up our activism for AWARENESS even though our community is being suppressed more than ever through various conditions like 'fake news' censorship, a quiet campaign against alternative ways of living and tending to affairs or never ending attempts to portray our community as mentally ill and potentially dangerous.
In fact this community is trying to gain awareness of theoretical dangers not cause them.
A second account I've received is from a person who was being held in a cell in a small town police dept in another New England state.
state. This time the victim was held for a very short time and released, a matter of hours. While in custody, waiting for a bailiff, simply laying down the person felt as if something was literally 'frying' them to a near dangerous level. Some sort of technology that seemed to definitely have the capacity to kill if used any longer and/or with any more force.
They have told me they literally felt like they were going to die if this kept up.
There are other stories but these clearly demonstrate that authorities, specifically where private military contractors are high in numbers and essential to the state's economy, abuse of power resulting in a casual committing of war crimes are potentially being committed.
The the frequency of these types of incidents occurring all over the US needs to be looked at.
Anyone at risk for such abuse and exploitation hopefully will find information from activists' efforts online and become strong enough to avoid an unnecessary and unjust fate.
Not only does this deny true due process it interferes with the workings of the justice system-even the facilities themselves which are crimes also.
Our work is important. People need to look at our research and theories.
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Commission To Deal With Threats Of Electromagnetic Weapons Attacks Dismantled
It's interesting how the Repubs who are usually villified as oppressive devils are the ones taking new age weapons seriously and the PC of Liberal elites is one of the sighted 'reasons' to get this commission shut down.
Just like the ambassador who blocked the FBI from piecing together what would become 9-11 that could have prevented it-and ironically got the main agent killed in the Twin Towers.
Utilizing the excuse of not wanting to offend a country's government.
And as for the bs physicist's advice concerning being more worried about the sun than abuse of power that is ultimate power, the sun has been around before Mankind. I'm a bit more disturbed by what humans have created for the 21st century.
It's interesting how the Repubs who are usually villified as oppressive devils are the ones taking new age weapons seriously and the PC of Liberal elites is one of the sighted 'reasons' to get this commission shut down.
Just like the ambassador who blocked the FBI from piecing together what would become 9-11 that could have prevented it-and ironically got the main agent killed in the Twin Towers.
Utilizing the excuse of not wanting to offend a country's government.
And as for the bs physicist's advice concerning being more worried about the sun than abuse of power that is ultimate power, the sun has been around before Mankind. I'm a bit more disturbed by what humans have created for the 21st century.
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
New Series Of Posts Addressing Urgent Recent Issues
This new post(s) is for anyone who is interested in the subject matter of this blog-as well as any type of conspiracy or alternative theory. It's a warning and an alert to anyone who is concerned also about the current climate of violence and technology seeming to grow far too fast in the west.
I hope to help anyone in need or distress but also to provide answers to those who may be so very unhappy due to not having understanding of the changes in our world today.
This may become a regular feature of my work as it seems my old casual approach to trying to see more deeply seems left behind in this current environment of such turmoil. There's a sense of immediacy now, of necessity.
None of this information is meant to alarm the public. My work has always been for those who's minds can expand comfortably enough to accept alternative theories or the most unpleasant possible realities.
For those suffering from hurt and confusing from the changes this is for you.
And for those in danger of being sacrificial lambs to spur on transition through manufactured chaos-heed these warnings.
The most worrisome subjects that have come about lately are as follows:
-lone shootings, terror attacks, random violence.
-radiation leaks from multiple nuclear plants
-LED lights (blue light) replacing traditional 'soft' lights in major cities around the United States
-opioid epidemic resulting in psychiatry successfully claiming that drug use is a disorder.
-The news of AI from Google in China
I hope to help anyone in need or distress but also to provide answers to those who may be so very unhappy due to not having understanding of the changes in our world today.
This may become a regular feature of my work as it seems my old casual approach to trying to see more deeply seems left behind in this current environment of such turmoil. There's a sense of immediacy now, of necessity.
None of this information is meant to alarm the public. My work has always been for those who's minds can expand comfortably enough to accept alternative theories or the most unpleasant possible realities.
For those suffering from hurt and confusing from the changes this is for you.
And for those in danger of being sacrificial lambs to spur on transition through manufactured chaos-heed these warnings.
The most worrisome subjects that have come about lately are as follows:
-lone shootings, terror attacks, random violence.
-radiation leaks from multiple nuclear plants
-LED lights (blue light) replacing traditional 'soft' lights in major cities around the United States
-opioid epidemic resulting in psychiatry successfully claiming that drug use is a disorder.
-The news of AI from Google in China
Friday, December 15, 2017
Black Homeless Female Harassed By Mob For Protecting Trump's Star On Hollywood Blvd and Utilizing Freedom Of Speech
Ok so this wasn't the most diplomatic approach and maybe any of us dont agree with what her signs said. However the hard lesson about laws is that what seems morally correct, decent or sensible may not have any bearing on what's legal or what isn't.
Consumerism and self righteous morality isn't what defines being American. Culturally perhaps but the Constitution is what protects our rights as citizens.
Like from angry mobs trying to meter out justice lol.
This is just one example of why sensible Travelers avoid most of L.A. proper. Though Skid Row (or Venice nowadays) may just be preferable to a bunch of self righteous housies many of which define the American dream as being able to purchase a big screen TV.
PC never works in the Homeless community as it's mainly about survival and there's no need to 'keep it real' because don't worry-it will always stay 'real' out here. Unfortunately.
Maybe that's why this lady admires keeping it real.
And sees through Obama's Messianic appeal.
Must be nice to be so right about everything that no one else matters no matter how much more oppressed they are than you.
This is a perfect example of how BLM has had an ongoing shadow component of a rise in anti homelessness and homeless hate crimes.
Hell I like Mexican culture. I sympathize with the AztecAmerica idea where they want their land back. At the core America is stolen land and the most screwed over people have been Native indigenous peoples which is why I have little patience with cultures who live in this wealthy protected country and disregard history books and international news conducting themselves as if they were the only people ever enslaved or genocided etc.
In the US poverty may suck but it's not deadly. Foreigners have reminded me that "at least this place is safe. In other countries, your dead".
And I was reminded of that by someone who at one time didnt enjoy such benefits.
If people are so hell bent on a reality where there's no 'hate' then start by no longer supporting the military industrial complex and the endless war for profit machine.
Then stop participating in destroying the natural environment humans need to eat, drink and breath. Especially the throw away mentality with gadgets and technology.
Outlaw anything and everything nuclear as part of the survival of humanity. Nuclear anything seems like absolute anti human and 'hateful'.
Do something about the 'hate' perpetuated systematically in other countries. Stop patronizing and supporting business that exploits foriegn people and lands.
Stop being tolerant of 'cultural norms' like FGM or even MGM. Stop assisting or feeding countries who engage in this 'hateful' practice.
PC enforced by militant Libtards has become more about racial preferencial treatment, racial supremicy and basically terrorizing the public into obeying and behaving than it has been ever about fixing things that are wrong in the world. It has seemed actually diversionary-to keep people from paying attention to or discovering world issues that are concern to ALL of humanity not just certain demographics.
Angry mobs metering out justice have historically been why we need laws creating to keep order. 'Social justice' being at best conceptual and abstract shouldn't be a replacement for justice defined by laws. And much of the new aggressive PC movement is meant to make us forget that there even is a US Constitution. I just recently discovered there's a Constitution for the state I live in, given it's a place that has some of the best law schools in the country but culturally raises it's poor to both not know our rights and percieve we don't really have any.
Kind of like PC. Perception becomes reality. Lawlessness rules because might makes right. And constitutions become mere pieces of paper-as worthless as that women's signs in her cart.
Ok so this wasn't the most diplomatic approach and maybe any of us dont agree with what her signs said. However the hard lesson about laws is that what seems morally correct, decent or sensible may not have any bearing on what's legal or what isn't.
Consumerism and self righteous morality isn't what defines being American. Culturally perhaps but the Constitution is what protects our rights as citizens.
Like from angry mobs trying to meter out justice lol.
This is just one example of why sensible Travelers avoid most of L.A. proper. Though Skid Row (or Venice nowadays) may just be preferable to a bunch of self righteous housies many of which define the American dream as being able to purchase a big screen TV.
PC never works in the Homeless community as it's mainly about survival and there's no need to 'keep it real' because don't worry-it will always stay 'real' out here. Unfortunately.
Maybe that's why this lady admires keeping it real.
And sees through Obama's Messianic appeal.
Must be nice to be so right about everything that no one else matters no matter how much more oppressed they are than you.
This is a perfect example of how BLM has had an ongoing shadow component of a rise in anti homelessness and homeless hate crimes.
Hell I like Mexican culture. I sympathize with the AztecAmerica idea where they want their land back. At the core America is stolen land and the most screwed over people have been Native indigenous peoples which is why I have little patience with cultures who live in this wealthy protected country and disregard history books and international news conducting themselves as if they were the only people ever enslaved or genocided etc.
In the US poverty may suck but it's not deadly. Foreigners have reminded me that "at least this place is safe. In other countries, your dead".
And I was reminded of that by someone who at one time didnt enjoy such benefits.
If people are so hell bent on a reality where there's no 'hate' then start by no longer supporting the military industrial complex and the endless war for profit machine.
Then stop participating in destroying the natural environment humans need to eat, drink and breath. Especially the throw away mentality with gadgets and technology.
Outlaw anything and everything nuclear as part of the survival of humanity. Nuclear anything seems like absolute anti human and 'hateful'.
Do something about the 'hate' perpetuated systematically in other countries. Stop patronizing and supporting business that exploits foriegn people and lands.
Stop being tolerant of 'cultural norms' like FGM or even MGM. Stop assisting or feeding countries who engage in this 'hateful' practice.
PC enforced by militant Libtards has become more about racial preferencial treatment, racial supremicy and basically terrorizing the public into obeying and behaving than it has been ever about fixing things that are wrong in the world. It has seemed actually diversionary-to keep people from paying attention to or discovering world issues that are concern to ALL of humanity not just certain demographics.
Angry mobs metering out justice have historically been why we need laws creating to keep order. 'Social justice' being at best conceptual and abstract shouldn't be a replacement for justice defined by laws. And much of the new aggressive PC movement is meant to make us forget that there even is a US Constitution. I just recently discovered there's a Constitution for the state I live in, given it's a place that has some of the best law schools in the country but culturally raises it's poor to both not know our rights and percieve we don't really have any.
Kind of like PC. Perception becomes reality. Lawlessness rules because might makes right. And constitutions become mere pieces of paper-as worthless as that women's signs in her cart.
Saturday, December 9, 2017
Anyone Know If Anything Significant Changed As Of Massachusetts' Election Day 11-7-17?
Does anyone know if any new laws or legislation was passed as of this past Nov 7th or anyone was newly elected, left office etc? This would only be for the state of Massachusetts.
From what little research I understood how to do it appears that one Senate seat changed or was filled. I read in paper that Senate president Rosenberg left due to his husband sexually harassing someone and there's an older woman taking over.
Howie Carr did his typical predictable hack job on them both, mostly for being old which is calling the kettle black.
Maybe I should use my stinging venom off my pen to pander someone's political agenda instead of try to tell the truth and portray how frustrated many people are with the state of things these days.
Nah. My work is much more rewarding.
Anyway the reason I inquire is due to circumstances seeming to change for the worst here and this has been strictly since election day in MA.
Anyone out there have any info let me know.
From what little research I understood how to do it appears that one Senate seat changed or was filled. I read in paper that Senate president Rosenberg left due to his husband sexually harassing someone and there's an older woman taking over.
Howie Carr did his typical predictable hack job on them both, mostly for being old which is calling the kettle black.
Maybe I should use my stinging venom off my pen to pander someone's political agenda instead of try to tell the truth and portray how frustrated many people are with the state of things these days.
Nah. My work is much more rewarding.
Anyway the reason I inquire is due to circumstances seeming to change for the worst here and this has been strictly since election day in MA.
Anyone out there have any info let me know.
Friday, December 8, 2017
MBTA’s New Bus Surveillance Is So Advanced, You Could Watch it From China
“Is it the ultimate in ‘Big Brother?’ Ya,” said Clarke in the video. “I say to myself in 30 years I’ll probably regret everything we’ve done for video, but it’s making a difference.”
“We have no problem publicly shaming people,” said Clarke at the conference... “We show clips on TV. The media loves this stuff.”
So much for any type of theorizing or even investigating into potential or possible abuse of power.
“Is it the ultimate in ‘Big Brother?’ Ya,” said Clarke in the video. “I say to myself in 30 years I’ll probably regret everything we’ve done for video, but it’s making a difference.”
“We have no problem publicly shaming people,” said Clarke at the conference... “We show clips on TV. The media loves this stuff.”
So much for any type of theorizing or even investigating into potential or possible abuse of power.
Saturday, December 2, 2017
Friday, December 1, 2017
Harvard Shrink Uses Junk Science Of Psychiatry To Further Destroy What's Left Of Civilization's Humanity
"Alcoholics Anonymous was proclaimed the correct treatment for alcoholism 75 yeas ago, despite the absence of any scientific evidence, and we have been on the wrong path ever since," writes Dr. Dodes. "Today, almost every treatment center, physician and court system in the country uses this model, yet it has one of the worst success rates in all of medicine, hardly better than no treatment at all."
Translated this basically says 'I am a Big Pharma whore who wants to continue to profit from the psuedo-science called Psychiatry, a junk science that currently is legitimized by almost every treatment center, physician and court system in the country yet it has one of the worst success rates in all of medicine, hardly better than no treatment at all.'
It seems increasingly being HUMAN is a crime.
It's penalized and offenders villified. Transhumanists must love this era where people need to be 'fixed' by outside substances, always man made. Just a short jump from a future where technology will replace substances to fix humans, to make us function and conform to social norms.
And if anyone would know about taking the wrong direction lately-its Harvard lol.
I will make this brief:
Medicine has increasingly become about corporate bottom line not the craft of being a physician and often thrown out the window is the attage 'First Do No Harm'.
There are good docs and nurses even the rare gem of a secretary and I will even admit I've met one decent psychiatrist but he relied on meds to temporarily treat symptoms while the patient worked on brain re entrainment better known as BEHAVIORAL PSYCHOLOGY. He works more from the TRAUMA MODEL of where difficulty is coming from not the DISORDER MODEL.
All Psychiatry is just theory that's why there are different models. In reality there is no way in hell a human can qualify to correctly analyze another human brain. There will always be bias or unfair judgement. If you claim to be able to do so you are saying you are akin to God or a god and it always seems like that's psychiatry's smug little secret.
People are ignorant about the BUSINESS of psychiatry and even the simple difference in the models I mentioned.
Our world-the man made world and our natural environment influenced by humans-is self destructive, violent, unfair, disconnected, uncaring and biased. We are nothing more than Simian type animals with some mysterious creator god like abilities (aka the 'god spark') that we are GUIDED into abusing throughput our lifetimes so that we usually remain closer to animals than what humans COULD be.
Examples if you need them are environmental pollution of our own resources we need to keep our bodies alive, near constant war etc. Creating atomic and nuclear capacity-actually manifesting these things into our world's physical reality shows we are not capable of being responsible creator gods but merely selfish animals. The most dangerous on Earth.
Plastics that aren't natural and dont degrade is another small example. If it does not work with the environment as it's set up why invent it?
We are short sighted, selfish and animalistic. Yet we have always had spirituality.
Many people who take drugs are doing what ancient primitives did-looking for 'god'. Other realms. A way out of the concrete prisons that are cities and how fucked up, unnatural and exploitative the system is.
Self medicating is also another human behavior.
I've been clean and sober since 1995. The main 12 Step programs and the supportive people in them simply gave me a way to retrain my brain. To reprogram myseld. It was just like behavioral therapy.
And love, patience, acceptance and caring even at arms length was an intregal part of making it work. (Addicts usually do these things at arms length lol).
I will keep the anonymity of the programs as this is a level of the press or media I suppose but the two traditional, main ones WORKED for me.
It doesn't work for EVERYONE but that may also depend on other factors like the culture of the area and the quality of recovery in the area you are in. MA especially Boston takes great pride in kicking addiction's ass and running a tight ship just as you'd expect from the home of the Revolution, Minutemen, overzealous sports fans and a very Naval influenced culture.
If you go to other areas the meetings may suck and people don't care.
Some myths being used to dissuade people from traditional 12 Step groups need to be clarified:
These meetings are NOT Christian based or religious or they should not be anyway. I know that some regions make them that way like down south but in the north east and other areas you simply identify a 'higher power'. It could be a god of your choice or Satan or an unidentified Whatever or more commonly here-the 12 Step group of people itself.
G.O.D.= Group Of Drunks. That could be your guide until you figure it all out.
We don't truly believe addiction is a disease.
Alot of the 12 Step group in the beginning or early recovery is simply identifying things so you can deal with them effectively. 'The Disease' is not literal and yes, these groups use loaded language but it works.
If you have ever been to an ER you've heard emergency language. "Stat" or "Code Blue". Nobody has time to fuck around and they also need a common simple language all employees can understand quickly.
These 12 Step groups are akin to intensive care units. People may make one choice when they walk out the door of the meeting and die that night.
Those banners that say simple things like 'Just Don't Pick Up' make you say 'well no duh' when you feel ok but it's amazing how repetition becomes life saving when an addict gets the urge to use and 'Just Don't Pick Up' becomes a life saving mantra. And calling a sponsor of course.
If people choose to use their psychiatrist as their higher power and use drugs as an easy fix instead of working on fixing the real problems inside and how addicts relate to the world outside then that's their choice but the public should be INFORMED OF THE CHOICES AVAILABLE.
Having a shrink assess 12 Step programs is ridiculous. These programs take into consideration what it means to be human and human spirituality. They also admit that the world we live in is fucked up, nonsensical and leaves much to be desired thus the Step about accepting Life On Life's Terms.
As with everything nowadays psychiatry is attempting to establish that there is something wrong with PEOPLE not with the archaic system we live in.
There are so many factors being ignored in relation to addiction and other problems even diet, electromagnetic pollution, genetics etc that it's absurd to accept psychiatry's verdict. On anything for that matter.
Unless you are totally out of your mind and speaking in 'word salad' or washing your hands/checking to see if the oven is on to the point where you don't have a damn life YOU DONT NEED A FUCKIN PSYCHIATRIST or meds.
Broad spectrum disorder? How about 'nuclear waste pollutant' disorder or 'sociopathic politician' disorder or 'greedy CEO' disorder? Go start assessing the mental health and 'personality disorders' of those in power then say that Psychiatry is fair and just and sensible.
Also why do Psychiatry and religion co exist in our culture???
BTW with all the anti terrorism tech and capabilities in place why can't anyone find out where the drugs are coming in from? And why are dealers being tolerated that sell dirty drugs laced with phentenol or whatever it is that kills people off and makes it so addicting?
Oh and lastly, if the two 12 Step programs are ANONYMOUS then how in the hell would you be able to determine 'success rates'? Very unscientific.
Just like psychiatry.
"Alcoholics Anonymous was proclaimed the correct treatment for alcoholism 75 yeas ago, despite the absence of any scientific evidence, and we have been on the wrong path ever since," writes Dr. Dodes. "Today, almost every treatment center, physician and court system in the country uses this model, yet it has one of the worst success rates in all of medicine, hardly better than no treatment at all."
Translated this basically says 'I am a Big Pharma whore who wants to continue to profit from the psuedo-science called Psychiatry, a junk science that currently is legitimized by almost every treatment center, physician and court system in the country yet it has one of the worst success rates in all of medicine, hardly better than no treatment at all.'
It seems increasingly being HUMAN is a crime.
It's penalized and offenders villified. Transhumanists must love this era where people need to be 'fixed' by outside substances, always man made. Just a short jump from a future where technology will replace substances to fix humans, to make us function and conform to social norms.
And if anyone would know about taking the wrong direction lately-its Harvard lol.
I will make this brief:
Medicine has increasingly become about corporate bottom line not the craft of being a physician and often thrown out the window is the attage 'First Do No Harm'.
There are good docs and nurses even the rare gem of a secretary and I will even admit I've met one decent psychiatrist but he relied on meds to temporarily treat symptoms while the patient worked on brain re entrainment better known as BEHAVIORAL PSYCHOLOGY. He works more from the TRAUMA MODEL of where difficulty is coming from not the DISORDER MODEL.
All Psychiatry is just theory that's why there are different models. In reality there is no way in hell a human can qualify to correctly analyze another human brain. There will always be bias or unfair judgement. If you claim to be able to do so you are saying you are akin to God or a god and it always seems like that's psychiatry's smug little secret.
People are ignorant about the BUSINESS of psychiatry and even the simple difference in the models I mentioned.
Our world-the man made world and our natural environment influenced by humans-is self destructive, violent, unfair, disconnected, uncaring and biased. We are nothing more than Simian type animals with some mysterious creator god like abilities (aka the 'god spark') that we are GUIDED into abusing throughput our lifetimes so that we usually remain closer to animals than what humans COULD be.
Examples if you need them are environmental pollution of our own resources we need to keep our bodies alive, near constant war etc. Creating atomic and nuclear capacity-actually manifesting these things into our world's physical reality shows we are not capable of being responsible creator gods but merely selfish animals. The most dangerous on Earth.
Plastics that aren't natural and dont degrade is another small example. If it does not work with the environment as it's set up why invent it?
We are short sighted, selfish and animalistic. Yet we have always had spirituality.
Many people who take drugs are doing what ancient primitives did-looking for 'god'. Other realms. A way out of the concrete prisons that are cities and how fucked up, unnatural and exploitative the system is.
Self medicating is also another human behavior.
I've been clean and sober since 1995. The main 12 Step programs and the supportive people in them simply gave me a way to retrain my brain. To reprogram myseld. It was just like behavioral therapy.
And love, patience, acceptance and caring even at arms length was an intregal part of making it work. (Addicts usually do these things at arms length lol).
I will keep the anonymity of the programs as this is a level of the press or media I suppose but the two traditional, main ones WORKED for me.
It doesn't work for EVERYONE but that may also depend on other factors like the culture of the area and the quality of recovery in the area you are in. MA especially Boston takes great pride in kicking addiction's ass and running a tight ship just as you'd expect from the home of the Revolution, Minutemen, overzealous sports fans and a very Naval influenced culture.
If you go to other areas the meetings may suck and people don't care.
Some myths being used to dissuade people from traditional 12 Step groups need to be clarified:
These meetings are NOT Christian based or religious or they should not be anyway. I know that some regions make them that way like down south but in the north east and other areas you simply identify a 'higher power'. It could be a god of your choice or Satan or an unidentified Whatever or more commonly here-the 12 Step group of people itself.
G.O.D.= Group Of Drunks. That could be your guide until you figure it all out.
We don't truly believe addiction is a disease.
Alot of the 12 Step group in the beginning or early recovery is simply identifying things so you can deal with them effectively. 'The Disease' is not literal and yes, these groups use loaded language but it works.
If you have ever been to an ER you've heard emergency language. "Stat" or "Code Blue". Nobody has time to fuck around and they also need a common simple language all employees can understand quickly.
These 12 Step groups are akin to intensive care units. People may make one choice when they walk out the door of the meeting and die that night.
Those banners that say simple things like 'Just Don't Pick Up' make you say 'well no duh' when you feel ok but it's amazing how repetition becomes life saving when an addict gets the urge to use and 'Just Don't Pick Up' becomes a life saving mantra. And calling a sponsor of course.
If people choose to use their psychiatrist as their higher power and use drugs as an easy fix instead of working on fixing the real problems inside and how addicts relate to the world outside then that's their choice but the public should be INFORMED OF THE CHOICES AVAILABLE.
Having a shrink assess 12 Step programs is ridiculous. These programs take into consideration what it means to be human and human spirituality. They also admit that the world we live in is fucked up, nonsensical and leaves much to be desired thus the Step about accepting Life On Life's Terms.
As with everything nowadays psychiatry is attempting to establish that there is something wrong with PEOPLE not with the archaic system we live in.
There are so many factors being ignored in relation to addiction and other problems even diet, electromagnetic pollution, genetics etc that it's absurd to accept psychiatry's verdict. On anything for that matter.
Unless you are totally out of your mind and speaking in 'word salad' or washing your hands/checking to see if the oven is on to the point where you don't have a damn life YOU DONT NEED A FUCKIN PSYCHIATRIST or meds.
Broad spectrum disorder? How about 'nuclear waste pollutant' disorder or 'sociopathic politician' disorder or 'greedy CEO' disorder? Go start assessing the mental health and 'personality disorders' of those in power then say that Psychiatry is fair and just and sensible.
Also why do Psychiatry and religion co exist in our culture???
BTW with all the anti terrorism tech and capabilities in place why can't anyone find out where the drugs are coming in from? And why are dealers being tolerated that sell dirty drugs laced with phentenol or whatever it is that kills people off and makes it so addicting?
Oh and lastly, if the two 12 Step programs are ANONYMOUS then how in the hell would you be able to determine 'success rates'? Very unscientific.
Just like psychiatry.
Monday, November 20, 2017
Feminism Has Become A Vehicle For The True Oppressors
Feminists AWOL on Islam:
Rape culture feminist hypocrisy:
(Update 2018: this photo has been revealed to be 'fake news' content as it's been doctored. Here are fact check links.
I still think it has value as a spoof to reflect the head in the clouds self destructive attitudes coming from open borders and undocumented mass immigration. Just be fortunate we live in the USA and have freedom of speech, right to bear arms and good security.
When Americans hear of immigration in EU they don't understand these countries don't have these protections we have. Which they should become aware of because it's a sobering reminder of WHY ALL OF OUR ANCESTORS LEFT EUROPE. Civility over rights and freedoms and still a religious government making decisions for the people. )
But if there were, this is what it might look like:
Isn't it ironic that due to WWII Europe has sought to be peaceful, unarmed and anti-racist yet this is the very circumstance that has allowed the new Invaders to destroy and harm it's citizens?
The Nazis themselves couldn't have done a better job.
Fear not world. While the whining, time wasting reactionary little girls are out there merely trying to piss off Daddy
There are true to life brave females who believe and understand genuine FEMALE POWER and are fighting for freedom and Truth for humanity.
Without male bashing.
Imagine that! Actually getting some real work done in this lifetime on the actual front lines of the struggle for life or death on this planet. Not bitching and posing on some outdated soap box serving as diversion and the entire time ENJOYING THE PROTECTION PROVIDED BY MALES AND PREDOMINANTLY MALE LAW ENFORCEMENT.
As a homeless American female Traveler I've been to areas in the USA that lack police presence and you would not want to be there.
As unpleasant as corrupt, crooked and violent law enforcement can be YOU DO NOT WANT TO EXPERIENCE SOCIETY WITHOUT THEM AROUND.
Most people have no idea how our world truly works and opportunists are taking advantage of that. Fully at this time.
Europeans in most countries have NO RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS and NO FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
Americans are now struggling to keep such rights. The next time you question why these rights are important look at life outside the USA.
And this is coming from someone who was treated very badly and unjustly by the system in an attempted frame up for domestic terrorsim that's lasted over two years.
I have the same sentiment I always have had:
Only males can protect us from other males. Only THEY know the depravity of the male mind. It's capacity for violence.
Male violence may be the source of many ills on this planet-agreed. The very nature of men may be to blame.
But that has always been and picking and choosing which males to support over others is illogical and senseless.
Men aren't to blame for their Nature.
If choosing to support any male aggression over protecting other females is 'feminism' then a reactionary movement needs to be created to protect women from feminists.
Wake up.
Grow up and stop wasting the world's time when there are so many causes and issues now that need tending in ways only women are capable of.
Feminism is not relavant in the 21st century.
It's been hijacked and utilized for a destructive agenda.
Women who understand their own power utilize males in their battles they do not exclude them.
We accept male protection.
Males may at times give wisdom we do not have as we ARE women.
Stop being self destructive.
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Diversity Is Unconstitutional And Diversionary
Forcing conditions to change rapidly and unnaturally is nothing short of social engineering not progress for the greater good.
Why would the powers that be change their historical stance since history's inception and decide to be dedicated to humanity's greater good instead of their own agenda-business as usual?
It's as unrealistic and too good to be true as it sounds.
While modern civilized nations are dramatically concerned about these issues there remains a world out there that STILL suffers from global INEQUALITY created by our westernized lifestyles being wasteful, self indulgent, polluting, short sighted and very much disrespectful of REAL human and cultural human diversity.
Forget about animal and plant or eco diversity.
Also consider that the unfair and aggressive push for Diversity covers up and band aids much of the Colonialism and Imperialism that made Third World nations what they are today as well as slavery of West and Central African peoples.
In fact it seems Native indigenous people world wide are getting the least acknowledgement from this trend on their own soil and that includes the United States.
In fact, per design, the most relavant and recent social and institutional concerns about PC actually make world wide concerns that effect humanity HARDER TO WORK ON because these policies only serve the corporate structure that causes these conditions or perpetuates them.
Which is why so many of us are sick of the smoke screens.
The only people truly suffering from these policies are the middle class and regular folk. Not the people who caused the original problems to begin with.
Americans have no idea what's going on in Europe with mass immigration. Countries far too small to accommodate large influxes of foriegn refugees unlike the USA where citizens don't enjoy the freedom and rights we do from our Constitution.
These people who have been living in these countries for millennia are being physically displaced and culturally genocided. Females are suffering from systematic rapes used as intimidation by angry male immigrants as well as religious terrorism from Muslim extremists.
These people unlike us have NO RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS and NO FREEDOM OF SPEECH. In certain countries one can be JAILED for racism against human rights laws for speaking out, protesting or posting crime stats on the internet.
Why would feminists support a change in any country that creates systematic rape of women? Beware of outdated ideologies-often they are no longer even relavant but are kept around and used by those who have infiltrated such movements for their own agendas. Especially when something becomes part of the established order one must wonder how it can still represent dissent.
Why feminism would include any males at all has always mystified me which it should not because it's designed to fail. Probably by the established order itself.
The point of this era seems to be to CREATE TOTALLY FALSE ENVIRONMENTS. Both social and physical.
The running long term theory is that either on Mars or on a very polluted, radiated earth-humans must be manipulated to function away from Nature as we were designed and to function in environments created by man.
Transhumanists believe man can improve through being fused with technology yet all the risks of technology are not being revealed to the public.
That's one of the main goals of many activists at this time.
As I've mentioned it's a bit too human to be concerned about your little bubble being a perfect utopia for all when you tolerate and even support and partake in world wide pollution, never ending war for profit and worst lately-the effects of nuclear waste and leakage.
This is why many people are disgusted at so called 'social justice' as it's evolved now.
It's so aggressively implemented, so unfair and only benefits certain demographics and does not even deal with the current global issues that are of genuine concern that it's GOT TO BE DANGEROUS and basically a deception.
Many of the young now aren't old enough to know what or who they are dealing with or what real corruption even looks like nor how it functions-that was all cleaned up (for show, externally) before they came of age.
And they are so self righteous that they are horribly disrespectful to older people thinking their 'new world' they are building is more wise than life experience.
No one is wise in their 20s I don't care who you are. And older people in on this scam who are benefitting are just rubbing their hands together at how much money or other gain they are acquiring from naive idealism.
There is no such thing as Equality. Someone HAS to suffer and lose. Because the real issues aren't being dealt with that do harm or cause problems to begin with, the entire 'social justice' movement is nothing but a scam.
And it's going to change the world but only in the same old way that's through out recorded history-benefitting the same power structure maintaining it's power and
Forcing conditions to change rapidly and unnaturally is nothing short of social engineering not progress for the greater good.
Why would the powers that be change their historical stance since history's inception and decide to be dedicated to humanity's greater good instead of their own agenda-business as usual?
It's as unrealistic and too good to be true as it sounds.
While modern civilized nations are dramatically concerned about these issues there remains a world out there that STILL suffers from global INEQUALITY created by our westernized lifestyles being wasteful, self indulgent, polluting, short sighted and very much disrespectful of REAL human and cultural human diversity.
Forget about animal and plant or eco diversity.
Also consider that the unfair and aggressive push for Diversity covers up and band aids much of the Colonialism and Imperialism that made Third World nations what they are today as well as slavery of West and Central African peoples.
In fact it seems Native indigenous people world wide are getting the least acknowledgement from this trend on their own soil and that includes the United States.
In fact, per design, the most relavant and recent social and institutional concerns about PC actually make world wide concerns that effect humanity HARDER TO WORK ON because these policies only serve the corporate structure that causes these conditions or perpetuates them.
Which is why so many of us are sick of the smoke screens.
The only people truly suffering from these policies are the middle class and regular folk. Not the people who caused the original problems to begin with.
Americans have no idea what's going on in Europe with mass immigration. Countries far too small to accommodate large influxes of foriegn refugees unlike the USA where citizens don't enjoy the freedom and rights we do from our Constitution.
These people who have been living in these countries for millennia are being physically displaced and culturally genocided. Females are suffering from systematic rapes used as intimidation by angry male immigrants as well as religious terrorism from Muslim extremists.
These people unlike us have NO RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS and NO FREEDOM OF SPEECH. In certain countries one can be JAILED for racism against human rights laws for speaking out, protesting or posting crime stats on the internet.
Why would feminists support a change in any country that creates systematic rape of women? Beware of outdated ideologies-often they are no longer even relavant but are kept around and used by those who have infiltrated such movements for their own agendas. Especially when something becomes part of the established order one must wonder how it can still represent dissent.
Why feminism would include any males at all has always mystified me which it should not because it's designed to fail. Probably by the established order itself.
The point of this era seems to be to CREATE TOTALLY FALSE ENVIRONMENTS. Both social and physical.
The running long term theory is that either on Mars or on a very polluted, radiated earth-humans must be manipulated to function away from Nature as we were designed and to function in environments created by man.
Transhumanists believe man can improve through being fused with technology yet all the risks of technology are not being revealed to the public.
That's one of the main goals of many activists at this time.
As I've mentioned it's a bit too human to be concerned about your little bubble being a perfect utopia for all when you tolerate and even support and partake in world wide pollution, never ending war for profit and worst lately-the effects of nuclear waste and leakage.
This is why many people are disgusted at so called 'social justice' as it's evolved now.
It's so aggressively implemented, so unfair and only benefits certain demographics and does not even deal with the current global issues that are of genuine concern that it's GOT TO BE DANGEROUS and basically a deception.
Many of the young now aren't old enough to know what or who they are dealing with or what real corruption even looks like nor how it functions-that was all cleaned up (for show, externally) before they came of age.
And they are so self righteous that they are horribly disrespectful to older people thinking their 'new world' they are building is more wise than life experience.
No one is wise in their 20s I don't care who you are. And older people in on this scam who are benefitting are just rubbing their hands together at how much money or other gain they are acquiring from naive idealism.
There is no such thing as Equality. Someone HAS to suffer and lose. Because the real issues aren't being dealt with that do harm or cause problems to begin with, the entire 'social justice' movement is nothing but a scam.
And it's going to change the world but only in the same old way that's through out recorded history-benefitting the same power structure maintaining it's power and
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Fake Masonry Pyramid Scheme Scams aka 'Clandestine Masonry'
A huge problem in NY. These people pay thousands of dollars and get nothing from their dues.
It seems they actually harass genuine legit Masons.
Interesting story about MJ's doctor displaying false credentials with rumour of deep infiltration into music business.
A huge problem in NY. These people pay thousands of dollars and get nothing from their dues.
It seems they actually harass genuine legit Masons.
Interesting story about MJ's doctor displaying false credentials with rumour of deep infiltration into music business.
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Diversity As Destructive Special Interest Agenda Once Again Exposed
Once again one must ask, if the total make over of human society aka the 'New World Order' theory, is such a good idea then why must it be done by force, by deception and using brutal tactics?
It's just a shell game used by the powers that be, like always in their Machiavellian manipulations-to simply move around who becomes victimized and discriminated against and who doesn't.
They always reengineer society based on their own agendas, without ever compromising their own position of power.
Thus, you are now morbidly obsessed and concerned with genderless restrooms, the endless plight of African American victimization by authorities, and concepts like PC, Diversity and Equality instead of asking more sensible questions like why are there any ghettos still at all in the US or if massive counter terrorsim surveillance exists why can't the authorities stop illegal drugs from flooding into any city or town in this country. Perhaps taking account of nuclear waste or arms or the militarization of domestic civilian society by the Complex mostly consisting of the private sector with virtually no oversight or accountability.
How about the planned obscelescence of personal technologies causing major issues of environmental pollution?
These are issues that effect ALL of humanity-not one group or another. These should be the issues reasonable people focus on in the western world at.this time in history.
After human history has demonstrated time and again the power structures use of DIVIDE AND CONQUER why isn't anyone realizing it's once again being utilized?
It's as if people only want to focus on change that will make a dying, self destructive species more 'fair' and 'equal'-as long as it doesn't cause genuine change (that interferes with western culture).
The very people who deal in 'diversity' could care less about real world culture or preserving ethnic indigenous people or cultures.
Corporate Diversity isn't real Diversity.
They always reengineer society based on their own agendas, without ever compromising their own position of power.
Thus, you are now morbidly obsessed and concerned with genderless restrooms, the endless plight of African American victimization by authorities, and concepts like PC, Diversity and Equality instead of asking more sensible questions like why are there any ghettos still at all in the US or if massive counter terrorsim surveillance exists why can't the authorities stop illegal drugs from flooding into any city or town in this country. Perhaps taking account of nuclear waste or arms or the militarization of domestic civilian society by the Complex mostly consisting of the private sector with virtually no oversight or accountability.
How about the planned obscelescence of personal technologies causing major issues of environmental pollution?
These are issues that effect ALL of humanity-not one group or another. These should be the issues reasonable people focus on in the western world at.this time in history.
After human history has demonstrated time and again the power structures use of DIVIDE AND CONQUER why isn't anyone realizing it's once again being utilized?
It's as if people only want to focus on change that will make a dying, self destructive species more 'fair' and 'equal'-as long as it doesn't cause genuine change (that interferes with western culture).
The very people who deal in 'diversity' could care less about real world culture or preserving ethnic indigenous people or cultures.
Corporate Diversity isn't real Diversity.
As long as humans ANIMALS exist and we aren't self actualized and fully responsible for our actions or creations or to each other or the environment around us YOU CAN BE SURE THAT EVERY PROMISED UTOPIA OR PERFECT SOCIETY OF WORLD PEACE IS NOTHING BUT A DECEPTION.
A lie. A pipe dream. Ultimately a diversion.
Now it's poor whites who are the new n*ggers in American society.
Left and right have agreed this era is about shitting on and destroying the middle to lower classes but only for certain racial demographics.
Yet black ghettos still exist in the 21st century and should not. Possibly by design to be exploited for political diversions from larger issues, as usual.
There are ways to counter this and protect ones self.
The most probable theory as to why both sides have decided to villify this demographic is that people of European descent are traditionally the people who fight and revolt effectively against the power structures in place. Just as plants and animals that evolve around each other have ties to one another so we have evolved for centuries alongside the other classes in Europe and surrounding areas. It would make sense that we would know their tactics and how oppressive conditions can get.
It also seems that cowardice is in play as well as greed as usual. Pick on poor whites for their priveledge by birth from DNA or perceived 'race' because these people are too afraid to challenge the upper classes.
Political Correctness and Diversity does not work unless you have money or are at least living within the system such as school, work or at least an established community.
It's a joke in the subcultures and the homeless community. It's for mainstream people because it's totally unrealistic and impractical.
The reason the homeless are so shunned now and no one wants to improve conditions or evolve the culture is that we've seen truly what's wrong with society (on top of various predators wanting to exploit us on different levels).
The anti homeless sentiment as well as active campaign against anything not part of a controlled, structured society should indicate how much bullshit these social engineering concepts are.
You have to understand something about people who remember the world before the Multicult Nazi take over of the western world- many of us lived in world culture in major cities in the 80s and 90s. We had a hope for a positive diverse world connected by the internet and travel. But whatever parties have hijacked these concepts have turned them very negative. It's forced and it's fake. It's about corporate America not people. There was never supposed to include hate as part of the bargaining power.
Hate shows a society of people who are in denial about not being able to hold those in power accountable for horrible conditions like terrorsim, pollution, inflation, etc. Diversity implimented by hatred is not what it seems. It's never what was intended.
We also remember a world before corporate culture defined people's reality daily. Globalism as it's being done now isn't necessarily a good thing and what or who's considered nationalist or locals are only reacting in natural self defense.
Not only were these changes brought in way to fast, note ALONG WITH the normalization of frequent foriegn and domestic terrorism-they disrespect some group and individuals right to exist etc IN FAVOR OF OTHERS or in some geographic areas or businesses focus on ONE group to the exclusion of others.
Having one group from one country or culture employed at every Brand X Donut shop in a city have led to complaints that they only hire people from their own countries and other ethnic backrounds are now getting cut hours. That's not Diversity.
The all too common ploy in the Northeast of defining 'Diversity' as meaning African American is also not Diversity.
It's a game of moving things around to suite an agenda where real change to society at large doesnt have to occur. It's touted as 'progress'.
For instance, many older people have a distaste for predominantly poor white women obsessively having children with African American men at a shockingly high rate lately or 'race mixing' in this way generally.
This is considered racism. People who think this way are old fashioned and ignorant.
However if you had other information you would understand such views a bit better.
Decades ago interracial couples, even ones that had means were regularly discriminated against. They would be told there were no tables at restaurants or denied access or services. I've lived through that era with mixed race friends and I've seen it first hand. People REALLY had to WANT to be together to tolerate this. It's always been accepted in Liberal culture that some people simply prefer to date or marry outside their race but such actions were always considered natural and normal for those who partake in it.
This is based on the idea of freedom where no one should tell people who they can and cannot associate with. Free association.
Back then, the status quo or mainstream was telling people to NOT have interracial relationships. Encouraging against it.
Nowadays the system is ENCOURAGING such behaviors and TELLING people, dare I say INSTRUCTING people to partake in such activity. It's advertised, it's pushed and it's marketed to people like a product.
Thus, many people especially older ones aren't suspect of this trend because of racism but because they've seen the powers that define social norms trying to control human behavior thus DENY PEOPLE THEIR FREE WILL through free association in the opposite direction years ago SO ONE MUST QUESTION WHY THE POWERS THAT BE DESIRE IT NOW BECAUSE ANYTHING THE POWERS THAT BE TELL YOU TO DO EN MASSE SHOULD BE QUESTIONED if it seems controlling; if it seems to deny people the right to decide for themselves (and to be left the fuck alone to come up with their own preferences to begin with).
This also may be due to the change in African American culture whereas feminism decades ago supported the struggling black male through civil rights, modern black males are returning feminist favor with mysogenous, sexist culture via rap and hip hop gang culture.
I've seen rap and hip hop from it's birth. And anyone having blind trust in gang culture should seriously read up on COINTELPRO, corporate prison system and how crack came about in black ghettos. What was once conspiracy theory is now documented accepted history on the issue.
BTW if you think you understand African American culture then you would quickly realize that 'black' people have traditionally been so mercurial and innovative in their creativity specifically with music, that they would NEVER get stuck this long on something like rap music. In the natural evolution of black music, rap would have been a past thing by now-replaced by the next amazing innovation of human creativity.
Rap and hip hop are most likely corpses reanimated time and time again and kept alive by people in boardrooms. Most likely with side investments or indirectly linked to privatized prisons, drugs etc. Its also probably seen as another way out or an opportunity for African Americans as artists to generate wealth and gain upward mobility in society.
I understand that. And that's the American Dream in some form but don't ever think that people that reject certain cultures or PC or multiculturalism are simply racist or even mentally I'll which seems like a norm Obama was trying to establish, frighteningly.
It may be because people simply seek to protect themselves and what culture they come from.
It may also be that some of us understand certain cultures more than you think-and we know when someone or something is completely full of shit or just seeking opportunity like anyone else and we aren't going to be sold off and duped so easily. In some cases it may also be that due to an understanding of events that have led to a certain modern cultural trend, some people may even feel that this has been ultimately an injustice to a specific group. The black community fought to gain freedom from slavery's beginnings. COINTELPRO crushed that and ensured that all that remained was a compromised community who were basically re enslaved to fill up prisons, sell drugs for shadowy criminal powers and create decades of music culture that ensures this process continues as well as enslaves other groups as well by the same methods, utilizing base and hypnotic beats and sounds specifically designed to degrade and influence humans.
Rap has replaced other cultures world wide even entire genres of music are now ignored.
And the truth about musical influences is never dealt with anyway just like race and ethnicity.
Scandinavia has been a favorite hate target of the disinfo shills from the Lib elite multicult. They are blamed for slavery and gladly destroyed due to being so 'white'. However genetically most if not all Scandinavians are mixed with the INDIGENOUS SAAMI PEOPLE making them an indigenous culture.
Yet this is never dealt with.
Multiculturalism loves to create ignorance about ethnic backrounds which if you study how cultures come to be and the movements of humans throughout the world over time is absolutely fascinating. Yet it seems the multicult doesnt want anything fascinating or a positive world culture that truly respects global diversity. It seems to want control. And to spread hatred by simply rearranging who is victimized this time around.
My most recent revelation is that if anything being pushed right now or defended is worth anything then why did I have to be framed up by parties unknown in an obvious desperate attempt to silence me? Most of the content hysterically focused on the fabrication that I am anti cop and racist. The entire time I had to suffer being harassed by an anonymous reader who seemed to have foreknowledge of the crimes I was accused of-yet no one cared about my being victimized but insisted on victimizing me further-simply because what I have to say is somehow a threat to a powerful agenda.
Anyplace hate has to be used as a weapon to secure a belief system one should be suspect. How can it be good then? Especially if it is not allowed to be questioned.
Left and right have agreed this era is about shitting on and destroying the middle to lower classes but only for certain racial demographics.
Yet black ghettos still exist in the 21st century and should not. Possibly by design to be exploited for political diversions from larger issues, as usual.
There are ways to counter this and protect ones self.
The most probable theory as to why both sides have decided to villify this demographic is that people of European descent are traditionally the people who fight and revolt effectively against the power structures in place. Just as plants and animals that evolve around each other have ties to one another so we have evolved for centuries alongside the other classes in Europe and surrounding areas. It would make sense that we would know their tactics and how oppressive conditions can get.
It also seems that cowardice is in play as well as greed as usual. Pick on poor whites for their priveledge by birth from DNA or perceived 'race' because these people are too afraid to challenge the upper classes.
Political Correctness and Diversity does not work unless you have money or are at least living within the system such as school, work or at least an established community.
It's a joke in the subcultures and the homeless community. It's for mainstream people because it's totally unrealistic and impractical.
The reason the homeless are so shunned now and no one wants to improve conditions or evolve the culture is that we've seen truly what's wrong with society (on top of various predators wanting to exploit us on different levels).
The anti homeless sentiment as well as active campaign against anything not part of a controlled, structured society should indicate how much bullshit these social engineering concepts are.
You have to understand something about people who remember the world before the Multicult Nazi take over of the western world- many of us lived in world culture in major cities in the 80s and 90s. We had a hope for a positive diverse world connected by the internet and travel. But whatever parties have hijacked these concepts have turned them very negative. It's forced and it's fake. It's about corporate America not people. There was never supposed to include hate as part of the bargaining power.
Hate shows a society of people who are in denial about not being able to hold those in power accountable for horrible conditions like terrorsim, pollution, inflation, etc. Diversity implimented by hatred is not what it seems. It's never what was intended.
We also remember a world before corporate culture defined people's reality daily. Globalism as it's being done now isn't necessarily a good thing and what or who's considered nationalist or locals are only reacting in natural self defense.
Not only were these changes brought in way to fast, note ALONG WITH the normalization of frequent foriegn and domestic terrorism-they disrespect some group and individuals right to exist etc IN FAVOR OF OTHERS or in some geographic areas or businesses focus on ONE group to the exclusion of others.
Having one group from one country or culture employed at every Brand X Donut shop in a city have led to complaints that they only hire people from their own countries and other ethnic backrounds are now getting cut hours. That's not Diversity.
The all too common ploy in the Northeast of defining 'Diversity' as meaning African American is also not Diversity.
It's a game of moving things around to suite an agenda where real change to society at large doesnt have to occur. It's touted as 'progress'.
For instance, many older people have a distaste for predominantly poor white women obsessively having children with African American men at a shockingly high rate lately or 'race mixing' in this way generally.
This is considered racism. People who think this way are old fashioned and ignorant.
However if you had other information you would understand such views a bit better.
Decades ago interracial couples, even ones that had means were regularly discriminated against. They would be told there were no tables at restaurants or denied access or services. I've lived through that era with mixed race friends and I've seen it first hand. People REALLY had to WANT to be together to tolerate this. It's always been accepted in Liberal culture that some people simply prefer to date or marry outside their race but such actions were always considered natural and normal for those who partake in it.
This is based on the idea of freedom where no one should tell people who they can and cannot associate with. Free association.
Back then, the status quo or mainstream was telling people to NOT have interracial relationships. Encouraging against it.
Nowadays the system is ENCOURAGING such behaviors and TELLING people, dare I say INSTRUCTING people to partake in such activity. It's advertised, it's pushed and it's marketed to people like a product.
Thus, many people especially older ones aren't suspect of this trend because of racism but because they've seen the powers that define social norms trying to control human behavior thus DENY PEOPLE THEIR FREE WILL through free association in the opposite direction years ago SO ONE MUST QUESTION WHY THE POWERS THAT BE DESIRE IT NOW BECAUSE ANYTHING THE POWERS THAT BE TELL YOU TO DO EN MASSE SHOULD BE QUESTIONED if it seems controlling; if it seems to deny people the right to decide for themselves (and to be left the fuck alone to come up with their own preferences to begin with).
This also may be due to the change in African American culture whereas feminism decades ago supported the struggling black male through civil rights, modern black males are returning feminist favor with mysogenous, sexist culture via rap and hip hop gang culture.
I've seen rap and hip hop from it's birth. And anyone having blind trust in gang culture should seriously read up on COINTELPRO, corporate prison system and how crack came about in black ghettos. What was once conspiracy theory is now documented accepted history on the issue.
BTW if you think you understand African American culture then you would quickly realize that 'black' people have traditionally been so mercurial and innovative in their creativity specifically with music, that they would NEVER get stuck this long on something like rap music. In the natural evolution of black music, rap would have been a past thing by now-replaced by the next amazing innovation of human creativity.
Rap and hip hop are most likely corpses reanimated time and time again and kept alive by people in boardrooms. Most likely with side investments or indirectly linked to privatized prisons, drugs etc. Its also probably seen as another way out or an opportunity for African Americans as artists to generate wealth and gain upward mobility in society.
I understand that. And that's the American Dream in some form but don't ever think that people that reject certain cultures or PC or multiculturalism are simply racist or even mentally I'll which seems like a norm Obama was trying to establish, frighteningly.
It may be because people simply seek to protect themselves and what culture they come from.
It may also be that some of us understand certain cultures more than you think-and we know when someone or something is completely full of shit or just seeking opportunity like anyone else and we aren't going to be sold off and duped so easily. In some cases it may also be that due to an understanding of events that have led to a certain modern cultural trend, some people may even feel that this has been ultimately an injustice to a specific group. The black community fought to gain freedom from slavery's beginnings. COINTELPRO crushed that and ensured that all that remained was a compromised community who were basically re enslaved to fill up prisons, sell drugs for shadowy criminal powers and create decades of music culture that ensures this process continues as well as enslaves other groups as well by the same methods, utilizing base and hypnotic beats and sounds specifically designed to degrade and influence humans.
Rap has replaced other cultures world wide even entire genres of music are now ignored.
And the truth about musical influences is never dealt with anyway just like race and ethnicity.
Scandinavia has been a favorite hate target of the disinfo shills from the Lib elite multicult. They are blamed for slavery and gladly destroyed due to being so 'white'. However genetically most if not all Scandinavians are mixed with the INDIGENOUS SAAMI PEOPLE making them an indigenous culture.
Yet this is never dealt with.
Multiculturalism loves to create ignorance about ethnic backrounds which if you study how cultures come to be and the movements of humans throughout the world over time is absolutely fascinating. Yet it seems the multicult doesnt want anything fascinating or a positive world culture that truly respects global diversity. It seems to want control. And to spread hatred by simply rearranging who is victimized this time around.
My most recent revelation is that if anything being pushed right now or defended is worth anything then why did I have to be framed up by parties unknown in an obvious desperate attempt to silence me? Most of the content hysterically focused on the fabrication that I am anti cop and racist. The entire time I had to suffer being harassed by an anonymous reader who seemed to have foreknowledge of the crimes I was accused of-yet no one cared about my being victimized but insisted on victimizing me further-simply because what I have to say is somehow a threat to a powerful agenda.
Anyplace hate has to be used as a weapon to secure a belief system one should be suspect. How can it be good then? Especially if it is not allowed to be questioned.
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Recent Violent Attack In NYC Called 'Act Of Terror' Due To Islam Reference By Assailant
How can he be considered an 'lone wolf' if he's crying out Islam extremist references during the attack?
How can there be an investigation that fast?
It's certainly connected to international terrorism by what he was shouting.
He is an immigrant who's only lived here 7 years.
Why are they labeling this lone wolf so quickly?
How can he be considered an 'lone wolf' if he's crying out Islam extremist references during the attack?
How can there be an investigation that fast?
It's certainly connected to international terrorism by what he was shouting.
He is an immigrant who's only lived here 7 years.
Why are they labeling this lone wolf so quickly?
Monday, October 30, 2017
Monday, October 23, 2017
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Why I Support Harvey Weinstein
Why I support Weinstein
Because this is normal behavior in entertainment and various industries.
The public seems to live in denial and supports Hollywood by paying to view the boring clap trap they have been putting out for diversion, agendas and social control for decades since the golden age of film ended what Hollywood was so long ago.
Like an artist or celeb that you instinctively feel should have retired or moved on at some point past but continues to get work for reasons obviously not due to thier long past talent Hollywood has been churning out garbage for a looong time now.
It's a business with little artfulness remaining.
Just like with the Cosby scandal which I didn't bother to address because these issues should have been dealt with years ago. Women have complained all along and get stonewalled and probably blacklisted.
The Woody Allen case is another shining example of what their cultural norms are. And I like Woody Allens early movies but I don't like him.
Mia Farrow was naive to be messing around with Rosemarys Baby and Roman Polanski and what that's connected to so staying with Allen doesn't surprise me. However she's taken on some very troubles kids and worked miracles with those souls. Unfortunately bad fortune had come to some of them.
How many tales in books like the Godfather or exposés or victim witnesses does it take or even clues from carefully placed symbols in movies even ads does it take to finally see clearly and trust your instincts-the way one would in daily life?
My blog is about letting people know what's really out there. That 'evil' exists and if you respect it like anything else dangerous to you and yours and have an understanding of how it operates you can protect yourself. The ideal of trying to control or eradicate things that have always existed are not practical. Neither is denial or going along with perpetual lawless cover ups which is how things work in life generally.
Humans being what they are: animals.
Weinstein has been coddled and expects things to go his way as he's been trained over the years to become accustomed to such a culture.
And there are endless numbers of men and probably women just like him.
He's become sick and functions that way. Maybe he could not function as a director unless he also functioned as a sexual whatever you want to call it-deviant, addict etc. Whatever the self righteous and hypocritical are now using as terms to define him.
In reality one must simply ask, just as with Cosby "Who did he piss off?" or did he simply outlive his usefulness?
Because why then was this never an issue before...or with anyone else?
Directors are notorious monsters btw so drop the shock.
If you want your sick, limiting, drywall, cheese entertainment then don't mess with Hollywood. I don't think Americans could live without the sick culture that feeds our sick culture.
Kind of like how Weinstein and others like him function.
Believe me I'd love to see a world where PC and justice weren't selective but truly all inclusive.
Unless every person in western culture wants to make a long list of everything wrong with this society and take a long look in a collective mirror-this trend of globalist PC and a vain search for justice will fizzle soon enough.
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Cams Found In AirBNB Rental-How Easy Secret Surveillance Is
Someone had on PrimeTime Justice with Ashleigh Banfield recently and a story came on about a couple who found cams in fire alarms in their timeshare.
I can't find an episode number nor even a clip so here's the transcript:
There's lots of short news stories but hers covered a slew of objects where cams could be hidden and how to find them. She had an expert who went through each one.
The husband works in tech security so found the cam more easily than an untrained eye.
Here's one link. Google the content key words for more.
I can't find an episode number nor even a clip so here's the transcript:
There's lots of short news stories but hers covered a slew of objects where cams could be hidden and how to find them. She had an expert who went through each one.
The husband works in tech security so found the cam more easily than an untrained eye.
Here's one link. Google the content key words for more.
Activists Reveal Modern Day Slave Trade In Africa-Farrakhans Secret Relationship With Such Countries/Why Is Farrakhan Allowed To Speak And Not White Nationalists?
I have only one thing to say about this and that slavery and exploiting other human beings is unfortunately common among humanity and in order to cease such activity you'd have to internalize that it's ONGOING and has occurred to multiple people in various cultures through history instead of focusing on ONE instance of it.
Also in general African Americans should cease looking to other groups or cultures to stop being manipulated.
If every person who descends from slaves today were told where ALL their ancestry was from and became educated and connected to their own history and modern day homelands without wasting time with shame or fantasies about ancestory instilled in them by deceptions, they would have a real identity and perhaps finally peace instead of wasting time being defined by reactionary circus ringmasters probably working as disinfo agents.
And always pose the simple question:
Why is Martin Luther King dead as well as Malcolm X and not Farrakhan?
Next being from Boston and seeing how disgusting the Lib Left Elites had become in the past 8 years utilizing race inequalities to cover up the agenda of creating gross economic inequality in Northeast big cities it always grossed me out that Farrakhan was celebrated when he came to speak here and his show looked like old reels of Nazi propaganda.
This is why laws exist in this country to protect freedom of speech and the written word as well as guarantee a voice for all sides.
Oh how I wish that students would have been 'urged' to shun Farrakhan and other obnoxious speakers...but that's not how it's supposed to work.
How can free speech be utilized if authority is directing people away from the process of it? What to PROMOTE one speaker and SHUN another?
If you don't shun this or that then YOU will be shunned is how it's going.
Terrorism has slowly rotted out the minds of the people in this country along with things already in place so that fear rules the day. It's almost becoming like an ancient superstition society where the gods are angry so we must appease them. Mysterious gods who give a good harvest or bad one, make the river overflow for either a fertile planting season or disastrous distraction.
Humans have come far enough that we can deal with NATURAL DISASTER even though the powers still promote nature childishly as trying to kill us or threatening us. We know we can depend on each other when it occurs.
What then becomes of a society where fellow humans seem to sneak into our country to kill and destroy, holding mysterious beliefs we REALLY DONT UNDERSTAND or know much about-seemingly acting out the Will of a biblical sized angry God?
Now more recently our own countrymen can't be trusted and create war zones with 'lone shootings'. We never know where or when it will occur. We don't want to be next.
So don't anger the gods. Don't question anything. Don't stray from what authority tells you. Truth isn't worth seeking right now, it's too dangerous. People just wanna be protected.
And I've seen enough sacrifices to the gods throughout these years as in ancient times as people believe the gods should not be angered by denying them lambs they demand...or by offering up Innocents to them to appease them.
All the technology in the universe cannot correct the flaws of a species who refused to evolve and doesn't understand themselves.
Most people learn this big lessons so slowly-like over my lifetime that it's laughable to the rest of us.
Manipulations have always existed it's just that now there's advanced communications to convince you that what you are seeing is as it seems and what you are guided to percieve is truth.
I've been around the US backpacking and riding between big cities for over a decade. Cities are false environments. Anyplace constructed by humans is. You have no fucking idea what's outside the safety parameters of civilization.
Ive been near a news story when it happens. They don't report correctly. They don't have time to tell you everything that's been going on in that town or city that led up to the event. There's things they won't tell you either.
Unless you are there when something happens you have no idea what really occurred. End of story. Short of talking to locals or informed people with access the info you receive isn't verifiable.
Alternate views then are useful to try to create a reasonable picture.
If a student had any interest in true learning he would attend all speakers representing all views to an issue to form an opinion or decide what is 'truth'.
It seems genuine learning and well roundedness are luxury items of the past and now in a major first world country people cannot afford to have souls or minds. In order to get or keep a job or maintain you must not dabble in freedom.
This is the return to the Dark Ages that many people have been predicting and it's happening.
It's time to challenge the angry mysterious gods and start thinking again.
I have only one thing to say about this and that slavery and exploiting other human beings is unfortunately common among humanity and in order to cease such activity you'd have to internalize that it's ONGOING and has occurred to multiple people in various cultures through history instead of focusing on ONE instance of it.
Also in general African Americans should cease looking to other groups or cultures to stop being manipulated.
If every person who descends from slaves today were told where ALL their ancestry was from and became educated and connected to their own history and modern day homelands without wasting time with shame or fantasies about ancestory instilled in them by deceptions, they would have a real identity and perhaps finally peace instead of wasting time being defined by reactionary circus ringmasters probably working as disinfo agents.
And always pose the simple question:
Why is Martin Luther King dead as well as Malcolm X and not Farrakhan?
Next being from Boston and seeing how disgusting the Lib Left Elites had become in the past 8 years utilizing race inequalities to cover up the agenda of creating gross economic inequality in Northeast big cities it always grossed me out that Farrakhan was celebrated when he came to speak here and his show looked like old reels of Nazi propaganda.
This is why laws exist in this country to protect freedom of speech and the written word as well as guarantee a voice for all sides.
Oh how I wish that students would have been 'urged' to shun Farrakhan and other obnoxious speakers...but that's not how it's supposed to work.
How can free speech be utilized if authority is directing people away from the process of it? What to PROMOTE one speaker and SHUN another?
If you don't shun this or that then YOU will be shunned is how it's going.
Terrorism has slowly rotted out the minds of the people in this country along with things already in place so that fear rules the day. It's almost becoming like an ancient superstition society where the gods are angry so we must appease them. Mysterious gods who give a good harvest or bad one, make the river overflow for either a fertile planting season or disastrous distraction.
Humans have come far enough that we can deal with NATURAL DISASTER even though the powers still promote nature childishly as trying to kill us or threatening us. We know we can depend on each other when it occurs.
What then becomes of a society where fellow humans seem to sneak into our country to kill and destroy, holding mysterious beliefs we REALLY DONT UNDERSTAND or know much about-seemingly acting out the Will of a biblical sized angry God?
Now more recently our own countrymen can't be trusted and create war zones with 'lone shootings'. We never know where or when it will occur. We don't want to be next.
So don't anger the gods. Don't question anything. Don't stray from what authority tells you. Truth isn't worth seeking right now, it's too dangerous. People just wanna be protected.
And I've seen enough sacrifices to the gods throughout these years as in ancient times as people believe the gods should not be angered by denying them lambs they demand...or by offering up Innocents to them to appease them.
All the technology in the universe cannot correct the flaws of a species who refused to evolve and doesn't understand themselves.
Most people learn this big lessons so slowly-like over my lifetime that it's laughable to the rest of us.
Manipulations have always existed it's just that now there's advanced communications to convince you that what you are seeing is as it seems and what you are guided to percieve is truth.
I've been around the US backpacking and riding between big cities for over a decade. Cities are false environments. Anyplace constructed by humans is. You have no fucking idea what's outside the safety parameters of civilization.
Ive been near a news story when it happens. They don't report correctly. They don't have time to tell you everything that's been going on in that town or city that led up to the event. There's things they won't tell you either.
Unless you are there when something happens you have no idea what really occurred. End of story. Short of talking to locals or informed people with access the info you receive isn't verifiable.
Alternate views then are useful to try to create a reasonable picture.
If a student had any interest in true learning he would attend all speakers representing all views to an issue to form an opinion or decide what is 'truth'.
It seems genuine learning and well roundedness are luxury items of the past and now in a major first world country people cannot afford to have souls or minds. In order to get or keep a job or maintain you must not dabble in freedom.
This is the return to the Dark Ages that many people have been predicting and it's happening.
It's time to challenge the angry mysterious gods and start thinking again.
Natural News: Was the Las Vegas massacre an FBI terror plot that accidentally went live?
"Yet James Comey willingly participated in a cover-up so treasonous and dishonest that he has forever tainted the reputation of the FBI as a law enforcement agency. (This is regrettable and highly frustrating to the honest, law-abiding FBI agents who also exist in the agency, often fighting against the deep state bureaucracy above them that ties their hands and prevents them from doing their jobs.)"
"Yet James Comey willingly participated in a cover-up so treasonous and dishonest that he has forever tainted the reputation of the FBI as a law enforcement agency. (This is regrettable and highly frustrating to the honest, law-abiding FBI agents who also exist in the agency, often fighting against the deep state bureaucracy above them that ties their hands and prevents them from doing their jobs.)"
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Harvard Dean Unethical Interference With Men's Clubs/Ideology Cults USA vs North Korea-Whats The Difference?
I guess I didn't realize alot of changes to this area in past few years and my current legal issues reflect that.
This along with alot of other information I've read explains why Harvard and the surrounding area have gone downhill so badly culturally specifically when speaking about considering the common people.
The Liberal elites have created such an insane, insular realty for themselves during the past eight years (with the primary focus still on maintaining elite status and agendas) that they actually do not acknowledge the rest of the country or even the world outside their interconnected bubbles. This has led them to forget about things like the US Constitution etc.
I see signs on lawns everywhere in the area saying 'No matter where you are from we are glad to have you as our neighbors' and 'hate has no place here's yet there's people in local elite colleges telling white males to kill themselves or to abolish the white race.
So how is this hate acceptable?
Also over the past five years slowly theres been an anti homeless sentiment and even quite campaign to rid homeless from gentrified areas or areas now made more touristy and commercial. Sectioning of people for what used to be normal accepted behavior has been abused and authorities use this at theit own discression.
The day that traditionally corrupt authorities in an area like this become militarized and are capable of First Responder capacity to judge someone's competency should be a good indicator of Armmegeddon.
This area specifically has become more concerned with who uses what bathroom or race politics (even though it's supposedly a social construct ????) or 'rape culture' than the worldly issues that really matter.
That's the con. Training the next generations to focus on institutional changes only gives them the idea that nothing outside corporate or institutions matters much anyway.
Black Lives Matter-Homeless Lives Don't.
That is what I have first hand experience with in many college areas and that's not all their fault. Society is now dealing with more beligerant, ignorant and harmful houseless people than I can ever recall and our society's continued refusal to seek new and Alt ways of dealing with houseless culture, improving it or making it more sustainable is an indication that the Corporatocracy Matters-nothing else.
These kids should by all rights and logic be protesting nuclear accidents like Fukushima which is still leaking into the Pacific, automated warfare, drone strikes planned obscelescence of technologies creating endless pollution, etc but are being guided to focus on domestic issues that have their roots in long term problems that have always been and are still not dealt with and I doubt will be if the elite have any hand in it.
The issues I just mentioned make it obvious we have come to a time in our world's evolution where we should be focusing on All Lives Matter.
Continuing to support the military industrial complex and questionable wars overseas while focusing on relatively petty concerns domestically is a testament to the increasing insanity of humanity at large and the choosing of the elite-right or left, conservative or liberal- to go where the money goes and avoid issues that truly matter for genuine meaningful change whilst creatjng comfy little bubbles for themselves. As they insulate their cultish believers and isolate and alienate everyone else.
The ultimate false environment. A mall. A gated community.
Well it's probable the Dean won't have to deal with the in place sanctioned torture known as the language barrier at all the local Dunkin Donuts in metro Boston. Damn he's got race priveledge.
And I know that as a homeless radicalized activist who lives on a shoestrng monthly while supporting and helping other people like myself that since I'm used to such white privilege that Equality now feels like oppression.
That is an actual quote from an anonymous author.
"When you are used to privilege, Equality seems like oppression".
There's a reason it's anonymous. For obvious reasons.
No cult mind control ever wants you to really know where this great ominous power comes from or if it feels like being mobbed to get you to give in via peer pressure, exactly who those peers are.
I've been watching North Korea documentaries. So what's the difference between that culture and this one. I'd say that they have actual bliss over there. There's no fighting over which cult to belong to. From birth all they know is one.
The bliss of their Great Leader and his family.
Simple. Uncomplicated. Sounds pretty comfortable to me.
The only difference is it's more straight forward and obvious. And singular.
Maybe that's why we hate and fear them so much. Because we can't stand the parellells on comparison.
Bring back common sense and start fighting the things that really matter. For humanity.
I guess I didn't realize alot of changes to this area in past few years and my current legal issues reflect that.
This along with alot of other information I've read explains why Harvard and the surrounding area have gone downhill so badly culturally specifically when speaking about considering the common people.
The Liberal elites have created such an insane, insular realty for themselves during the past eight years (with the primary focus still on maintaining elite status and agendas) that they actually do not acknowledge the rest of the country or even the world outside their interconnected bubbles. This has led them to forget about things like the US Constitution etc.
I see signs on lawns everywhere in the area saying 'No matter where you are from we are glad to have you as our neighbors' and 'hate has no place here's yet there's people in local elite colleges telling white males to kill themselves or to abolish the white race.
So how is this hate acceptable?
Also over the past five years slowly theres been an anti homeless sentiment and even quite campaign to rid homeless from gentrified areas or areas now made more touristy and commercial. Sectioning of people for what used to be normal accepted behavior has been abused and authorities use this at theit own discression.
The day that traditionally corrupt authorities in an area like this become militarized and are capable of First Responder capacity to judge someone's competency should be a good indicator of Armmegeddon.
This area specifically has become more concerned with who uses what bathroom or race politics (even though it's supposedly a social construct ????) or 'rape culture' than the worldly issues that really matter.
That's the con. Training the next generations to focus on institutional changes only gives them the idea that nothing outside corporate or institutions matters much anyway.
Black Lives Matter-Homeless Lives Don't.
That is what I have first hand experience with in many college areas and that's not all their fault. Society is now dealing with more beligerant, ignorant and harmful houseless people than I can ever recall and our society's continued refusal to seek new and Alt ways of dealing with houseless culture, improving it or making it more sustainable is an indication that the Corporatocracy Matters-nothing else.
These kids should by all rights and logic be protesting nuclear accidents like Fukushima which is still leaking into the Pacific, automated warfare, drone strikes planned obscelescence of technologies creating endless pollution, etc but are being guided to focus on domestic issues that have their roots in long term problems that have always been and are still not dealt with and I doubt will be if the elite have any hand in it.
The issues I just mentioned make it obvious we have come to a time in our world's evolution where we should be focusing on All Lives Matter.
Continuing to support the military industrial complex and questionable wars overseas while focusing on relatively petty concerns domestically is a testament to the increasing insanity of humanity at large and the choosing of the elite-right or left, conservative or liberal- to go where the money goes and avoid issues that truly matter for genuine meaningful change whilst creatjng comfy little bubbles for themselves. As they insulate their cultish believers and isolate and alienate everyone else.
The ultimate false environment. A mall. A gated community.
Well it's probable the Dean won't have to deal with the in place sanctioned torture known as the language barrier at all the local Dunkin Donuts in metro Boston. Damn he's got race priveledge.
And I know that as a homeless radicalized activist who lives on a shoestrng monthly while supporting and helping other people like myself that since I'm used to such white privilege that Equality now feels like oppression.
That is an actual quote from an anonymous author.
"When you are used to privilege, Equality seems like oppression".
There's a reason it's anonymous. For obvious reasons.
No cult mind control ever wants you to really know where this great ominous power comes from or if it feels like being mobbed to get you to give in via peer pressure, exactly who those peers are.
I've been watching North Korea documentaries. So what's the difference between that culture and this one. I'd say that they have actual bliss over there. There's no fighting over which cult to belong to. From birth all they know is one.
The bliss of their Great Leader and his family.
Simple. Uncomplicated. Sounds pretty comfortable to me.
The only difference is it's more straight forward and obvious. And singular.
Maybe that's why we hate and fear them so much. Because we can't stand the parellells on comparison.
Bring back common sense and start fighting the things that really matter. For humanity.
Monday, October 9, 2017
Zionist On Zuckerberg 2017 Harvard Commencement
There's still people out there not afraid to tell it like it is.
For my own reasons I was more than disgusted with the 2017 Commencement and I'm grateful there's still people willing to speak their truth without fear.
There's still people out there not afraid to tell it like it is.
For my own reasons I was more than disgusted with the 2017 Commencement and I'm grateful there's still people willing to speak their truth without fear.
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Africa to Obama: " Mind Your Own Business"
This is the kind of deep understanding of how the ongoing perpetuated establishment Elite's culture still makes the rules and defines things for us.
And it will get you in trouble in places like MA and NY these days.
To see that colonialism and imperialism have had such an impact on third world even American peoples and that it still handicaps such people and blinds everyone else to true Diversity and a world culture is to become dangerous to the powers that be and their never ending reign of power through Machiavellian deceptions.
Obama created more racism and hate in his presidency than any other before him. Diversity has lost its original meaning and purpose and is now simply an accepted word for racial favoritism.
People in power do not want oppressed people to be truly free-they want people that serve their agenda like the rest of us do. They want manageable people.
Telling the truth nowadays about ideas, opinions or even experiences can get you in trouble-everything from blacklisted to framed up with gross abuses of power.
What's been going on since 9-11 is the reason why the forefathers created a US Constitution. And if Americans had fowed our own laws in place, Bush would have been impeached and theoretically none of this 17 year mess would have occurred to begin with.
It's funny when you go to the sources of world culture-the people themselves that you learn how much of a con this country's ideas and policies are that supposed to serve and represent them.
I've had years of experience living among foriegn cultures which is why I see so much wrong with the corporate and institutional policies put forth nowadays benefitting people who don't seem to respect America and all fellow Americans.
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Vegas Shooter: Millionaire's Connections To Defense Contractors and FBI, Gambling Addiction But No Specific Beliefs As Motive
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Blogger Content Policy Pops Up When I Log In-Soon To Switch To Another Site To Publish
Wtf I sign in and this content policy shows up before my blog.
I've had it with this bullshit. It's bad enough that I'm being framed three times for criminal threats against authorities with whoever's doing it USING THIS BLOG as an obvious means of taking away my right to free speech and now these long time outlets for speech are going to start ripping up the US Constitution in front of our faces as well.
This isn't a college campus. You can't just define where Free Speech Zones are and are not or what is a micro aggression.
In Boston area my being a metal head Traveler looking person is offensive to the current Victimhood culture. My very existence is a micro aggression and you should see the obvious reactions from certain demographics.
I'm done being intimidated. Hate crimes are and should be specific to legally define. I've seen instances in this city or at least heard of them second-hand from people who have been victims of hate crimes being used against them to set example simply like for instance one of our friends getting into a fight with a Muslim person after 9/11 and in order to get a conviction they made it into a hate crime even though it had nothing to do with them targeting the person due to them being Muslim. Cities like Boston and other power centers of the East Coast Elite as well as the intelligence that the colleges have a bad habit of using current laws and Trends in order to get their way or cover up trying to Target certain people.
When it comes to the Northeast and especially the college's if anything you shouldn't trust them to bring you progress and world peace and a perfect utopian society you should highly suspect them of potential abuse of power wake up I've seen it over my 46 years and it still goes on there just better at hiding.
When I tell common people who aren't near College areas or big cities about what's going on on these campuses that are training the next Generations of Executives and leaders politicians Etc they're horrified to hear about things like microaggressions and Free Speech zones the public don't know what's going on they believe what they see on television and they don't understand.
Once you understand what is going on in the cities as well as the college campuses you can under corruption and the infiltration of these former institutions of learning that are not being used for abuse of power and to train people like communism to Conformity uniformity using fear and basically terrorism once you tell people about what's going on in the cities and you tell them about the forced social engineering as well as all the policies and the abuse of power and the economic inequalities where attention is being diverted to other kinds of inequalities to hide that like the big building boom in Boston it favors the elite Millennials and not the locals and the common people once you point out to them what's going on in the cities as well as you point out the complete and total disregard of the Constitution and placed it is supposed to be teaching law not teaching how to break it effectively for the elites benefit and their minions and anyone else that wants to benefit when you point that out then you can explain better to common people outside the city's exactly what for example was going on with the Boston Free Speech rally because all they understand is there's a bunch of white supremacist coming into the city and a bunch of Heroes from the left went and took them down which is not what happened at all.
What's what's happening is that things like Boston Free Speech are normal healthy reaction to what is going on in the cities and on these campus is that we see firsthand in these areas and people who are Outsiders all they hear about is all these infiltrators coming up with white supremacy values to go to a rally it's a normal Natural Healthy questioning of the fascism that the Left is created in the cities and then all of a sudden of course once you have white supremacy and extremists the other people have to show up to counter them and so that's all the public see.
They don't see abuses of power like me being framed Up 3 fucking times where this would never have happened before the whole ten years I've been doing is I've never had a legal problem with this blog now all of a sudden I'm being told to shut the fuck up or they can just put me in jail whenever the fuck they damn please.
Then seeing all these changes to freedom of speech and I've been seeing it slowly Brewing like a cancer on the college campuses and every city along with all these changes to favor the elite.
Give me a break we all know what's going on and it has to be fought legally and through peaceful demonstration and using freedom of speech because the Constitution is being chopped into pieces in front of us and they're making it out like it's something good
if you don't see the inner machinations of these cities and the college campuses then you don't really understand that it isn't good.
Not being able to question any authority figure no matter how good they seem to be or how good their intentions are is never a good thing.
I've had it with this bullshit. It's bad enough that I'm being framed three times for criminal threats against authorities with whoever's doing it USING THIS BLOG as an obvious means of taking away my right to free speech and now these long time outlets for speech are going to start ripping up the US Constitution in front of our faces as well.
This isn't a college campus. You can't just define where Free Speech Zones are and are not or what is a micro aggression.
In Boston area my being a metal head Traveler looking person is offensive to the current Victimhood culture. My very existence is a micro aggression and you should see the obvious reactions from certain demographics.
I'm done being intimidated. Hate crimes are and should be specific to legally define. I've seen instances in this city or at least heard of them second-hand from people who have been victims of hate crimes being used against them to set example simply like for instance one of our friends getting into a fight with a Muslim person after 9/11 and in order to get a conviction they made it into a hate crime even though it had nothing to do with them targeting the person due to them being Muslim. Cities like Boston and other power centers of the East Coast Elite as well as the intelligence that the colleges have a bad habit of using current laws and Trends in order to get their way or cover up trying to Target certain people.
When it comes to the Northeast and especially the college's if anything you shouldn't trust them to bring you progress and world peace and a perfect utopian society you should highly suspect them of potential abuse of power wake up I've seen it over my 46 years and it still goes on there just better at hiding.
When I tell common people who aren't near College areas or big cities about what's going on on these campuses that are training the next Generations of Executives and leaders politicians Etc they're horrified to hear about things like microaggressions and Free Speech zones the public don't know what's going on they believe what they see on television and they don't understand.
Once you understand what is going on in the cities as well as the college campuses you can under corruption and the infiltration of these former institutions of learning that are not being used for abuse of power and to train people like communism to Conformity uniformity using fear and basically terrorism once you tell people about what's going on in the cities and you tell them about the forced social engineering as well as all the policies and the abuse of power and the economic inequalities where attention is being diverted to other kinds of inequalities to hide that like the big building boom in Boston it favors the elite Millennials and not the locals and the common people once you point out to them what's going on in the cities as well as you point out the complete and total disregard of the Constitution and placed it is supposed to be teaching law not teaching how to break it effectively for the elites benefit and their minions and anyone else that wants to benefit when you point that out then you can explain better to common people outside the city's exactly what for example was going on with the Boston Free Speech rally because all they understand is there's a bunch of white supremacist coming into the city and a bunch of Heroes from the left went and took them down which is not what happened at all.
What's what's happening is that things like Boston Free Speech are normal healthy reaction to what is going on in the cities and on these campus is that we see firsthand in these areas and people who are Outsiders all they hear about is all these infiltrators coming up with white supremacy values to go to a rally it's a normal Natural Healthy questioning of the fascism that the Left is created in the cities and then all of a sudden of course once you have white supremacy and extremists the other people have to show up to counter them and so that's all the public see.
They don't see abuses of power like me being framed Up 3 fucking times where this would never have happened before the whole ten years I've been doing is I've never had a legal problem with this blog now all of a sudden I'm being told to shut the fuck up or they can just put me in jail whenever the fuck they damn please.
Then seeing all these changes to freedom of speech and I've been seeing it slowly Brewing like a cancer on the college campuses and every city along with all these changes to favor the elite.
Give me a break we all know what's going on and it has to be fought legally and through peaceful demonstration and using freedom of speech because the Constitution is being chopped into pieces in front of us and they're making it out like it's something good
if you don't see the inner machinations of these cities and the college campuses then you don't really understand that it isn't good.
Not being able to question any authority figure no matter how good they seem to be or how good their intentions are is never a good thing.
Saturday, September 30, 2017
Johnny Cash and Morse Code Cracking In Military
You always find something when you wonder how some people get such success and for so long.
Takes more than talent.
You always find something when you wonder how some people get such success and for so long.
Takes more than talent.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Artists Denied Due To Political Beliefs
Tyranny fears artists first and foremost. Artists know the codes to the symbolism that runs the lives of the people-from institutions to ads.
Tyranny fears artists first and foremost. Artists know the codes to the symbolism that runs the lives of the people-from institutions to ads.
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Defense Contractor Employees Give Most Money To Hillary Clinton
"Clinton beats all of the Republicans, plus Bernie Sanders, in getting the defense industry’s financial help for her presidential campaign"
"Clinton beats all of the Republicans, plus Bernie Sanders, in getting the defense industry’s financial help for her presidential campaign"
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Sonic Weapons Attacks On Diplomats In Cuba
I didn't read these through, was there any mention of Guantanamo Bay being in Cuba?
Also there are articles that many activists have read and passed around for years now pertaining to embassies and diplomats experiencing such activity as well as fearing becoming 'targeted' by the harassment system if they dont tow the line or step out of line.
It's a small island compared to other land masses. Would it be that hard?
I love the comment someone in the article made that sounded sarcastic concerning the signal coming from outer space. Why is that impossible? Or how IS it possible?
Questions are left unanswered because no one shows the public the research that does exist. In some other less reputable publications (The NY Post-bleh) this incident keeps being referred to as "a mystery" repeatedly.
I fear that by the time real dissident voices like myself stop getting silenced by severe abuse and frame ups as well as the public are given any legit information it will be too late for them as well as anyone who's suffered in our lifetimes.
I didn't read these through, was there any mention of Guantanamo Bay being in Cuba?
Also there are articles that many activists have read and passed around for years now pertaining to embassies and diplomats experiencing such activity as well as fearing becoming 'targeted' by the harassment system if they dont tow the line or step out of line.
It's a small island compared to other land masses. Would it be that hard?
I love the comment someone in the article made that sounded sarcastic concerning the signal coming from outer space. Why is that impossible? Or how IS it possible?
Questions are left unanswered because no one shows the public the research that does exist. In some other less reputable publications (The NY Post-bleh) this incident keeps being referred to as "a mystery" repeatedly.
I fear that by the time real dissident voices like myself stop getting silenced by severe abuse and frame ups as well as the public are given any legit information it will be too late for them as well as anyone who's suffered in our lifetimes.
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
MGH Pays Settlement To Fed For Employee Drug Thefts
Gee you'd think with all the surveillance culture present like the use of BEHAVIORAL RECOGNITION at institutions, even classes for employees for how to handle an unruly, suspect public (MGH has SAVE: safety and vigilance for everyone, where behavioral recognition classes are offered to employees-ironically and MOAB-management of aggressive behavior) the employees themselves would be able to be caught more easily at least before such a problem becomes that large.
Maybe instead of profiling people who look out of place because of being part of alternative culture (not dressed appropriately is a red flag used for terrorism in airports) or any other junk science profiling where abuse of power is far to easy, they can have a program for employees. Maybe.. R U HI. Hmm, 'Really Underserving Hypocrites' or ERCJ-'Employees Raiding The Cookie Jar' or similar.
I wonder if that was only health care workers or if perhaps they spread the love tabs around to other departments. Payoffs always come in novel ways nowadays in our easy-to-trace everything society. Hmm.
It does seem that the attention paid to members of the public and how one is treated in various institutions depends on who one is with- and how good that party's private insurance is or how costly their procedure.
This story was shocking but a naive modern public has to realize that drug taking among those in closely related fields has always been. Just like the nurses who used to smoke whilst advising patients against it-always the professionals make the worst patients themselves.
What we have forgotten lately is that anywhere there's humans theres going to be error and corruption. And those that seem beyond reproach due to position, financial status and other gloss over factors are merely playing the old game of 'keeping up appearances'.
Maybe more attention to the truth and less sneaky persecution of those trying to tell it and less attention to social engineering and who uses what restroom would be best.
Gee you'd think with all the surveillance culture present like the use of BEHAVIORAL RECOGNITION at institutions, even classes for employees for how to handle an unruly, suspect public (MGH has SAVE: safety and vigilance for everyone, where behavioral recognition classes are offered to employees-ironically and MOAB-management of aggressive behavior) the employees themselves would be able to be caught more easily at least before such a problem becomes that large.
Maybe instead of profiling people who look out of place because of being part of alternative culture (not dressed appropriately is a red flag used for terrorism in airports) or any other junk science profiling where abuse of power is far to easy, they can have a program for employees. Maybe.. R U HI. Hmm, 'Really Underserving Hypocrites' or ERCJ-'Employees Raiding The Cookie Jar' or similar.
I wonder if that was only health care workers or if perhaps they spread the love tabs around to other departments. Payoffs always come in novel ways nowadays in our easy-to-trace everything society. Hmm.
It does seem that the attention paid to members of the public and how one is treated in various institutions depends on who one is with- and how good that party's private insurance is or how costly their procedure.
This story was shocking but a naive modern public has to realize that drug taking among those in closely related fields has always been. Just like the nurses who used to smoke whilst advising patients against it-always the professionals make the worst patients themselves.
What we have forgotten lately is that anywhere there's humans theres going to be error and corruption. And those that seem beyond reproach due to position, financial status and other gloss over factors are merely playing the old game of 'keeping up appearances'.
Maybe more attention to the truth and less sneaky persecution of those trying to tell it and less attention to social engineering and who uses what restroom would be best.
Friday, September 15, 2017
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Airport Profiling By Behavior-What Other Programs Exist?
So who else uses similar standards? Public transit such as bus and train systems (trains probably covered by separate or additional such as DHS even if part of local transit), law enforcement etc?
Foriegn terrorists or now domestic threats also?
Arrogance? Penetrating stare?? Inappropriate dress? Complaining about screening process? Wtf?
So this means that if you're not conforming to very stringent norms or if they simply don't like you you can be profiled endlessly.
And if somebody in power wanted to give you a hard time do the corruption a frame up or just the fact that they don't like you or your threat to the status quo Etc this could be completely misused and utilized as a tool of corrupt power for abuse of power.
When did the checks and balances and oversight vanish that took into account the reality of human animal nature and potential for abuse of power?
So who else uses similar standards? Public transit such as bus and train systems (trains probably covered by separate or additional such as DHS even if part of local transit), law enforcement etc?
Foriegn terrorists or now domestic threats also?
Arrogance? Penetrating stare?? Inappropriate dress? Complaining about screening process? Wtf?
So this means that if you're not conforming to very stringent norms or if they simply don't like you you can be profiled endlessly.
And if somebody in power wanted to give you a hard time do the corruption a frame up or just the fact that they don't like you or your threat to the status quo Etc this could be completely misused and utilized as a tool of corrupt power for abuse of power.
When did the checks and balances and oversight vanish that took into account the reality of human animal nature and potential for abuse of power?
Monday, August 28, 2017
Sunday, August 27, 2017
More Local Corruption...Or Scapegoating?
Old school local politics.
Yet how bad is the like of this compared to the new way of doing business which is to pander to private security companies and contractors who commit war crimes and illegal domestic activity instead?
Perhaps selling out to even worse gentrification like neaby cities would be preferable (personally I think Someville has suffered enough on that front).
It's the military industrial complex and the developers, greedy real estate companies and invading corporations that are the real robbers of the public.
Not even our beloved Boston Common is safe as the No Shadow law has been broken for the first time with a new building being constructed that will set a dangerous precident for future development.
Naive people think obvious criminal activity is what's most harmful. The global culture is what's most deadly to local cultures and the lower middle to middle class people.
You've got a heroin epidemic so where is it coming from? Oh no don't look at the possible presence of new players in town who might be foriegn from desperate third world countries, because the real threat is always from established people in power who are noted for to corrupt culture.
There is no such thing as corrupt free politics. It's a choice between which corrupt parties and practices suit the need of the people best at a given time.
It seems we are switching from the old more obvious way of doing things in favor of more slick, stream lined ways of getting away with crime.
Which most likely is preferable to the current generation and people who now populate eastern MA specifically metro Boston.
As long as they don't have to know it exists or see it in action they can exist in a fantasy world that such things don't go on in their back yard-just the way they seem to like it nowadays.
Especially if it's coated with feel-good rhetoric and fake progressive culture then if it APPEARS 'good', it must be so.
More examples for the public to believe in Change when in fact criminal minds simply find new ways to hide and get away with their crimes.
As long as humans exist in any area with money and power you're going to have corruption.
Maybe you just have to look a little harder which of course no one will because throwing old school type criminal into the fire is good enough and ultimately the public really don't want to rock the boat wherever true power lies.
Global culture has taken over eastern MA and that's the problem. I bet after this admin is disolved Someville will go head first into full blown sell out and redevelopment. Brookline is fighting fo it's life as well with a bit better results.
Go ahead attend the public hangings because who you really have to watch out for are the people hiring the hangman.
Nothing is going to change. It's just going to get even worse for locals without resources after this great and Noble action in order to save the people from another bogie man.
This is corruption I'm used to. Having certain contractors and corporations move in and globalists make me feel like a stranger in my own home town is what I have issue with.
Old school local politics.
Yet how bad is the like of this compared to the new way of doing business which is to pander to private security companies and contractors who commit war crimes and illegal domestic activity instead?
Perhaps selling out to even worse gentrification like neaby cities would be preferable (personally I think Someville has suffered enough on that front).
It's the military industrial complex and the developers, greedy real estate companies and invading corporations that are the real robbers of the public.
Not even our beloved Boston Common is safe as the No Shadow law has been broken for the first time with a new building being constructed that will set a dangerous precident for future development.
Naive people think obvious criminal activity is what's most harmful. The global culture is what's most deadly to local cultures and the lower middle to middle class people.
You've got a heroin epidemic so where is it coming from? Oh no don't look at the possible presence of new players in town who might be foriegn from desperate third world countries, because the real threat is always from established people in power who are noted for to corrupt culture.
There is no such thing as corrupt free politics. It's a choice between which corrupt parties and practices suit the need of the people best at a given time.
It seems we are switching from the old more obvious way of doing things in favor of more slick, stream lined ways of getting away with crime.
Which most likely is preferable to the current generation and people who now populate eastern MA specifically metro Boston.
As long as they don't have to know it exists or see it in action they can exist in a fantasy world that such things don't go on in their back yard-just the way they seem to like it nowadays.
Especially if it's coated with feel-good rhetoric and fake progressive culture then if it APPEARS 'good', it must be so.
More examples for the public to believe in Change when in fact criminal minds simply find new ways to hide and get away with their crimes.
As long as humans exist in any area with money and power you're going to have corruption.
Maybe you just have to look a little harder which of course no one will because throwing old school type criminal into the fire is good enough and ultimately the public really don't want to rock the boat wherever true power lies.
Global culture has taken over eastern MA and that's the problem. I bet after this admin is disolved Someville will go head first into full blown sell out and redevelopment. Brookline is fighting fo it's life as well with a bit better results.
Go ahead attend the public hangings because who you really have to watch out for are the people hiring the hangman.
Nothing is going to change. It's just going to get even worse for locals without resources after this great and Noble action in order to save the people from another bogie man.
This is corruption I'm used to. Having certain contractors and corporations move in and globalists make me feel like a stranger in my own home town is what I have issue with.
Some people never grow up
Ever know people who are like little kids who didnt get into the circus when it comes into town and they will do anything to get in?
Yeah. They are usually pretty pathetic and desperate aren't they?
Some people are just so jealous when they don't get included in a game.
Yeah. They are usually pretty pathetic and desperate aren't they?
Some people are just so jealous when they don't get included in a game.
Friday, August 18, 2017
Free Speech Rally This Weekend In Boston -Use Caution
Use caution if you are going to the Freedom of Speech rally in Boston this weekend.
It's got a lot of red flags already and I as well as other activists call bullsh#t on other attending groups causing a clash there.
Basically it's supposed to be for Boston Free Speech organization but other attending groups are going to stir up sh#t as well as cause diversion from the main focus with their conflicts.
Watch and observe and be careful of violence.
Attempts to link anti censorship and real human rights activism with extremism and racism etc has been never ending during the last presidential administration.
Never forget that Divide and Conquer is the method of authority historically to maintain power.
These articles should be helpful.
Provoking violence as a means of disrupting a social movement:
It's got a lot of red flags already and I as well as other activists call bullsh#t on other attending groups causing a clash there.
Basically it's supposed to be for Boston Free Speech organization but other attending groups are going to stir up sh#t as well as cause diversion from the main focus with their conflicts.
Watch and observe and be careful of violence.
Attempts to link anti censorship and real human rights activism with extremism and racism etc has been never ending during the last presidential administration.
Never forget that Divide and Conquer is the method of authority historically to maintain power.
These articles should be helpful.
Provoking violence as a means of disrupting a social movement:
Monday, August 14, 2017
An Example Of Corrupt City Practices In MA
It's that easy in that area to procure. Too easy.
Wow. I wonder if it gets more embarrassing than this. Deeper research could probably yield much more.
An acquaintance of mine claims that the city is so corrupt and ridden with drug activity that no cell phones were allowed on one's person going into the court house becuz of past instances of corrupt employees in various capacities who are corrupt as well as a huge network of snitches taking vids and pics of people to identify them for witness intimidation.
One wonders why some areas of MA just cannot be cleaned up as if it's by design. Most likely for profit.
Very sad indeed.
BTW this is just an example there are much worse areas. I personally have never had any problems in this area when visiting but then again I've been sober for 25 yrs and don't engage in criminal activity.
I always have a pleasant time visiting friends there. It's unfortunate that's the only open low income housing they could find. It certainly isn't conducive to the arts, activism or any other similar pursuits but we don't have any trouble there.
It's that easy in that area to procure. Too easy.
Wow. I wonder if it gets more embarrassing than this. Deeper research could probably yield much more.
An acquaintance of mine claims that the city is so corrupt and ridden with drug activity that no cell phones were allowed on one's person going into the court house becuz of past instances of corrupt employees in various capacities who are corrupt as well as a huge network of snitches taking vids and pics of people to identify them for witness intimidation.
One wonders why some areas of MA just cannot be cleaned up as if it's by design. Most likely for profit.
Very sad indeed.
BTW this is just an example there are much worse areas. I personally have never had any problems in this area when visiting but then again I've been sober for 25 yrs and don't engage in criminal activity.
I always have a pleasant time visiting friends there. It's unfortunate that's the only open low income housing they could find. It certainly isn't conducive to the arts, activism or any other similar pursuits but we don't have any trouble there.
Saturday, August 5, 2017
Friday, August 4, 2017
In Defense Of Trump: The Golf Story or "The White House Is A Dump" Comment
So this somehow is worse than Michelle Obama's comment about not being proud of her country until she had some personal gain in becoming First Lady and a percieved victory for her racial demographic?
We have many rights and freedoms in this country protected and worked for by everyone from politicians to unseen wealth to lawyers, law enforcement, military and every person who makes a difference by paying attention and working on keeping these freedoms valid and a part of our country. Even activists like me who people resent as we seem to threaten the status quo and livelhood of people, ultimately work to preserve those same freedoms and warn people about possible issues in the future as progress brings technology into our lives even our bodies.
How can I be proud of my country when Ive been framed up for domestic terrorism three times in an effort to seemingly take away the rights I just mentioned? Im proud now not after I win my cases and sue the shit out of everyone.
Because I know that the corruption is localized to an area that has been traditionally corrupt for decades and that though Im disappointed in my community I am confident that the justice system as well as higher authorities will establish order once again according to rule of law and my rights as a US citizen.
You are lucky to be born here or come here to live. Let her go to Kenya and live for a while without the benefit of US citizenship or presidential status and guaranteed shed pine for poverty in the US as an alternative to anywhere else.
Also consider Trump is a businessman not a politician. People seem to forget this. Its never been his job to mince words for public acceptability. It has been his post for years to be an outrageous, entertaining character.
Consider the fact hes made a living out of owning top hotels. To his eyes anything not up to standard is probably offensive. Just like being asked to get something off the shelf in a store offends Michelle Obama's tender sensibilities.
What I like about Trump is that he's rich and an asshole but sensible. And he doesn't have to keep up a political legacy like Bush. And he certainly has a much less dangerous agenda-be grateful..or perhaps you've forgotten or arent old enough to remember the absolute horrors of the Bush era.
Obama got elected basically because much of America had been beaten within an inch of our lives under the Bush administration. The rest of the country of course wanted him in for their own agenda.
The Obama's appeal to upwaedly mobile middle and lower and new money sensibilities and sensitivities always made me ill.
His parading as a messiah and leading us to The Promised Land wasnt for me. I cant relate. Our people are born with the charge of a never ending fight against the castle on the hill-or the dictator or to always be watchful of the emporor lest we encounter another Caligula or Nero. The promised land lies in fighting oppression your born into and contributing improvements during your lifetime. There is no promised land or perfect world system. These are Machievelian deceptions of those in power.
Im used to everyone being in their distinct classes and we leave each other the fuck alone. If they choose to downshift great-if I decide to become upwardly mobile then wonderful.
The eight year DIVERSION of race, the nonsense of conceptualizing people as 'colors' like a box of crayons in kindergarten without ANY respect for genetics, culture, geography, history, belief or human spirit in order to cover up for political intrigue, fuck ups and hypocritical policies IS OVER.
He also is constantly backlashing against the censorship of the past admin by utilizing free speech-aggressively and creatively.
Bush claimed conspiracy theory or even unpopular questions from journalists were "subversive" and Obama took this further into our lives and now our college campuses,work places and schools.
Its nice to have an arrogant big businessman in office who I can see more clearly because hes not clouding my vision with cult mind control tactics that should have nothing to do with US citizenship or being a private citizen in a country like ours.
I love his wife dripping with jewels. I love the fear hes inspiring. I love those super creepy pics of him and his daughter some years ago.
Here is a man..just a man with problems, issues, misdeeds, scandals and complete fucked upness who is clearly viewed for what he is.
Again the public chooses to turn a blind eye-just as they did to Bush's kissing the head of a military male prostitute with a cover as a Whitehouse reporter. Recall also the scandal of Bush the elder where that dump-the Whitehouse was utilized for late night call boy services. The investigation stopped by authorities and media coverage banned by influence
Trump seems to have some best interest at heart as well as a sense of humour about how fucked up things are-and he himself is.
Theres something desperate and human about him. He lacks that complicated cold stone quality of intergenerational bloodline money like Bush.
Hes genuinely AMERICAN in his story and his character whereas one might claim that Bush and the like are simply an extension of old monarch rule from the old families overseas.
Im old enough to have watched Trump for 40 years. Late night talk shows, interviews with many sketchy comments interjected for shock yet no one seemed to notice or want to. This is a business man or womans magickal talent-to be able to sneak around you like a snake slithering at your feet. Ever hold a big snake? They are beautiful and kind of calming and they are part of Nature and so are people like Trump.
Its about time I get treated like a fucking ADULT by a guy who is openly a sexist pig-because Im 46 and used to cause car wrecks in short dresses so Ive been dealing with that for decades.
Trump is telling us to stop whining about microbullshit and who can use what restroom and pay attention to the real threats around us.
Its time to mind the store and thats pretty much what he's good at and has made a career out of.
Its nice to get back to the business of living instead of being indoctrinated by force into a damned cult. Bush bombed us until we surrendered-Obama imprisoned us as we continued to fight through resistance.
Trump is putting a deal on the table-what he does remember-to determine our own fate. Something that used to be typically American especially in the 80s.
Thats the challenge. You may get jailed for protesting nowadays but at least you wont get pepper sprayed by SWAT teams right in the face as you sit peacefully or shot with rubber bullets. Have we forgotten the Bush era?
Maybe we can actually protest and focus on the real issues not get diverted with domestic social issues while committing war crimes over seas like the Obama era.
Trump presents opportunity. Thats what business people do.
If you are old enough to recall being able to act like a grown up and a free American citizen then welcome back to reality-if you are too young to remember then learn it.
Its a wonderful wonderful place to be.
So this somehow is worse than Michelle Obama's comment about not being proud of her country until she had some personal gain in becoming First Lady and a percieved victory for her racial demographic?
We have many rights and freedoms in this country protected and worked for by everyone from politicians to unseen wealth to lawyers, law enforcement, military and every person who makes a difference by paying attention and working on keeping these freedoms valid and a part of our country. Even activists like me who people resent as we seem to threaten the status quo and livelhood of people, ultimately work to preserve those same freedoms and warn people about possible issues in the future as progress brings technology into our lives even our bodies.
How can I be proud of my country when Ive been framed up for domestic terrorism three times in an effort to seemingly take away the rights I just mentioned? Im proud now not after I win my cases and sue the shit out of everyone.
Because I know that the corruption is localized to an area that has been traditionally corrupt for decades and that though Im disappointed in my community I am confident that the justice system as well as higher authorities will establish order once again according to rule of law and my rights as a US citizen.
You are lucky to be born here or come here to live. Let her go to Kenya and live for a while without the benefit of US citizenship or presidential status and guaranteed shed pine for poverty in the US as an alternative to anywhere else.
Also consider Trump is a businessman not a politician. People seem to forget this. Its never been his job to mince words for public acceptability. It has been his post for years to be an outrageous, entertaining character.
Consider the fact hes made a living out of owning top hotels. To his eyes anything not up to standard is probably offensive. Just like being asked to get something off the shelf in a store offends Michelle Obama's tender sensibilities.
What I like about Trump is that he's rich and an asshole but sensible. And he doesn't have to keep up a political legacy like Bush. And he certainly has a much less dangerous agenda-be grateful..or perhaps you've forgotten or arent old enough to remember the absolute horrors of the Bush era.
Obama got elected basically because much of America had been beaten within an inch of our lives under the Bush administration. The rest of the country of course wanted him in for their own agenda.
The Obama's appeal to upwaedly mobile middle and lower and new money sensibilities and sensitivities always made me ill.
His parading as a messiah and leading us to The Promised Land wasnt for me. I cant relate. Our people are born with the charge of a never ending fight against the castle on the hill-or the dictator or to always be watchful of the emporor lest we encounter another Caligula or Nero. The promised land lies in fighting oppression your born into and contributing improvements during your lifetime. There is no promised land or perfect world system. These are Machievelian deceptions of those in power.
Im used to everyone being in their distinct classes and we leave each other the fuck alone. If they choose to downshift great-if I decide to become upwardly mobile then wonderful.
The eight year DIVERSION of race, the nonsense of conceptualizing people as 'colors' like a box of crayons in kindergarten without ANY respect for genetics, culture, geography, history, belief or human spirit in order to cover up for political intrigue, fuck ups and hypocritical policies IS OVER.
He also is constantly backlashing against the censorship of the past admin by utilizing free speech-aggressively and creatively.
Bush claimed conspiracy theory or even unpopular questions from journalists were "subversive" and Obama took this further into our lives and now our college campuses,work places and schools.
Its nice to have an arrogant big businessman in office who I can see more clearly because hes not clouding my vision with cult mind control tactics that should have nothing to do with US citizenship or being a private citizen in a country like ours.
I love his wife dripping with jewels. I love the fear hes inspiring. I love those super creepy pics of him and his daughter some years ago.
Here is a man..just a man with problems, issues, misdeeds, scandals and complete fucked upness who is clearly viewed for what he is.
Again the public chooses to turn a blind eye-just as they did to Bush's kissing the head of a military male prostitute with a cover as a Whitehouse reporter. Recall also the scandal of Bush the elder where that dump-the Whitehouse was utilized for late night call boy services. The investigation stopped by authorities and media coverage banned by influence
Trump seems to have some best interest at heart as well as a sense of humour about how fucked up things are-and he himself is.
Theres something desperate and human about him. He lacks that complicated cold stone quality of intergenerational bloodline money like Bush.
Hes genuinely AMERICAN in his story and his character whereas one might claim that Bush and the like are simply an extension of old monarch rule from the old families overseas.
Im old enough to have watched Trump for 40 years. Late night talk shows, interviews with many sketchy comments interjected for shock yet no one seemed to notice or want to. This is a business man or womans magickal talent-to be able to sneak around you like a snake slithering at your feet. Ever hold a big snake? They are beautiful and kind of calming and they are part of Nature and so are people like Trump.
Its about time I get treated like a fucking ADULT by a guy who is openly a sexist pig-because Im 46 and used to cause car wrecks in short dresses so Ive been dealing with that for decades.
Trump is telling us to stop whining about microbullshit and who can use what restroom and pay attention to the real threats around us.
Its time to mind the store and thats pretty much what he's good at and has made a career out of.
Its nice to get back to the business of living instead of being indoctrinated by force into a damned cult. Bush bombed us until we surrendered-Obama imprisoned us as we continued to fight through resistance.
Trump is putting a deal on the table-what he does remember-to determine our own fate. Something that used to be typically American especially in the 80s.
Thats the challenge. You may get jailed for protesting nowadays but at least you wont get pepper sprayed by SWAT teams right in the face as you sit peacefully or shot with rubber bullets. Have we forgotten the Bush era?
Maybe we can actually protest and focus on the real issues not get diverted with domestic social issues while committing war crimes over seas like the Obama era.
Trump presents opportunity. Thats what business people do.
If you are old enough to recall being able to act like a grown up and a free American citizen then welcome back to reality-if you are too young to remember then learn it.
Its a wonderful wonderful place to be.
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