Fear Is Worse Than Death
The use of the FEAR of death is much worse than death itself.
When someone in authority passes by in a vehicle and clearly turns to look right in your eyes, especially with that stupid Ginny look of 'we're gonna kill you' which, being partially Italian, just serves to piss me off, not frighten me.
A look only made possible by psychopaths with licenses to kill. So, what makes this year or this era or this century so special compared to any other?
I put my hand under my jaw and swipe it forward, in the old way I recall Italians from the old coungry telling each other off 40 years ago in the city. It means 'not interested', if thats a polite translation.
How about 'who cares?' or I dont give a fuck.
See the trick is to get someone when they just begin to value living as opposed to not being afraid to die, especially if they've found people to care for or causes- reasons to live. Then, your leverage is basically 'How much is your life worth to you?' or 'Do you want to keep living?'.
Every one of us is going to die someday. This fact remains and it never changes.
Isnt it funny when an entire city spends an untold fortune and many years trying to cage one single lone female human animal and she escapes every cage they try to construct- until one day they believe they've finally found the right one to hold her prisoner. The psychopathic jailers swim around like sharks, jailers in the psychological prison.
Every one of us is going to die someday. That doesnt change.
Why be afraid on any part of a timeline more than any other. Its the mistake of becoming too attached to this illusion of life.
It can be used against you.
Every one of us is going to die someday. That never changes.
That doesnt change.
It will never change.
I own my death.
No one else.
This is why Italians cross themselves when they give you a compliment-because they want you to know they are not being deceptive, they are not envious and the compliment is genuine. Then protect they and you from The Evil Eye.
The Evil Eye. That look when someone in authority passes by in a vehicle and clearly turns to look right in your eyes, especially with that stupid Ginny look of 'we're gonna kill you'. A psychopath with a license to kill.
I curse your eyes. May the fire in them, the burning insanity, like a candles remaining lit in churches, hidden under darkness. May the light be extinguished by your own deeds. May the fire burn you most of all. Until you're a cinder.
Ancient urges and superstition that will never die regardless of how much PC tries to wipe us all out or convince us we nevee existed as it rewrites our history.
The coding in our DNA is the most powerful force on earth. That may be a piece of information certain people hope the public never realizes or internalizes.
And giving away the secrets of those in power who've denied me my birthright to grow and evolve to my right size, my full potential, is my main number one goal in this lifetime.
Its vendetta and revenge.
I curse your eyes. May the fire in them, the burning insanity, like a candles remaining lit in churches, hidden under darkness. May the light be extinguished by your own deeds. May the fire burn you most of all. Until you're a cinder.
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Monday, May 28, 2018
To The 'Stalker' Who Framed Me: Your Sick Comments Now Applies To You
Anonymous | on 10/15/16 |
wut happened 2 u? where is my rabble rouser? u need 2 incite. u need 2 threaten. u need 2 bring fear. u r the gaiaphage, eater of worlds. run. on AlterNet Article: Why American Life Can Literally Drive You Insane | Anonymous | on 1/5/17 |
Well, HERE is the "little rabble rouser'!
Your advice to "run" was rediculous.
I stayed, got framed 3 times and fought back exercising my legal rights under the US Constitution.
Eater of worlds?
Time for you to take the cheese. Choke on it.
How about another nursery rhyme just for you?
Play Frere Jacques as a funeral dirge: then face your Better.
Russian Trolls Destroy Activists' Lives and Jam Activism; Parallel To Western Tactics Utilized
Jessikka Aro: How pro-Russian trolls tried to destroy me:
The Real Purpose Of Paranoia Inducing Russian Hacks:
This is the same as COINTELPRO program where agents and other shills or assets interfered with activism by sabotage, agitation, infiltration, frame ups, slander and smear, divide and conquer, inciting violence, disinformation and misdirection. Now using technology to create an environment in which activism isn't possible seems a common taxtic.
Any serious activist in the USA can tell you that these tactics are used in the US but it's more difficult to convince a democratic society that they are not free.
The public does not want to see focusing on Identity Politics or BLM protests as possible diversionary forms of activism as opposed to more serious, global issues especially on college campuses. The very idea of a college creating any sort of interference with the US Constitution and free speech while suppossdly teaching the young citizens of the future is completely insane but such is the success of trauma based brain washing over time. None of the cultural changes in this country that have occurred over the past 20 years would not have been possible without terrorism looking in the background of American lives and effecting the west generally.
People thinking they have a clear view of information on the internet creates a situation where people don't scrutinize what they read or see. This creates the perfect illusion factory or disinformation friendly environment for disinformation agents.
Destroying genuine activists is a bit different activity than creating diversionary movements which is a more sophisticated and requires specific designs. One red flag of any activism being diversionary in nature is that it's doesn't interfere with the corporate world; in fact, ID politics and BLM actually serve to further their interests and serve them not the welfare of humanity. Only certain groups (special interest) benefit from these movements and there's a lot of scapegoating and creation of exclusion that results in classism, ageism and reverse racism.
Even after history clearly documents COINTELPRO especially effecting and being active in the African American community.
Nor does anyone here want to believe an activist is targeted by harassment or that Russian style punitive psychiatry is utikized to silence activists or dissidents.
These tactics are the norm for the power structure. Wake up, grow up and get back to some common sense.
Its convenient to forget history when you cant handle the truth anymore because it's become overwhelming and its just easier to believe bullsh*t and cooperate with the system.
The Real Purpose Of Paranoia Inducing Russian Hacks:
This is the same as COINTELPRO program where agents and other shills or assets interfered with activism by sabotage, agitation, infiltration, frame ups, slander and smear, divide and conquer, inciting violence, disinformation and misdirection. Now using technology to create an environment in which activism isn't possible seems a common taxtic.
Any serious activist in the USA can tell you that these tactics are used in the US but it's more difficult to convince a democratic society that they are not free.
The public does not want to see focusing on Identity Politics or BLM protests as possible diversionary forms of activism as opposed to more serious, global issues especially on college campuses. The very idea of a college creating any sort of interference with the US Constitution and free speech while suppossdly teaching the young citizens of the future is completely insane but such is the success of trauma based brain washing over time. None of the cultural changes in this country that have occurred over the past 20 years would not have been possible without terrorism looking in the background of American lives and effecting the west generally.
People thinking they have a clear view of information on the internet creates a situation where people don't scrutinize what they read or see. This creates the perfect illusion factory or disinformation friendly environment for disinformation agents.
Destroying genuine activists is a bit different activity than creating diversionary movements which is a more sophisticated and requires specific designs. One red flag of any activism being diversionary in nature is that it's doesn't interfere with the corporate world; in fact, ID politics and BLM actually serve to further their interests and serve them not the welfare of humanity. Only certain groups (special interest) benefit from these movements and there's a lot of scapegoating and creation of exclusion that results in classism, ageism and reverse racism.
Even after history clearly documents COINTELPRO especially effecting and being active in the African American community.
Nor does anyone here want to believe an activist is targeted by harassment or that Russian style punitive psychiatry is utikized to silence activists or dissidents.
These tactics are the norm for the power structure. Wake up, grow up and get back to some common sense.
Its convenient to forget history when you cant handle the truth anymore because it's become overwhelming and its just easier to believe bullsh*t and cooperate with the system.
Secret Society/Cult Did Illegal Human Experimentation: NXIVM 'Fright' Experiments
I had read about this cult before as its hold on prominent wealthy persons had been a source of speculation and interest if not a cautionary tale of predators of the rich.
The Seagram's heiresses supported leader and valued his advice and methods. People like entrepreneur Richard Branson of Virgin brand name fame has attended many of their retreats.
I had read about this cult before as its hold on prominent wealthy persons had been a source of speculation and interest if not a cautionary tale of predators of the rich.
The Seagram's heiresses supported leader and valued his advice and methods. People like entrepreneur Richard Branson of Virgin brand name fame has attended many of their retreats.
Facebook And Cambridge Analytica- It Goes Beyond Election Interference
Its interesting to see how this ties into the election and Russia. For years people both TIs and civilians have asked me why FB ads were so creepy with their eerie accuracy to reflect their private affairs.
Years ago before the public were as internet-savvy as they are now and before companies were admitting that they were capable of doing such things I actually considered this activity to be a potential form of media psyops, theoretically.
Theres alot that ties into Russia and the election if you research enough.
Wanted to post this sooner but have not been blogging as necessary due to personal stuff needing to get done so Im a bit late with this news.
Cambridge Analytica ran voter suppression campaigns, whistleblower claims:
Zuckerberg: It’s ‘Entirely Possible’ Cambridge Analytica Activities Overlapped With Indicted Russian Firm:
Cambridge Analytica: links to Moscow oil firm and St Petersburg university:
Cambridge Analytica Linked to Russian Trolls?:
Whats 'genius' under Obama is scandal under Trump:
Zuckerberg to Gloss Over Obama Campaign’s Data Scrape in Congressional Testimony:
Facebook Announces Partnership with Think Tank Connected to NATO, Military Industrial Complex:
Years ago before the public were as internet-savvy as they are now and before companies were admitting that they were capable of doing such things I actually considered this activity to be a potential form of media psyops, theoretically.
Theres alot that ties into Russia and the election if you research enough.
Wanted to post this sooner but have not been blogging as necessary due to personal stuff needing to get done so Im a bit late with this news.
Cambridge Analytica and Facebook The Scandal and the Fallout So Far:
https://mobile.nytimes.com/2018/04/04/us/politics/cambridge-analytica-scandal-fallout.htmlCambridge Analytica ran voter suppression campaigns, whistleblower claims:
Zuckerberg: It’s ‘Entirely Possible’ Cambridge Analytica Activities Overlapped With Indicted Russian Firm:
Cambridge Analytica: links to Moscow oil firm and St Petersburg university:
Cambridge Analytica Linked to Russian Trolls?:
Zuckerberg to Gloss Over Obama Campaign’s Data Scrape in Congressional Testimony:
Facebook Announces Partnership with Think Tank Connected to NATO, Military Industrial Complex:
Sunday, May 20, 2018
Disinfo Website Claiming Activists Are Disguised Transexuals-I'm On It!
This has to be the most retarded, stupid DISINFO site meant to confuse people about conspiracy theories and alternative stories I've ever seen.
If you read my other blog,
Skepticism For Targeted Individuals http://skeptictarget.blogspot.com/
which you should, if you're doing activism of any kind you'll find that DISINFO campaigns take viable, feasible theories and make them seem totally stupid, dumb and ultimately unbelievable. Often some factual info is used for cred then info is woven into total bullsh*t.
DISinformation is the purposeful misuse of information for info warfare.
MISinformation is the mistaken misuse of information by people's ignorance etc.
Due to people not being familiar with a subject or just aren't good at sifting through info they become confused and believe disinformation.
For example, it's totally feasible that the Boston Bombing or 9-11 could be a 'false flag' operation or at least done on purpose or even allowed to occur due to seeming incompetence or negligence on the part of authorities.
Anything event of terrorism could be, it depends on how suspicious the event and circumstances are.
If any alternative theories of what occurred are possible then at least questions and investigation of the event and official stories would be appropriate.
A False Flag is something violent executed by a state actor, government or using private sector outsourcing then blamed on a foriegn government or group in order to rationalize some act of war etc.
A Hoax is just that, faked. Black ops. A psychological operation on rhe public using manipulated media coverage to create a deception that such an event occured. These usually lack evidence and many victims or those involved can be traced later on to other events or even shown to be alive after claims of death occur in media. These are the events most played with by disinfo agents to create huge messes due to how messy it is to create such a deception to begin with and that is most likely to ensure that the public cant trace the 'actors' or their identities once they are relocated elsewhere.
Often these horrible events are allowed to occur through purposeful negligence is the theory. There may be agents or actors present but its no hoax-people are injured or killed. There may be a frame up involved of perpetrators or it may be induced so that patsys will actually commit violence but the entire operation in the background that caused this to happen is covered up and kept from the public.
For instance no one in their right mind would claim 9-11 was a Hoax with specialized 'actors' because there's evidence of actual death and destruction. It would be considered a possible False Flag due to the event being used to rationalize invasion of Iraq, the war etc.
The Boston Bombing doesn't appear to be a Hoax but it's a feasible theory it was executed by professionals, most likely a private military contractor etc may be a good guess and there were people involved. Some of the people there who played hero are suspect and have sordid pasts that should be questioned. I've done posts on these people but I wouldn't go as far as to say no one was hurt or those injured were actors. If the brothers accused of perpetrating the crime were framed then it is considered a frame up, probably with Useful Idiots etc.
DISINFO agents will always claim the Boston Bombing was a Hoax with "crisis actors". Conspiracy theorists will put forth that it was a violent act done purposefully involving 'actors' or agents but people were hurt.
Most likely for the purpose of gun control laws or even taking away US Citizens' right to bear arms as well as increased police state (surveillance and control) in that area.
The Sandy Hook Newtown, CT shooting is an example of what may be a Hoax due to the lack of evidence and the strange behavior of sthe local Coroner and the disappearance of a sheriff who himself questioned the official story.
That isn't to say there wasn't injuries but again it seems induced or purposefully caused by outside forces orchestrating the event. If Adam Lanza did indeed perpetrate this crime (and there's much doubt he was physically capable of doing so) then it's feasible to theorize he may have been induced into doing so through various means. Sandy Hook is the most feasible to be a hoax as opposed to other violent events studied by conspiracy theorist. GE is a huge military contractor formerly in CT that was heavily involved in Newtown before the event. Newtown was known for Satanic cult activity by the well-to-do. The entire town was built to support a very corrupt, sick mental hospital that is no longer there but on par with infamous Danvers State Hospital. Its not exactly an area known for good, healing and right.
And it must be understood these theories are for awareness of the public ONLY. It's to cause people to see things aren't right and to ASK MORE QUESTIONS, DIFFERENT QUESTIONS and to encourage FURTHER INVESTIGATION as well as INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATIONS by non biased parties.
It's not meant to be the answers to what really occurred or the truth.
Someone like myself would have to study each of these events, have trained investigation skills, consult other professionals and seek some sort of peer review.
Like myself, many theorists are uneducated yet smart and can sense there's something off about what happened.
I would love to investigate some of these cases but don't have time, money, resources nor connections.
Also like all investigators or journalists of the past if I was one, if I got too close to the truth or solving the mystery I'd get threats and warnings to leave it alone.
It's been said that the scientist Olson who was pushed from the window due to his involvement in MK Ultra was murdered not because he was going to tell THE PUBLIC but because he was going to tell OTHER ACADEMICS AND SCIENTISTS about the war crimes and unethical human experimentation.
This Disinfo site is tasteless as it disses many victims of crimes such as Boston Bombing survivors and shooting victims etc.
The author has either gone off the deep end or is a really sh*tty Disinfo agent.
You couldn't find a worse pic of me lol.
I had a severe haircut there, I remember now. I think this was taken from a vid made at a college campus in San Antonio TX. Nice place, nice people. I was traveling.
I really miss that Italian horn. Braided the flag colors into a necklace myself. I looked younger...sigh.
This still pic used on the site was taken from a video that my friend found that's one of a few where some creeps have ripped the vid and added weird music etc. Hes investigating as many as he can find. Theres 3 so far. They all came out during 2014-2016.
Some readers commented during my legal troubles being framed for sending threat emails to authorities but I had little time to look at it. One reader commented as if they were using it to intimidate me, as if it was my fault someone created such a thing.
This site seems to have come from the same time frame as the frame up itself-from 2014-2016.
Alot was happening then and key people left office or died locally even nationally that left me and other activists unprotected and vulnerable.
Recently I've discovered that the Obama administration was abusing a part of Obama Care where if you are accused of a crime and deemed dangerous, law enforcement can gain access to your medical records for security reasons. It seems that people were being framed using this, specifically advocates of gun ownership and the Constitutional right to bear arms. Nurses, professionals, alot of different people.
It makes sense that this would be a time frame for me to be framed also attempting to abuse that part of Obama Care. Luckily I was street smart enough to keep up and block it however I didn't know enough about my legal rights and made some errors.
There's a lot of trolling like this of activists during this time frame as well and it also leads up to the presidential election and then much of the activities seem to stop which is also suspect.
There's articles about this kind of viscousness being par the course in Russia as activists there have had their lives ruined by such Disinfo campaigns and interestingly, Russia has also used punitive psychiatry to silence dissidents.
Personally I can't tell if it's any connection to Russia at all-or if it had to do with Clinton or Trump. When Trump got in he fixed Obama Care I believe so this can't happen anymore as it did. Perhaps that's why people thought it important to get him in because Obama, Clinton and Co were getting too crazy and going too far. I heard that Obama tried to take out the 23rd amendment which says presidents can only serve two terms.
Again there IS 'fake news' out there which confuses issues.
Fake News resembles moreso real news pieces and not conspiracy theory so people become confused about what they are looking at.
However, its been published that Trump was blackmailed by Russia thus the questions of their involvement in the election.
Conspiracy theory is more akin to an avante gard form of art that goes off in new directions and questions established form. Fake News is akin to a reproduction or fake of an actual well known, established, respected piece of art-like the Mona Lisa etc.
I ignore Disinfo like this site because it's simply psychological warfare and info warfare. It's not personal, it's what people do to win.
And it's pleasing to see that it was done so badly. Even the frame up was badly written and executed with excessive use of fear, intimidation and negligence.
However what I experienced is a definite understanding of the importance of our US Constitution. Without it I never would have made it out of that trap.
Ignore this crap. Focus on remaining active in awareness or other positive action.
This has to be the most retarded, stupid DISINFO site meant to confuse people about conspiracy theories and alternative stories I've ever seen.
If you read my other blog,
Skepticism For Targeted Individuals http://skeptictarget.blogspot.com/
which you should, if you're doing activism of any kind you'll find that DISINFO campaigns take viable, feasible theories and make them seem totally stupid, dumb and ultimately unbelievable. Often some factual info is used for cred then info is woven into total bullsh*t.
DISinformation is the purposeful misuse of information for info warfare.
MISinformation is the mistaken misuse of information by people's ignorance etc.
Due to people not being familiar with a subject or just aren't good at sifting through info they become confused and believe disinformation.
For example, it's totally feasible that the Boston Bombing or 9-11 could be a 'false flag' operation or at least done on purpose or even allowed to occur due to seeming incompetence or negligence on the part of authorities.
Anything event of terrorism could be, it depends on how suspicious the event and circumstances are.
If any alternative theories of what occurred are possible then at least questions and investigation of the event and official stories would be appropriate.
A False Flag is something violent executed by a state actor, government or using private sector outsourcing then blamed on a foriegn government or group in order to rationalize some act of war etc.
A Hoax is just that, faked. Black ops. A psychological operation on rhe public using manipulated media coverage to create a deception that such an event occured. These usually lack evidence and many victims or those involved can be traced later on to other events or even shown to be alive after claims of death occur in media. These are the events most played with by disinfo agents to create huge messes due to how messy it is to create such a deception to begin with and that is most likely to ensure that the public cant trace the 'actors' or their identities once they are relocated elsewhere.
Often these horrible events are allowed to occur through purposeful negligence is the theory. There may be agents or actors present but its no hoax-people are injured or killed. There may be a frame up involved of perpetrators or it may be induced so that patsys will actually commit violence but the entire operation in the background that caused this to happen is covered up and kept from the public.
For instance no one in their right mind would claim 9-11 was a Hoax with specialized 'actors' because there's evidence of actual death and destruction. It would be considered a possible False Flag due to the event being used to rationalize invasion of Iraq, the war etc.
The Boston Bombing doesn't appear to be a Hoax but it's a feasible theory it was executed by professionals, most likely a private military contractor etc may be a good guess and there were people involved. Some of the people there who played hero are suspect and have sordid pasts that should be questioned. I've done posts on these people but I wouldn't go as far as to say no one was hurt or those injured were actors. If the brothers accused of perpetrating the crime were framed then it is considered a frame up, probably with Useful Idiots etc.
DISINFO agents will always claim the Boston Bombing was a Hoax with "crisis actors". Conspiracy theorists will put forth that it was a violent act done purposefully involving 'actors' or agents but people were hurt.
Most likely for the purpose of gun control laws or even taking away US Citizens' right to bear arms as well as increased police state (surveillance and control) in that area.
The Sandy Hook Newtown, CT shooting is an example of what may be a Hoax due to the lack of evidence and the strange behavior of sthe local Coroner and the disappearance of a sheriff who himself questioned the official story.
That isn't to say there wasn't injuries but again it seems induced or purposefully caused by outside forces orchestrating the event. If Adam Lanza did indeed perpetrate this crime (and there's much doubt he was physically capable of doing so) then it's feasible to theorize he may have been induced into doing so through various means. Sandy Hook is the most feasible to be a hoax as opposed to other violent events studied by conspiracy theorist. GE is a huge military contractor formerly in CT that was heavily involved in Newtown before the event. Newtown was known for Satanic cult activity by the well-to-do. The entire town was built to support a very corrupt, sick mental hospital that is no longer there but on par with infamous Danvers State Hospital. Its not exactly an area known for good, healing and right.
And it must be understood these theories are for awareness of the public ONLY. It's to cause people to see things aren't right and to ASK MORE QUESTIONS, DIFFERENT QUESTIONS and to encourage FURTHER INVESTIGATION as well as INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATIONS by non biased parties.
It's not meant to be the answers to what really occurred or the truth.
Someone like myself would have to study each of these events, have trained investigation skills, consult other professionals and seek some sort of peer review.
Like myself, many theorists are uneducated yet smart and can sense there's something off about what happened.
I would love to investigate some of these cases but don't have time, money, resources nor connections.
Also like all investigators or journalists of the past if I was one, if I got too close to the truth or solving the mystery I'd get threats and warnings to leave it alone.
It's been said that the scientist Olson who was pushed from the window due to his involvement in MK Ultra was murdered not because he was going to tell THE PUBLIC but because he was going to tell OTHER ACADEMICS AND SCIENTISTS about the war crimes and unethical human experimentation.
This Disinfo site is tasteless as it disses many victims of crimes such as Boston Bombing survivors and shooting victims etc.
The author has either gone off the deep end or is a really sh*tty Disinfo agent.
You couldn't find a worse pic of me lol.
I had a severe haircut there, I remember now. I think this was taken from a vid made at a college campus in San Antonio TX. Nice place, nice people. I was traveling.
I really miss that Italian horn. Braided the flag colors into a necklace myself. I looked younger...sigh.
This still pic used on the site was taken from a video that my friend found that's one of a few where some creeps have ripped the vid and added weird music etc. Hes investigating as many as he can find. Theres 3 so far. They all came out during 2014-2016.
Some readers commented during my legal troubles being framed for sending threat emails to authorities but I had little time to look at it. One reader commented as if they were using it to intimidate me, as if it was my fault someone created such a thing.
This site seems to have come from the same time frame as the frame up itself-from 2014-2016.
Alot was happening then and key people left office or died locally even nationally that left me and other activists unprotected and vulnerable.
Recently I've discovered that the Obama administration was abusing a part of Obama Care where if you are accused of a crime and deemed dangerous, law enforcement can gain access to your medical records for security reasons. It seems that people were being framed using this, specifically advocates of gun ownership and the Constitutional right to bear arms. Nurses, professionals, alot of different people.
It makes sense that this would be a time frame for me to be framed also attempting to abuse that part of Obama Care. Luckily I was street smart enough to keep up and block it however I didn't know enough about my legal rights and made some errors.
There's a lot of trolling like this of activists during this time frame as well and it also leads up to the presidential election and then much of the activities seem to stop which is also suspect.
There's articles about this kind of viscousness being par the course in Russia as activists there have had their lives ruined by such Disinfo campaigns and interestingly, Russia has also used punitive psychiatry to silence dissidents.
Personally I can't tell if it's any connection to Russia at all-or if it had to do with Clinton or Trump. When Trump got in he fixed Obama Care I believe so this can't happen anymore as it did. Perhaps that's why people thought it important to get him in because Obama, Clinton and Co were getting too crazy and going too far. I heard that Obama tried to take out the 23rd amendment which says presidents can only serve two terms.
Again there IS 'fake news' out there which confuses issues.
Fake News resembles moreso real news pieces and not conspiracy theory so people become confused about what they are looking at.
However, its been published that Trump was blackmailed by Russia thus the questions of their involvement in the election.
Conspiracy theory is more akin to an avante gard form of art that goes off in new directions and questions established form. Fake News is akin to a reproduction or fake of an actual well known, established, respected piece of art-like the Mona Lisa etc.
I ignore Disinfo like this site because it's simply psychological warfare and info warfare. It's not personal, it's what people do to win.
And it's pleasing to see that it was done so badly. Even the frame up was badly written and executed with excessive use of fear, intimidation and negligence.
However what I experienced is a definite understanding of the importance of our US Constitution. Without it I never would have made it out of that trap.
Ignore this crap. Focus on remaining active in awareness or other positive action.
Friday, May 18, 2018
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Racial Profiling In OAKLAND, California on NEXTDOOR.COM Reflects Profiling Of Various Demographics In Globalist Cities Due To Gentrification
'Profiling' is being used everywhere for the globalist/gentrification agenda.
This is happening in the metro Boston area-all over MA actually (and the US) but the demographics being profiled are different. The situation seems very similar which anyone can deduct then would mean that its just a natural part of the nasty process of colonization. Its normal for the colonizing population to get rid of the natives-in fact thats what this country is built on, lol.
Its simply an abuse of power to assist in gentrification of the area. They are doing the same things here but to homeless people, anyone who looks funky and alternative, who is colorful and Caucasian specifically. OCCUPY types, especially 'the homeless'.
We are the most hated demographic here now.
We also cannot stand at bus stops for transit, we cant leave a friend outside a bank while we conduct business inside, we cant stand 'in shadows' or in front of coffee shops. Its very similar.
None of this can be taken seriously as strictly raci profiling because its just tactical warfare for one group to establish their land ownership over another and its always going to be based on what demographics the people in power designing these globalist cities decide are who they want to work and live in them. This profiling is happening all over the USA, Canada and probably anywhere thats part of globalism and re engineering cities to suit that agenda.
In Canada, it's profiling of Inuit people-the indigenous Canadian/Alaskans:
For instance, in Cali, my profile would be more accepted because its part of the long time counter culture there and those people often have means or hold jobs that have prominence whereas in the northeast they pride themselves on supporting minorities and the counter culture is seen as in direct conflict with the IT boom and military industrial contractors. In other words-being African American or Latino in metro Boston or MA now is desirable. These are some of the demographics they designers want to reside here to live and work.
The people designing these places obviously take into account who is already there thats part of the original structure and they build on that as well as introduce new demographics. Its all about who can generate money and be part of the daily running of the city.
Here African Americans are an integral part of the Elite's traditional structure and they are very dependent on that demographic. Yes, it resembles a plantation and its totally racist as they simply serve as house slaves much of the time, serving and protecting the interests of the elite but no one here even wants to begin to entertain that perception. Show me anyone left in metro Boston that is genuinely a black radical or not employed by one of the institutions/govt jobs.
Sadly, African Americans in Cali are generally nicer than what MA has become.
Oakland has never been a problem for me to wander around as I can tell whats genuinely dangerous and what just looks run down.
Thats why many people turn to sites like Nextdoor.com. They dont have street smarts or any intuition about people or areas; they can't look at someone and tell if they're nice or decent or 'up to no good' as was quoted so they use profiling but unfortunately they are not trained law enforcement or people in the criminal Sciences so therefore they simply just abuse power, don't know what the hell they're doing or both.
I just have to come out and say it even though I haven't fixed my legal difficulties yet in Boston I think it's absolutely ridiculous that we have militarized Whitey bulger's FBI and Whitey bulger's Police. New York and Boston? who came up with this idea I don't know but it's been a very bad one as you can see from what happened to me. The same can be said of giving the public the tools that they need to spy on each other that is why and I will come out and say it basically what I see right now over the last 18 years this country, specifically high value areas have become nothing but Russia circa 1985, East Germany during the Stasi, Nazi Germany you name it. And it's gotten really bad in the past 5 years which strangely enough was during the administration of the black messiah Obama. Mr bring us to the promised land- the magical negro Obama. Young kids who are into identity politics aren't even old enough to understand what that term means. It was a common character used in traditional American advertising to sell things to white people. Its for people who actually understand very little about African Americans or their culture.
I watch a lot of videos of young people's music in my gym and a lot of the African-Americans I see in those videos are portrayed dancing around like Bojangles looking very much like the mysterious magical negro in days of old.
They don't even understand how racist this is and a lot of the stuff I see on television actually is degrading black people back to an era of tap dancing and watermelon eating. It portrays them as stupid, slow and incapable of being normal human beings.
If they ARE portrayed well, they have to express alot of white DNA which I'm sure makes 'black' looking African Americans feel devalued. This may actually be part of the profiling going on in Oakland. Their blacks aren't 'tv' black. They are real and genuine people, lol.
These kids are so ignorant of history and reality outside of these bubbles they're raised in they think this is Diversity.
And they seem to go two ways either they're told to stay away from black areas all together and like in California in Oakland now all blacks are bad and up to no good or they don't know that it's okay to be leery of people from a downgraded culture like a black ghetto or perhaps not every black person is fun and good deserves respect and should be invited into your life which is the other extreme.
What the hell is going on now in our culture people do not know friend from foe?
And they don't need to because they have nextdoor.com and all their surveillance cameras so they don't care they don't have any instincts left why do they need them it's all being done for them supposedly this is the ultimate manipulation of the human animal and its survival instincts.
This is why neighborhoods work and communities don't because these are fake and false and you really don't know your neighbor and the police don't know who the hell you are. In the old days you would have grown up with the guy or your dad would have grown up with the guy who's the local cop and you would know who your neighbors are and the cops would know you.
What kind of neighborhood are you living in when you don't know who your neighbor is so you report them on next door.com? that's not a neighborhood that's a virtual community.
Globalism technology gentrification and covering up all the stuff with identity politics and focusing on that instead of classism and ageism and pricing people out of neighborhoods that are theirs. black, homeless, aging-it's happening in different cities in different ways but it's happening all over. you're not alone.
So maybe tell all the displaced African American peoples in Oakland to come move to Boston and they can get jobs at the T or in every hospital or behind every counter of every store and every college and every institution and we will all come out of Boston and Cambridge and move to Oakland and we can be funky and fabulous and write books, create music and paint and live alternarively and everyone will be happy.
then what say we trade places eh?
This is happening in the metro Boston area-all over MA actually (and the US) but the demographics being profiled are different. The situation seems very similar which anyone can deduct then would mean that its just a natural part of the nasty process of colonization. Its normal for the colonizing population to get rid of the natives-in fact thats what this country is built on, lol.
Its simply an abuse of power to assist in gentrification of the area. They are doing the same things here but to homeless people, anyone who looks funky and alternative, who is colorful and Caucasian specifically. OCCUPY types, especially 'the homeless'.
We are the most hated demographic here now.
We also cannot stand at bus stops for transit, we cant leave a friend outside a bank while we conduct business inside, we cant stand 'in shadows' or in front of coffee shops. Its very similar.
None of this can be taken seriously as strictly raci profiling because its just tactical warfare for one group to establish their land ownership over another and its always going to be based on what demographics the people in power designing these globalist cities decide are who they want to work and live in them. This profiling is happening all over the USA, Canada and probably anywhere thats part of globalism and re engineering cities to suit that agenda.
In Canada, it's profiling of Inuit people-the indigenous Canadian/Alaskans:
For instance, in Cali, my profile would be more accepted because its part of the long time counter culture there and those people often have means or hold jobs that have prominence whereas in the northeast they pride themselves on supporting minorities and the counter culture is seen as in direct conflict with the IT boom and military industrial contractors. In other words-being African American or Latino in metro Boston or MA now is desirable. These are some of the demographics they designers want to reside here to live and work.
The people designing these places obviously take into account who is already there thats part of the original structure and they build on that as well as introduce new demographics. Its all about who can generate money and be part of the daily running of the city.
Here African Americans are an integral part of the Elite's traditional structure and they are very dependent on that demographic. Yes, it resembles a plantation and its totally racist as they simply serve as house slaves much of the time, serving and protecting the interests of the elite but no one here even wants to begin to entertain that perception. Show me anyone left in metro Boston that is genuinely a black radical or not employed by one of the institutions/govt jobs.
Sadly, African Americans in Cali are generally nicer than what MA has become.
Oakland has never been a problem for me to wander around as I can tell whats genuinely dangerous and what just looks run down.
Thats why many people turn to sites like Nextdoor.com. They dont have street smarts or any intuition about people or areas; they can't look at someone and tell if they're nice or decent or 'up to no good' as was quoted so they use profiling but unfortunately they are not trained law enforcement or people in the criminal Sciences so therefore they simply just abuse power, don't know what the hell they're doing or both.
I just have to come out and say it even though I haven't fixed my legal difficulties yet in Boston I think it's absolutely ridiculous that we have militarized Whitey bulger's FBI and Whitey bulger's Police. New York and Boston? who came up with this idea I don't know but it's been a very bad one as you can see from what happened to me. The same can be said of giving the public the tools that they need to spy on each other that is why and I will come out and say it basically what I see right now over the last 18 years this country, specifically high value areas have become nothing but Russia circa 1985, East Germany during the Stasi, Nazi Germany you name it. And it's gotten really bad in the past 5 years which strangely enough was during the administration of the black messiah Obama. Mr bring us to the promised land- the magical negro Obama. Young kids who are into identity politics aren't even old enough to understand what that term means. It was a common character used in traditional American advertising to sell things to white people. Its for people who actually understand very little about African Americans or their culture.
I watch a lot of videos of young people's music in my gym and a lot of the African-Americans I see in those videos are portrayed dancing around like Bojangles looking very much like the mysterious magical negro in days of old.
They don't even understand how racist this is and a lot of the stuff I see on television actually is degrading black people back to an era of tap dancing and watermelon eating. It portrays them as stupid, slow and incapable of being normal human beings.
If they ARE portrayed well, they have to express alot of white DNA which I'm sure makes 'black' looking African Americans feel devalued. This may actually be part of the profiling going on in Oakland. Their blacks aren't 'tv' black. They are real and genuine people, lol.
These kids are so ignorant of history and reality outside of these bubbles they're raised in they think this is Diversity.
And they seem to go two ways either they're told to stay away from black areas all together and like in California in Oakland now all blacks are bad and up to no good or they don't know that it's okay to be leery of people from a downgraded culture like a black ghetto or perhaps not every black person is fun and good deserves respect and should be invited into your life which is the other extreme.
What the hell is going on now in our culture people do not know friend from foe?
And they don't need to because they have nextdoor.com and all their surveillance cameras so they don't care they don't have any instincts left why do they need them it's all being done for them supposedly this is the ultimate manipulation of the human animal and its survival instincts.
This is why neighborhoods work and communities don't because these are fake and false and you really don't know your neighbor and the police don't know who the hell you are. In the old days you would have grown up with the guy or your dad would have grown up with the guy who's the local cop and you would know who your neighbors are and the cops would know you.
What kind of neighborhood are you living in when you don't know who your neighbor is so you report them on next door.com? that's not a neighborhood that's a virtual community.
Globalism technology gentrification and covering up all the stuff with identity politics and focusing on that instead of classism and ageism and pricing people out of neighborhoods that are theirs. black, homeless, aging-it's happening in different cities in different ways but it's happening all over. you're not alone.
So maybe tell all the displaced African American peoples in Oakland to come move to Boston and they can get jobs at the T or in every hospital or behind every counter of every store and every college and every institution and we will all come out of Boston and Cambridge and move to Oakland and we can be funky and fabulous and write books, create music and paint and live alternarively and everyone will be happy.
then what say we trade places eh?
Sunday, May 6, 2018
Thursday, May 3, 2018
Sticker Shows Awareness In Local Community
Found in public transportation station metro Boston.

The only problem with this type of awareness raising activism is that the sticker isnt produced correctly as it was probably done very low budget.
It also does not show any kind of internet address to give people more information.
This is critical to continued educating of the public.
Whoever did this thanks for the activism and please improve your info. Also be aware that laws that aren't usually enforced are often utilized to discourage and punish activists and in MA TAGGING IS ILLEGAL. That can mean stickers by definition.
IF this is used against you, your lawyer should advise you that taking a 'malicious destruction' charge actually holds less time.

The only problem with this type of awareness raising activism is that the sticker isnt produced correctly as it was probably done very low budget.
It also does not show any kind of internet address to give people more information.
This is critical to continued educating of the public.
Whoever did this thanks for the activism and please improve your info. Also be aware that laws that aren't usually enforced are often utilized to discourage and punish activists and in MA TAGGING IS ILLEGAL. That can mean stickers by definition.
IF this is used against you, your lawyer should advise you that taking a 'malicious destruction' charge actually holds less time.
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