Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

'Earworms' From Dental Work-Is It Akin To MK Ultra's DE-PATTERNING?

 I had been subjecting myself to a dental school the past many years that had been ok in my teens but doing some research has succumbed to the influence of those who fund outside research or at least the college connected to them has. Either that or dental colleges are a place for international spies to take up the profession lol. 

I have not found the college's name as an institution involved in past MK Ultra funded research but I've only skimmed quickly it could be listed if I did more research. 

The college is however involved in military funded research and myself personally had a very questionable surgery done there decades ago and had been mistreated there by a few medical professionals. I won't soon forget the Chinese doctor who I overheard telling the person taking my blood to "make the needle hot" before doing so which left an unusually nasty mark on my arm afterwards. 

You'd be shocked to realize how many people involved in various professions owe that opportunity to foreign or domestic organized crime and for the rest of their lives have to be ready to do as they are asked to repay the debt. Just wait until people coming through the border illegally start working off their 'debt'. 

Dental schools have been the most challenging since this campaign began in earnest after 9/11. One particular university connected dental school, the university had particular motive to be nervous about me due to their loyalities to old acquaintances of mine that I knew far too much about that could reflect very badly on that university. They also employ a lot of unqualified people from Boston at the front desk which makes matters worse as such people are powerless and will do whatever they are told regardless of if it's ethical or professional. The northeast loves this elitist set up btw as it resembles how things were set up to  serve those in power many hundred years ago. 

After trying to become a patient there, later that day I  was actually asked over the phone by an employee if I stole a large piece of equipment on wheels that I could not possibly have even pushed much less go unoticed trying to take it out of the building. It was atypical harassment by someone covertly abusing power. This is the definition of COINTELPRO. People keep on abusing power and the targeted person would have to write complaints and notify higher ups constantly to rectify every situation. Unless you've got money and/or training and education that isn't going to be accomplished in a way that's effective and a lot of damage is done to targeted people before they learn how to defend themselves. It was especially damaging for the still unknown person who framed me in 2016 to keep sending me harassing comments on my blog referring to my missing teeth because the main reasons for that is due to constant difficulties with dentists over many decades. I've even seen an abusive person who works at a well known Boston men's homeless shelter show up at a dental office in Roxbury and attend my tooth being pulled (badly) while verbally harassing me the entire procedure. Was she actually employed as a dental assistant when not working for the shelter ..or is this yet another bizarre case of people being allowed access to the Target when they don't have the correct medical clearance. 

This is the problem with an area like MA where there's an intersectionality between organized crime, a black community that is oppressed and utilized as handlers and basically employed as house slaves for corrupt power structures, elite universities, old money and medical academic elite system. Not to mention olde money and foreign money. 

Why dentistry is so bad, so corrupt and everyone is far more uncontrollable than the medical community I don't understand but someday hope someone can provide the answer. In these games I've found that everything that seems bizarre and crazy and irrational actually is quite logical and even calculated, well planned and falls under what seems to be rules, regulations and even legalities-its just portrayed as random or completely unbelievable because of course that's to confuse the victims and make them totally discredited. Unless of course they are smart enough to figure things out. And here we are lol. 

Getting dental work done can be risky. Earworms seem to be the result of posts being put in for crowns. This might be due to them containing high amounts of gold or perhaps worse some kind of other material or something else that is conductive or even receives.

It may be that if a post is too close to brain activity it may influence perception or brain activity may be altered. 

An onset of earworms after posts are put in would be a logical deduction for theorizing a cause for such a malady yet we all know the most simple things get denied or looked over even though it's the 21st century. Because medicine is a business and it's become moreso over the past 25 years. 

Being from an area that's heavily collegiate and with a lot of medical teaching institutions it's become obvious to me over the years that people are becoming medical professionals not because they are suited to it but because they want to be employed, make a decent salary and most likely gain respect and prestige that comes with it. However it seems that these people don't respect the title or the profession. I've seen more people being pushed through dental schools that should have fallen through the cracks because the schools want the tuition. It's gotten really bad. The level of unprofessionalism, the teaching environment of 'fun' and leisure instead of intense, studious hours and an often cheeky, irresponsible teaching staff and students seeming privileged as opposed to being the least humbled by some even small sense of service to patients. 

For some reason the medical field is a lot more responsible and it's easier to gain back control over performance and service through oversight.

Earworms seem a lot like MK Ultra's DE-PATTERNING process. If it's a small 'earworm' you get a piece of a song or jingle stuck in your mind for a few hours a day or for a few days. The song will change often and this makes the condition more livable even if the earworm becomes a constant or near constant.

It can get severe however and it seems damaging as the earworm condition can go on for every waking moment and the song excerpt can remain the same for weeks. 

When this occurs it seems to begin to deteriorate the mind and interfere with mental processes. It also seems to serve the same purpose as DE-PATTERNING by slowly wearing down the person's mind and not allowing for mental processes or inner reflection even mental quiet. 

Interestingly the 'earworm' or repeating small slice of a song or jingle is not present when a person wakes up say in mid sleep but there's an onset after time spent awake.

Interestingly this can resemble being 'offline' and 'online'. It's been a conspiracy theory for years that's been made fun of for years but it seems that like many other long running theories that stand up to time, it and many others are going to be proven but as usual by then it will be too late. 

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