


Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

What's Wrong With 'White People'? Well I'll Tell You..

 Question: White fragility 

Answer: https://www.npr.org/2012/01/23/145512271/the-inquisition-a-model-for-modern-interrogators

Thousands of years.of plague, war, oppression, famines, slavery, invasions, disease, tribal infighting etc etc.

It especially sucks when as a people EUROPEANS HAVE BEEN ENSLAVED by a church that basically owned all the land that was known as Europe by this entity ripping us from our PAGAN NATIVE ETHNIC RELIGIONS AND CULTURES by forced conversion to a religion that was more of an institution than any sort of spiritual belief system.

This is where 'white people' learned INSTITUTION SLAVERY from. Enslaving others from wars or invasions etc is common among ALL PEOPLES however.

So 'white people' are among the most abused, enslaved, oppressed people made sick and weak by INSTITUTIONAL OPPRESSION which of course gets past down.

Also in order to get this cumbia utopian society going that these leftists nutjobs are trying to create one would have to face the fact that 85% of African Americans have European DNA. Ah the 'white devil' within. 

So how much of the attitudes and practices of modern American black culture come from white oppression or even European DNA?  

Europeans have never had peace in our homeland. Evolution to a golden age has never occurred in any permanent way and when it does occur naturally then the powers that be stop it and appply the same methods of oppression in different forms.

If anything Europeans are an example of a people who have never been allowed to experience SELF DETERMINATION or FREE ASSOCIATION.

THATS WHY THE CONSTITUTION WAS CREATED dumbasses! In order to prevent any further bullshit and it seems to have been created by people who recognized the bullshit and were sick of it.

GLOBALISM is just another form of global domination by the same powers. Sorry if u don't recognize that but many Europeans and people of European descent do. Our DNA tells us that anyone offering a world wide utopia is FULL OF SHIT and should be watched very carefully. 

European peoples are genetically weakened by being forced to live under horrible conditions for thousands of years. European peoples dont have the advantage of living in Nature for most of our ancestral history where we could remain healthy and strong. 'White people' have been enslaved and broken down almost two thousand years ago-not four hundred. 'White people' have sick breeds among us, like domesticated animals.  Kind of like designer dogs that look all fucked up because they are anotomical nightmares such as pugs or dogs that shake constantly because they are so small they fit into your purse. Sick unhealthy shit like that. 

Any person of European descent with 'wild blood' or aristocratic blood who's found in any class that's maintained health and natural intelligence has always been systematically oppressed by various means by the power structure. Many people have become genetically sensitized to recognize the oppressive system and methods by those in power from thousand of years of oppression are also systematically oppressed or worse- the system is designed to kill us off with drug empidemics etc.  Nowadays Globalism, tech being used to empower others and not us as well as PC culture will perform the same function-if we aren't going to die from the system of drug addiction set up for people like us to fall into.

Every fuedal system or similar is slavery. And it resembles the corporate globalist system today where one has to work very hard for very little like a slave where the people in the castle on the hill gain.

If the world is so great today then why do things cost so much now? Why do people have to work so hard? Why cant people even buy a house? Why is there so much terrorism? Why is there a new drug epidemic? Why is there homelessness? And why are people becoming MORE HEARTLESS, SELFISH, LACKING IN COMMON SENSE OR DECENCY?  Because DIVIDE AND CONQUER isnt utopia or even a system of improvement of human society-its the same old BULLSHIT that the Constitution was created to prevent. 

So the answer to why such condition exists among 'white people' is that your sick of being accused of heresy and tortured for something you didn't do because it's been going on for fucking thousands of years in different forms usually as a bullshit game to benefit the power structure as well as ensure THEY MAINTAIN THEIR POSITION AND DONT HAVE TO GIVE UP ANYTHING THEY HAVE for concepts like Equality etc. 

What would happen if I walked into some rich ass fuckin neighborhood and plopped down on someone's lawn and said I was going to make that my home until further notice?  Should I tell them they are taking away from people with less advantage than they? That they are priveledged?  Kind of like the latest extremist left wing nutter theory where reading your child a bed time story is bad because your allegedly giving your kid an advantage over kids who don't have that. These are the same people who are now putting forth the concept or theory (probably soon to be federal law) that the existence of family units creates disadvantage among children who don't have loving families. (So how are people supposed to help less advantaged people if they arent raised with advantages? What some 'state' like entity will raise your children? How is that going to give advantages?    If I wasn't helped and tolerated by multiple people of all walks of life around the USA in various ways you wouldnt be reading this blog right now. 'Advantage' is something people are born with and they use it as a tool to work with as well as it's something people seek out to acquire from others.)

So in order to create the mythical 'equality'-the mythical unicorn beast-you have to stop loving your children. How far is this BULLSHIT going to go? How much torture are you going to withstand in the name of upholding the holy institution's orthodoxy?   Sacrificing your children to a mythical unicorn seems alot more like the behavior of our PAGAN ancestors than any sort of evolving human society.

Get a grip on your primitive, primal animal self and admit the horrors you are capable of daily. Then try to act HUMAN accordingly not like an animal and you'll find we all get along fairly  without the overlords. 

Also let people fucking be if their beliefs don't align with yours. 

The Church was the first NEW WOLRD ORDER. For those of us who recall the damage done to our minds, bodies, spirits, cultures, gods and peoples-its not going to be easy to convince us this is any different.

'White people' are tired. That's the end of it.White people aren't wimps or stupid or nicey nicey. White people understand from thousands of years of experience the cost of war or other horrors. White people don't want any more trouble. 

'White people' have finally found a way to evolve past oppressive INSTITUTION'S in order to be able to have SELF DETERMINATION, FREE ASSOCIATION and most of all-peace or simply autonomy.

Best of luck finding yours on your evolutionary journey... because we aren't giving up ours again so easily.

As an aside it's interesting that when PC theories are applied to explain away society's ills, it seems all understanding of the existence of corruption and covert activity and methods disappears. So if one considers the theory of GS and being targeted in any society (Stasi East Germany etc) then for some who pose any challenges to the power structure there is no peace for the entirety of their lives. 

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