


Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Friday, March 14, 2025

Need to Move And Need A New Spnosor

This situation isnt going to improve where I'm staying. It would just be continuing to enable someone as well as not be able to get done what I need to get done. Staying here this long has already had a negative impact on my long term health  and it will probably continue to contribute to decline. I've worked too hard for that to happen..

.I'm going to need another sponsor.  If you want to help please email me it should be in my profile if not leave a blog comment and i will respond here with the info. (Comments are held for moderation so don't think that it hasn't been sent). 

I realize the benefit of having a sponsor or benefactor as I did for many years after 2016. I should have done something like this early on years ago. 

Most YouTubers I see have patreon and other things but they seem complicated compared to the old PayPal business you could use if you had a blog like this.

I've been working on my travel vest as a sewing hobby but interestingly I can't ever get it done. It's probably a sign that I probably should move on again and I've become stagnant in one place.

It's difficult though because I have so many obligations here now.

Im also getting a lot of harassment from the town we are in and it's not easy like the cities.  Their are underage people here in groups that couldn't possibly orchestrate these things themselves which means adults are putting them up to it which is wrong. Children should be allowed to retain their innocence, that's what the old guard taught us growing up here in the northeast and it's not right to involve teens and young kids. I was going to start documenting it and siting child abuse from the parent and community but I don't have the time. 

I will not stay somewhere that utilizes children for harassment even if it's NOT organized stalking and it's not due to my being an activist but due to cover stories and other stuff that would motivate your average common person to engage in such behavior. I would rather take my chances elsewhere. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

there's a change in the environment/a GS Theory 'Rule of Thumb'

 Wow. .it's like 2007 again. Holy crap....

Actual vehicluar or in person contact with authorities, people going by taking pictures if your sitting down in the town square, drivers breaking their necks to gawk as they drive by as if there's some great spectacle, mobbing from groups of youngsters, young guys in cars going by shouting "stay home" or "when are you going to quit?" No longer at night when no one can witness the drive by shouting but in the middle of broad daylight.

Ok .so this could be anybody's situation where they live. It could be how harassment in any location. Changes or extreme swift escalation to one's campaign can happen depending on a number of factors. Some theoretical examples:

-recent change in administration or office or any kind. 

-spring break

-upcoming summer tourist season.

-federally funded housing or other construction projects coming into the area.

-upcoming elections

-unknown factors.

Theee are all just possible causes as to why an area may suddenly become hostile or escalate harassment towards a targeted person.

However there is one other theory.

Long ago in this blog I wrote down some general rules or thumb or golden rules that seem to always be reliable theories one can apply. 

One of the most compelling is the simple idea that:

(In theory) When there's MORE human forces or HUMINT (in person contact, harassment or psychological warfare) in use to manage an area, then

There's always going to be LESS of other methods such as chemical or technological means used to psycho-manage an area.

And the reverse is also true.

When heavy psycho-management methods are in use, you're going to see less in person, human activity.

Before I wrote this today, I noticed it was such a nice day. Our first sunny, warm spring type day. I noted that I have not seen the skies above eastern Massachusetts so clear from airplane trails since Mayor Menino was in office..

So blue. Not all those white trails in the sky anymore like we've been seeing for the past many years.

Isnt it nice? 

Gee...as long as we always pay attention to our surroundings and stop, look, listen it could be a wonderful era in front of us. As long as we handle it wiseley and follow the wisdom of experience left behind for us by so many before us.

It's going to be a nice spring...I've got an extra camera just to capture so much wonderment around me...and other stuff I may come across. Wink..

new video march 2025

 There's a new video update on my YouTube if anyone is interested

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Being Tortured In Whatever Domicile You Stay In Too Long(this is why TIs stay on the move frequently)

Update: conditions are better now. At least livable.

Years ago I had a stories to steal section where I would put down my experiences or of other TI's you wanted to remain anonymous and embellish them or mix them up so at least people could have some understanding of what TI is going through without anybody incriminating themselves or making it easy for authorities to frame them up in some way. This is a continuation of these series. If you want to take anything out of this story for your own story or for anything you're writing that's fiction please do so. However I do not want to disinformation agents and fakes and posers and cons stealing this information posing as genuine long suffering heroes known as targeted individuals:


 Every building structure can be effected and there's no shortage of people to be recruited.

You are living in a small city thats had a major lone shooting incident some years ago. It occurred at an office building that had many businesses serving military contractors such as accounting. You have a close relative who worked in that office building and had left just 2 weeks before the shooting. She had to quit her job due to an extremely abusive work environment (her manager actually slapped her in the face) which she did not report out of fear. 

There is a major training facility nearby for a branch of military reserve.

Adjoining this small city is a city that's known for its historical connections to organized crime. 

The area is swampy yet someone thought it was a great idea to run major power lines through the area. The property you live on is within a range of those lines listed as potentially causing health problems. 

The power lines lead to a relay station that's on the other side of the property but further away. This creates electromagnetic pollution and potentially an environment where strange things can occur.

This is all on an alleged nature reserve where that much man made pollution cannot be good for any living thing in the vicinity much less to 'preserve nature'. 

The nature preserve has to be the creepiest wooded areas you've ever encountered in your travels around the USA-anywhere. It was used as hunting grounds for Native Americans who inexplicably disappeared as one man was listed as it's owner in the area's early history. His fate was to be murdered by his caretaker, his body dumped in another city's adjoining woods. The north east colonials appears noble when it comes to early Native-Colonial interactions because they utilized tactics like starvation and pushing Natives out by sneaky means in their quest for Manifest Destiny as opposed to well documented and often photographed battles in the western United States. One infamous photo of Native Americans being dumped into mass a grave by victorious soldiers and locals is one such examples. So compare to that, the Yankee knack for being smart and sneaky putting on a good front for the public and for history is hard to detect unless research is done

 (Deer Island is one such example of how clever Yankees can get rid of a good amount of undesireables without being obvious to history. The island is used as a waste treatment plant because no one will set foot on it for any other purpose.)

The city is in a large historic area that's part of the colonial origins of your state as well as the entire country. The local history involves things like witch hunts and persecution basically ending in violence especially towards women and ironically perpetrated by a culture fleeing Europe due to religious persecution which in hindsight makes England appear sensible. theories that allege ergot poisoning, 'hysteria' or a curse from a slave woman of Carribean descent but evidence points towards the cause being human evil, class rivalry, entitlement especially of children to mistreat others and human greed to procure other people's land.

The city's character is charming in its preservation of what you remember as as a child, the area has elements that seem frozen in time from 40 years ago. However, you'd forgotten that probably means the locals will mob you if you make one wrong move out of sync with idyllic suburbia.  Youngsters actively perform harassment and theater which you have not seen children anywhere in the USA in all your years traveling being capable of in its organization and it's sophistication. High school age kids behave like soldiers where you are the enemy that's been dehumanized by their training and you only exist we a walking target in their perception. It's a bad twighlight zone episode. You often wonder if these are the direct descendents of the colonials as you can envision that this must have been the kind of human behavior that prompted the witch trials and executions. 

You realize there's a reason you prefer olde money, wealthy communities, college areas, poor ones that host alternative culture or neighborhoods defined by strong ethnic culture. Oddly you realize that being near a college or a military contractor or a military base has actually been the safest places for you which makes absolutely no sense. 

You realize why you are comfortable with upper middle areas even though they don't hold the fascination of those aforementioned and thankfully there's one just down a bus line. Middle class communities are difficult and probably always will be. At least the one you reside in seems capable of protecting itself from the colonialism of globalism. An adjoining city just north and east seems to have succumbed and is close to intolerable. 

Again you think: where is the closest college? You look at the map, one more time  hoping you missed something. 

You have in your domicile someone who has morphed into a cross between a specialist in torture. You don't know if this person is acting out of a system of limited motivations or has been pulled into the larger system of reward and protection but it's like living with a cross between Ron Howard's character in the Twilight Zone episode "It's a Good Life"    and Jason Striker from  X-Men.  

You contemplate if the environment on your floor has been altered through artificial means even electromagnetic pollution and the worsening feeling is merely being induced.  This is partially validated as an act as simple as going down a set of stairs to a lower floor seems to return everything to normal and stepping outside clears things completely. Youve noticed a severe change for the worst after two different well known telecommunications companies had vans out recently rewiring on a few poles nearby the building. You recall your learning experiences in other states where these effects are much easier to fight or block out.

 You keep getting this feeling you need to leave. It's time to go. Leave everyone behind and go back on your own like pre 2016. Leave behind everything you've built and don't try to finish. Let people who depend on you fend for themselves. 

Humans should not live in a world where behavior modification is a past of daily life. To live so unatislly is a crime.

When People Behave Like Monsters -Relational Witchcraft


Ive been in such a situation for a few years now and I'm losing my sense of self. 

This describes every detail perfectly. 

It's difficult to determine if people have personal reasons why their behavior becomes this way or if they are part of a larger system, the one we theorize here where people act out the atypical motives such as staying out of trouble or gaining things they would not be able to under normal circumstances. 

 In my home state, since 2013, you never know who's involved or what motivates people now. 


There certainly aren't any protections left against globalist tyranny. The word 'commonwealth' should be dropped from the States title, as it no longer has any valid meaning. 

I'm sacrificing alot lately just to attempt to care for the people who depend on me.

Imagine people are able to harm so many vulnerable people by the viscous actions listed above. 


Interestingly, while reading a story about a great white shark attack that was linked in the Boston Bombing conspiracy theory article above, I saw a parallel with the shark's behaviour to a person perpetrating 'relational witchcraft ':

"Great white sharks are ambush predators that typically strike from below and behind.....They bite and spit out their prey, returning to feed on the carcass after their victim has weakened or died. It’s considered a self-protective strategy to avoid the sharp teeth and claws of thrashing seals and sea lions, researchers said."

A simple example in nature to add to the understanding of similar human behavior.