


Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Common Tactics Experienced By Targets In Domiciles

when working with the gang stalking theory for those in a situation where the more extreme measures aren't possible like home invasions, the system will use actions that will get to a Target without actually entering their home. 

Harassment tactics are almost always done repetitively. Many targeted people's harassment campaigns are actually behavior modification programs. That's why it's important to try to perceive it over the long term and find out what the motive for the campaign might be. In some cases the reasons people are given for being targeted are actually cover stories and they are actually human experimentees or survivors of mind control programs or cults. Even those who know the motive such as escaping a legitimately recognized cult or group are experiencing behavior modification through repetition (brain washing) because whoever is executing the campaign desires the victim to change their behavior even if that simply means becoming controllable or neutralizing the person as a threat to the group. 

Some things to watch for are:

-increased traffic on your street  

Yes this has actually happened to people. To imagine that anyone would go to this length or bother with this seems far fetched but that is exactly why it's employed as a tactic. It would be easy enough to get harassers to simply take a different route to work or errands on any given day and if they are not neighborhood vigilantes working off disinformation campaigns about the Target then they are getting paid/favors/out of jail free card/discount or free expensive stuff so who wouldn't take this simple action for a reward? In other words people could perform this action as part of a slight alterations of their regular daily routine or even just once or they could perform it specifically for that purpose on any given day. 

I would categorize purposeful increase of traffic under Noise Campaign and it definitely would cause a feeling of decreased privacy-always a necessity for brain washing. 

All you can really do with this one is be aware of it and assess it's possible effects on you and your personal stress levels then block it out. Again never ask 'why' and don't take it personally-even if you're in an area where the perps do try to make it personal. Just try to counter it any way you can inside wherever you're staying/living and don't take any actions that would draw attention to your theory. Anything considered normal is acceptable like installing surveillance equipment outside your home. You could try to analyze traffic patterns this way or using other means but you'd have to find out how and there might be multiple legit reasons for increased traffic that have nothing to do with you. Yet legit reasons can be used as cover stories. It's best to gauge changes in tactics based on other new introduced factors and how that effects your theory actually being applicable. 

There is a theory that something like increasing stressors is done in unison with applying other things to the Target's home such as remote influence technologies, chemical influence etc.  Once you learn to live with this system long enough you form an intuitive ability to gauge changes around you. It could also be that your psychological profile states that you are observant and sensitive to your surroundings. If that is so they will definitely introduce stressors. It seems what they whmant to accomplish is to create a prison like atmosphere or essentially boxing the targeted person in. Nowadays with surveillance being common in our society and people being more observant and having cameras on their smart phones they are going to make sure they are going to make sure they perform tactics that aren't detectable and would only be nitivfdd bu thr targeted oerson. Usually multiple stressors have to be introduced to achieve the prison like effect on the target. Tactics near or on or around the property you are staying in might be just one part of the campaign. You may experience harassment campaigns in stores or in the downtown area on the street. 

Each one of these should be analyzed separately and dealt with individually and always in a way that's socially acceptable and legally viable. Remember you're just an individual working with a theory on your own, you're not making claims to any outside entities. If you can take any actions by doing so then ensure the complaints filed are of a legitimate nature and are considered normal by your societal standards. In other words break up the effectiveness of each branch of harassment of the overall campaign. 

You have a right to not be singled out by store employees and harassed each time you go into that place. When advocating for yourself simply demand the same rights anyone else would have. There's no need to inform management or anyone else who's helping you of your theories. Remember that OVERT activism does not work to counter COVERT warfare. If they play sneaky then why can't you? The purpose of these vamaligns is most likely behavior modification even if that means making it so you never again want to leave your house but it's also to discredit you so no one can help even with normal civil and human rights everyone has a right to as well as destroy morale so you're more easily controllable. 

You're in a war but its a 'cold war'. You gotta stay cool to win lol and that's not always easy. 

-workers always choosing your property to leave cones, equipment especially anything noisy or parking in front. 

Sometimes this makes sense if you observe long enough and assess there's legit reasons they will chose that location to conduct their business but if  you realize they could choose someone else's property and you feel it's unfair then politely request they move up to someone else's.  Include reasons that are legit concerns if you have that available. Including reasons like noise or blocking a driveway is helpful because it avoids you appearing like a crank or unreasonable. 

Gang Stalking will usually attempt to make you the victim appear unreasonable when in fact you being targeted and the things that are done to you are unreasonable. 

-trucks or equipment making a loud beeping sound by backing up frequently, when it seems unnecessary to do so. 

Again you've got to observe and be fair in assessment of the situation. There's always the probability that someone is doing something even incorrectly for reasons that have nothing to do with you and where your staying. Avoiding paranoia is essential as well as avoiding looking as if you believe the world revolves around you and common daily occurrences are interfering with your life. All of the has to be reasonable or it will be used against you. Remember this is war but not everyone has been recruited into ally or enemy camps. Some people are innocent civilians. Even the people who are actually doing things to aggravate because they don't know the true nature of what's going on are innocent to an extent. It's hard to gauge this but you have to. Most people especially in certain areas of the US can be relied on to be lazy and have short attention spans and not want to bother with things. There also might be a 'Bait and Wait' trap waiting for you where people take an action planning for your reaction. You've got to make sure your wise in whatever reaction you have and it's not always easy. You may be caught off guard and that can be when a problem arises. 

An example of this would be if a delivery truck was backing up to park in a space in the street of a busy city but did so for twenty minutes. This is an extreme example from the early 2000's post 9/11 era when people did outrageous things without fear of being exposed because no one had smart phones and cameras didn't record video. Security cams were not as common on streets or buildings. People weren't hyper vigilante yet. 

This could also be legit and with a reasonable explanation if the truck didn't immediately drive off once the driver saw he was being recorded with a hand held video camera. Why would a Pepsi delivery truck back up outside someone's window for twenty minutes in a major metro area near a university seemingly trying to park yet only discontinue his actions once someone sticks there head out said window with a video camera? If it was a one time incident that's something else but this is in conjunction with years of harassment and many other tactics being employed.

Construction or other equipment can often back up over and over again for legit reasons and this can be hard to assess and even to deal with if you're already sensitized from years of noise campaigns. Observation over some time cns be useful but there are some situations where it's not possible to view or it's not possible to assess what you are viewing. Waiting to see if it stops or if there are changes is best and if there's any suspicion of unnecessary noise being produced especially maliciously then you can advocate to stop or lessen it. Be forewarned that many perps or small groups will arrogantly hide their actions under the guise of 'this is normal' or 'this is what we need to get the job done'.  always remember that other people are also having to deal with this and will probably be grateful or side with you if you can film or somehow demonstrate that noise is being produced unnecessarily. Then you have a mob on your side. 

Try not to make life or work more difficult for normal average people as that's becoming a problem nowadays as our entire society is essentially being stressed out on purpose.  Police being labeled as the enemy by many people nowadays since 2020 even by people who dont live in areas where that would be necessary and have means, cops being harassed or even killed for no reason is an example of this. It only makes everyone's life that much harder in the long term and it raises prices and destroys the country. It's also a major stressor being introduced. 

The point of countering this system isn't to effect innocent people it's to effect the guilty. Many people don't even understand they are guilty of anything because mob rule and cover stories are employed using smear campaigns etc. It's very difficult to be fair but you've got to as when your actions are successful it acts as a medicine to heal the effects of the harassment campaigns. Gang stalkers will often ensure taking away any victories you have in life not to spite you but because your actions break the psychological control they've worked so hard to create. 

-cars repeatedly pulling into driveways or entrances to perform U-turns. 

This applies to hotels, houses even apartments but you've got to get an understanding of how it applies to you. In a place where there's multiple domiciles, this could be normal or it could even be tactical harassment for another targeted person! One indicator is if there's any eye contact or undue attention used to harass you. No one who's just making a U-turn would bother to make sure they strain to give someone dirty looks in their window especially if that is being done by every single person who's repeating that action on a daily basis. This has been dubbed the 'break neck' tactic and it applies to other situations also. 

In a hotel or apartment you would have to genuinely be effected by it being directed at your window usually on the first floor and it would have to be so frequent that its obviously harassment. 

-drivers consistently stopping or sitting out front of your domicile. Variation is drivers constantly choosing your property to stop to seemingly read a text. Undue attention to you or your property.

In the late 90s especially after Clinton's Presidential Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments in '95 this was very common. People would be very overt and actually engage in spying on someone's home. They would often be seen taking notes. However, once approached they would become nervous and flee immediately. That is a strong indicator of guilt. 

I wouldn't approach anyone nowadays unless it's very overt because our society's culture is different now and stopping to make a call or read a text is normal behavior. However, why is your property so much more attractive for this purpose than say, the house next door? There may be actual legit  reasons why people choose to stop there and that would explain away the activity but if it creeps you out or you have any ill feelings or something doesn't seem right then again use observation and fair assessment. 

Vehicles with loud music playing doing this at quiet hours in a quiet neighborhood are also worth observation. 

Again this all depends on what's the norm for the area, what kind of neighborhood it is and what kind of building.

-people in vehicles passing by and shouting things 

Again this could be random and nothing to do with you. However, in unison with other tactics being recognized and observed the likelihood of this also being employed is much higher . If you are experiencing cars passing you when you're a pedestrian and shouting "When are you gonna quit?" It's very likely that shouting at wherever you're staying will be employed also. 😂 

There are other things people experience as TIs when they become housed or move to a new home from an old one or even begin experiencing anew at their forever home which may be the saddest situation of all. They are a bit more involved and are usually more removed from your physical domicile where you are located for the purpose of living, sleeping etc  

I hope this helps people survive and thrive. I know it makes me feel better.

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