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Sunday, May 5, 2024

Former college professor provides proof that peer-reviewed papers from academia may not be legitimate resources (reference all of the college published papers in the last few years 'debunking' gang stalking)

Former Professor Explains The Woke Takeover of Education ft. Peter Boghossian

Gen X and Gen Z together finally to discuss 'woke' backlash. 

Being of the same generation as the professor I understand his amusement he expresses as well as his experience with publishing bogus papers to see if they would get published.

Hackers were a popular thing when we were young. Companies often hire hackers to test the security of their systems. 

Gen X has always had a natural inclination to try to get around systems, test them, hack them, destroy them and also create new ones. 

I think our mix of being very much in part very strongly influenced by our WW2 grandparents then the heady days of our parents youth-challenging authority and the establishment then the punk music era etc is why he seems to be quickly putting together, reasoning and then deconstructing then laughing at how much common sense and logic simply don't exist anymore. His young podcast host doesn't see what I clearly understand as part of his generation: the laughter is ultimate cynicism not amusement. That and a deep wounded sadness over how the world is going so badly when Gen X genuinely believed that we could complete our parents dream of 'changing the world', adding the stripped down gritty reality of Punk and ultimately we saw the potential of the internet and personal technologies (think the hand cam movement that caught Rodney Kings beating. THE PEOPLE began acquiring and utilizing technology not given gadgets like nowadays simply to be connected and support the corporatocracy). 

He does seem like a bit of a loose cannon but that is often necessary as a maverick can be motivated to get annoyed enough with the system to hack it to prove it's corrupt. 

I've posted before referencing the recent slew of papers published by college connected people debunking even vilifying gang stalking theories. I pointed out that academia in the past had either gently and I'm suddenly supported us or at least had the decency in the class to not debate the issue or engage to take either side. Occasionally maybe once every 5 years especially during Obama you would have an article from a newspaper with it's clearly about and sold like the New York times or something like that and they will have a small article about gang stalking and they would try to debunk it or make it look like it was a dangerous conspiracy theory or theory at all. And then a bunch of people would chime in or write commentary or send the newspaper letters or complaints saying how ridiculous it was that you're not even doing a proper investigation or using scientific method or anything like that to prove or disprove your claims about these theories. And then the people writing such articles would go quiet for a couple of years and then another one would pop up and they would get squelched by tractors either people that were involved in the conspiracy theory community or people in academia disproving of basically propaganda against people in the ti community. 

But never have we ever had people in colleges actually publishing articles that try to somehow make it look as if they're using collegiate resources processes thoughts as well as anything involved in academia to write scientific type papers addressing gang stalking. It's nothing but propaganda but what's shocking is that they have the audacity to do it utilizing the power of a college and institution in order to back it up and make it look legitimate. I was shocked by this however looking at the stuff that's coming out now with the wolf movement you can see that those papers are clearly part of this entire problem. Paper is like those that I'm referring to trying to discredit or vilify say conspiracy theories like gang stalking are probably the seed or the beginnings of this kind of thing that is exploded or grown into what we see today where people are writing absolute garbage and getting it peer reviewed in published so firstly that makes everything much better for us because we can clearly now Trace those papers. Secondly his testing the system as an academic himself and doing it properly using the proper requirements that you're supposed to get to have the papers published actually prove what a lot of us were saying is that they're not using the correct criteria to publish such papers. 

He's basically shown with his credentials and his skills and his education and knowledge what I was simply stating because I knew that those papers weren't right and he has proved it. Because when he talks about the requirements if you notice if you listen carefully to what the story that he's telling about the experiment that him and his associates did on this packing basically hacking the paper writing system to test the system is essentially what he's doing which is a very Gen X typical thing to do so he's talking about how you're supposed to do this and that and use this kind of method and you're supposed to try to show that you can disprove the theories instead of just claim that they're crazy etc he's showing and talking about all of the stuff you're supposed to have in order so that you can write a paper that does indeed disprove this person's theory. Well all of those gang stalking college published papers over the last five to seven years don't have any of that they're just scare tactics and propaganda and those came out after a slew of loan shootings especially the Las Vegas shooting and there was so much totally irresponsible propaganda even coming out of the guardians. And now that's died down because the pandemic and what culture and protesting and writing and crime have taken up people's time and imagination as diversion. 

But what he's basically illustrating is that the same system that was used to write this intimidating propaganda to destroy say our community of people that come up with theories over time with experience or talking to each other or whatever even though we don't have peer-reviewed papers or degrees actually a lot of TI's in the old conference calls with freedom from over harassment had degrees and they were engineers and navy people and Air Force people and people in the army and millionaires and which is interesting that that whole thing got destroyed as well as a lot of activists targeted and framed in 2016 so this entire thing with the propaganda constructed properly to prove that the gang stalking theories were not legitimate or do you even established their claims that they were dangerous it was just part of this entire bigger operation it seems to just destroy the ti community and anybody talking about gang stalking. But the focus of this video is more the takeaway for us is that here this guy is testing the very system that was writing those crappy propaganda papers. And another thing that people should take note of which I have written every time I write something about one of those papers that I find is that and this is my two cents worth if you notice the timing once again it's right around the same time that all of the colleges were either being recently sued or harassed by the Obama administration to make changes for their agenda and then right after that the Jeffrey Epstein scandal were a lot of colleges and people involved in academia or blackmailed or got in trouble for associating with Epstein and his bigger network. 

So the timing is coincidental but it would make sense and then you can see from there how academia had slowly been infiltrated by people that had more of an agenda for now this woke culture indoctrination takeover system then anything else. 

The challenge now is to not be forgotten about challenge now is to become reborn like the Phoenix and to really have hope in people like this and activities like this or I should say actions against the corrupt system that use the proper methods to prove that their system is not legitimate it's corrupt and they're publishing lies by simply using a system to pump out propaganda or information that isn't properly constructed. Because even without a degree it certainly clear to me or anybody else who's any good at deduction at all or even common sense or logic that you're supposed to have a scientific method as well as a proper criminal investigation method so how can you actually make claims about a theory where someone's being targeted for whatever reason without doing a proper investigation on a case-by-case basis? To make a paper that comes out of a institution claiming to be an academic claiming to make a paper using the proper methods and then having it peer reviewed and having that have weight to it therefore using it to intimidate people simply by saying that the gang stalking theory is not true and the people that write it or come up with it or write about it or dangerous is the height of propaganda and corruption and now you can see the system has completely gone to the most full degree of that. So what they have done to us should actually be noted instead of us having suffered the damage from it and now being forgotten about. 

Clearly this man as well as other Mavericks who are part of that academic system are clearly proven that you can take b******* publish it use it to intimidate people make crazy false claims and get away with it and your average person will not know that it's not credible because it has a higher education affiliation and it has an academic's name on it. Well I don't know about anybody else but I feel totally validated and I want to thank the s*** out of this professor and the hope that someone from my generation gets by seeing a younger person host such a person as him. It seems that the younger kids are coming out in a backlash and we've been silent and quiet all this time because that's what Gen X does I think now it's safe to come out and maybe these kids need our guidance instead of the kids right before them and all the way back to Gen y who simply did not want to listen to us and totally did not respect our opinions at all. I have to say that the millennials some of them were agreeable but Jen why was obnoxious to us and the Gen z kids or whoever was right after the millennials have been horrible I mean I personally have been harassed on trains and everything else just for looking like an older white woman even though it's clear that I was homeless at the time and trying to do my laundry or something with a card I mean these kids do not care who they attack they keep on switching sides and they keep on hurting the right people they claim to be protesting for depending on which protest they attend. The same people that attended BLM protests a few years ago who use the n word now at the Palestinian protests against security and other people involved that are there they just don't care it's like the last video that I published it's all about them not the cause and we have to defend ourselves because what you're seeing now is the end result of what was done to us when this first started to get out of control a couple of years ago. And I'm glad that some of these young people are seeing what's going on and they're getting sick of it and they will not be intimidated and indoctrinated. When we were young people called us slackers because we didn't take action and protest like they did when they were young but that's because we knew the futility of doing so from watching them do it or watching them do it when they were young and then when they were in their 40s during Reagan and everything changed in society and AIDS came about all of a sudden they got conservative very quickly and started to play catch up with their lives like the party's over and the Disco is all closed now so we knew that protesting every single little thing like our parents might not necessarily be the best way to deal with things. So it isn't that Gen X doesn't take action or that they're slackers it's just that we kind of sort of hide like a chameleon and change colors with the leaves and then when it's safe to come out then we come out and take action why would you bother to take action when you can just wait for an opportunity like a snake to get your prey when it's easier to conserve energy and make a strike that actually counts? 

What this guy has done is definitely an effective strike. 

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