I know the opposing candidate runs on a campaign of supporting the very kinds of people who framed me but I would rather have people vote out every single person who worked in any key positions in this corrupt state, completely in bed and complaint with outrageous military industrial complex contractors that are beyond belief as well as seemingly feel they can hide from scrutiny hiding in such an unassuming state.
Harboring Jeffrey Epstein's association Maxwell should be enough of a red flag but being framed up there was enough for me to see the degradation of a once worthy and proud New England state.
I don't care who opposes them I just want anyone who was in power when I was framed to suffer in any way possible because it's obvious I've been forgotten about by my readers well as society and will never get justice.
Vote this bitch out. I want every single slithering snake that was in power that took my life from me out of office. I mean everyone.
Massachusetts has redeemed itself somewhat by taking care of punishing some responsible parties quietly, which is the traditional way of handling things here.
From what I was subjected to up there and how sick everyone is at least at the state's most corrupt cities, I doubt if that's been the case.
Having someone leave office and giving them a job at a local military contractor one which is also British just like Maxwell (hmm..) and one of the most corrupt and bloated in the entire world, doesn't seem like justice.
Your going to grow old. Your going to have children. I will be there. Every single person involved.
I will always be a dark shadow in the background and as I age I will make sure that I become less of a forgotten prank and more of an apparition that hopefully makes you uneasy as time passes.
What's been done during Trump to even up the score isn't enough. Even an exposé would probably be drowned out by the ocean of voices nowadays and diversions by design.
Vote for the candidate who's former military. He would probably be more upfront and forthcoming of an enemy than deceptive cowardly people who are arrogant based on power other than their own that employs them.
What happened to me in NH should have cost them millions yet everyone acts as if nothing happened.
I don't care who the opponent is. Vote out every person from 2016 and get anyone fired or worse that you can.
A new group of corrupt politicians is better than the sewer j saw up there in 2016.
Love the whole move of switching her job to Senate. I'm sure some legal wizardry came up with that to ensure less liability somehow.
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